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image of Dr. ISMAEEL Ali
Room 330, 3/F, Science Centre
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image of Dr. ISMAEEL Ali
Room 330, 3/F, Science Centre


Postdoctoral Fellow
  • PhD, Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2021
  • MS, Remote sensing and GIS, National University of Sciences and Technology, 2013
  • BSc, Agricultural Engineering, 2011
Academic Employments:
  • 2022 – Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • 2022-2022: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Biological sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
  • 2015-2017: Lecturer, Institute of Geographical information System, National University of Sciences and Technology.
Research Fields and Current Research Interests:
  • Remote Sensing, GIS, and Machine Learning
  • Process-based crop Modelling
  • Atmospheric pollution and crop productivity
  • Climate change
Representative Publications:
  • Zhou, Q., & Ismaeel, A. (2021). Integration of maximum crop response with machine learning regression model to timely estimate crop yield. Geo-spatial Information Science, 24:3, 474-483. https://doi.org/10.1080/10095020.2021.1957723
  • Zhou, Q., & Ismaeel, A. (2021). Seasonal Cropland Trends and Their Nexus with Agrometeorological Parameters in the Indus River Plain. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13010041
Honours and Awards:
  • 2017-2020: Recipient of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
  1. Awan, U. K., Liaqat, U. W., Choi, M., & Ismaeel, A. (2016). A SWAT modeling approach to assess the impact of climate change on consumptive water use in Lower Chenab Canal area of Indus basin. Hydrology Research, 47(5), 1025-1037. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2016.102
  2. Awan, U. K., & Ismaeel, A. (2014). A new technique to map groundwater recharge in irrigated areas using a SWAT model under changing climate. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 1368-1382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.08.049