CUHK x CUHK(SZ) - Double Major Programme

CUHK x CUHK(Shenzhen)

Interdisciplinary Data Analytics + X
Double Major Programme*


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (CUHK(SZ)) are launching a comprehensive Collaborative Double Major Programme, the first-of-its-kind in Hong Kong.

Students will pursue two majors including Interdisciplinary Data Analytics offered by CUHK, and another major from among specific academic disciplines (Science, Engineering and Business) offered by either CUHK or CUHK(SZ). Within the four years of studies, they will attend classes and participate in learning and research activities at both the CUHK Shatin campus and the Shenzhen campus.

The programme is ideally suited for students interested in pursing a career in leading national organizations and multi-national enterprises committed to developing markets in the GBA or Mainland China.

In 2014, CUHK(SZ) was founded with the mission of providing higher education that bridges China and the world. It endeavours to cultivate innovative talents with a global perspective and who value Chinese cultural traditions and social responsibilities. CUHK governs the academic standards of CUHK(SZ), ensuring that teaching and learning are at the same high level as on the Shatin campus.

* The programme is subject to approval by the Senate of CUHK.

Major Theme

Interdisciplinary Data Analytics encompasses a wide spectrum of subject knowledge and skills in business, engineering and science, with real-life application of big data and business analytics for innovation and development. The other major allows for in-depth study of a chosen subject.

Curriculum Structure

  • First Major (home campus) + Second Major
  • Spend 2 years in CUHK and 2 years in CUHK(SZ)
  • Students can access a list of equivalent courses between CUHK and CUHK(SZ) to complete the required and elective courses on either campus, following a well-designed study pattern, to fulfill the graduation requirements of home campus.
  • Award the degree of the first major at the home campus upon completion of all degree requirements of the home campus

Salient Features

  • Interdisciplinary Data Analytics equips students with knowledge and skills across boundaries with breadth, while the other major in a related discipline enables in-depth studies 
  • Flexible course taking and valuable learning experience on two campuses (Shatin and Shenzhen)
  • Exposure to two major Greater Bay Area (GBA) cities, with credit-bearing field trips in GBA and Asia 
  • An engaging and overlapping experience for the same cohort of students following a standard study pattern, augmenting students’ network-building capabilities
  • Guaranteed admission to the Co-op programme to gain full-time work experience with pay
  • Strong and fruitful industry connection

Study Pattern


Frequently Asked Questions


  • When is the launch date?
  • The IDADM programme will be launched in 2023/24 academic year.

  • Who should apply to the IDADM programme?
  • This programme targets for elite students who are:
    1) keen to build knowledge and skills in data analytics across Business, Science and Engineering;
    2) enthusiastic to learn from the same cohort of elite students with a different background;
    3) eager to expose to new challenges in other cities;
    4) ready to build a personal network in order to develop career in innovation and technology.


  • Is it necessary for CUHK students to choose a second major that is offered by CUHK(SZ)?
  • Students could have different choices of selecting either Shatin-based majors or Shenzhen-based majors, while still required to study at CUHK(SZ) for two years.

  • Do students need to choose the second major at the point of admission?
  • No. Students will choose the Second Major after they have completed one year of study.

  • If I study the IDADM programme, shall I earn a Bachelor degree from both universities?
  • You will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree from the admitted programme of CUHK or CUHK(SZ). For example, a CUHK student will be awarded a BSc in Interdisciplinary Data Analytics; a CUHK(SZ) student will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree of the First Major programme. Both the First Major and the Second Major will be printed on the transcript and degree certificate.

  • Shall I be registered as a full-time student in both campuses and how much is the tuition fee?
  • If you are admitted by CUHK, you will maintain the status of a full-time CUHK registered student even when you are studying in CUHK(SZ); you will pay the regular tuition fee of CUHK but enjoy the welfare entitled for a full-time student in both campuses, and vice versa for CUHK(SZ) students.

  • How is the degree honour determined in IDADM?
  • The degree classification will be based on your performance in all courses taken in both campuses.

  • Will it take me longer to graduate if I join the Co-op programme?
  • You will work full-time with pay during the work terms (summer break of Year 3 and first term of Year 4), i.e. from around May to December. With careful planning you will be able to complete all units for graduation within the normative study year. Advices will be given to you on how to devise an appropriate study plan.

Applying to IDADM

  • How can I apply for the IDADM programme?
  • For HK students: apply through JUPAS (with HKDSE qualification) or to CUHK directly through Non-JUPAS (with IB, GCE-AL etc.) channels.

    For International students: apply to CUHK directly through Non-JUPAS (overseas / other qualifications) . The requirements are similar to the Non-JUPAS (local) admission.

    For SZ students: apply through the admitted programmes at CUHK(SZ) that participate in the IDADM.

  • How many students are admitted to IDADM each year?
  • The target intake for the first cohort is about 40-50, with 20-25 each from Shatin and Shenzhen campus.

  • What is the expected HKDSE admission score for IDADM?
  • We don’t have the admission statistics for this newly established programme. However, we shall consider the best 5 scores in HKDSE for admission selection, and may release the expected score for reference before the announcement of HKDSE result in 2023.

  • I am currently studying in a programme at CUHK. Can I apply for an internal transfer to IDADM?
  • IDADM may consider nominations of Year 1 students from participating Major Programmes for internal transfer.

  • I am an international student studying in CUHK. Can I join the IDADM programme?
  • If you are a degree-seeking student at CUHK or CUHK(SZ), you are eligible for this programme.

Student Life

  • Is accommodation arranged for me during the period of study?
  • On campus accommodation will be provided to you during your study in the host campus, at a cost equivalent to other regular students. However, you need to go through the normal procedure of applying hostel accommodation during the study at your own institution (home campus).

  • Would I be able to join the College and its activities?
  • You will be assigned to a College on each campus and enjoy its facilities (include hostel, dining hall etc.) and College events.

  • Would I be able to apply for scholarships?
  • You are eligible to apply for scholarships and other financial assistance from your own institution (home campus).

  • Can I join exchange programmes offered in both campuses?
  • You are eligible to join the exchange programmes offered by your own university (home campus). However, you must pay attention whether the credits earned from attending courses in the exchange activities can be transferred to CUHK. We would help you to design a good study plan that avoids deferring graduation from the IDADM programme.


  • Do I need to go through an admission interview process?
  • We plan to invite shortlisted applicants for an admission interview administered by the IDADM programme.

  • What should I prepare before attending the interview?
  • The IDADM programme is looking for students who have the following skills and experience, which need time to build and accumulate. Start the preparation well before the interview.

    1) Strong interest in data science and its application
    2) Experience in cross-cultural activities
    3) Good interpersonal skills
    4) Demonstrable self-leadership
    5) Good communication skills

Contact Us

Office of Admissions and Financial Aid,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Telephone: (852) 3943 8947 / 3943 8951

Online enquiry:

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