The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Prince of Wales Hospital

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Assessment of embryo morphology following perinatal exposure to aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol using whole embryo culture system

Moungmaithong S, Leung BW, Sahota DS, Wang CC, Leung TY, Poon LC

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 Dec;35(25):8786-8793


Pharmacogenomic profiling of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities and inform functional precision medicine.

Wang H, Chan KYY, Cheng CK, Ng MHL, Lee PY, Cheng FWT, Lam GKS, Chow TW, Ha SY, Chiang AKS, Leung WH, Leung AYH, Wang CC, Zhang T, Zhang XB, So CC, Yuen YP, Sun QW, Zhang C, Xu YQ, Cheng JTK, Ng WH, Tang PMK, Kang W, To KF, Lee WYW, Wong RS, Poon ENY, Zhao Q, Huang JB, Chen C, Yuen PMP, Li CK, Leung AWK, Leung KT.

Blood Cancer Discov. 2022 Nov 2;3(6):516-535.


Determining chorionicity and amnionicity in twin pregnancies: pitfalls

Lu J, Ting YH, Leung TY

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2022 Nov;84:2-16


The view of Hong Kong parents on secondary use of dried blood spots in newborn screening program

Hui LL, Nelson EAS, Deng HB, Leung TY, Ho CH, Chong JSC, Fung GPG, Hui J, Lam HS

BMC Med Ethics. 2022 Nov 1;23(1):105


A defective lysophosphatidic acid-autophagy axis increases miscarriage risk by restricting decidual macrophage residence

Yang HL, Lai ZZ, Shi JW, Zhou WJ, Mei J, Ye JF, Zhang T, Wang J, Zhao JY, Li DJ, Li MQ

Autophagy. 2022 Oct;18(10):2459-2480


A prospective study comparing inflammation-related cytokine and chemokine profile from the day of blastocyst transfer to 7 weeks of gestation between miscarriage and live birth.

Zhao YW, Man GCW, Zhang RZ, Wong CK, Chen XY, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Laird S, Zhang T, Li TC.

Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2022,103755


Chinese herbal medicine for induced abortion in early pregnancy (before 14 weeks’ gestation)

Zhang AL, Fan XH, Shao YF, Liu XK, Wang CC, Li L

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022 Oct; 10: CD014609


Determination of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate octaacetate and its metabolites in plasma of rats for pharmacokinetic study by ultra-performance-liquid-chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time-of-flight-mass-spectrometry

Chu KO, Man GCW, Hung SW, Chan TH, Lee WYT, Chan KP, Pang CP, Wang CC

Front. Pharmacol. 2022 Oct: 13:1025053


Dynamic changes in maternal immune biomarkers during labor in nulliparous versus multiparous women

Ding W, Lau SL, Wang CC, Zhang T, Getsko O, Lee NMW, Chim SSC, Wong CK, Leung TY

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Oct;227(4):627.e1-627.e23


Genome-Wide Cell-Free DNA Test for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities and Variants: Unrestricted Versus Restricted Reporting

Kwan AHW, Zhu X, Mar Gil M, Kwok YKY, Wah IYM, Hui ASY, Ting YH, Law KM, Lau D, Xue S, Choy KW, Sahota D, Leung TY, Poon LC

Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Oct 9;12(10):2439


Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA 3243A>G mutation: From genetics to phenotype.

Li DY, Liang CM, Zhang T, Marley JL, Zou WW, Lian MQ, Ji DM.

Front Genet. 2022 Oct 6;13:951185


Perinatal mortality rate in multiple pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a tertiary obstetric unit in Hong Kong

Lau SL, Wong STK, Tse WT, Fung GPG, Lam HS, Sahota DS, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J 2022 Oct;28(5):347-356


What we have learned from animal models to understand the etiology and pathology of endometrioma-related infertility.

Tan ZYR, Hung SW, Zheng X, Wang CC, Chung JPW, Zhang T

Biomedicines. 2022, 10(7), 1483


Common dysmorphic oocytes and embryos in assisted reproductive technology laboratory in association with gene alternations

Xu M, Wu W, Zhao M, Chung JPW, Li TC, Chan DYL

Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2022 Sep 16;152:106298


Comparing IADPSG and NICE diagnostic criteria for GDM in predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes

He Y, Ma RCW, McIntyre HD, Sacks DA, Lowe J, Catalano PM, Tam WH

Diabetes Care. 2022 Sep 1;45(9):2046-2054


Editorial: Chromosome structural variants: Epidemiology, identification and contribution to human diseases

Dong Z, David D, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Morton CC, Zepeda-Mendoza CJ

Front Genet. 2022 Sep 9;13:1022918


Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of gestational diabetes mellitus highlights genetic links with type 2 diabetes

Pervjakova N, Moen GH, Borges MC, Ferreira T, Cook JP, Allard C, Beaumont RN, Canouil M, Hatem G, Heiskala A, Joensuu A, Karhunen V, Kwak SH, Lin FTJ, Liu J, Rifas-Shiman S, Tam CH, Tam WH, Thorleifsson G, Andrew T, Auvinen J, Bhowmik B, Bonnefond A, Delahaye F, Demirkan A, Froguel P, Haller-Kikkatalo K, Hardardottir H, Hummel S, Hussain A, Kajantie E, Keikkala E, Khamis A, Lahti J, Lekva T, Mustaniemi S, Sommer C, Tagoma A, Tzala E, Uibo R, Vääräsmäki M, Villa PM, Birkeland KI, Bouchard L, Duijn CM, Finer S, Groop L, Hämäläinen E, Hayes GM, Hitman GA, Jang HC, Järvelin MR, Jenum AK, Laivuori H, Ma RC, Melander O, Oken E, Park KS, Perron P, Prasad RB, Qvigstad E, Sebert S, Stefansson K, Steinthorsdottir V, Tuomi T, Hivert MF, Franks PW, McCarthy MI, Lindgren CM, Freathy RM, Lawlor DA, Morris AP, Mägi R

Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Sep 29;31(19):3377-3391


Response to the letter to the editor regarding‘effect ofadditional acupuncture to pelvic floor exercise on urinaryincontinence’Wan OYK et al. (2022): Neurourol Urodyn.Wan OYK et al.

Wan OYK, Cheung RYK, Law MPM, Lee L, Wang RCC, Chan SSC

Neurourol Urodyn. 2022 Sep;41(7):1635-1636


SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and neutralization capacity in breast milk following infection vs vaccination

Leung HYH, Leung BW, Gil MM, Rolle V, Moungmaithong S, Wang CC, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Sep;60(3):425-427


Screening for spontaneous preterm birth by cervical length and shear-wave elastography in the first trimester of pregnancy

Feng Q, Chaemsaithong P, Duan H, Ju X, Appiah K, Shen L, Wang X, Tai Y, Leung TY, Poon LC

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Sep;227(3):500.e1-500.e14


Single-cell transcriptome profiling of the human endometrium of patients with recurrent implantation failure

Lai ZZ, Wang Y, Zhou WJ, Liang Z, Shi JW, Yang HL, Xie F, Chen WD, Zhu R, Zhang C, Mei J, Zhao JY, Ye JF, Zhang T, Li MQ

Theranostics Sep 2022; 12(15): 6527-6547


The efficacy of auto-cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel in addition to oestradiol and intrauterine balloon insertion in the prevention of adhesion reformation after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis

Guo Y, Shi XY, Song DM, Liu YH, Huang XW, Xiao Y, Yang LL, Xia EL, Li TC

Reprod Biomed Online. 2022 Sep;45(3):501-507


Effects of strict public health measures on seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies during pregnancy

Leung HHY, Kwok CYT, Sahota DS, Leung MBW, Lui GCY, Ng SSS, Leung WC, Chan PKS, Poon LCY

Hong Kong Med J. 2022 Aug;28(4):294-299


Stillbirth rate in singleton pregnancies: a 20-year retrospective study from a public obstetric unit in Hong Kong

Wong STK, Tse WT, Lau SL, Sahota DS, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2022 Aug;28(4):285-293


The Burden and Benefits of Knowledge: Ethical Considerations Surrounding Population-Based Newborn Genome Screening for Hearing

Mitchell CO, Rivera-Cruz G, Chau MHK, Dong Z, Choy KW, Shen J, Amr S, Giersch ABS, Morton CC

Int J Neonatal Screen. 2022 May 27;8(2):36


Nonoxynol-9 (N-9) on sperm functions: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Xu M, Zhao M, Li RHW, Lin Z, Chung JPW, Li TC, Lee TL, Chan DYL.

Effects of Reprod Fertil. 2022 Feb 21;3(1):R19-R33


A defective lysophosphatidic acid-autophagy axis increases miscarriage risk by restricing decidual macrophage residence.

Yang HL, Lai ZZ, Shi JW, Zhou WJ, Mei J, Ye JF, Zhang T, Wang J, Zhao JY, Li DJ, Li MQ.

Autophagy 2022 Feb 27;1-22


Insight of autophagy in spontaneous miscarriage.

Qin XY, Shen HH, Zhou WJ, Mei J, Lu H, Tan XF, Zhu R, Zhou WH, Li DJ, Zhang T, Ye JF, Li MQ.

Int J Biol Sci. 2022 Jan 1; 18(3): 1150-1170


(2022) Dynamic changes in maternal immune biomarkers during labor in nulliparous vs multiparous women.

Ding W, Lau SL, Wang CC, Zhang T, Getsko O, Lee NMW, Chim SSC, Wong CK, Leung TY.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 227:627.e1-627.e23.


Biol Reprod. Metabolic markers of biological fluid in women with reproductive failure: a systematic review of current literature.

Zhang YY, Zhang T, Wu L, Li TC, Wang CC, Chung JPW.

Biol Reprod 2022, 106(6): 1049-1058


Development and Validation of a Novel Prognostic Nomogram Combined with Desmoplastic Reaction for Synchronous Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis.

Qin X, Zhao M, Deng W, Huang H, Cheng Z Q, Chung JPW, Chen X, Yang K, Chan DYL, Wang H.

Frontiers in Oncology, 2022, 12: 826830


Dynamic changes in maternal immune biomarkers during labor in nulliparous vs multiparous women.

Ding WJ, Lau SL, Wang CC, Zhang T, Getsko O, Lee NMW, Chim SSC, Wong CK, Leung TY.

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. 227 (4): 627.e23


Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for endometriosis associated pain.

Lin YZ, Hou RJ, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC, RH Zhao.

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2022, 50(4): 1095-1111


First Trimester Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Maternal Factors and Biomarkers

Shen LX, Sahota DS, Chaemsaithong P, Tse WT, Chung MY, Ip JKH, Leung TY, Poon LCY

Fetal Diagn Ther. 2022;49(5-6):256-264


Is polycystic ovary syndrome undervalued in China?

Zheng X, Wang CC

Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2022 Jun 27;25:100513


Melatonin in endometriosis: mechanistic understanding and clinical insight.

Li YL, Hung SW, Zhang RZ, Man GCW, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Fang LL, Wang CC.

Nutrients.2022,14(19): 4087


Single-cell transcriptome profiling of the human endometrium of patients with recurrent implantation failure.

Lai ZZ, Wang Y, Zhou WJ, Liang Z, Shi JW, Yang HL, Xie F, Chen WD, Zhu R, Zhang C, Mei J, Zhao JY, Ye JF, Zhang T, Li MQ.

Theranostics. 2022,12 (15): 6527-6547


Systematic review update and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized controlled trials of ovarian stimulation versus artifcial cycle for endometrial preparation prior to frozen embryo transfer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Zhang YY, Wu L, Li TC, Wang CC, Zhang T, Chung PWJ

Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2022 Apr 2;20(1):62


Systematic review update and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized controlled trials of ovarian stimulation versus artificial cycle for endometrial preparation prior to frozen embryo transfer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Zhang YY, Wu L, Li TC, Wang CC, Zhang T, Chung JPW

Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2022 Apr 2;20(1):62


The FGF21- Sirtuin 3 axis confers the protective effects of exercise against diabetic cardiomyopathy by governing mitochondrial integrity,

L. Jin, L. Geng, L. Ying, L. Shu, K. Ye, R. Yang, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Cai, X. Jiang, Q. Wang, X. Yan. B. Liao, J. Liu, F. Duan, G. Sweeney, C. Woo, Y. Wang, Z. Xia, Q. Lian, A. Xu.

Circulation. (2022) :101161CIRCULATIONAHA122059631. (IF=39.9; Q1, 1/336, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine)


The human gut mycobiome and its potential as a regulator of the host's metabolic health.

J. Chen*, Y. Wang*, A. Xu, G. Panagiotou.

Vol. VI, Human and Animal Relationships, The Mycota series, Springer Nature publishing (Book chapter); Co-First author


The metabolic characteristic of decidual immune cells and its unique properties in pregnancy loss.

Zhang T, Shen HH, Qin XY, Li MQ.

Immunological Reviews. 2022. 308 (1):168-186


Whole Genome Transcriptomic Analysis of Ovary Granulosa Cells Revealed an Anti-Apoptosis Regulatory Gene DLGAP5 in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Deng Y, Li H, Song Y, Cen J, Zhang Y, Sui Y, Cui D, Li TC, Xu Y, Wang CC, Chung PWJ, Tang T

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 18;13:781149


The identification of endometrial immune cell densities and clustering analysis in the mid-luteal phase as predictor for pregnancy outcomes after IVF-ET treatment.

Zhao Y, Man GCW, Wang J, Liu Y, Kwong J, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC.

J Reprod Immunol. 2021 Nov;148:103


Hyoscine butylbromide in pain reduction associated with ultrasound-guided manual vacuum aspiration: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.

Chung JPW, Law TSM, Mak JSM, Liu RCY, Sahota DS, Li TC.

Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 Oct 25:S1472-6483(21)00525-3.


Therapeutic effects of green tea on endometriosis.

Chen X, Man GCW, Hung SW, Zhang T, Fung LWY, Cheung CW, Chung JPW, Li TC, Wang CC.

Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2021 Oct 7:1-14.


Ovarian reserve and recurrence 1 year post-operatively after using haemostatic sealant and bipolar diathermy for haemostasis during laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.

Chung J, Law T, Mak J, Sahota DS, Li TC.

Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 Aug;43(2):310-31


(2021) Whole-transcriptome analysis of maternal blood for identification of RNA markers for predicting spontaneous preterm birth among preterm labour women: abridged secondary publication.

Chim SSC, Chan TF, Leung TY.

Hong Kong Med J 26 Suppl 6:20-23.


Expanded Carrier Screening Using Next- Generation Sequencing of 123 Hong Kong Chinese families: A Pilot Study.

Chan OYM, Leung TY, Cao Y, Shi MM, Kwan AHW, Chung JPW, Choy KW, Chong SC.

