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Department Group Photo 2019
The 41st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA)
Professional Medical Training
Department Annual Lunch 2019
35th Anniversary of CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH - TPH
Innovation Technology
Jockey Club Mus-Fit Action SMART Fun Day 2021 賽馬會「肌」不可失大行動 中大運動醫學日2021
Undergraduate Education
CUHK Orientation Day 2018

NEWS & Upcoming EVENTS

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    ISAKOS - APKASS Webinar "New Technologies in Knee Replacement"28/3/2022

    ISAKOS - APKASS Webinar "New Technologies in Knee Replacement" will be held on 14 April 22....

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    International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures – Online Conference and Workshop11/3/2022

    International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures – Online Conference and Workshop will be held on 26-27 March 22....

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    Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Tiger26/1/2022

    Happy Chinese New Year, Year of the Tiger!! Thanks Dr. SW Law for helping to design this wonderful electronic Chinese New Year card for our department....

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    18th Annual Meeting of Joint Scoliosis Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University12/1/2022

    The 18th Annual Meeting of Joint Scoliosis Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University was successfully held in the Seminar Room, Orthopaedic Learning Centre, 1/F, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital on 8 January 21....

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    The 41st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6 - 7 Nov, 20213/1/2021

    The 41st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6 - 7 Nov, 2021:
    The Best Paper Award for Trainee Member: - Dr. Bernard Yung
    The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. Rufina Lau....

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    Merry Christmas20/12/2021

    Merry Christmas!! Thanks Prof. SW Law and Dr. Lugee Liyeung for helping to design this amazing electronic Christmas card for our department.....

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    CURe Pain: Relieve pain, Restore function, Renew hope 除痛,建能,燃希望14/5/2021

    The CU Sports Medicine team has made a series of exercise videos to help people suffering from musculoskeletal pain. Let's visit CURe Pain or scan the QR code and start exercise now....

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    Happy Muscle Happy Knees Exercise Program30/8/2019

    The Happy Muscle Happy Knees Exercise Program were successfully held in the Seminar Room, 9/F Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital on 26 Aug 19 (Mon) and 30 Aug 19 (Fri)....

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Latest ACTIVITIES - Photo Album