Name of Activity : | United College Alumni Day 2022 |
Unit: | United College |
Location: | Hong Kong |
Venue: | United College Campus |
Date: | 2022-10-29 - 2022-10-29 |
Time: | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Details: |
聯合書院校友日於每年10月下旬舉辦,感謝各位校友的支持,每年校友日的參與人數均愈百人,深受校友歡迎。為配合大學及書院的防疫措施及遵守非學術活動之指引,今年聯合書院校友日將以實體活動分組同步進行,以保持適當的社交距離。 聯合書院於2022年10月29日(星期六)下午3時為聯合校友及家人安排了一連串的精彩節目,供聯合校友及家人報名參加。詳情如下: 2:30 pm 專車於港鐵大學站接載校友到聯合書院 2:45 pm 校友可於鄭棟材樓C1講室門外登記處簽名留念及領取紀念品 3:00 pm 院長及校友會會長致歡迎辭 · 拍攝大合照 3:20 pm 本院將同時舉行三個環節 節目一: Pizza 親子工作坊 對象:4-10歲兒童 名額:20對(1位家長及1名子女) (分兩個時間進行) 地點:鄭棟材樓思源文娛中心 節目二: 書法體驗工作坊 名額:12位校友及家人(10歲以上) 地點:張祝珊師生康樂大樓頂樓文怡閣\ 節目三: 體育活動同樂日(籃球、羽毛球及乒乓球) 名額:每個場地均設有人數上限,以確保社交距離 地點:張煊昌體育館及乒乓球室(開放至6:00pm) 5:00 pm 校友日活動完畢 Registration Detail: 1) In order to keep social distancing, a quota is set for each programme. All UC alumni are welcome to join on first-come-first-served basis. 2) All programmes are free of charge. Each participant may bring up to three family members to the event. 3) All participants are required to present their Vaccine Pass for vertification when they enter CUHK. 4) Participants must wear masks during the workshops and no eating or drinking is allowed during the workshops. 5) The College will monitor the update situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The College reserves the right to cancel the function if there is any change. We will keep you informed. 6) Please register online by filling the webform: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=10722407.
Enrollment: |
Please register online by filling the webform: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=10722407. |
Enquiries: |
For enquiries, please contact Ms Amy Luk at 3943 8654 or Ms Iris Ng at 3943 7582. |