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Jun;27(1):177-183.


Ovarian hormones-autophagy-immunity axis in menstruation and endometriosis.

Shen HH, Zhang T, Yang HL, Lai ZZ, Zhou WJ, Mei J, Shi JW, Zhu R, Xu FY, Li DJ, Ye JF, Li MQ.

Theranostics. 2021; 11(7): 3512-3526.


Pharmaceuticals targeting signaling pathways of endometriosis as potential new medical treatment:

Hung SW, Zhang R, Tan Z, Chung JPW, Zhang T, Wang CC.

A review. Med Res Rev. 2021 Jul;41(4):2489-2564.


Application of convolutional neural network on early human embryo segmentation during in vitro fertilization. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine,

Zhao M, Xu M, Li H, Alqawasmeh O, Chung JPW, Li TC, Lee T, Tang PM, Chan DYL.

2021 Mar;25(5):2633-2644


Autoimmunity and infertility. Translational Immunology (2021)

Zhang T, Chen XY, Li TC, Wang CC, Chung JPW.

Volume 3 Autoimmune Disease Associated with Different Clinical Features Chapter 9:185-206


Circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 as a potential biomarker for missed abortion in humans.

Y. Yang*, J. Wu*, X. Wang*, J. Yao, K. S. Lao, Y. Qiao, Y. Xu, Y. Hu, Y. Feng, Y. Cui, S. Shi, J. Zhang, M. Liang, Y. Pan, K. Xie, K. Yan, Q Li#, D. Ye#, Y. Wang#.

Fertility & Sterility. 116.4 (2021): 1040-1049, Corresponding author (IF=7.5; Q1, 3/63, Reproductive Medicine)


Clinical Implementation of Expanded Carrier Screening in Pregnant Women at Early Gestational Weeks:

Shi M, Liauw AL, Tong S, Zheng Y, Leung TY, Chong SC, Cao Y, Lau TK, Choy KW, Chung JPW.

A Chinese Cohort Study. Genes (Basel). 2021 Mar 29;12(4):496


Overview of fertility preservation

Ip Jeffrey KH, Liao Pak Yiu, Chung Jacqueline PW

Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery 2021;21(2):95-104


Potential effects of COVID-19 on reproductive systems and fertility; assisted reproductive technology guidelines and considerations: a review.

Lee WY, Mok A, Chung JPW.

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Apr;27(2):118-126.


Successful implantation is associated with a transient increase in serum pro-inflammatory cytokine profile, following by a switch to anti-inflammatory cytokine profile prior to confirmation of pregnancy.

Zhao Y, Zhang T, Guo X, Wong CK, Chen X, Chan YL, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC.

Fertil Steril. 2021 Apr; 115(4):1044-1053


The relationship between serum hormone profiles and missed abortion in humans.

Y Yang*, J. Wu*, X. Wang*, J. Yao, K. S. Lao, Y. Xu, Y. Hu, Y. Pan, Y. Feng, S. Shi, J. Zhang, Y. Qiao, Q. Li#, D. Ye#, Y. Wang#.

Human Reproduction. Vol. 36, (2021) pp. 313-313; Corresponding author (IF=6.9; Q1, 2/63, Reproductive Medicine)


Treatment of patients with mayer-rokitanskyküster-hauser syndrome in a tertiary hospital.

Ng K, Ip PNP, Yiu KW, Chung JPW, Chan SSC.

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Oct 16


Comparison of uterine artery Doppler measurements at 6 weeks of pregnancy after IVF between pregnancies that resulted in miscarriage and ongoing pregnancies.

Guo J, Chaemsaithong P, Huang J, Chung JPW, Huang J, Poon LCY, Li TC.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020 Sep 13.


Early transient suppression of immune checkpoint proteins Tim-3 and PD-1 in peripheral blood lymphocytes after blastocyst transfer is associated with successful implantation.

Zhang T, Zhu WY, Zhao YW, Cheung WC, Liu YY, Chen XY, Du Y, Leung KT, Chan YL, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC.

Fertility and Sterility. 2020 Aug;114(2):426-435.


Embryo migration following ART documented by 2D/3D ultrasound.

Saravelos SH, Balfoussia DT, Kong G, Chung J, Mak J, Chung C, Cheung LP, Li TC.

Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2020 Aug 5;12(2):143-148. PMID: 32832929;


The Pregnancy Outcome of Mosaic Embryo Transfer: A Prospective Multicenter Study and Meta-Analysis.

Zhang YX, Chen JJ, Nabu S, Yeung QSY, Li Y, Tan JH, Suksalak W, Chanchamroen S, Quangkananurug W, Wong PS, Chung JPW, Choy KW.

Genes (Basel). 2020 Aug 21;11(9):E973.


The use of multiplex staining to measure the density and clustering of four endometrial immune cells around the implantation period in women with recurrent miscarriage: comparison with fertile controls.

Zhao YW, Chen XY, Zhang T, Chan LKY, liu YY, Chung JPW, Kwong J, Li TC.

Journal of Molecular Histology. 2020, Aug; 51: 593-603.


Low-pass genome sequencing: a validated method in clinical cytogenetics.

Chau MHK, Wang H, Lai Y, Zhang Y, Xu F, Tang Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Leung TY, Chung JPW, Kwok YK, Chong SC, Choy KW, Zhu Y, Xiong L, Wei W, Dong Z.

Hum Genet. 2020 May 25


Ovarian HBV replication following ovulation induction in female hepatitis B carriers undergoing IVF treatment: A prospective observational study.

Mak JSM, Lao TT, Leung MBW, Chung CHS, Chung JPW, Cheung LP, Li TC.

J Viral Hepat. 2020 Feb;27(2):110-117.


Effects of high progesterone in in-vitro fertilization cycle on DNA methylation and gene expression of adhesion molecules on endometrium during implantation window.

Xiong Y, Hu L, Zhang T, Wang M, Xu H, Li TC, Sun Y, Wang CC.

Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2020 Jan;37(1):33-43.


(2020) Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR-199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies.

Meng M, Cheng YKY, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY.

Placenta 92:44-53.


Association between chronic endometritis and uterine natural killer cell density in women with recurrent miscarriage: clinical implications.

Chen XY, Liu YY, Zhao YW, Cheung WC, Zhang T, Qi RF, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Li TC.

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2020 Jun; 46(6): 858-863.


Awareness of fertility preservation among Chinese medical students.

Ng EYL, Ip JKH, Mak DR, Chan AYW, Chung JPW*.

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Jun;26(3):184-191


External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic.

Wan OYK, Chan SSC, Chung JPW, Kwok JWK, Lao TTH, Sahota DS.

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Apr;26(2):102-110.


Fertility preservation in Hong Kong Chinese society: awareness, knowledge and acceptance.

Yeung SY, Ng EYL, Lao TTH, Li TC, Chung JPW*.

BMC Womens Health. 2020 Apr 29;20(1):86.


FGF21 mediates the anti-depressant effects of exercise by coordinating the crosstalk between central and peripheral organs.

Y. Liu, S. Y. Yau, Q. Liang, Y Wang, A. Xu,

Human Behaviour and Brain. (2020) 1(1), 8-15 doi:10.37716/HBAB.2020010102.


Gut microbiome fermentation determines the therapeutic efficacy of exercise for diabetes prevention.

Y. Liu*, Y. Wang*, Y. Ni*, C. K.Y Chong, K. S.L. Lam, Y. Wang, Z. Xia, D. Ye, J. Guo, M. A. Tse#, G. Panagiotou#, A. Xu#.

Cell Metabolism. (2020) 31, 1-15. Co-First author (IF=31.4; Q1, 6/376, Molecular biology)


Gut microbiota-associated activation of TLR5 induces apolipoprotein A1 2 production in the liver

J. H.C. Yiu, K-S Chan, J. Cheung, J. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, W. W.L. Fung, J. Cai, S. W.M. Cheung, B. Dorweiler, E. Y.F. Wan, P. Tso, A. Xu, C. W. Woo,

Circulation Research. 127.10 (2020): 1236-1252, (IF=23.2; Q1, 2/322, Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine)


Preservation of fertility in premenopausal patients with breast cancer.

Wang SSY, Loong H, Chung JPW, Yeo W.

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Jun;26(3):216-226.


Genome Sequencing Explores Complexity of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Recurrent Miscarriage.

Dong Z, Yan J, Xu F, Yuan J, Jiang H, Wang H, Chen H, Zhang L, Ye L, Xu J, Shi Y, Yang Z, Cao Y, Chen L, Li Q, Zhao X, Li J, Chen A, Zhang W, Wong HG, Qin Y, Zhao H, Chen Y, Li P, Ma T, Wang WJ, Kwok YK, Jiang Y, Pursley AN, Chung JPW, Hong Y, Kristiansen K, Yang H, Piña-Aguilar RE, Leung TY, Cheung SW, Morton CC, Choy KW, Chen ZJ.

Am J Hum Genet. 2019 Dec 5;105(6):1102-1111.


The effects of daily meteorological perturbation on pregnancy outcome: Follow-up of a cohort of young women undergoing IVF treatment.

Zhao M, Zhang H, Waters THB, Chung JPW, Li TC, Chan DYL.

Environ Health. 2019 Nov 28;18(1):14pages


Endometrial microbiota in infertile women with and without chronic endometritis as diagnosed using a quantitative and reference range-based method.

Liu Y, Ko EYL, Wong KKW, Chen X, Cheung WC, Law TSM, Chung JPW, Tsui SKW, Li TC, Chim SSC.

Fertil Steril. 2019 Oct; 112(4):707-717.el


A comparison of uterine natural killer cell density in the peri-implantation period between natural cycles and hormone replacement therapy cycles.

Yang WJ, Chen X, Zhao Y, Cheung WC, Hsiao SY, Liu Y, Law TSM, Chung JPW*, Li TC.

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2019 Sep;82(3):e13156.


A double-blinded, randomized placebo-controlled trial on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine formula Wuzi Yanzong pill on improving semen qualities in men with suboptimal parameters.

Zhao M, Chan CPS, Cheung CWC, Alqawasmeh O, Wang RCC, Wu JCY, Lin ZX, Li TC, Chung JPW, Mak JSM, Law TSM, Chan DYL.

Trials. 2019 Aug 29;20(1):540.


A prospective study of non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (NiPGT-A) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) on spent culture media (SCM).

Yeung QSY, Zhang YX, Chung JPW, Lui WT, Kwok YKY, Gui B, Kong GWS, Cao Y, Li TC, Choy KW.

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Aug;26(8);1609-1621.


Presence of Hepatitis B virus DNA in follicular fluid in female Hepatitis B carriers and outcome of IVF/ICSI treatment: A prospective observational study.

Mak JSM, Leung MBW, Chung CHS, Chung JPW, Cheung LP, Lao TT, Li TC.

Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019 Aug;239:11-15.


Prevalence of obstetric anal sphincter injury following vaginal delivery in primiparous women: a retrospective analysis.

Kwok SPK, Wan OYK, Cheung RYK, Lee LL, Chung JPW, Chan SSC.

Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Aug;25(4):271-8.


Reproductive outcomes after surgical treatment of asherman syndrome: A systematic review.

Guo EJ, Chung JPW, Poon LCY, Li TC.

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Aug;59:98-114.


Semiconductor Sequencing For Preimplantation Genetic Testing For Aneuploidy,

Gui BH, Zhang YX, Liang B, Kwok YKY, Lui WT, Yeung QSY, Kong LY, Xuan LM , Chung JPW, Choy KW.

J Vis Exp.2019 Aug 25; (150)


Endometrial Vascularization Characterized by Optical Coherence Tomography and Immunohistochemistry in Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer Treatment.

Law TSM, Cheung WC, Wu F, Zhang R, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC.

Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Mar 27;55(4):81.


Intrauterine infusion of human chorionic gonadotropin before embryo transfer in IVF/ET cycle: the critical review.

Zhang T, Chen XY, Wang CC, Li TC, Kwak-Kim J.

American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2019 Feb; 81(2): e13077.


A prospective observational study on the stress levels at the time of embryo transfer and pregnancy testing following in vitro fertilisation treatment: a comparison between women with different treatment outcomes.

Cheung C, Saravelos SH, Chan T, Sahota DS, Wang CC, Chung PW, Li TC.

BJOG. 2019 Jan;126(2):271-279.


(2019) Endometrial microbiota in infertile women with and without chronic endometritis as diagnosed using a quantitative and reference range-based method.

Liu Y, Ko EY, Wong KK, Chen X, Cheung WC, Law TS, Chung JP, Tsui SK, Li TC, Chim SSC

Fertil Steril 112:707-717


Efficacy, feasibility and patient acceptability of ultrasound-guided manual vacuum aspiration for treating early pregnancy loss.

Chung JPW, Chung CHS, Mak JSM, Li TC, Kong GWS.

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2019;59(1):71-76.


Impact of haemostatic sealant versus electrocoagulation on ovarian reserve after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy of ovarian endometriomas: a randomised controlled trial.

Chung J, Law T, Chung C, Mak J, Sahota DS, Li TC.

BJOG. 2019 Sep;126(10):1267-1275


Maternal β-HCG concentrations in early IVF pregnancy: association with the embryo development stage of blastocysts.

Zhu W, Yeung Q, Chan D, Chi L, Huang J, Wang Q, Chung J, Li TC.

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Practical Considerations in Providing Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A).

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Assessment of the embryo flash position and migration with 3D ultrasound within 60 min of embryo transfer.

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Fertility Preservation in Young Female Cancer Patients.

