Project Objectives
The objective of this project is to develop student-teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) through self-directed learning (SDL). Online PCK development teaching case packages, subject specific PCK related self-assessing lesson rubrics and exemplary models are produced.
Description of process, outcomes or deliverables
Curriculum designs and educational practices were different from the previous practices. Students reflected on and discussed their lessons online. Deliverables include subject-specific lesson assessing rubrics, self-reflection guidebook, teaching cases, student-teachers’ reflection reports, feedbacks from university teachers and external consultants.
Data received indicates that the objectives of the project have been achieved. The students regularly used the e-platform and were generally satisfied with the experience of using online platform to reflect their own learning experiences.
Dissemination, diffusion and impact
The deliverables have been disseminated on the online learning platform and will be used by future education students. This project provides an example of e-learning based self-directed learning activity for B.Ed. programs. It may stimulate more ideas on developing other SDL activities for B.Ed. programs and other teacher education programs at graduate levels such as PGDE and M.Ed.