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站在時代的渡口 第63集 【遇見佛羅倫斯】
Professor Michelle Jia Ye was invited to a reading program on Taiwan Daai Radio to rediscover her co-translation 《發現時代》 (2018) of Age of Discovery (2017) co-authored by Oxford Martin School scholars Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna. Three years before the long COVID, Age of Discovery revealed stunning similarities between Renaissance and the present age. The authors called for the world’ response to risks and opportunities of the twenty-first century with the same courage and optimism that guided mankind from the Dark ages through Renaissance.
In the one-hour program on October 7, 2020, Professor Ye discussed the parallel between Renaissance and today, the fun in conveying the mega-analytic book for the pan-Chinese general readers, the impression on the other translation in simplified Chinese, and the ambiguous mention of David and Goliath at the end of the book.
Visit the program via: (audio) and (video)