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Investigation of the genetic etiology in male infertility with apparently balanced chromosomal structural rearrangements by genome sequencing

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Single Ce ll Proteomics Profiling Reveals That Embryo-Secreted TNF-alpha Plays a Critical Role During Embryo Implantation to the Endometrium

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Single Cell Proteomics Profiling Reveals That Embryo-Secreted TNF-α Plays a Critical Role During Embryo Implantation to the Endometrium

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The impact of antenatal massage practice on intrapartum massage application and their associations with the use of analgesics during labour : Sub-analysis of a randomised control trial

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Umbilical cord prolapse: are maneuvers always necessary to relieve cord compression? A reply (Letter)

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Y Y 1 Regulates Glucose Homeostasis Through Cont rolling Insulin Transcription in Pancreatic beta-Ce lls

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YY1 Regulates Glucose Homeostasis Through Controlling Insulin Transcription in Pancreatic β-Cells

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Experience of Low-Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing-Based Copy Number Variant Analysis: A Survey of Chinese Tertiary Hospitals

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Investigation of chromosomal structural abnormalities in patients with undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders

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Iron Deficiency Anaemia and Atonic Postpartum Haemorrhage Following Labour

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Non-visualization of fetal gallbladder in a Chinese cohort

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Patient acceptance of transvaginal sonographic endometrial thickness assessment compared with hysteroscopy and biopsy for exclusion of endometrial cancer in cases of postmenopausal bleeding

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Prelabor short-term variability in fetal heart rate by computerized cardiotocogram and maternal fetal Doppler indices for the prediction of labor outcomes

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Surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse in women aged ?75 years in Hong Kong: a multicentre retrospective study

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Systematic review update and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized controlled trials of ovarian stimulation versus artifcial cycle for endometrial preparation prior to frozen embryo transfer in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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The Efficacy of Herbal Supplement Danggui Buxue Tang for Relieving Menopausal Symptoms

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A human pluripotent stem cell-based model of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals an ACE2-independent inflammatory activation of vascular endothelial cells through TLR4

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Clinical Opinion: The diagnosis and management of suspected fetal growth restriction: an evidence-based approach

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Development and Validation of a Novel Prognostic Nomogram Combined with Desmoplastic Reaction for Synchronous Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis

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Global retinoblastoma survival and globe preservation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of associations with socioeconomic and health-care factors

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Prenatal diagnosis of umbilical cord hemangioma

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The use of ultrasound, fibronectin and other parameters to predict the success of labour induction

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Whole Genome Transcriptomic Analysis of Ovary Granulosa Cells Revealed an Anti-Apoptosis Regulatory Gene DLGAP5 in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Effects of nonoxynol-9 (N-9) on sperm functions: systematic review and meta-analysis

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Gestational weight gain rates in the first and second trimesters are associated with small for gestational age among underweight women: a prospective birth cohort study

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Hyoscine butylbromide in pain reduction associated with ultrasound-guided manual vacuum aspiration: a randomized placebo-controlled trial

Chung JPW, Law TSM, Mak JSM, Liu RCY, Sahota DS, Li TC

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Increased levels of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 are associated with adverse outcomes in pregnant women with COVID-19

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International Urogynaecology Consultation chapter 1 committee 4: patients’ perception of disease burden of pelvic organ prolapse Robinson D, Prodigalidad LT, Chan S, Serati M, Lozo S, Lowder J, Ghetti C, Hullfish K, Hagen S, Dumoulin C

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International Urogynaecology Consultation chapter 1 committee 4: patients' perception of disease burden of pelvic organ prolapse

Robinson D, Prodigalidad LT, Chan S, Serati M, Lozo S, Lowder J, Ghetti C, Hullfish K, Hagen S, Dumoulin C.

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International Urogynaecology Consultation chapter 1 committee 4: patients’ perception of disease burden of pelvic organ prolapse

Robinson D, Prodigalidad LT, Chan S, Serati M, Lozo S, Lowder J, Ghetti C, Hullfish K, Hagen S, Dumoulin C

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Perioperative prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in placenta praevia: a randomised controlled trial (abridged secondary publication)

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Prenatal Diagnosis of Ascending Aortic Aneurysm associated with Sternal Cleft (Letters to the Editor)

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Prospective Evaluation of International Prediction of Pregnancy Complications Collaborative Network Models for Prediction of Preeclampsia: Role of Serum sFlt-1 at 11–13 Weeks’ Gestation

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Serial changes in two immune checkpoint receptors and ligands, Tim-3/Gal-9 and PD-1/PD-L1 in peripheral blood prior to miscarriage: Comparison with pregnancies resulting in a live birth

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Single-cell profiling of human subventricular zone progenitors identifies SFRP1 as a target to re-activate progenitors

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Whole-genome sequencing of genetically undiagnosed euploid fetuses with increased nuchal translucency: abridged secondary publication

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Aspirin repurposing in folate-decorated nanoparticles; another way to target breast cancer

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Associations between ambient air pollution and IVF outcomes in a heavily polluted city in China

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Comorbidity, poverty and social vulnerability as risk factors for mortality in pregnant women with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: analysis of 13 062 positive pregnancies including 176 maternal deaths in Mexico

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Contributions of common genetic variants to specific languages and to when a language is learned

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Epigallocatechin?3?gallate stimulates StAR expression and progesterone production in human granulosa cells through the 67?kDa laminin receptor?mediated CREB signaling pathway

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Associations of maternal weight status with the risk of offspring atopic dermatitis and wheezing by 1 year of age

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Auto-immunity and endometriosis: evidence, mechanism and therapeutic potential

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Chronic hepatitis B infection: Symbiotic relationship between man and virus?


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Developmental neuropathology and neurodegeneration of Down syndrome: current knowledge in humans

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Early Development of Neural Speech Encoding Depends on Age but Not Native Language Status: Evidence From Lexical Tone

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Effect of additional acupuncture to pelvic floor exercise on urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial.

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First trimester preeclampsia screening and prediction

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Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate prevents pregnancy loss by inducing decidual COX-2+ macrophage differentiation

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Immunologic Memory in Pregnancy: Focusing on Memory Regulatory T Cells

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Immunosuppression and immunotherapy in endometriosis: review of pathophysiology, recent development and future perspectives

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Prevention of preeclampsia with aspirin

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Study on the Responsiveness of the Short Forms of Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) in Women undergoing Pelvic Floor Muscle Training for Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

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The 2021 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy classification, diagnosis & management recommendations for international practice

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The Key Role of Peroxisomes in Follicular Growth, Oocyte Maturation, Ovulation, and Steroid Biosynthesis

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Treatment outcome of women with urodynamic mixed urinary incontinence: an observational study.

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Vaginal mesh surgery: a review of current practice.

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A technical and clinical evaluation of the new ThermoFisher BRAHMS unconjugated estriol and inhibin-A assays and their use in second trimester Down syndrome screening

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Impact of childbirth policy changes on obstetric workload over a 13-year period in a regional referral center in China - implications on service provision planning

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Molecular mechanism and pathways of normal human parturition in different gestational tissues: a systematic review of transcriptome studies

Ding W, Chim SSC, Wang CC, Lau CSL, Leung TY

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Trio-Based Low-Pass Genome Sequencing Reveals Characteristics and Significance of Rare Copy Number Variants in Prenatal Diagnosis

Chau MHK, Qian J, Chen Z, Li Y, Zheng Y, Tse WT, Kwok YK, Leung TY, Dong Z, Choy KW

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A comprehensive evaluation of progestin-primed ovarian stimulation protocol in patients with or without PCOS undergoing in vitro fertilization

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A Fetus with Congenital Microcephaly, Microphthalmia and Cataract Was Detected with Biallelic Variants in the OCLN Gene: A Case Report

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Bronchopulmonary sequestration successfully treated with prenatal radiofrequency ablation of the feeding artery

Tse WT, Poon LC, Wah YMI, Hui ASY, Ting YH, Leung TY

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Aug;58(2):325-327


Do baseline AMH levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome predict ovulation rate and time to ovulation: a secondary analysis of PCOSAct trial?

Wu Q, Li J, Ng EHY, Liu JP, Mol BWJ, Wu XK, Wang C, PCOSAct Study Group

BJOG 2021 Aug; 128(9): 1477-1486


Impact of replacing or adding placental growth factor on Down syndrome screening: A prospective cohort study

Sin AWT, Poon LC, Chaemsaithong P, Wah YMI, Hui ASY, Ting YH, Law KM, Leung TY, Sahota DS

Prenat Diagn. 2021 Aug;41(9):1111-1117


Multiplexed Fluorescent Immunohistochemical Staining of Four Endometrial Immune Cell Types in Recurrent Miscarriage

Zhao Y, Man GCW, Chan LKY, Guo X, Liu Y, Zhang T, Kwong J, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC

J Vis Exp. 2021 Aug 4;(174): e62931


Outcome of radiofrequency ablation for selective fetal reduction before vs at or after 16 gestational weeks in complicated monochorionic pregnancy

Ting YH, Poon LCY, Tse WT, Chung MY, Wah YMI, Hui ASY, Law KM, Chaemsaithong P, Leung TY

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Aug;58(2):214-220


Ovarian Reserve and Recurrence at One-Year Postoperatively after using Haemostatic Sealant and Bipolar Diathermy for Haemostasis during Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy

Chung JPW, Law TSM, Mak JSM, Sahota DS, Li TC

Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 Aug;43(2):310-318


The presence of air pollution particulate matter in cryopreserved placental tissue cells

Liu NM, Chen Y, Miyashita L, Tam WH, Ngai NA, Grigg J, Leung TF

ERJ Open Res. 2021 Aug 23;7(3):00349-2021


Update on diagnosis of hyperglycemia in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus from FIGOƒs Pregnancy & Non- Communicable Diseases Committee

Poon LC, Hod M, McIntyre HD, Oats JJN, Kihara AB, Divakar H, Kapur A

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021 Aug;154(2):189-194


A literature review and best practice advice for second and third trimester risk stratification, monitoring, and management of pre-eclampsia Compiled by the Pregnancy and Non-Communicable Diseases Committee of FIGO (the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics)

Poon LC, Magee LA, Verlohren S, Shennan A, von Dadelszen P, Sheiner E, Hadar E, Visser G, Costa FD, Kapur A, McAuliffe F, Nazareth A, Tahlak M, Kihara AB, Divakar H, McIntyre HD, Berghella V, Yang HX, Romero R, Nicolaides KH, Melamed N, Hod M

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021 Jul;154 Suppl 1:3-31


Amphiregulin stimulates human chorionic gonadotropin expression by inducing ERK1/2-mediated ID3 expression in trophoblast cells

Fang L, Wang S, Han X, Gao Y, Li Y, Cheng JC, Sun YP

Placenta. 2021 Jul 23;112:73-80


Application of an individualized nomogram in first-trimester screening for trisomy 21

Sun Y, Zhang L, Dong D, Li X, Wang J, Yin C, Poon LC, Tian J, Wu Q

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jul;58(1):56-66


Cost-utility of a first-trimester screening strategy versus the standard of care for nulliparous women to prevent preterm preeclampsia in Belgium

Dubon Garcia A, Devlieger R, Redekop K, Vandeweyer K, Verlohren S, Poon LC

Pregnancy Hypertens. 2021 Jul 1;25:219-224


Low-pass genome sequencing-based detection of absence of heterozygosity: validation in clinical cytogenetics

Dong Z, Chau MHK, Zhang Y, Yang Z, Shi M, Wah YMI, Kwok YK, Leung TY, Morton C, Choy KW

Genet Med. 2021 Jul;23(7):1225-1233


Pharmaceuticals targeting signaling pathways of endometriosis as potential new medical treatment: A review

Hung SW, Zhang RZ, Tan ZYR, Chung JPW, Zhang T, Wang CC

Med Res Rev. 2021 Jul;41(4):2489-2564


Prediction of spontaneous preterm birth by cervical length in the first trimester of pregnancy: comparison of two measurement methods

Feng Q, Duan H, Ju X, Appiah K, Yip KM, Tai Y, Sun Q, Chaemsaithong P, Poon LC

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Jul;100(7):1305-1312


Receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor Sunitinib as novel immunotherapy to inhibit myeloid-derived suppressor cells for treatment of endometriosis

He Y, Hung SW, Liang B, Zhang RZ, Gao YT, Chu CY, Xu H, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC

Front. Immunol. 2021 July;12:641206


Accuracy of the FMF Bayes theorem-based model for predicting preeclampsia at 11-13 weeks of gestation in a Japanese population

Goto M, Koide K, Tokunaka M, Takita H, Hamada S, Nakamura M, Matsuoka Ryu, Sekizawa A, Poon LC

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Dissection of PIK3CA Aberration for Cervical Adenocarcinoma Outcomes

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Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 28;13(13):3218


Evidence on efficacy and safety of Chinese Medicines combined western medicines

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Front Oncol. 2021 Jun 21;11:661925


Expanded carrier screening using next-generation sequencing of 123 Hong Kong Chinese families: a pilot study

Chan OYM, Leung TY, Cao Y, Shi MM, Kwan AHW, Chung JPW, Choy KW, Chong SC

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Jun;27(1):177-183


Impact of antibiotic therapy on the rate of negative test results for chronic endometritis: a prospective randomized control trial

Song D, He Y, Wang Y, Liu Z, Xia E, Huang X, Xiao Y, Li TC

Fertil Steril. 2021 Jun;115(6):1549-1556


Optimal gestational weight gain for Chinese women - analysis from a longitudinal cohort with childhood follow-up

He Y, Tam CH, Yuen LY, Catalano PM, Ma RC, Tam WH

Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2021 Jul 6;13:100190


Relationship between viral load, infection-to-delivery interval and mother-to-child transfer of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies

Poon LC, Leung MBW, Ma T, Yu FN, Kong CW, Lo TK, So PL, Leung WC, Shu W, Cheung KW, Moungmaithong S, Wang CC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jun;57(6):974-978


RUVBL1/2 Complex Regulates Pro-Inflammatory Responses in BMacrophages via Regulating Histone H3K4 Trimethylation

Zhang R, Cheung CY, Seo S, Liu H, Pardeshi L, Wong KH, Chow LMC, Chau MP, Wang Y, Lee AR, Kwon WY, Chen S, Chan BK, Wong K, Choy RKW, Ko BC

Front Immunol. 2021 Jun 4;12:679184


Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies molecular targets associated with poor in vitro maturation performance of oocytes collected from ovarian stimulation

Lee AWT, Ng JKW, Liao J, Luk AC, Suen AHC, Chan TTH, Cheung MY, Chu HT, Tang NLS, Zhao MP, Lian Q, Chan WY, Chan DYL, Leung TY, Chow KL, Wang W, Wang LH, Chen NCH, Yang WJ, Huang JY, Li TC, Lee TL

Hum Reprod. 2021 Jun 18;36(7):1907-1921


Associations between blood metal/ metalloid concentration and human semen quality and sperm function: A cross-sectional study in Hong Kong

Shi X, Chan CPS, Man GKY, Chan DYL, Wong MH, Li TC

J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2021 May;65:126735


Automated and precise recognition of human zygote cytoplasm: A robust image-segmentation system based on a convolutional neural network

Zhao M, Li H, Li R, Li Y, Luo X, Li TC, Lee TL, Wang WJ, Chan DYL

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2021 May;67:102551


Doppler-based predictive model for methotrexate resistancein low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia withmyometrial invasion: prospective study of 147 patients

Qin J, Zhang S, Poon L, Pan Z, Luo J, Yu N, Wang L, Wu X, Cheng X, Xie X, Lu Y, Lu W

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 May;57(5):829-839


Equity in coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine development and deployment

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Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 May;224(5):423-427


Kidney Biopsy in Patients with Monoclonal Gammopathy: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study

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Characteristics of Fetal Extrachromosomal Circular DNA in Maternal Plasma: Methylation Status and Clearance

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Clin Chem. 2021 Apr 29;67(5):788-796


First Trimester Screening for Preeclampsia: An Asian Perspective

Moungmaithong S, Wang X, Tai AS, Feng Q, Sahota D, Leung TY, Poon LCY.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine. 2021 Apr; 3(2):116-12


Green tea extract as a cryoprotectant additive to preserve the motility and DNA integrity of human spermatozoa

Alqawasmeh OAM, Zhao M, Chan CPS, Leung MBW, Chow KC, Agarwal N, Mak JSM, Wang CC, Pang CP, Li TC, Chu WK, Chan DYL

Asian J Androl. Mar-Apr 2021;23(2):150-156


How Different Are Diverse Populations in Screening for Preeclampsia?

