News and Events
Lingnan Prism Symposium Series (3.2): “A Crisis, or a New Direction?: Reconsidering the Translation of Chinese Philosophy”
Prof. Sophie Ling-chia Wei will give a talk in a symposium, A Crisis or a New Direction: Reconsidering the Translation of Chinese Philosophy, held by Lingnan University. Her topic is, The Genesis of Dao Knowledge at the Beginning of Orientalism. This online symposium is to be held on 9-10 May, 2021, on past and contemporary attempts to tackle Chinese philosophy through translation in the Western world, from the Jesuit missionaries to present-day translators working in academia and beyond. Speakers will address the cultural impact of translated Chinese philosophical masterworks in the West in different historical periods, examining seminal texts of the Confucian, Buddhist and Daoist traditions.
【Session A】

Date: 9-10 May 2021 | Duration: 2-2.5 hours (depending on no. of presenters) | Time: Hong Kong/China: 8:00 (10 May); UK (BST): 1:00 (10 May); USA (E): 20:00 (9 May); USA (W): 17:00 (9 May)


The Making of the I Ging: Richard Wilhelm and the School of Wisdom
Tze-ki Hon, City University of Hong Kong/ United International College, Zhuhai

The Zhouyi: Translating Backward and Forward
Geoffrey Redmond, Independent Scholar, New York

Tantra and Translation: Concerning the Hermeneutic Model of Tang Translators of Esoteric Sutras
Nicholas Morrow Williams, University of Hong Kong

Translating Ren in the Analects and beyond: What Is at Stake?
Tao Jiang, Rutgers University

European Translations of Shengren in the Analects of Confucius
Thorsten Pattberg, Peking University
【Session B】

Date: 10 May 2021 | Duration: 2-2.5 hours (depending on no. of presenters) | Time: Hong Kong/China: 21:00 (10 May); UK (BST): 14:00 (10 May); USA (E): 9:00 (10 May); USA (W): 6:00 (10 May)


Documentary, Interpretive and Expressive Issues in James Legge’s Translation of the Liji (Book of Rites)
Carl Gene Fordham, Peking University

The Genesis of Dao Knowledge at the Beginning of Orientalism
Sophie Wei Ling-chia, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Global Laozegetics: A New Framework for Studying the Interpretations and Translations of the Laozi
Misha Tadd, Nankai University

Making Chinese Classics Alive: Lin Yutang’s Reinvention of Daodejing Through Translation
Yangyang Long, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Organizers: Leo Tak Hung Chan and Zong-qi Cai
Hosted by the Centre for Humanities Research and the Department of Chinese, Lingnan University