Name of Activity : | Public Talk: From School to Stage |
Unit: | Alumni Association of Music Department |
Location: | Hong Kong |
Venue: | LT1A Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK Map |
Date: | 2019-06-22 - 2019-06-22 |
Time: | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
Details: |
Edward Chan has involved in pop music culture for decades since his graduation from CUHK Music Department in 1998. He worked as music production with various musicians, and took the role of music director of many concerts. Edward will share how to create music from what he learnt from Music Department; Justin Lo will work with Edward, to compose and perform music from simple equipment with audiences, together with demo music production; Danny Lo with also talk with Edward, to share how to interact with stage, lighting, visual effect or others parties, with musical ideas created; Edward will also share how to handle Intellectual Property in music creation and production. |
Enrollment: |
https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/from-school-to-stage-tickets-61025659390 |
Enquiries: |