Martinez-Portilla RJ, Poon LC

Maternal-Fetal Medicine. 2021 Apr; 3(2):87-90


Potential effects of COVID-19 on reproductive systems and fertility; assisted reproductive technology guidelines and considerations: a review

Lee WY, Mok A, Chung JPW

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Apr;27(2):118-126


Preeclampsia: Universal Screening or Universal Prevention for Low and Middle-Income Settings?

Rolnik DL, Carvalho MHB, Lobo GAR, Verlohren S, Poon L, Baschat A, Hyett J, Thilaganathan B, Bujold E, Costa FDS

Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2021 Apr;43(4):334-338


Successful implantation is associated with a transient increase in serum pro-inflammatory cytokine profile, following by a switch to anti-inflammatory cytokine profile prior to confirmation of pregnancy

Zhao Y, Zhang T, Guo X, Wong CK, Chen X, Chan YL, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC

Fertil Steril. 2021 Apr;115(4):1044-1053


The role of chromosomal microarray and exome sequencing in prenatal diagnosis

Chau MHK, Choy KW

Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr 1;33(2):148-155


Transdermal Delivery of Adipocyte Phospholipase A2 siRNA using Microneedles to Treat Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy-Related Proptosis

Liu G, Deng Y, Song Y, Sui Y, Cen J, Shao Z, Li H, Tang T

Cell Transplantation 2021 Apr; 30: 1-8


Women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse and levator ani muscle avulsion would significantly benefit from mesh repair surgery

Wong NKL, Cheung RYK, Lee LL, Wan OYK, Choy KW, Chan SSC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr;57(4):631-638


Young pregnant women are also at an increased risk of mortality and severe illness due to coronavirus disease 2019: Analysis of the Mexican National Surveillance Program

Martinez Portilla RJ, Smith ER, He S, Torres JT, Espino-Y-Sosa S, Solis-Paredes JM, Poon LC

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr;224(4):404-407


Application of convolutional neural network on early human embryo segmentation during in vitro fertilization

Zhao MP, Xu MR, Li HH, Alqawasmeh O, Chung JPW, Li TC, Lee TL, Tang PMK, Chan DYL

J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Mar;25(5):2633-2644


Association between neonatal birthweight and risk of maternal glucose intolerance after gestational diabetes mellitus

Li Z, Wang D, Cheng Y, Chen P, Ding W, Wang Z

J Diabetes Investig. 2021 Mar;12(3):425-433


Chronic maternal hepatitis B virus infection and pregnancy outcome- a single center study in Kunming, China

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BMC Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 10;21(1):253


Clinical Implementation of Expanded Carrier Screening in Pregnant Women at Early Gestational Weeks: A Chinese Cohort Study

Shi M, Liauw AL, Tong S, Zheng Y, Leung TY, Chong SC, Cao Y, Lau TK, Choy KW, Chung JPW

Genes (Basel). 2021 Mar 29;12(4):496


Clinical utility of expanded non-invasive prenatal screening and chromosomal microarray analysis in high-risk pregnancy

Zhu X, Chen M, Wang H, Guo Y, Chau MHK, Yan H, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chen J, Hui ASY, Zhang R, Meng Z, Zhu Y, Leung TY, Xiong L, Kong X, Choy KW

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Mar;57(3):459-465


FIGO (international Federation of Gynecology and obstetrics) initiative on fetal growth: best practice advice for screening, diagnosis, and management of fetal growth restriction

Melamed N, Baschat A, Yinon Y, Athanasiadis A, Mecacci F, Figueras F, Berghella V, Nazareth A, Tahlak M, McIntyre HD, Costa FD, Kihara AB, Hadar E, McAuliffe F, Hanson M, Ma RC, Gooden R, Sheiner E, Kapur A, Divakar H, Ayres-de-Campos D, Hiersch L, Poon LC, Kingdom J, Romero R, Hod M

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021 Mar;152 Suppl 1:3-57


First Case Report of Maternal Mosaic Tetrasomy 9p Incidentally Detected on Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

Shu W, Cheng SSW, Xue S, Chan LW, Soong SI, Kan ASY, Cheung SWH, Choy KW

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Genotype-phenotype study and expansion of ARL6IP1-related complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia

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Increased co-expression of PSMA2 and GLP-1 receptor in cervical cancer models in type 2 diabetes attenuated by Exendin-4: A translational case-control study

Mao D, Cao H, Shia M, Wang CC, Kwong J, Li JJX, Hou Y, Ming X, Lee HM, Tian XY, Wong CK, Chow E, Kong APS, Lui VWY, Chan PKS, Chan JCN

EBioMedicine. 2021 Mar 01; 65 (2021):103242


Performance of Cell-Free DNA Screening for Fetal Common Aneuploidies and Sex Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Prospective Study from a Less Developed Autonomous Region in Mainland China

Lai Y, Zhu X, He S, Dong Z, Tang Y, Xu F, Chen Y, Meng L, Tao Y, Yi S, Su J, Huang H, Luo J, Leung TY, Wei H

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Phage display screening identifies a prostate specific antigen (PSA)-/lo prostate cancer cell specific peptide to retard castration resistance of prostate cancer

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Transl Oncol. 2021 Mar;14(3):101020


Auto−Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid Gel for Prevention of Intrauterine Adhesions after Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Zhou Q, Shi X, Saravelos S, Huang X, Zhao Y, Huang R, Xia E, Li TC

J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021 Feb;28(2):307-313


Comparison of uterine artery Doppler measurements at 6 weeks of pregnancy after IVF between pregnancies that resulted in miscarriage and ongoing pregnancies

Guo J, Chaemsaithong P, Huang J, Chung JPW, Huang J, Poon LCY, Li TC

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2021 Feb;152(2):249-255


Deciphering the complexity of simple chromosomal insertions by genome sequencing

Dong Z, Chau MHK, Zhang Y, Dai P, Zhu X, Leung TY, Kong X, Kwok YK, Stankiewicz P, Cheung SW, Choy KW

Hum Genet. 2021 Feb;140(2):361-380


Genome-wide detection of cytosine methylation by single molecule real-time sequencing

Tse OYO, Jiang P, Cheng SH, Peng W, Shang H, Wong J, Chan SL, Poon LCY, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Feb 2;118(5):e2019768118


Gestational weight gain

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Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Human Embryo Implantation: Clinical Implications

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Biomolecules. 2021 Feb 10;11(2):253


Scientific effort in combating COVID19 in obstetrics and gynecology

Martinez-Portilla RJ, Gil MM, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Feb;57(2):189-194


Short-form thymic stromal lymphopoietin (sFTSLP) is the predominant isoform expressed by gynaecologic cancers and promotes tumour growth

Chan LKY, Lau TS, Chung KY, Tam C, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Leung RWT, Qin J, Or YYY, Lo KW, Kwong J

Cancers 2021 Feb;13(5):980


Single-cell RNA expression profiling of SARS-CoV-2-related ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in human trophectoderm and placenta

Cui D, Liu Y, Jiang X, Ding C, Poon LC, Wang H, Yang H

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Feb;57(2):248-256


The role of chromosomal microarray analysis among fetuses with normal karyotype and single system anomaly or nonspecific sonographic findings

Hui ASY, Chau MHK, Chan YM, Cao Y, Kwan AHW, Zhu X, Kwok YKY, Chen Z, Lao TTH, Choy KW, Leung TY

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Feb;100(2):235-243


Uterine CD56+ cell density and euploid miscarriage in women with a history of recurrent miscarriage: A clinical descriptive study

Chen X, Zhang T, Liu Y, Cheung WC, Zhao Y, Wang CC, Laird S, Li TC

Eur J Immunol. 2021 Feb;51(2):487-489


Chromosomal abnormalities and neurological outcomes in fetal cerebral ventriculomegaly: a retrospective cohort analysis

Lok WY, Kong CW, Hui SYA, Shi MM, Choy KW, To WK, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Dec;27(6):428-436


Effectiveness of a childbirth massage programme for labour pain relief in nulliparous pregnant women at term: a randomised controlled trial

Lai CY, Wong MKW, Tong WH, Chu SY, Lau KY, Tan AML, Hui LL, Lao TTH, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Dec;27(6):405-412


Evidence of possible SARS-CoV-2 vertical transmission according to World Health Organization criteria in asymptomatic pregnant women

Sevilla-Montoya R, Hidalgo-Bravo A, Estrada-GutiƒÂ©rrez G, Villavicencio-Carrisoza O, Gonzalez-GarcƒÂ­a LD, Leon-Juarez M, Mora-Vargas CD, Villegas-Mota I, Espino-y-Sosa S, Mateu-Rogell P, Rodriguez-Bosch M, Monroy-MuƒÂ±oz IE, Coronado-Zarco I, Acevedo-Gallegos S, Aguinaga-RƒÂ­os M, Ramirez-Santes VH, Ortiz-Ramirez MA, Valdes-Flores M, Cortes-Bonilla M, MartƒÂ­nez-Portilla R, Poon LC, Cardona-PƒÂ©rez JA, Helguera-Repetto AC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Dec;58(6):900-908


Intermediate- to long-term outcomes of transvaginal mesh for treatment of Asian women with pelvic organ prolapse

Chan SSS, Wan OYW, Choy KW, Cheung RYK

Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Dec;27(6):413-420


Performance of Fetal Medicine Foundation algorithm for first trimester preeclampsia screening in an indigenous south Asian population

Prasad S, Sahota DS, Vanamail P, Sharma A, Arora S, Kaul A

BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Dec 4;21(1):805


Single-molecule sequencing reveals a large population of long cell-free DNA molecules in maternal plasma

Yu SCY, Jiang P, Peng W, Cheng SH, Cheung YTT, Tse OYO, Shang H, Poon LC, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Dec 14;118(50):e2114937118


SVInterpreter: A Comprehensive Topologically Associated Domain-Based Clinical Outcome Prediction Tool for Balanced and Unbalanced Structural Variants

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Adaptive risk prediction system with incremental and transfer learning

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CD147 deficiency is associated with impaired sperm motility/acrosome reaction and offers a therapeutic target for asthenozoospermia

Chen H, Shi X, Li XF, Diao RY, Ma Q, Jin J, Qiu ZL, Li CL, Yu MK, Wang CQ, Li XX, Li FH, Chan DYL, Zhao AZJ, Cai ZM, Sun F, Fok KL

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Effective aspirin treatment of women at risk for preeclampsia delays the metabolic clock of gestation

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Perspectives on administration of COVID-19 vaccine to pregnant and lactating women: a challenge for low- and middle-income countries

Duarte G, Coutinho CM, Rolnik DL, Quintana SM, Rabelo E Silva AC, Poon LC, Costa FDS

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R4 RGS proteins suppress engraftment of human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells by modulating SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling

Chan KYY, Zhang C, Wong YTS, Zhang XB, Wang CC, Ng WH, Fok SP, Tang PMK, Kang W, Feng B, Poon ENY, Lee KY, Lee CK, Chen C, Leung TY, Ng MHL, To KF, Wang H, Lam HS, Ng PC, Yuen PMP, Li K, Leung AWK, Li CK, Leung KT

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Smear detected cervicovaginal melanoma following negative screening— a cautionary tale of rapidly developing malignancy of the lower female genital tract


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The association of chronic endometritis with mid‑trimester loss due to cervical incompetence and the outcome of laparoscopic cervical cerclage

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An In-Silico, In-Vitro and In-Vivo Combined approach to identify NMNATs as potential protein targets of ProEGCG for treatment of endometriosis

Hung SW, Liang B, Gao Y, Zhang R, Tan Z, Zhang T, Chung PWJ, Chan TH, Wang CC

Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 14;12:714790


ASPRE trial: risk factors for development of preterm pre-eclampsia despite aspirin prophylaxis

Shen L, Martinez-Portilla RJ, Rolnik DL, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Oct;58(4):546-552


Association between physical activity participation and perceived social isolation at older ages: Do social participation, age and sex differences matter?

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Combined approach to identify NMNATs as potential protein targets of ProEGCG for treatment of endometriosis

Hung SW, Liang B, Gao Y, Zhang R, Tan Z, Zhang T, Chung PWJ, Chan TH, Wang CC

Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 14;12:714790


Genomic alterations associated with mutational signatures, DNA damage repair and chromatin remodeling pathways in cervical carcinoma

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Incidence of pre-eclampsia and other perinatal complications among pregnant women with congenital heart disease: systematic review and meta-analysis

Martinez-Portilla RJ, Poon LC, Benitez-Quintanilla L, Sotiriadis A, Lopez M, Lip-Sosa DL, Figueras F

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Oct;58(4):519-528


Intrauterine fetal death followed by shoulder dystocia and birth by modified posterior axillary sling method: a case report

Leung TY, Kwan AHW, Hui ASY, Lee JHS.

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Long-Term Survival and Clinicopathological Implications of DNA Mismatch Repair Status in Endometrioid Endometrial Cancers in Hong Kong Chinese Women

Lee JHS, Li JJX, Chow C, Chan RCK, Kwan JSH, Lau TS, To KF, Yim SF, Yeung SY, Kwong J

Biomedicines. 2021 Oct 4;9(10):1385


Novel ratio soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1/Angiotensin-II (sFlt-1/ANG-II) in pregnant women is associated with critical illness in COVID-19

Espino-y-Sosa S, Martinez-Portilla RJ, Torres-Torres J, Mario Solis, Paredes J, Estrada-Gutierrez G, Hernandez-Pacheco AN, Espejel-NuƒÂƒ‚±ez A, Mateu-Rogell P, Juarez-Reyes A, Lopez-Ceh FE, Villafan-Bernal JR, Rojas-Zepeda L, Guzman-Guzman IP, Poon LC

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Obesity increases endometrial cancer risk in Chinese women with postmenopausal bleeding

Liu F, Cheung ECW, Lao TT

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The identification of endometrial immune cell densities and clustering analysis in the mid-luteal phase as predictor for pregnancy outcomes after IVF-ET treatment

Zhao Y, Man GCW, Wang J, Liu Y, Kwong J, Zhang T, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC

J Reprod Immunol. 2021 Oct 5;148:103431


The impact of oral carbohydrate-rich supplement taken two hours before caesarean delivery on maternal and neonatal perioperative outcomes - a randomised clinical trial

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Therapeutic effects of green tea on endometriosis.

