Past Events
Carmel's 'C' principles: Coherence, Clarity and Completeness
Facilitator: Prof. Carmel McNaught,
Professor of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Detail: Carmel's 'C' principles: Coherence, Clarity and Completeness

In this workshop explicit guidelines were explored about these three 'C' principles. These principles were based on the questions journal editors and experienced reviewers asked themselves about a paper. Participants were asked to bring an article of their own and were asked to self-rate it against the guidelines.

This workshop interested teachers who wished to write papers for a peer-reviewed conference or a journal about research they have done on student learning in a web-assisted environment.

Date: 1 June 2005 (Wed)
Time: 10:00pm - 12:00noon
Venue: Room 502, Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK

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