Site Map
Who to Contact
Strategic Plan and Annual Reports

Mobile Learning
eLearning Community of Practice
Flipped Classroom
Tips for Successful Online Learning @ CUHK
General Tips for Online Teaching and Learning
How to Maximize Your Online Learning Experience
Suggestions and Tips for Online Examinations
Invigilated Online Examination: Measures to Mitigate Risk
Report for Student Survey on Learning Experience with Zoom
Report for Teacher Survey on Teaching Experience with Zoom

Learning Enhancement
Design & Development
* Course Planning and Review Service
* Learning Activity at CUHK
* eLearning Service at CUHK
* mLearning Service at CUHK
* Innovative Learning Design Service
Teaching & Learning Resources
Teaching & Learning Grants
Independent Learning Centre
Students as Partners
Research for Scholarship
Strategic Plan and Annual Reports

Teaching & Learning @ CU
Teaching & Learning
Learning Activity at CUHK
Evaluation Services
Capstone @ CU
Teaching & Learning Grants
* Teaching Development Grants (TDGs)
* Courseware Development Grant Scheme (CDGS) (AITSC)
Developing a Teaching Portfolio
Honesty in Academic Work
SEN support for Teachers
Teaching Excellence Ambassador Programme
Research Supervision at CUHK
Resources on Curriculum Design
Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo
Internationalization at Home
Exemplary TDLEG projects@CUHK
Good Practices from the UG Programme Reviews

Professional Development (PD)
Professional Development Course (PDC)
* 2022/23 Round 3, in English
* 2022/23 Round 4, in Cantonese
Seminars, Workshops & Events
* Seminars and workshops for excellent teaching
* Other useful seminars and workshops (not counting towards PDC Part III)
* List of some completed University-wide events that may be of interest
* Report on professional development of teachers at CUHK, December 2010
Improving Postgraduate Learning
Activities arrangement in case of bad weather

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