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Transperineal ultrasound assessment of fetal head elevation by maneuvers used for managing umbilical cord prolapse

Leung TY, Kwan AHW, Chaemsaithong P, Wong L, Tse WT, Hui ASY, Poon LC.

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Umbilical cord prolapse: revisiting its definition and management

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Bradycardia-to-delivery interval and fetal outcomes in umbilical cord prolapse

Wong L, Tse WT, Lai CY, Hui ASY, Chaemsaithong P, Sahota DS, Poon LC, Leung TY

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Jan;100(1):170-177


Novel genetic variants of PPARγ2 promoter in gestational diabetes mellitus and its molecular regulation in adipogenesis

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Ovarian hormones-autophagy-immunity axis in menstruation and endometriosis.

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Roles of NANOGP8 in cancer metastasis and cancer stem cell invasion during development of castration-resistant prostate cancer

Sui Y, Zhang W, Zhu R, Gao L, Cao T, Chen C, Gong M, Zhu H, Tang T, Yu Bo Yang T

Ann Transl Med. 2021 Jan;9(1):45


Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, placental growth factor and their ratio as a predictor for pre-eclampsia in East Asians

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Standardizing definitions and reporting guidelines for the infertility core outcome set: an international consensus development study

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Fertil Steril. 2021 Jan;115(1):201-212


The endometrial proteomic profile around the time of embryo implantation

Guo X, Li TC, Chen X

Biol Reprod. 2021 Jan 4;104(1):11-26


The predictive value of endometrial thickness in 3117 fresh IVF/ICSI cycles for ectopic pregnancy

Fang T, Chen M, Yu W, Ma T, Su Z, Chan DYL, Zhao M, Zheng Q, Wang W

J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2021 Jan 25;50(8):102072


Auto-immunity and endometriosis: evidence, mechanism and therapeutic potential. In: Immunology of Endometriosis: Pathogenesis and Management (2021)

Zhang T, Li TC, Wang CC.

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A questionnaire survey on patients' willingness to pay with reference to the waiting time of public in-vitro fertilization treatment in Hong Kong

Lai SF, Choi SN, Ho YB, Hung WY, Lam MT, Law TSM, Ng YT, Tam CT, Wan SF, Li RHW, Leung WC, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY

Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021 Mar;258:430-436


Applications of genetic-epigenetic tissue mapping for plasma DNA in prenatal testing, transplantation and oncology

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Autophagy signals orchestrate chemoresistance of gynecological cancers

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Characterization of long non-coding RNA profiles in porcine granulosa cells of healthy and atretic antral follicles: implications for a potential role in apoptosis

Meng L, Zhao K, Tao J, Wang CC, Wu ZF, Zhang SQ, Teerds K

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021 Mar, 22(5), 2677


Development of genome-wide polygenic risk scores for lipid traits and clinical applications for dyslipidemia, subclinical atherosclerosis, and diabetes cardiovascular complications among East Asians.

Tam CHT, Lim CKP, Luk AOY, Ng ACW, Lee HM, Jiang G, Lau ESH, Fan B, Wan R, Kong APS, Tam WH, Ozaki R, Chow EYK, Lee KF, Siu SC, Hui G, Tsang CC, Lau KP, Leung JYY, Tsang MW, Kam G, Lau IT, Li JKY, Yeung VTF, Lau E, Lo S, Fung S, Cheng YL, Chow CC, Hu M, Yu W, Tsui SKW, Huang Y, Lan H, Szeto CC, Tang NLS, Ng MCY, So WY, Tomlinson B, Chan JCN, Ma RCW.

Hong Kong Diabetes Register TRS Study Group; Hong Kong Diabetes Biobank Study Group. Genome Med. 2021 Feb 19;13(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s13073-021-00831-z. PMID: 33608049; PMCID: PMC7893928.


Effectiveness of a childbirth massage programme for labour pain relief in nulliparous pregnant women at term: A Randomised Controlled.

Lai CY, Wong MKW, Tong WH, Chu SY, Lau KY, Tam AML, et al.

Hong Kong Med J. 2021;27(6):405–12



Alqawasmeh OAM, Barratt C

In: Assisted Reproduction Techniques: Challenges and Management Options, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2021, Section Six The ART laboratory, Chapter 77, 492-497


High ovarian GDF-8 levels contribute to elevated estradiol production in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome by stimulating aromatase expression

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Int J Biol Sci. 2021 Jun 11;17(9):2338-2347


Intermediate- to long-term outcomes of transvaginal mesh for treatment of Asian women with pelvic organ prolapse.

Chan SSC, Wan OYK, Choy KW, Cheung RYK.

Hong Kong Med J 2021;27:413-20.


Maternal and neonatal 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and factors influencing their concentrations

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J Endocr Soc. 2021 Nov 24;6(1):bvab170


Prediction of large-for-gestational age infants in relation to hyperglycemia in pregnancy - A comparison of statistical models

Gibbons KS, Chang AMZ, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, McIntyre HD

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Jul 22;178:108975


Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in COVID-19: study protocol for a global registry of women with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and their neonates, understanding natural history to guide treatment and prevention

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BMJ Open. 2021 Jan 29;11(1):e041247


Protopanaxadiol improves endometriosis associated infertility and miscarriage in sex hormones receptors-dependent and independent manners

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The number of previous failed embryo transfer cycles is an independent factor affecting implantation rate in women undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment: A retrospective cohort study

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The significance of low first trimester serum progesterone in ongoing early pregnancies presenting as pregnancies of unknown location

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The Use of Somatex Shunt for Fetal Pleural Effusion: A Cohort of 8 Procedures

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Fetal Diagn Ther. 2021;48(6):440-447


Women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse and levator ani muscle avulsion would significantly benefit from the use of mesh repair surgery.

Wong NK, Cheung RY, Lee LL, Wan OY, Chan SS

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021;57:631-638


Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies

Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY

Placenta Volume 92, Mar 2020, Pages 44-53


A polysaccharide extract from the medicinal plant Maidong inhibits the IKK-NF-κB pathway and IL-1β-induced islet inflammation and increases insulin secretion

Mao DD, Tian XY, Mao D, Hung SW, Wang CC, Lau CBS, Lee HM, Wong CK, Chow E, Xing M, Cao HY, Ma RCW, Chan PKS, Kong APS, Li JJX, Rutter G, Tam WH, Chan JCN

J Biol Chem. 2020 Sep 4;295(36):12573-12587


An Innovative Artificial Intelligence-Based App for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM-AI): Development Study

Shen J, Chen J, Zheng Z, Zheng J, Liu Z, Song J, Wong SY, Wang X, Huang M, Fang PH, Jiang B, Tsang W, He Z, Liu T, Akinwunmi B, Wang CC, Zhang CJP, Huang J, Ming WK

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Evaluation of dietary pattern in early pregnancy using the FIGO Nutrition Checklist compared to a food frequency questionnaire

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Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020 Sep;151 Suppl 1:37-44


Detection and characterization of jagged ends of double-stranded DNA in plasma

Jiang P, Xie T, Ding SC, Zhou Z, Cheng SH, Chan RWY, Lee WS, Peng W, Wong J, Wong VWS, Chan HLY, Chan SL, Poon LCY, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Genome Res. 2020 Aug;30(8):1144-1153


Early transient suppression of immune checkpoint proteins T-cell immunoglobulin mucin-3 and programmed cell death-1 in peripheral blood lymphocytes after blastocyst transfer is associated with successful implantation

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Early transient suppression of immune checkpoint proteins Tim-3 and PD-1 in peripheral blood lymphocytes after blastocyst transfer is associated with successful implantation.

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First-trimester pre-eclampsia biomarker profiles in Asian population: a multicenter cohort study

Chaemsaithong P, Sahota DS, Pooh RK, Zheng M, Ma R, Chaiyasit N, Koide K, Shaw SW, Seshadri S, Choolani M, Panchalee T, Yapan P, Sim WS, Sekizawa A, Hu Y, Shiozaki A, Saito S, Leung TY, Poon LCÂ Â

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Aug;56(2):206-214


First-trimester pre-eclampsia biomarker profiles in Asian population: multicenter cohort study

Chaemsaithong P, Sahota D, Pooh RK, Zheng M, Ma R, Chaiyasit N, Koide K, Shaw SW, Seshadri S, Choolani M, Panchalee T, Yapan P, Sim WS, Sekizawa A, Hu Y, Shiozaki A, Saito S, Leung TY, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Aug;56(2):206-214


ISUOG Practice Guidelines: diagnosis and management of small-for-gestational-age fetus and fetal growth restriction

Lees CC, Stampalija T, Baschat A, da Silva Costa F, Ferrazzi E, Figueras F, Hecher K, Kingdom J, Poon LC, Salomon LJ, Unterscheider J

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Aug;56(2):298-312


Long-Molecule Sequencing: A New Approach for Identification of Clinically Significant DNA Variants in α-Thalassemia and β-Thalassemia Carriers

Xu L, Mao A, Liu H, Gui B, Choy KW, Huang H, Yu Q, Zhang X, Chen M, Lin N, Chen L, Han J, Wang Y, Zhang M, Li X, He D, Lin Y, Zhang J, Cram DS

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Paclitaxel Induces Immunogenic Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer via TLR4/IKK2/SNARE-Dependent Exocytosis

Lau TS, Chan LKY, Man GCW, Wong ECH, Lee JHS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Iain M, Kwong J

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The endometrial proteomic profile around the time of embryo implantation

Guo X, Li TC, Chen X

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The Pregnancy Outcome of Mosaic Embryo Transfer: A Prospective Multicenter Study and Meta-Analysis

Zhang YX, Chen JJ, Nabu S, Yeung QSY, Li Y, Tan JH, Suksalak W, Chanchamroen S, Quangkananurug W, Wong PS, Chung JPW, Choy KW

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Characteristics of circular RNA expression profiles of porcine granulosa cells in healthy and atretic antral follicles

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Effect of race on longitudinal central hemodynamics in pregnancy

Ling HZ, Garcia Jara P, Bisquera A, Poon LC, Nicolaides K, Kametas NA

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jul;56(1):37-43


Effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on maternal, perinatal and neonatal outcomes: a systematic review

Juan J, Gil MM, Rong Z, Zhang Y, Yang H, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jul;56(1):15-27


Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis using the "ploughing technique"

Huang X, Li TC, Enlan X

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Maternal cardiac function in women at high risk for pre-eclampsia treated with 150 mg aspirin or placebo: an observational study

Ling HZ, Jara PG, Bisquera A, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH, Kametas NA

BJOG. 2020 Jul;127(8):1018-1025


Perioperative prophylactic internal iliac artery balloon occlusion in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in placenta previa: a randomized controlled trial

Yu SCH, Cheng YKY, Tse WT, Sahota DS, Chung MY, Wong SSM, Chan OK, Leung TY

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jul;223(1):117.e1-117.e13


Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic - a web-based cross-sectional survey

Kajdy A, Feduniw S, Ajdacka U, Modzelewski J, Baranowska B, Sys D, Pokropek A, Pawlicka P, Kazmierczak M, Rabijewski M, Jasiak H, Lewandowska R, Borowski D, Kwiatkowski S, Poon LC

Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Jul 24;99(30):e21279


Testing for gestational diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. An evaluation of proposed protocols for the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia

McIntyre HD, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Sacks DA, Lowe J, Madsen LR, Catalano PM

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Jul 30;167:108353


The utility of genome-wide cell-free DNA screening in the prenatal diagnosis of Pallister-Killian syndrome

Chau MHK, Lam YKD, Zhu X, Kwok YKY, Ting YH, Chan WP, Shi M, Cheung WH, Lau TK, Ville Y, Leung TY, Choy KW

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TILT: Time-Lapse Imaging Trial-a pragmatic, multi-centre, three-arm randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness and safety of time-lapse imaging in in vitro fertilisation treatment

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Time-Lapse Imaging Trial: A pragmatic, multi-centre, three-arm randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness and safety of time-lapse imaging in in-vitro fertilisation treatment

Bhide P, Srikantharajah A, Lanz D, Dodds J, Collins B, Zamora J, Chan DYL, Thangaratinam S, Khan KS

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Association between chronic endometritis and uterine natural killer (uNK) cells density in women with recurrent miscarriage: clinical implications

Chen X, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Cheung WC, Zhang T, Qi R, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Li TC

J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2020 Jun;46(6):858-863


Awareness of fertility preservation among Chinese medical students

Ng EYL, Ip JKH, Mak DR, Chan AYW, Chung JPW

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Jun;26(3):184-191


Embryo migration following ART documented by 2D/3D ultrasound

Saravelos SH, Balfoussia DT, Kong GWS, Chung JPW, Mak JSM, Chung CHS, Cheung LP, Li TC

Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2020 Jun; 12(2): 143-148


Global interim guidance on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during pregnancy and puerperium from FIGO and allied partners: Information for healthcare professionals

Poon LC, Yang H, Kapur A, Melamed N, Dao B, Divakar H, David McIntyre H, Kihara AB, Ayres-de-Campos D, Ferrazzi EM, Carlo Di Renzo G, Hod M

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2020 Jun;149(3):273-286


Intrauterine vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2: what we know so far

Wang C, Zhou YH, Yang HX, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):724-725


Intrauterine vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2: what we know so far (opinion)

Wang C, Zhou YH, Yang HX, Poon LCƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):724-725


ISUOG Consensus Statement on organization of routine and specialist obstetric ultrasound services in context of COVID-19

Abu-Rustum RS, Akolekar R, Sotiriadis A, Salomon LJ, Da Silva Costa F, Wu Q, Frusca T, Bilardo CM, Prefumo F, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):863-870


ISUOG Consensus Statement on organization of routine and specialist obstetric ultrasound services in context of COVID-19. (opinion)

Abu-Rustum RS, Akolekar R, Sotiriadis A, Salomon LJ, Da Silva Costa F, Wu Q, Frusca T, Bilardo CM, Prefumo F, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):863-870


ISUOG Interim Guidance on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals - an update

Poon LC, Yang H, Dumont S, Lee JCS, Copel JA, Danneels L, Wright A, Costa FD, Leung TY, Zhang Y, Chen D, Prefumo F

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):848-862


ISUOG Interim Guidance on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals - an update (INTERIM GUIDANCE)

