Wen Lin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities(Vol. 1)
Edited by CHOW Tse-tsung

The first volume of Wen-lin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities was published for The Department of East Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Wisconsin, by The University of Wisconsin Press in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1968. The second volume was a joint publication by the same Department and T.T.Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 1989, both in hardcover editions. Unfortunately, the first volume had sold out in 1970, and the second volume consisted of a number of misprints. Now, after correcting all the discovered misprints, we republished both volumes in paperback form.
Despite the fact that all of these essays were written many years ago, they still have, in the editor's belief, a lasting value to scholars and general readers. The editor also believes that the Chinese humanities are always a worthwhile subject for more extensive studies.
2001 23.5x15.5cm 325pages
ISBN 962-7330-16-7 Paper