Prof. Frank Chen’s IIE paper entitled “Value of a Put Option to the Risk-Averse Newsvendor” (co-authored with Mahmut Parlar, 2007 39, 481-500) has received the IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Award (2007)


Prof. Frank Chen’s IIE paper entitled “Value of a Put Option to the Risk-Averse Newsvendor” (co-authored with Mahmut Parlar, 2007 39, 481-500) has received the IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Award (2007).

The “Forum for the Best Logistics and Supply Chain Management Practice in the Pearl River Delta” co-hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate school


The “Forum for the Best Logistics and Supply Chain Management Practice in the Pearl River Delta” was co-hosted by the Centre for Logistics Technology and Supply Chain Optimization, Li&Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management of The Chinese University and the Research and Development Center for Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate School on March 17, at Wuzhou hotel, in Shenzhen. There were more than 500 persons attended. The purpose of the forum is to offer a communication platform for those who take interest in logistics and supply chain management practice, to share successful experience and managerial insights, and further to discuss the vision and new mechanism of corporation between Shen Zhen and Hong Kong companies.

The forum was co-hosted by Prof. Yan Houmin, director of the centre for Logistics Technology and Supply Chain Optimization, Li&Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management and Prof. Lin Gongshi, vice-president of Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate School. Prof. Liu Wenhuang, dean of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University and Prof. Li Duan, Department head of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, as well as Prof. Cheung Waiman, Associate Dean of Faculty of Business Administration attended the forum.

In the forum, Mr. Tommy Lui, CEO of IDS Logistics International Limited and Prof. Chen Youhua, professor of Dept of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management shared their visions on the Hong Kong logistics development and Shenzhen port economics, respectively. On behalf of the project team of the R&D Center for Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Prof. Chen reported the findings in analysing recent development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong ports, in particular, their current status, existing gap and future. In addition, Prof. Chen proposed how to implement Shenzhen virtual free trade zone with the aid of IT technology. His talk was reported by Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao. The other invited speakers were from logistics industry of Shen Zhen, who sequentially addressed the issues of modern citywide distribution, distribution in TV manufacturing industry, as well as the modern outsourcing concept, all of which were appreciated by participators as well.


香港中文大学利丰供应链管理研究所物流技术和供应链优化中心与清华大学深圳研究生院供应链和物流管理联合研发中心于2007年3月17日在深圳五洲宾馆联合举办[珠三角地区物流供应链管理最佳实践]专题研讨会 。研讨会旨在召集珠三角地区(包括香港)从事物流与供应链管理的专家学者和优秀业界代表,分享成功实践经验,讨论如何加强珠三角地区企业在供应链和物流领域的合作,进一步交流和探讨企业间未来合作发展的构思与新方向。

研讨会由物流技术和供应链优化中心主任严厚民教授,与清华大学深圳研究生院副院长林功实教授主持。清华大学深圳研究院刘文煌院长,香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系系主任李端教授, 以及香港中文大学工商管理学院副院长张惠民教授出席。利丰集团利和国际物流有限公司总经理雷瑞强先生作了名为“Offshore Distribution Centre in China– Optimizing International Supply Chain”的演讲。香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系陈友华教授代表中文大学和清华大学物流与供应链管理技术研发中心课题组作了名为“对深圳港区物流发展战略的几点思考”的演讲。他对深圳港区物流发展的现状,差距与前景作出了详实的分析。提出了利用IT 实现深圳虚拟保税港区的设想。该发言被大公报等媒体引述报道。来自深圳业界的多名资深人士也分别就城内配送,彩电行业以及外包的依赖性等物流业实践经验和与会人士分享心得。来自深港及珠三角业界人士与专家学者500余人汇聚一堂,与会者踊跃发言,研讨会气氛非常热烈。


SEEM students won the First Runner-up in the 2007 CILT Student Day Competition.


Pictured here with Mr. Anthony Siu-Wing LAU, President of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILT), are the winning team of HOU Wenting, Tiffany CHO Siu Shuen, Roger YAU Siu Tsan and Tim LO Tin Chung and their coach, Prof. C.H. Cheng.
These SEEM students representing CUHK were the First Runner-up in the 2007 CILT Student Day Competition, held on 10th March, 2007.

SEEM students won the First Runner-up in the 2007 CILT Student Day Competition.
SEEM students won the First Runner-up in the 2007 CILT Student Day Competition.

A SEEM PHD students received the First Runner-up of the Best Presentation & Poster Award of the First Microsoft Joint Laboratory Sysmposium 2006


Miss Ida Hui, a PhD student of the Department of SEEM, was awarded the First Runner-up of the Best Presentation & Poster Award of the First Microsoft Joint Laboratory Symposium 2006. This Symposium aims to bring together faculty and students from eight distinguished universities across China that have established joint laboratories with MSRA. Participators of this symposium included the Managing Director and upper management of MSRA, as well as the Science & Technology Directors of the Ministry of Education of China. Other participants included facuty and students from each of the eight university, including CUHK (host institution), HKUST, Harbin Institute of Technology, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China and Zhejiang University.

The Presentation & Poster competition included two PhD students selected from each university. The selection committee included upper management of MSRA and all participating joint laboratory directors. The evaluation criterion included creativity in research, excellence in oral presentation with reference to a large poster. Awardees of this Presentation & Poster Competition included Miss Lu Liu of Tsinghua University (First Prize), Mr. Jun Xiao of Zhejiang University (First Runner-up).

SEEM undergraduate students have won the United College Group Sense Innovation and Entrepreneurial Project Competition .


A team of our second-year undergraduate students (led by TSAO Yow Chian and Jacky CHU Ho, together with teammates Roger YAU Siu Tsan and Tang Sheung Yin) has won the United College Group Sense Innovation and Entrepreneurial Project Competition, for their business plan “Blue Jewellery”. Not only were they champions, but they also won the Most Creative Idea Award.