Poon LC, Yang H, Dumont S, Lee JCS, Copel JA, Danneels L, Wright A, Costa FD, Leung TY, Zhang Y, Chen D, Prefumo F

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):848-862


ISUOG Safety Committee Position Statement on use of personal protective equipment and hazard mitigation in relation to SARS-CoV-2 for practitioners undertaking obstetric and gynecological ultrasound

Abramowicz JS, Basseal JM, Brezinka C, Dall'Asta A, Deng J, Harrison G, Lee JCS, Lim A, Maršal K, Miloro P, Poon LC, Salvesen KÅ, Sande R, Ter Haar G, Westerway SC, Xie MX, Lees C

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):886-891


Long Noncoding RNA SAM Promotes Myoblast Proliferation Through Stabilizing Sugt1 and Facilitating Kinetochore Assembly

Li Y, Jie Yuan J, Chen F, Zhang S, Zhao Y, Chen X, Lu L, Zhou L, Chu CY, Sun H, Wang H

Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 1;11(1):2725


MicroRNA-19a-PTEN axis is involved in the developmental decline of axon regenerative capacity in retinal ganglion cells

Mak HK, Yung JSY, Weinreb RN, Ng SH, Cao X, Ho TYC, Ng TK, Chu WK, Yung WH, Choy KW, Wang CC, Lee TL, Leung CKS

Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Jun 1;21:251-263


Placental microRNA dataset of monochorionic twin pregnancies with and without selective fetal growth restriction

Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY

Data in Brief , Volume 30, Jun 2020, 105403, 5 pages


Preservation of fertility in premenopausal patients with breast cancer

Wang SSY, Loong H, Chung JPW, Yeo W

Hong Kong Med J 2020 Jun;26(3):216-26


Selective growth of mosaic cells in chromosomal analysis of chorionic villi by conventional karyotyping

Zhang Y, Lei Q, Liu J, Lin M, Luo L, Li TC, Wang Q, Zhou C

Mol Cell Probes. 2020 Jun;51:101532


Trichoblastic Carcinosarcoma Arising From the Vagina: A Case Report With Comprehensive Immunophenotypic Analysis

Li JJX, Ng JKM, Choi PCL, Lee JHS, Yu MY

Int J Surg Pathol. 2020 Jun;28(4):440-446


Why we should not stop giving aspirin to pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic

Kwiatkowski S, Borowski D, Kajdy A, Poon LC, Rokita W, Wielgos M

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):841-843


Why we should not stop giving aspirin to pregnantwomen during the COVID-19 pandemic (Letters to editor)

Kwiatkowski S, Borowski D, Kajdy A, Poon LC, Rokita W, Wielgos Mƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jun;55(6):841-843


ASPM-Lexical tone association in speakers of a tone language: Direct evidence for the genetic-biasing hypothesis of language evolution

Wong PCM, Kang X, Wong KHY, So HC, Choy KW, Geng X

Sci Adv. 2020 May; 6(22): eaba5090


Does low-dose aspirin initiated before 11 weeks’ gestation reduce the rate of preeclampsia?

Chaemsaithong P, Cuenca-Gomez D, Plana MN, Gil MM, Poon LC

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May;222(5):437-450


Evidence from three cohort studies on the expression of MUC16 around the time of implantation suggests it is an inhibitor of implantation

Liu L, Wang Y, Chen X, Tian Y, Li TC, Zhao L, Chen Q, Wei M, Zhang S

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 May;37(5):1105-1115


ISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals

Poon LC, Yang H, Lee JCS, Copel JA, Leung TY, Zhang Y, Chen D, Prefumo F

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May;55(5):700-708


ISUOG Safety Committee Position Statement: safe performance of obstetric and gynecological scans and equipment cleaning in the context of COVID-19

Poon LC, Abramowicz JS, Dall'Asta A, Sande R, Ter Haar G, Maršal K, Brezinka C, Miloro P, Basseal J, Westerway SC, Abu-Rustum RS, Lees C

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May,55(5):709-712


Plasma DNA end motif profiling as a fragmentomic marker in cancer, pregnancy and Transplantation

Jiang P, Sun K, Peng W, Cheng SH, Ni M, Yeung PC, Heung MMS, Xie T, Shang H, Zhou Z, Chan RWY, Wong J, Wong VWS, Poon LC, Leung TY, Lam WKJ, Chan JYK, Chan HLY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Cancer Discov. 2020 May;10(5):664-673


Prevalence and impact of hepatitis B virus infection in ovarian cancer patients in an endemic area—A retrospective cohort study

Wong L, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lao TT

J Viral Hepat. 2020 May;27(5):520-525


The role of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in regulating endometrial neovascularization during the peri-implantation period: Literature review and preliminary data

Qi R, Li TC, Chen X

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5mC profiling characterized TET2 as an anti-adipogenic demethylase

Hou Y, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Gao T, Liu X, Tang T, Du Q

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnant women: A report based on 116 cases

Yan J, Guo J, Fan C, Juan J, Yu X, Li J, Feng L, Li C, Chen H, Qiao Y, Lei D, Wang C, Xiong G, Xiao F, He W, Pang Q, Hu X, Wang S, Chen D, Zhang Y, Poon LC, Yang H

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Apr 23;223(1):111.e1-111.e14


Development of Gestational Age-Specific Thyroid Function Test Reference Intervals in Four Analytic Platforms Through Multilevel Modeling

Yuen LY, Chan HMM, Sahota DS, Lit LCW, Ho CS, Ma RCW, Tam WH

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Durations of Intrauterine Balloon therapy and Adhesion Reformation After Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Yang X, Liu Y, Li TC, Xia E, Xiao Y, Zhou F, Song D, Zhou Q

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External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic

Wan OYK, Chan SSC, Chung JPW, Kwok JWK, Lao TT, Sahota DS

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Apr;26(2):102-110


Fertility Preservation in Hong Kong Chinese Society: Awareness, Knowledge and Acceptance

Yeung SY, Ng EYL, Lao TTH, Li TC, Chung JPW

BMC Womens Health. 2020 Apr 29;20(1):86


Novel coronavirus infection and pregnancy

Yang H, Wang C, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Apr;55(4):435-437


Prevalence and heritability of handedness in a Hong Kong Chinese twin and singleton sample

Zheng M, McBride C, Ho CS, Chan JK, Choy KW, Paracchini S

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Sequencing data of cell-free DNA fragments in living-related liver transplantation for inborn errors of metabolism

Zhu X, Ng HI, Xuan L, Long Y, Mao Y, Shi Y, Sun L, Liang B, Scaglia F, Zhu Z, Choy KW

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Therapeutic compression materials and wound dressings for chronic venous insufficiency: A comprehensive review

Wu X, Liu R, Lao TT

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Expected-value bias: is it time to remove features from ultrasound machines?

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Influence of the Period of Abstinence on Semen Quality in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Waters THB, Chan CPS, Li TC, Chan DYL

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Low-pass genome sequencing versus chromosomal microarray analysis: implementation in prenatal diagnosis

Wang H, Dong Z, Zhang R, Chau MHK, Yang Z, Tsang K, Wong HK, Gui B, Meng Z, Xiao K, Zhu X, Wang Y, Chen S, Leung TY, Cheung SW, Kwok YK, Morton CC, Zhu Y, Choy KW

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Multigene human artificial chromosome vector delivery with herpes simplex virus 1 amplicons

Chan DYL, Moralli D, Wheatley L, Jankowska JD, Monaco ZL

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Pregnancy outcome after intrauterine adhesiolysis

Xia EL, Huang XW, Li TC

Ann Transl Med. 2020 Mar;8(5):154


Recent Advances in the Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Chromosomal Abnormalities Using Maternal Plasma DNA

Lau TK, Zhu X, Kwok YKY, Leung TY, Choy KW

Journal of Fetal Medicine, 2020 Mar;7(1):17-23


Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR-199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies

Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY

Placenta Volume 92, March 2020, Pages 44-53


Developing a quality assurance program for transvaginal cervical length measurement at 18-21 weeks’ gestation

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Insulin-like growth factor-II overexpression accelerates parthenogenetic stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes and improves cardiac function after acute myocardial infarction in mice

Sui Y, Zhang W, Tang T, Gao L, Cao T, Zhu H, You Q, Yu B, Yang T

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Ovarian HBV replication following ovulation induction in female hepatitis B carriers undergoing IVF treatment: A prospective observational study

Mak JSM, Lao TT, Leung MBW, Chung CHS, Chung JPW, Cheung LP, Li TC

J Viral Hepat. 2020 Feb;27(2):110-117


Specifcity profling of CRISPR system reveals greatly enhanced of-target gene editing

Wang Y, Wang M, Zheng T, Hou Y, Zhang P, Tang T, Wei J, Du Q

Sci Rep. 2020 Feb 10;10(1):2269


2020 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on investigations of premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding

Lee JHS, Cheng EOL, Choi KM, Ngu SF, Cheung RYK

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Dec;26(6):520-525


Clinical Significance of Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening for Trisomy 7: Cohort Study and Literature Review

Zhu X, Lam DYM, Chau MHK, Xue S, Dai P, Zhao G, Cao Y, Cheung SWH, Kwok YKY, Choy KW, Kong X, Leung TY

Genes (Basel). 2020 Dec 24;12(1):E11


Cross-border reproductive care use by women with infertility in Hong Kong: cross-sectional survey

Ng DYT, Lui EMW, Lai SF, Law TSM, Wong GCY, Ng EHY

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Dec;26(6):492-499


Developing a core outcome set for future infertility research: an international consensus development study

Duffy JMN, AlAhwany H, Bhattacharya S, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Giudice LC, Khalaf Y, Knijnenburg JML, Leeners B, Legro RS, Lensen S, Vazquez-Niebla JC, Mavrelos D, Mol BWJ, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Otter AS, Puscasiu L, Rautakallio-Hokkanen S, Repping S, Sarris I, Simpson JL, Strandell A, Strawbridge C, Torrance HL, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe MA, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative (Wang CC is one member of COMMIT)

Hum Reprod. 2020 Dec 1;35(12):2725-2734


Laparoscopic metroplasty for bicorporeal uterus: surgical techniques and outcomes

Zhou QY, Saravelos S, Huang XW, Ma N, Li T, Xia EL

Chin Med J (Engl). 2020 Dec 14;134(9):1107-110


SARS-CoV-2 and Assisted Reproductive Technology Practice: An Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE) Position Paper

Wiweko B, Ho Tuong M, Li R, Li TC, Tzeng C, Kovacs G, Tanaka A, Lee JR, Pai H, Khan H

Fertility & Reproduction 2020 Dec ;2(4):115-143


Standardizing definitions and reporting guidelines for the infertility core outcome set: an international consensus development study

Duffy JMN, Bhattacharya S, Bhattacharya S, Bofill M, Collura B, Curtis C, Evers JLH, Giudice LC, Farquharson RG, Franik S, Hickey M, Hull ML, Jordan V, Khalaf Y, Legro RS, Lensen S, Mavrelos D, Mol BW, Niederberger C, Ng EHY, Puscasiu L, Repping S, Sarris I, Showell M, Strandell A, Vail A, van Wely M, Vercoe M, Vuong NL, Wang AY, Wang R, Wilkinson J, Youssef MA, Farquhar CM, Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative, (Wang CC is a member of COMMIT)

Hum Reprod. 2020 Dec 1;35(12):2735-2745


Three-dimensional versus two-dimensional ultrasound-guided embryo transfer: a randomised control study (abridged secondary publication)

Li TC, Saravelos S, Kong WS

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Dec;26 Suppl 6(6):26-29


Transcriptome analysis of porcine granulosa cells in healthy and atretic follicles: role of steroidogenesis and oxidative stress

Meng L, Wu Z, Tao J, Zhao K, Tam C, Zhang S, Wang CC, Katja T

Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Dec 28;10(1):E22


Whole-transcriptome analysis of maternal blood for identification of RNA markers for predicting spontaneous preterm birth among preterm labour women: abridged secondary publication

Chim SSC, Chan TF, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Dec;26 Suppl 6(6):20-23


A one-stop perineal clinic: our eleven-year experience

Wan OYK, Taithongchai A, Veiga SI, Sultan AH, Thakar R

Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Nov;31(11):2317-2326


Autism-associated PTEN Missense Mutation Leads to Enhanced Nuclear Localization and Neurite Outgrowth in an Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Line

Wong CW, Wang Y, Liu T, Li L, Cheung SKK, Or PM, Cheng AS, Choy KW, Burbach JPH, Feng B, Chan RCC, Chan AM

FEBS J. 2020 Nov;287(22):4848-4861


Characterization of miR-200 family members as blood biomarkers for human and laying hen ovarian cancer

Choi PW, Bahrampour A, Ng SK, Liu SK, Qiu W, Xie F, Kuo WP, Kwong J, Hales KH, Hales DB, Wong KK, Norwitz ER, Chow CK, Berkowitz RS, Ng SW

Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 18;10(1):20071


Impact of Maternal Gestational diabetes on neonatal outcome of late preterm infants

Fung GPG, Lao TTH

Clin Pediatr.2020 Nov 05; 3(1):1023


Low-level parental somatic mosaic SNVs in exomes from a large cohort of trios with diverse suspected Mendelian conditions

Gambin T, Liu Q, Karolak JA, Grochowski CM, Xie NG, Wu LR, Yan YH, Cao Y, Coban Akdemir ZH, Wilson TA, Jhangiani SN, Chen E, Eng CM, Muzny D, Posey JE, Yang Y, Zhang DY, Shaw C, Liu P, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P

Genet Med. 2020 Nov;22(11):1768-1776


Low-pass genome sequencing: a validated method in clinical cytogenetics

Chau MHK, Wang H, Lai Y, Zhang Y, Xu F, Tang Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Leung TY, Chung JPW, Kwok YK, Chong SC, Choy KW, Zhu Y, Xiong L, Wei W, Dong Z

Hum Genet. 2020 Nov;139(11):1403-1415


Monochorionic twins with selective fetal growth restriction: insight from placental whole-transcriptome analysis

LI W, Chung CYL, Wang CC, Chan TF, Leung MBW, Chan OK, Wu L, APPIAH K, Chaemsaithong P, Cheng YKY, Poon LCY, Leung TY

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Nov;223(5):749.e1-749.e16


Review of available national guidelines for obstetric anal sphincter injury

Roper JC, Amber N, Wan OYK, Sultan AH, Thakar R

Int Urogynecol J. 2020 Nov;31(11):2247-2259


Septate uterus and reproductive outcomes: let's get serious about this

Alonso Pacheco L, Ata B, Bettocchi S, Campo R, Carugno J, Checa MA, de Angelis C, Di Spiezio Sardo A, Donnez J, Farrugia M, Ferro J, Franchini M, Garzon S, Gianaroli L, Gergolet M, Gubbini G, Gordts S, Grimbizis G, Haimovich S, Laganà AS, Li TC, Mencaglia L, Rienzi L, Saravelos S, Soares SR, Tanos V, Ubeda A, Ubaldi FM, Van Herendael B, Vereczkey A, Vitagliano A, Vitale SG, Zullo F

