Supporting international research collaboration through joint supervision of PhD students
Prof. Tjonnie Li (right) working with Mesut Caliskan (left) during his visit to CUHK in the summer of 2019.
As part of CUHK’s internationalisation strategy underlined in the Strategic Plan (CUHK 2025), the University must enhance its global engagement to improve output, increase visibility, and demonstrate impact in order to stay competitive. Joint supervision of PhD students is one of the most effective and efficient tools to drive and foster international research collaboration, in addition to bringing a highly valued learning opportunity to students.
A new scheme has been established to encourage faculty members to engage in joint supervision of PhD students with selected key partners of the University. Faculty members are welcome to bid for 10 PhD places under the Provost’s Strategic Allocation of Centrally-funded Research Postgraduate places for 2022–23 admission to strengthen their international collaborations. Application is open until 21 March. Please refer to the webpage for more information.