Information on Online Application for Late Course Add/Drop
- Students should follow the prescribed procedures and submit the application:
① Approach course teacher for advice ② Submit online application for consideration of course teacher → course offering department → Faculty Dean ③ RES will notify students of the application result and update CUSIS, if necessary.
Please approach RES directly for advice (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you encounter any problems in completing the procedures. - Students who committed academic dishonesty may still be disciplined in accordance with related procedures even if they are approved to late drop the course.
- Please observe the instructions stated on the online application form and input CORRECTLY on the form the course code and section code (if applicable) of the course. The system will ONLY check if it is a valid course code, and will NOT check that against the course registration record of individual students in the relevant term. Therefore, it is students’ own responsibility to input the correct course code and section code for the course to be late added/dropped.
- Please state the special reason(s) for late course add/drop and attach supporting document(s) (e.g. medical certificate), if any, in the online application form for consideration of the parties concerned.
- The application for late add/drop CANNOT be cancelled once submitted in the system.
- This online form is NOT applicable to students of International Asian Studies Programme (IASP) and postgraduate students. Students concerned should contact the Office of Academic Links and Graduate School Office respectively for advice on late course add/drop procedures.
- For students who have to late add/drop postgraduate courses of level 5000 or above, please contact RES to obtain hardcopy application form.
6 October 2020