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CUHK Research Summit Series
The CUHK Research Summit Series supports the organisation of small-scale workshops catered to early career faculty members with a view to strengthening the international connection of faculty members, and the visibility and reputation of the University. An award of up to HK$250,000 is provided to selected applications. The Series has not only provided a platform for networking between senior and early career academics, but has also promoted the development of sustainable research partnerships among CUHK and different institutions worldwide. In addition, the Series has showcased CUHK’s research strengths and its leadership role in specific research fields internationally.
The CUHK Research Summit Series invites application annually. Interested faculty members may visit the webpage for details.
Upcoming Workshops
Workshop | Organiser(s) | Workshop Period |
Workshop on Political Psychology in East Asia | Prof. WONG Seanon Si Lon and Prof. Peter BEATTIE, Dept. of Government and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science | To be confirmed |
Advances in Knee Biomechanics in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine | Prof. ONG Tim Yun Michael, Dept. of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine | To be confirmed |
Global Matching of CO2 Sources and Storage Sites | Prof. XU Yuan, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management, Faculty of Social Science | To be confirmed |
Religious Studies in East and Southeast Asia: A Global Perspective | Prof. TAM Wai Lun, Dept. of Cultural and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts | To be confirmed |
International Symposium on Silk Road Linguistics | Prof. TANG Sze Wing, Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts | To be confirmed |
Past Workshops