GlobaLinks Sep 2022

Partnership with UK institutions to advance STEM education in Hong Kong

CINTEC will conduct ASSETE with Coventry and IoC to advance STEM education in Hong Kong.

CINTEC conducts ASSETE with Coventry and IoC to advance STEM education in Hong Kong.

To cultivate innovation and technology (I&T) talents in Hong Kong, the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) at the Faculty of Engineering kickstarted the Assessment Scheme for Engineering and Technology Education (ASSETE) in June in collaboration with Coventry University and the Institute of Coding (IoC) in the UK. Supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong Government, the project aims to introduce international STEM education standards to Hong Kong.

The problem of digital gap between academic knowledge and practical skills is a global education concern. In the UK, IoC has designed a scheme to assess the engineering and technology knowledge and skill levels of students and used it to design courses and activities to narrow the digital gap. Based on the successful model of IoC, Prof. Kam Fai Wong, Director of CINTEC, together with local educators uses IoC’s materials to design and develop the ASSETE project for primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.

The kick-off ceremony of ASSETE.

The kick-off ceremony of ASSETE.

The scale of STEM assessment for schools provided by ASSETE is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. It will create an important reference on the I&T levels of local students, which will in turn facilitate the government to allocate resources and promote STEM education.

Please read the press release for more details.