
The University Grants Committee (UGC) has been allocating the Teaching Development Grant (TDG) to UGC-funded institutions since 1994 to encourage the adoption of innovative approaches to teaching and improvement of the quality of the learning environment. Since its introduction in 1994, TDG has been playing an important role in enhancing the University’s teaching and learning quality. TDG gave impetus to the initiation and experimentation of new ideas to achieve better quality of teaching and learning in CUHK. In the 2016-2019 triennium, TDG was merged with the Language Enhancement Grant (LEG) to become the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG).

This website is part of the TDLEG project ‘Review on teaching development projects - identifying and promoting good practices on pedagogies’. This TDLEG project aims at sustaining the value of the exemplary TDLEG projects by disseminating their good practices in a number of showcase projects.