Project Objectives
This project aims at providing holistic education to all students via a knowledge-based platform; it aims to enhance the inter-institutional collaboration. An effective and comprehensive information system (Cloud Computing technology) will be implemented.
Key deliverables expected and timelines for completion
A set of Cross functions flowchart will be created for the following items for every six months:
New comer to Hong Kong
Course exemption / Credit transfer
Exchange Programme / Internship Programme
Missing person in the class
Academic Probation
Special care (e.g. Mental Health problem)
Arrangements for evaluation of project deliverables/outcomes
Interview with selected programme directors
Meeting with selected Colleges
Provide training to the pilot units (e.g. Undergraduate Office of Business School)
Attend Conference to share the findings
Attend Workshop to share the findings
Means for disseminating project deliverables/outcomes
With the help of this system, data and information can be shared efficiently between students, academic and administrative staff. As a result, students’ needs can be identified in a timely manner.