The International Council of Museums Committee for University Museums and Collections (ICOM-UMAC) announced on 18 September that The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Art Museum has won the UMAC Award 2022 for its project Time Travel・Hong Kong. Second place went to the project “Orchids Blossom: Botanical Art Collections from the University of Tokyo” by University of Tokyo (Japan) and the “THESIS Project” by Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Colombia).

The success of the project is a collective effort by the Art Museum team, with the support of experts from different fields. The team was led by Professor Josh Yiu, Director of the Museum, and Ms Heidi Wong, Manager (Education, Outreach and Communications) (’17, Translation). Several members from the Faculty of Arts contributed to this award-winning project, including Professor Fan Sin Piu, Professor from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and Professor Ting Sun Pao, Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Fellow of the Department of History. Through the appreciation of the paintings of Sung Wong Toi, they introduced the history and the culture of the historic site from different perspectives, providing insights into heritage conservation and the continuation of Chinese cultural-political lineage in Hong Kong. The texts accompanying the tours and the Time Travel Guide, which was designed to elevate the time travel experience, are based on the research articles by two faculty members of the Cultural Management Programme, Professor Pedith Pui Chan, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Vivian Ting Wing Yan, part-time lecturer.

Time Travel・Hong Kong was at first designed to supplement a special exhibition “Hong Kong Impressions,” which was held at the CUHK Art Museum from September to November 2020. It is an online interactive tool for public engagement that leveraged the revival of local tourism in Hong Kong at times of travel restriction caused by COVID-19. It effectively uses Google street views to create a juxtaposition of current street views with landscape paintings and coloured slides from the 1940s to the 1970s. It offers an immersive and informative journey of art, history and culture, supported by developments in latest technology.