Past Events
For Staff
Becoming an Excellent Teacher

Course Goals

  • For participants to reflect upon their teaching in a manner which is informed by relevant theory and appropriate evaluation data.

  • To utilise the principles of curriculum alignment to plan content, learning outcomes, learning activities and evaluation for courses so that student learning outcomes are at an appropriate level.

  • Facilitators Professor Carmel McNaught & Professor David Kember
    Professors of Learning Enhancement
    Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

    Course completion

    To be awarded a certificate of completion, it is necessary for enrolees to have:
  • participated actively in at least seven of the eight parts; and
  • actively engaged in planning and presenting a group project.

  • Offering Each course will have a maximum of 30 teachers.
    Session Topic Date
    1. Planning courses

    8 Sept 04, Wed

    2. Teaching larger classes

    15 Sept 04, Wed

    3. Teaching smaller classes

    22 Sept 04, Wed

    4. Curriculum alignment

    6 Oct 04, Wed

    5. Assessment

    13 Oct 04, Wed

    6. Obtaining feedback

    20 Oct 04, Wed

    7. Group projects

    27 Oct 04, Wed

    8. Group projects

    3 Nov 04, Wed


    12:30pm - 2:00pm


    Rm 202, Esther Lee Bldg

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