Past Events
Capstone Experience
Facilitator: Professor Keith THOMAS
Associate Professor of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Detail: A capstone course will be incorporated in each major programme in the new University curriculum. This session explains four design characteristics of a capstone experience, as well as possible learning activities and assessment strategies to support the primary objectives of integrating student learning and successful application of learning in real life contexts. The session will emphasize strategies to achieve breadth of knowledge across different disciplines in addition to depth in a specialty studied as a major subject. Feedback from CUHK students will also be used to provide insight into course delivery, use of technologies and other challenges such as changing student demographics that may ultimately shape the future goals and structure of these courses.

Date: 26 Jan 2011 Wed

Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Venue: Room G02, Academic Building No. 1
(H33 on Campus Map)

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