Mr. Billy K. K. Lee (MPhil in PHY) et al. published an article "An exploration of the properties of cluster profiles for the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effects" on Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Professors Otto Hannuksela, Tjonnie Li and Ren-Bao Liu have received the China Top Cited Paper Awards by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing for their research papers. IOP Publishing selected papers from across the entire IOP Publishing journal portfolio within the past three years (2019-21) and recognized those were the top one per cent of most cited papers in different areas.
Prof. Yangqian Yan received the NSFC Young Scientists Fund 2022 to support his project "Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of the unitary Fermi gas".
Prof. Zheng-Cheng Gu et al. published an article "Emergence of Gapless Quantum Spin Liquid from Deconfined Quantum Critical Point" on Physical Review X.
Prof. Ming Chung Chu has been awarded the appointment of "Choh-Ming Li Professor of Physics" for a term of 5 years, in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements.
Mr. Junyu Lin (PhD student in PHY), Dr. Junyu He (PhD in PHY), Prof. Dajun Wang et al. published an article "Seconds-Scale Coherence on Nuclear Spin Transitions of Ultracold Polar Molecules in 3D Optical Lattices" on Physical Review Letters.
Openings: Assistant Professor(s)
Openings: Lecturer(s) [Closing Date: Until the position(s) is/are filled]
25/11, 1/12 & 8/12/2022, 3:00pm
Lecture Series on "Duality in Quantum Field Theory and It's Application in Condensed Matter Systems" by Prof. Zhen BI (Penn State University)
12/12/2022, 12:00noon
Seminar on "Where New Physics Will (Possibly) Emerge in Cosmology?" by Prof. Yin-Zhe Ma (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Admission Talk for 2023 Entry
內容包括: 系況速遞 、今期焦點《破宇稱 立規範 — 賀楊振寧教授一百歲生辰》等
02/12/2022, 4:00pm
Colloquium on "Measurement-Prepared Quantum Phases and Phase Transitions: From Ising Model to Gauge Theory, and Beyond" by Prof. Zhen BI (Penn State University)