Hum Reprod. 2020 Nov 1;35(11):2627-2629


Shear-wave sonoelastographic assessment of cervix in pregnancy

Duan H, Chaemsaithong P, Ju X, Ho SYS, Sun Q, Tai Y, Leung TY, Poon LC

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020 Nov;99(11):1458-1468


Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals that CD9 Is a Negative Marker of Glucose-Responsive Pancreatic β-like Cells Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Li X, Yang KY, Chan VW, Leung KT, Zhang X, Wong AS, Chong CCN, Wang CC, Ku M, Lui KO

Stem Cell Reports. 2020 Nov;15:1111-1126


Assisted reproduction in hepatitis carrier couples

Mak JSM, Lao TT

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Oct;68:103-108


Development of the Birthweight Appropriateness Quotient: A New Measure of Infant's Size

Gibbons KS, McIntyre HD, Mamun A, Chang AMZ

Matern Child Health J. 2020 Oct;24(10):1202-1211


Does Low-Dose Aspirin Initiated Before 11 Weeks' Gestation Reduce the Rate of Preeclampsia? (COMMENT)

Chaemsaithong P, Cuenca-Gomez D, Plana MN, Gil MM, Poon LC

Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. 2020 Oct ;75(10):581-582


Drug-induced liver injury in pregnancy

Lao TT

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Oct;68:32-43


Feasibility, Reliability and Agreement of Transperineal Ultrasound Measurement: Results from a Longitudinal Cohort Study

Kwan AHW, Chaemsaithong P, Tse WT, Appiah K, Chong KC, Leung TY, Poon LC

Fetal Diagn Ther 2020 Oct;47(10):721-730


Hepatitis B - chronic carrier status and pregnancy outcomes: An obstetric perspective

Lao TT

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Oct;68:66-77


Implications of abnormal liver function in pregnancy and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Lao TT

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Oct;68:2-11


Noninvasive prenatal sequencing for multiple Mendelian monogenic disorders among fetuses with skeletal dysplasia or increased nuchal translucency

Yan H, Zhu X, Chen J, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chen Z, Leung TY, Chen M, Choy KW

Prenat Diagn. 2020 Oct;40(11):1459-1465


Reproducibility and Relative Validity of a Short Food Frequency Questionnaire for Chinese Pregnant Women in Hong Kong

Lo K, Li L, Leung J, Tam WH, Chan R

Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2020 Oct; 8(3):1146 (2020)


The use of multiplex staining to measure the density and clustering of four endometrial immune cells around the implantation period in women with recurrent miscarriage: comparison with fertile controls

Zhao Y, Chen X, Zhang T, Chan LKY, Liu Y, Chung JP, Kwong J, Li TC

J Mol Histol. 2020 Oct;51(5):593-603


Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis

Man GCW, Wang J, Song Y, Wong JH, Zhao Y, Lau TS, Leung KT, Chan TH, Wang H, Kwong J, Ng TB, Wang CC

BMC Cancer. 2020 Oct 6;20(1):964


Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis via ERK/JNK and Akt signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer

Man GCW, Wang J, Song Y, Wong JH, Zhao Y, Lau TS, Leung KT, Chan TH, Wang H, Kwong J, Ng TB, Wang CC

BMC Cancer. 2020 Oct 6;20(1):964


Treatment of patients with Mayer-Rokitansky- Küster-Hauser syndrome in a tertiary hospital

Ng K, Ip PNP, Yiu KW, Chung JPW, Chan SSC

Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Oct;26(5):397-403


Bi-allelic Mutations in NADSYN1 Cause Multiple Organ Defects and Expand the Genotypic Spectrum of Congenital NAD Deficiency Disorders

Szot JO, Campagnolo C, Cao Y, Iyer KR, Cuny H, Drysdale T, Flores-Daboub JA, Bi W, Westerfield L, Liu P, Leung TN, Choy KW, Chapman G, Xiao R, Siu VM, Dunwoodie SL

Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Jan 2;106(1):129-136


Effects of high progesterone in in-vitro fertilization cycle on DNA methylation and gene expression of adhesion molecules on endometrium during implantation window

Xiong Y, Hu L, Zhang T, Wang M, Xu H, Li TC, Sun Y, Wang CC

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Jan;37(1):33-43


From first trimester screening to risk stratification of evolving preeclampsia in the second and third trimester of pregnancy - A comprehensive approach

Poon LC, Galindo A, Surbek D, Chantraine F, Stepan H, Hyett J, Tan KH, Verlohren S

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;55(1):5-12


Identification and characterization of extrachromosomal circular DNA in maternal plasma

Sin STK, Jiang P, Deng J, Ji L, Cheng SH, Dutta A, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

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Long-term maternal cardiometabolic outcomes 22 years after gestational diabetes mellitus

Tutino GE, Tam CHT, Ozaki R, Yuen LY, So WY, Chan MHM, Ko GTC, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Tam WH, Ma RCW

J Diabetes Investig. 2020 Jan 8;11(4):985-993


The predictive value of cervical shear wave elastography in the outcome of labor induction

Lu J, Cheng YKY, Ho SYS, Sahota DS, Hui LL, Poon LC, Leung TY

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020 Jan;99(1):59-68


Transplantation of Human Adipose Stem Cells Using Acellular Human Amniotic Membrane Improves Angiogenesis in Injured Endometrial Tissue in a Rat Intrauterine Adhesion Model.

Han X, Ma Y, Lu X, Li W, Xia E, Li TC, Zhang H, Huang X

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Additional benefits of three-dimensional ultrasound for prenatal assessment of twins

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Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 48(2), 102-114


Chinese Herbal Medicine and Its Application for Female Cancer

Wang R, Sun Q, Lin Y, Wang L, Liu Y, Wang CC, Li L

In: Medicinal Plants - Use in Prevention and Treatment of Diseases, IntechOpen, 2020 Chapter 11, pp. 175-180


Do variations in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in pregnancy predict differences in obstetric and neonatal outcomes?

Madsen LR, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, McIntyre HD.

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Influence onto the Immatures: Melamine from Mothers to Babies .

Chu CY, Wang CC

In: An introduction to melamine, Nova Science Publishers, 2020 Chapter 2, pp 39-75


Reproducibility and Relative Validity of a Short Food Frequency Questionnaire for Chinese Pregnant Women in Hong Kong.

Lo K, Li L, Leung J, Tam WH and Chan R.

Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2020; 8(3): 1146.


Risk factors for anxiety and depression among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic A web-based cross-sectional survey

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Role of maternal glucose metabolism in the association between maternal BMI and neonatal size and adiposity.

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The effect of race on longitudinal maternal central hemodynamics

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Trichoblastic Carcinosarcoma Arising From the Vagina: A Case Report With Comprehensive Immunophenotypic Analysis.

Li J.J.X., Ng J.K.M., Choi P.C.L., Lee J.H.S., Yu M.

International Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2020 Jun;28(4), 440-446.


A cohort study comparing 4 mg and 10 mg daily doses of postoperative oestadiol therapy to prevent adhesion reformation after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis.

Liu L, Huang X, Xia E, Zhang X, Li TC, Liu Y.

Hum Fetil ( Camb) 2019 Sep;22(3):191-197.


A comparison of uterine natural killer (uNK) cells density in the peri-implantation period between natural cycles and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cycles

Yang WJ, Chen X, Zhao Y, Cheung WC, Hsiao SY, Liu Y, Law TSM, Chung JPW, Li TC

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2019 Sep;82(3):e13156 (5 pages)


A Robust Polymerase Chain Reaction-based Assay for Quantifying Cytosine-guanine-guanine Trinucleotide Repeats in Fragile X Mental Retardation-1 Gene

Wang H, Zhu X, Gui B, Cheung WC, Shi M, Yang Z, Kwok YKY, Lim R, Pietilä S, Zhu Y, Choy KW

J Vis Exp. 2019 Sep 16;(151):e59963 (8 pages)


Erratum to "The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) initiative on pre-eclampsia: A pragmatic guide for first-trimester screening and prevention"

Poon LC, Shennan A, Hyett JA, Kapur A, Hadar E, Divakar H, McAuliffe F, da Silva Costa F, von Dadelszen P, McIntyre HD, Kihara AB, Di Renzo GC, Romero R, D'Alton M, Berghella V, Nicolaides KH, Hod M

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2019 Sep;146(3):390-391


FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Postpregnancy Initiative: Long-term maternal implications of pregnancy complications-follow-up considerations.

Sheiner E, Kapur A, Retnakaran R, Hadar E, Poon LC, Mclntyre HD, Divakar H, Staff AC, Narula J, Kihara AB, Hod M.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2019 Sep;147:1-31


Impact of Haemostatic Sealant versus Electrocoagulation on Ovarian Reserve After Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy of Ovarian Endometriomas: a Randomised Controlled Trial

Chung JPW, Law TSM, Chung CHS, Mak JSM, Sahota DS, Li TC

BJOG. 2019 Sep;126(10):1267-1275


Prevention of postoperative adhesion reformation by intermittent intrauterine balloon therapy: a randomized controlled trial.

Shi X, Saravelos SH, Zhou Q, Huang X, Xia E, Li TC.

BJOG. 2019 Sep;126(10):1259-1266.


Reproductive,obstetric,and perinatal outcomes of women with adenomyosis and endometriosis:a systematic review and meta-analysis

Horton J, Sterrenburg M, Lane S, Maheshwari A, Li TC, Cheong Y

Hum Reprod Update. 2019 Sep 11;25(5):593-633


Risk for Cesarean section in women of advanced maternal age under the changed reproductive policy in China: A cohort study in a tertiary hospital in southwestern China.

Xie M, Lao TT, Du M, Sun Q, Qu Z, Ma J, Song X, Wang M, Xu D, Ma R.

J Obstet Gynarcol 2019 Sep;45(9):1866-1875


The high-risk HPV oncogene E7 upregulates miR-182 expression through the TGF-β/Smad pathway in cervical cancer

Chen J, Deng Y, Ao L, Song Y, Xu Y, Wang CC, Choy KW, Chung TKH, Du Q, Sui Y, Yang T, Yang J, Li H, Zou C, Tang T

Cancer Lett. 2019 Sep 24;460:75-85


Topologic analysis of plasma mitochondrial DNA reveals the coexistence of both linear and circular molecules.

Ma ML, Zhang H, Jiang P, Sin STK, Lam WKJ, Cheng SH, Lee WS, Gai W, Tse OYO, Peng W, Wong J, Raghupathy R, Wong RSM, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD.

Clin Chem 2019 Sep;65(9):1161-1170


A double-blinded, randomized placebo-controlled trial on the effect of traditional Chinese medicine formula Wuzi Yanzong pill on improving semen qualities in men with suboptimal parameters

Zhao M, Chan CPS, Cheung CWC, Alqawasmeh O, Wang RCC, Wu JCY, Lin ZX, Li TC, Chung JPW, Mak JSM, Law TSM, Chan DYL

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A prospective study of non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (NiPGT-A) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) on spent culture media (SCM)

Yeung QSY, Zhang YX, Chung JPW, Lui WT, Kwok YKY, Gui B, Kong GWS, Cao Y, Li TC, Choy KW

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Aug;36(8):1609-1621


Cervical cerclage in twin pregnancy

Huang X, Saravelos SH, Li TC, Huang R, Xu R, Zhou Q, Ma N, Xia E

Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019 Aug; Volume 59:89-97


Development of Coupling Controlled Polymerizations by Adapter-ligation in Mate-pair Sequencing for Detection of Various Genomic Variants in One Single Assay

Dong Z, Zhao X, Li Q, Yang Z, Xi Y, Alexeev A, Shen H, Wang O, Ruan J, Ren H, Wei H, Qi X, Li J, Zhu X, Zhang Y, Dai P, Kong X, Kirkconnell K, Alferov O, Giles S, Yamtich J, Kermani B, Dong C, Liu P, Mi Z, Zhang W, Xu X, Drmanac R, Choy KW, Jiang Y

DNA Res. 2019 Aug 1;26(4):313-325


EDNRB isoform 3 confers Temozolomide resistance in A375 melanoma cells by modulating membrane potential, reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial Ca2+

Chen YS, Liu F, Luo YH, Fan Y, Xu FG, Li P, Zhou B, Pan XY, Wang CC, Cui L

Cancer Manag Res. 2019 Aug;11:7353—7367


Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal Medicine on ovarian cancer after reduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Wang RY, Wang F, Liu Y, Li X, Chen TH, Wu XK, Zhou MY, Zhang SZ, Xiao Y, Huang WJ, Wang CC, Li L

Frontiers in Oncology 2019 Aug;9:730 (11 pages)


Embryo transfer techniques

Saravelos S, Li TC

Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019 Aug; Volume 59:77-88


Genetic variants in promoter regions associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a large-scale meta-analysis and subgroup analysis

Wu L, Wang CC

J cell Biochem 2019 Aug;120(8):13012-13025


Increased Sylvian fissure angle as early sonographic sign of malformation of cortical development

Pooh RK, Machida M, Nakamura T, Uenishi K, Chiyo H, Itoh K, Yoshimatsu J, Ueda H, Ogo K, Chaemsaithong P, Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Aug;54(2):199-206


Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetuses with Increased Nuchal Translucency by Genome Sequencing Analysis

Choy KW, Wang H, Shi M, Chen J, Yang Z, Zhang R, Yan H, Wang Y, Chen S, Chau MHK, Cao Y, Chan OYM, Kwok YKY, Zhu Y, Chen M, Leung TY, Dong Z

Front Genet. 2019 Aug; volume 10:761 (14 pages)


Prenatal diagnosis of pathogenic genomic imbalance in fetuses with increased nuchal translucency but normal karyotyping using chromosomal microarray

Leung TY, Au Yeung KC, Leung WC, Leung KY, Lo TK, To WWK, Lau WL, Chan LW, Sahota DS, Choy KW

Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Aug;25 Suppl 5(4):30-32


Presence of Hepatitis B virus DNA in follicular fluid in female Hepatitis B carriers and outcome of IVF/ICSI treatment: A prospective observational study

Mak JSM, Leung MBW, Chung CHS, Chung JPW, Cheung LP, Lao TT, Li TC

Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019 Aug;239:11-15


Reproductive outcomes after surgical treatment of asherman syndrome: A systematic review

