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Delegation Visits

The Office of Academic Links (OAL) hosts delegation visits and virtual meetings with international institutions to network and build partnerships. OAL develops programmes according to their interests, connecting them with their counterparts at the University for the purposes of sharing experiences and information, as well as developing sustainable collaborative relationships.

OAL coordinates visit/meeting requests from representatives of international universities, research organisations, and government bodies. Intending parties are asked to complete the Request Form at least one month prior to the day of the visit/meeting. Upon receiving the request, OAL will liaise within the University to match the request and then advise the sender of the eventual outcome. All requests will be considered carefully.


Practical Tip for Visitors


Recent Delegation Visits/Meetings

Prof. Peter Lennie, Executive Director of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), met with Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President; Prof. Mai-har Sham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research); and other representatives of CUHK on 11 November 2021 to review the University’s engagements in the Network, particularly its involvement in the Global Higher Education and Research and Public Health Global Challenges.

WUN is an exclusive network of 25 research-intensive universities across six continents with a mission to create new, multilateral opportunities for international collaboration in research and education. CUHK joined the Network in 2011 as the only member university in Hong Kong and has since been actively engaged in the Network, taking part in numerous research programmes and working groups. For more information on WUN, please click here.


A virtual meeting was held with the new Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sydney (USyd), Prof. Mark Scott, on 9 November 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize Prof. Scott with the strategic partnership between CUHK and USYD and new initiatives, such as the CUHK-USyd SDGs Webinar Series and the APRU Biodiversity Genomics Programme. Joining the meeting were CUHK’s Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, and Prof. Alan Chan, Provost, and USyd’s Prof. Katherine Belov, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement).

CUHK and USyd have been partners since 2006, engaging in student mobility and joint research (e.g. integrative medicine and planetary health). In recent years, both universities have identified each other as a strategic partner and a joint fund was set up to support initiatives that strengthen their strategic priorities. To learn more about CUHK’s collaborations with USyd, please click here.


A virtual meeting was held with the Faculty of Biology, Medicine, and Health at The University of Manchester on 20 October 2021 to continue the dialogue on building teaching and research collaborations in regenerative immunology and biomedicine. Representing CUHK were Prof. Mai-har Sham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research); Dr. Ann Lau, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) of the School of Biomedical Sciences; Prof. Chun Kwok Wong of the Department of Chemical Pathology; among other representatives.

CUHK and UoM have been working closely in recent years on different fronts of teaching and research. There are collaborations in chemistry and bio- and health- informatics, and a joint research fund was set up to foster research initiatives of various scales between the two universities. Besides research, several teaching and exchange partnerships are in the pipeline. To learn more about CUHK’s collaborations with UoM, please click here.



Survey on International Linkage Activities

OAL maintains a database of international linkage activities that have taken place at CUHK, such as delegation visits, seminars or talks, and conference, symposium, and workshop. CUHK departments and staff may find such information useful when exploring own partnership opportunities. In order for OAL to maintain an up-to-date record, CUHK departments and staff are invited to provide details of any visit or linkage activity by filling in the Record Form for International Linkages Activities.

For more information, please contact Ms. Athena Wong of OAL.