President's Message
Welcome to The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong’s (LSHK) website.
LSHK was founded in 1986 as a non-profit organization that dedicates to the development and promotion of linguistics in Hong Kong and globally. Over the decades, the Society records several hundred former and current members who are teachers, researchers, students and enthusiasts of linguistics from local institutes and organizations and those around the world. To promote research exchanges among members, LSHK organizes Annual Research Forum (ARF) every December and Workshop on Cantonese (WOC), and sponsors International Conference on Yue Dialects. These events are (co-)organized by local universities every year.
To encourage research work by students and young scholars, LSHK established and holds The Outstanding Theses Award, Fieldwork Subsidy, and Outstanding Student Paper on Cantonese Linguistics (in conjunction with the International Conference on Yue Dialects).
To address specific linguistic and sociolinguistic issues, LSHK created and convenes work groups to address specific linguistic issues such as the Jyutping Scheme, Bilingual Glossary and Language Policy. LSHK celebrated its 35th Anniversary in 2021. We are grateful to and proud of all of our members, present and in the past, for their support in diverse ways. We welcome ideas and suggestions on what we could do to better serve the linguistic community in Hong Kong and beyond.
Bin LI
President of the 19th Executive Committee