

Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)

The Head of each College*

Professor Fong Wing-ping

Professor Chan Sun On

Professor Stephen H.S. Wong

Professor Leung Yiu Kin Freedom

The Dean of each Faculty and of the Graduate School

Professor Max Xiaobing Tang

Professor Zhou Lin

Professor Fan Xitao

Professor Martin D.F. Wong

Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff

Professor Chan Ka Leung

Professor Song Chunshan

Professor Chiu Chi Yue

Professor So Man Cho, Anthony

Professors who carry the Chinese title of "講座教授", or Readers and any other professors who are determined by the Council to be of a grade equivalent to or higher than Readers in each Department in which there is no professor who carries the Chinese title of "講座教授"

Professor Chan Kam Leung Alan

Professor Anthony Chan

Professor Juliana C.N. Chan

Professor Chan Ka Leung

Professor Chan Ka Lok

Professor Paul K. S. Chan

Professor Chan Wai Yee

Professor Chen Zhenyu

Professor Ching Shuk Chi Emily

Professor Chiu Chi Yue

Professor Chu Ming Chung

Professor Sudipto Dasgupta

Professor Fan Xitao

Professor Fung Hoi Lam Helene

Professor Anthony Fung Ying Him

Professor Ho Che Wah

Professor Vernon Hsu

Professor Huang Bo

Professor Huang Yong

Professor Hui Shu Cheong, David

Professor Jiang Liwen

Professor Irwin K.C. King

Professor Kwan Mei Po

Professor Lai Chi Tim

Professor Lai Pan Chiu

Professor Lam Hon Ming

Professor Linda Lam Chiu Wa

Professor Lau Cheungkong Frederick

Professor Lawrence J. Lau

Professor Lau Yun Wong

Professor Law Shing Keung

Professor Icy Lee Kit Bing

Professor Lee Yi Jen

Professor T.Y. Leung

Professor Li Man Chim Albert Martin

Professor D.Y.M. Lo

Professor Lui Chi Shing John

Professor Lyu Rung Tsong Michael

Professor Mao Chuanbin

Professor Meng Max Qing Hu

Professor Meng Mei Ling Helen

Professor H.K. Ng

Professor Ng Yan Yung

Professor Pan Haihua

Professor Pang Lai Kwan

Professor Poon Wai Yin

Professor Qin Ling

Professor Song Zheng

Professor Max Xiaobing Tang

Professor Tao Yufei

Professor Clement Tham

Professor Michael Tong

Professor Tsang Hon Ki

Professor Wei Ran

Professor Wing Yun Kwok

Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff

Professor Wong Patrick Chun Man

Professor Martin D.F. Wong

Professor Stephen H.S. Wong

Professor Xin Zhouping

Professor Xu Jianbin

Professor C.N. Yang

Professor Andrew C.C. Yao

Professor Yau Shing Tung

Professor Raymond Yeung

Professor Yip Chong Kee

Professor Yip Choy Yin Virginia

Professor Yu Jiu Kang

Professor Simon Yu

Professor Zee Chung Ying Benny

Department Chairmen and Directors of Studies if not a member under the last category

Professor Chai Ching Sing

Professor Chan Chun Kit

Professor Chan Man Lok Andrew

Professor Alan Cheung

Professor Cheung Sui Wai

Professor Waiman Cheung

Professor Chien Wai Tong

Professor Chu Shun Chi Donna

Professor Fung Tung

Professor James Francis Griffith

Professor Jette Hansen Edwards

Professor Margaret Ip

Professor Gavin Joynt

Professor Andrew Byron Kipnis

Dr. Ku Kei Tat

Professor Kwong Fuk Yee

Professor Kwong Yuk Yee Jessica

Dr. Jose Lai

Professor Lam Wai

Professor Lee Hun Tak Thomas

Professor Liao Wei Hsin

Professor Lin Zhixiu

Professor Lo Wing Hung Carlos

Professor Tony Mok

Professor Lynne Nakano

Professor Poon Chiu Yee Liona

Professor Shu Ching Tat Chester

Professor Sit Hui Ping

Professor Song Xinyuan

Professor James George St André

Professor Sum Kim Wai Raymond

Professor Tam Hong Wing

Professor Tang Sze Wing

Professor Hendrik Tieben

Professor K. F. To

Professor To Siu Ming

Professor Tong Kai Yu

Professor Tse Chi Shing

Professor Frank Vigneron

Professor Wang Jianfang

Professor Wong Kam Bo

Professor Wong Wang Ivy

Professor Wong Yeung Shan Samuel

Professor Yang Yong

Professor Yin Hongbiao

Professor Yung Shu Hang Patrick

Professor Zhou Xiang

Professor Zou Jun

Professor Zuo Zhong

Director of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Dr. Ng Man Leung, Alex

Two Fellows of each College elected by the College's Assembly of Fellows*

Professor Chan Lai Wan

Professor Ko Wing Hung

Professor Jimmy H. M. Lee

Professor Wing Yun Kwok

Professor Anthony Fung Yim Him

Professor Lee Hung Kay

Professor Chan Wood Yee Woody

Professor Au Wing Tung Winton

Registrar (Member & Secretary)

Ms. Kitty Yu


Mr. John Peter Bahrij (Acting)

University Dean of Students

Professor Ko Wing Hung

President of the University Students Union


One student of each Faculty elected by, and from among, full-time students in that Faculty pursuing approved courses of study for a degree at the University


One student representing the Students Union of each College elected by, and from among, full-time students pursuing approved courses of study for a degree at the University, who are members of that Students Union*

Miss Wong Tsz Yin
(Chung Chi College)

Miss Chan Yin Kwan
(New Asia College)

Miss Chan Tsz Ying Vanessa Daphne
(United College)

Mr. Law Chun Yin
(Shaw College)

* In relation to the original Colleges and Shaw College

as of 24 November 2022