
This project aims to promote the latest scientific breakthroughs generated from the SLS/CUHK-led RGC-funded AoE/CRF projects by developing a self-learning toolkit that enhance students’ understanding of the current research discoveries. Specific objectives include:

1. To generate movie series introducing the scientific discovery process and research publications related to CMB.

2. To promote effective dissemination of advanced research knowledge to the public by hosting the movies on a publicly accessible website.

In line with the CUHK 2016-2020 Strategic Plan “To adopt innovative pedagogies for continuous teaching enhancement”, our ultimate goal is to extend this innovative endeavor to other life science disciplines and beyond, thereby translating advanced research into up-to-date teaching practices.


Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)


  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research Grant Council
    RGC-AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function
  • Centre of Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant


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