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Prof. Amos TAI and his team published a paper that shows air pollution affect the growth of plants in Hong Kong recently. This is the first research of its kind that is conducted in Hong Kong and it shows that ozone level in Hong Kong is high enough to damage plants. A number of media organisations have covered the research findings.
- 中大研究證臭氧污染毀植物 - Apple Daily
- 中大研究證明 港臭氧濃度礙植物生長 - Sing Tao Daily
- 中大證臭氧濃度 阻礙植物生長 - Lion Rock Daily
- 中大首設「臭氧園」 證污染礙植物生長 - Hong Kong Commercial Daily
- 中大設華南首個「開放性臭氧園」 研究證本港臭氧濃度阻礙植物生長 - Hong Kong Economic Times