
Enhancing your eLearning experience

We’re on a mission to provide access to the best eLearning resources and tools that streamline the future of your learning experience.
Hosted Courses
Searchable Resources
Institutions Connected*

Connecting teachers & students.

Streamlined search
Save time and discover the most relevant content from thousands of sources in one place.
Meaningful analytics
Evaluate the effectiveness of a course with meaningful data analytics. Check your engagement and performance.
Accessing your favorites
Find your current and favorite courses quickly. Make it easy to learn independently and collaboratively.


Discover courses worldwide.
Access more than 50,000 online courses from top institutions and specialist organisations.
Curated Courses.
Curated just for you.
Discover trending and hand-picked courses from various world-renown universities and international organizations.
My Courses.
Capture your courses.
Find the courses when you need it.
Your personal log of teaching & learning.
Open edX / Moodle.
Do it yourself course hosting.
Choose a platform that suits your educational needs.
Create interactive experiences for your learners.
Meaningful analytics.
Evaluate the effectiveness of your course with analytics.
Check your engagement and performance easily.
Increasing interactions.
Interacting with your class just got even easier.
Collect opinions or take attendance in real time.

See what others think about KEEP.

As a creator of open educational resources, I have found the KEEP platform to be an invaluable way to disseminate my Moodle plugins (the Participation Forum and Map)! In addition, the KEEP Open edX server provides an efficient method for hosting the video tutorials in the edX course format, so teachers who want to try my free tools can learn how to set them up and operate them. Thanks to the KEEP initiative for providing this excellent OER repository within the Hong Kong educational context!
Brant Knutzen
Educational Consultant
We're excited that KEEP will help increase the discoverability of Coursera's courses and other high quality online learning resources in Hong Kong and beyond.
Andrew Ng
Co-founder of Coursera
As an instructor, the KEEP platform was very useful for content delivery of multiple different kinds (passive forms such as videos and notes, but also active forms such as automated interactive mathematical exercises with hints), but also keeping track of student engagement with fairly comprehensive back-end support that reported a variety of useful statistics that helped me note performance levels of students. Students generally reported being happy with the system, and I plan on using its features even more comprehensively in future classes.
Sidharth Jaggi
Associate Professor of CUHK
I have heard so much about KEEP, please tell me more about it.
Anant Agarwal
CEO of edX
The KEEP project brings a lot of fun and enables interactions of the three online courses at CityU piloted in 2015/16. The gamification approach enriches higher interactivity and student engagement in-class and out-of-class, and results in a blended learning environment.
Terence Cheung
Professor of CityU
FutureLearn is proud to be part of the KEEP community and bring free online courses with social learning to the Hong Kong and Asian market.
Simon Nelson
CEO of FutureLearn
We are using KEEP Moodle. Quite userfriendly, nice forum option for class discussions. But not so great for file management, keeping folders updated it is not that great.
Annette Fromel
German Instructor of CUHK
PaGamO is excited to partner with KEEP to advance teaching and learning globally by pushing the limits of gamification and technology.
Benson Yeh
Co-founder of PaGamO

Ready to get started?

*KEEP is connected to eduGAIN federation. If you would like to login KEEP with your institution credentials through eduGAIN, please contact the KEEP team at