Guo EJ, Chung JPW, Poon LC, Li TC

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Aug;59:98-114


Semiconductor Sequencing for Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy

Gui B, Zhang YX, Liang B, Kwok YKY, Lui WT, Yeung QSY, Kong L, Xuan L, Chung JPW, Choy KW

J Vis Exp. 2019 Aug 25;(150):e59273 (9 pages)


Transvaginal three-dimensional assessment of Sylvian fissures at 18-30 weeks’ gestation

Poon LC, Sahota DS, Chaemsaithong P, Nakamura T, Machida M, Naruse K, Wah YMI, Leung TY, Pooh RK

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Aug;54(2):190-198


Inter-manufacturer comparison of automated immunoassays for the measurement of soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 and placental growth factor

Cheng YKY, Poon LC, Shennan A, Leung TY, Sahota DS

Pregnancy Hypertens. 2019 Jul;17:165-171


Maternal hemodynamics in screen-positive and screen-negative women of the ASPRE trial

Ling HZ, Guy GP, Bisquera A, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH, Kametas NA

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jul;54(1):51-57


Body mass index at 11-13 weeks’ gestation and pregnancy complications in a Southern Chinese population: a retrospective cohort study

Chaemsaithong P, Leung TY, Sahota D, Cheng YKY, Leung WC, Lo TK, Poon LCY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Jun;32(12):2056-2068


Chinese herbal medicines for treating gestational diabetes mellitus (REVIEW)

Wang CC, Li L, Liu XK, Tam WH, Li RM

Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2019 Jun; 2019(6);CD013354:1-14


Do specific ultrasonography features identified at the time of early pregnancy loss predict fetal chromosomal abnormality? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Huang J, Zhu W, Tang J, Saravelos SH, Poon LC, Li TC

Genes Dis. 2019 Jun 6(2):129-137


Factors that affect ultrasound-determined labor progress in women undergoing induction of labor

Chaemsaithong P, Kwan AHW, Tse WT, Lim WT, Chan WYW, Chong KC, Leung TY, Poon LC

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jun;220(6):592.e1-592.e15


Parental consanguinity in Hong Kong

Siong KH, Yeung SKCA, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Jun;25(3):192-200


The accuracy of self-screening of group B streptococcus in pregnant women - a randomized crossover study

Seto MTY, Ko JKY, Cheung KW, To KKW, Hui PW, Lao TT, Lee CP

J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2019 Jun;41(6):792-797


Analysis of fragment size distribution of cell-free DNA: A potential non-invasive marker to monitor graft damage in living-related liver transplantation for inborn errors of metabolism

Ng H, Zhu X, Xuan L, Long Y, Mao Y, Shi Y, Sun L, Liang B, Scaglia F, Choy KW, Zhu Z

Mol Genet Metab. 2019 May;127(1):45-50


Birth ball for pregnant women in labour research protocol: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial

Yeung MPS, Tsang KWK, Yip BHK, Tam WH, Ip WY, Hau FWL, Wong MKW, Ng JWY, Liu SH, Chan SSW, Law CK, Wong SYS

BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019 May 6;19(1):153


Determination of leg cross-sectional curvatures and application in pressure prediction for lower body compression garments

Liu R, Liu JD, Lao TT, Ying M, Wu XB

Textile Research Journal 2019 May;89(10): 1835-1852


Liquid biopsy of HPV DNA in cervical cancer

Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Worley MJ Jr, Fiascone SJ, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Wong MCS, Yeung ACM, Wong RRY, Chen ZG, Elias KM, Chung TKH, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF, Chan PKS

J Clin Virol. 2019 May;114:32-36


Maternal height and risk of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy

Lao TT, Hui ASY, Sahota DS, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 May;32(9):1420-1425


Maternal β-HCG concentrations in early IVF pregnancy: association with the embryo development stage of blastocysts

Zhu W, Yeung QSY, Chan DYL, Chi L, Huang J, Wang Q, Chung JPW, Li TC

Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 May;38(5):683-690


Practical Considerations in Providing Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A)

Yeung QSY, Zhang YX, Chung JPW, Kwok YKY, Gui B, Choy KW, Li TC

Fertility and Reproduction, 1(1), May 2019, 1-9


The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) initiative on pre-eclampsia: A pragmatic guide for first-trimester screening and prevention.

Poon LC, Shennan A, Hyett JA, Kapur A, Hadar E, Divakar H, McAuliffe F, Costa FD, von Dadelszen P, McIntyre HD, Kihara AB, Di Renzo GC, Romero R, D'Alton M, Berghella V, Nicolaides KH, Hod M, Hod M

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2019 May;145 Suppl 1:1-33


Clinical outcomes following long GnRHa ovarian stimulation with highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin plus rFSH or rFSH in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer: a multi-center randomized controlled trial

Shu L, Xu Q, Meng Q, Dai X, Zhang Y, Zhou W, Yi H, Liu J, Wu C, Hou Z, Cui Y, Li TC, Liu J

Ann Transl Med Apr 2019;7(7):146


Correlation between hysteroscopy findings and chronic endometritis

Song D, Li TC, Zhang Y, Feng X, Xia E, Huang X, Xiao Y

Fertil Steril. 2019 Apr;111(4):772-779


Impact of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy on obstetrical practice

Chan OYM, Li TC, Poon LC

Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Apr;31(2):127-131


Maternal glucose levels during pregnancy and childhood adiposity in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study

Lowe WL Jr, Lowe LP, Kuang A, Catalano PM, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Tam WH, Sacks DA, McCance D, Linder B, Lebenthal Y, Lawrence JM, Lashley M, Josefson JL, Hamilton J, Deerochanawong C, Clayton P, Brickman WJ, Dyer AR, Scholtens DM, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group

Diabetologia. 2019 Apr;62(4):598-610


Pelvic organ prolapse in Caucasian and Asian women: a comparative study

Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Shek KL, Chung TKH, HP Dietz

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Apr;53(4):541-545


Pre-induction transperineal ultrasound assessment for the prediction of labor outcome

Chan WWY, Chaemsaithong P, Lim WT, Tse WT, Kwan AHW, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Poon LC

Fetal Diagn Ther. 2019 Apr;45(4):256-267


Publisher Correction: Non-invasive prenatal sequencing for multiple Mendelian monogenic disorders using circulating cell-free fetal DNA

Zhang J, Li J, Saucier JB, Feng Y, Jiang Y, Sinson J, McCombs AK, Schmitt ES, Peacock S, Chen S, Dai H, Ge X, Wang G, Shaw CA, Mei H, Breman A, Xia F, Yang Y, Purgason A, Pourpak A, Chen Z, Wang X, Wang Y, Kulkarni S, Choy KW, Wapner RJ, Van den Veyver IB, Beaudet A, Parmar S, Wong LJ, Eng CM

Nat Med. 2019 Apr;25(4):701-702


Endometrial vascularization characterized by Optical Coherence Tomography and immunohistochemistry in women undergoing in vitro fertilization- embryo transfer treatment

Law SM, Cheung CWC, Wu F, Zhang R, Chung JPW, Wang CC, Chen X, Li TC

Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Mar 27;55(4), 1-12


Good clinical practice advice: First trimester screening and prevention of pre- eclampsia in singleton pregnancy FIGO Working Group on Good Clinical Practice in MaternaFetal Medicine

Poon LC

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2019 Mar;144(3):325-329


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-Up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Glycemia and Childhood Glucose Metabolism

Scholtens DM, Kuang A ,Lowe LP, Hamilton J, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, McCance D, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Linder B, Dyer AR, Lowe WL, Jr Metzger BE

Diabetes Care. 2019 Mar;42(3):381-392


Non-invasive prenatal sequencing for multiple Mendelian monogenic disorders using circulating cell-free fetal DNA

Zhang J, Li J, Saucier JB, Feng Y, Jiang Y, Sinson J, McCombs AK, Schmitt ES, Peacock S, Chen S, Dai H, Ge X, Wang G, Shaw CA, Mei H, Breman A, Xia F, Yang Y, Purgason A, Pourpak A, Chen Z, Wang X, Wang Y, Kulkarni S, Choy KW, Wapner RJ, Van den Veyver IB, Beaudet A, Parmar S, Wong LJ, Eng CM

Nat Med. 2019 Mar;25(3):439-447


Orientation-aware plasma cell-free DNA fragmentation analysis in open chromatin regions informs tissue of origin

Sun K, Jiang P, Cheng SH, Cheng THT, Wong J, Wong VWS, Ng SSM, Ma BBY, Leung TY, Chan SL, Mok TSK, Lai PBS, Chan HLY, Sun H, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Genome Res. 2019 Mar;29(3):418-427


Prospective comparison of obstetric anal sphincter injury incidence between an Asian and Western hospital

Bates LJ, Melon J, Turner R, Chan SSC, Karantaris E

Int Urogynecol J. 2019 Mar;30(3):429-437


Vedolizumab-mediated integrin α4β7 blockade does not control HIV-1SF162 rebound after combination antiretroviral therapy interruption in humanized mice

Ling L, Wu T, To KKW, Cheung KW, Lui KO, Niu M, Lam KS, Wang CC, Li J, Wang H, Yuen KY, Chen Z

AIDS. 33(4):F1-F12, Mar 2019


Comparative analysis of single-cell parallel sequencing approaches in oocyte application

Qian Y, Liao J, Suen AHC, Lee AWT, Chung HS, Tang NLS, Chow KL, Cao Q, Yip YL, Leung TY, Chan WY, Chan DYL, Li TC, Lee TL

Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2019 Feb;107:1-5


Efficacy, feasibility and patient acceptability of ultrasound-guided manual vacuum aspiration for treating early pregnancy loss

Chung JPW, Chung CHS, Mak JSM, Li TC, Kong GWS

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Feb;59(1):71-76


Prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities and 22q11.2 deletion in conotruncal and non-conotruncal antenatally diagnosed congenital heart diseases in a Chinese population

Kong CW, Cheng YKY, To WW, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Feb;25(1):6-12


Quality assessment of uterine artery Doppler measurement in first-trimester combined screening for pre-eclampsia

Rolnik DL, Silva Costa F, Sahota DS, Hyett J, McLennan A

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Feb;53(2):245-250


Clinical utility of noninvasive prenatal screening for pathogenic copy number variants REPLY

Chau MHK, Sahota DS, Choy KW

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Dec;221(6):661-662.


Genome Sequencing Explores Complexity of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Recurrent Miscarriage

Dong Z, Yan J, Xu F, Yuan J, Jiang H, Wang H, Chen H, Zhang L, Ye L, Xu J, Shi Y, Yang Z, Cao Y, Chen L, Li Q, Zhao X, Li J, Chen A, Zhang W, Wong HG, Qin Y, Zhao H, Chen Y, Li P, Ma T, Wang WJ, Kwok YK, Jiang Y, Pursley AN, Chung JPW, Hong Yan, Kristiansen K, Yang H, Piña-Aguilar RE, Leung TY, Cheung SW, Morton CC, Choy KW, Chen ZJ

Am J Hum Genet. 2019 Dec 5;105(6):1102-1111


Localization of MUC1 in different cell populations of luminal epithelium and changes in expression in women with reproductive failure during implantation window

Wu FR, Mao D, Liu Y, Chen XY, Xu H, Li TC, Wang CC

J Mol Histol. 2019 Dec;50(6):563-572


Oxytocin-Augmented and Non-Sedating High-Intensity-Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Uterine Fibroids Showed Promising Outcome As Compared To HIFU Alone or Uterine Artery Embolization.

Yu SC, Cheung EC, Leung VY, Fung LWY.

Ultrasound Med Biol. 2019 Dec;45(12):3207-3213


Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-related Quality of Life Questionnaire: a Chinese translation and validation study

Yeung QSY, Kwok JWK, Law SM, Chung JPW, Chan SSC

Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Dec 4;25(6):453-9


Consensus interpretation of the p.Met34Thr and p.Val37Ilevariants in GJB2 by the ClinGen Hearing Loss Expert Panel

Shen J, Oza AM, Castillo Del, Duzkale H, Matsunaga T, Pandya A, Kang HP, Mar-Heyming R, Guha S, Moyer K, Lo C, Kenna M, Alexander JJ, Zhang Y, Hirsch Y, Luo M, Cao Y, Choy KW, Cheng YF, Avraham KB, Hu X, Garrido G, Moreno-Pelayo MA, Greinwald J, Zhang K, Zeng Y, Brownstein Z, Basel-Salmon L, Davidov B, Frydman M, Weiden T, Nagan N, Willis A, Hemphill SE, Grant AR, Siegert RK, DiStefano MT, Amr SS, Rehm HL, Abou Tayoun AN; ClinGen Hearing Loss Working Group.

Genet Med. 2019 Nov;21(11):2442-2452


Endocrine characteristics, body mass index, and metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Li J, Wu Q, Wang CC, Wang R, Ng EHY, Liu JP, Mol BWJ, Wu XK, Li WT; PCOSAct Study Group

Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Nov;39(5):868-876


Prenatal visualization of paraumbilical veins in fetus with intra-abdominal umbilical vein stricture and intrauterine growth restriction

Chan YM, Law KM, Poon LC, Leung TY

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov;54(5):697-698


Reasons for accepting or declining participation in the ASPRE trial: A qualitative study with women at high-risk of preterm-PE

NikƒÂ„‚eviƒÂ„‚‡ AV, Dodd Z, Prior J, OƒÂ¢‚€‚™Gorman N, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH

Prenat Diagn. 2019 Nov;39(12):1127-1135


The effects of daily meteorological perturbation on pregnancy outcome: Follow-up of a cohort of young women undergoing IVF treatment

Zhao M, Zhang H, Waters THB, Chung JPW, Li TC, Chan DYL

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Augmented velocity index: A new Doppler index associated with arterial stiffness.

Liu KH, Chu WC, Kong APS, Yuen LY, Chen L, Lee MC, Lau RPM, Tam WH, Chan JCN, Ahujja AT

Ultrasound Med Biol. 2019 Oct 45(10):2747-2757


Endometrial microbiota in infertile women with and without chronic endometritis as diagnosed using a quantitative and reference range-based method

Liu Y, Ko EYL, Wong KKW, Chen X, Cheung WC, Law TSM, Chung JPW, Tsui SKW, Li TC, Chim SSC

Fertil Steril. 2019 Oct;112(4):707-717


Epidemiological factors impact group B streptococcus carriage

Lao TT

BJOG. 2019 Oct;126(11):1353.


Evaluation of in vitro embryotoxicity tests for Chinese herbal medicines

Li L, Tang LY, Liang B, Wang RY, Sun QH, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Fritsche E, Liebsch M, Seiler A, Spielmann H, Wang CC

Reproductive Toxicology, 2019 Oct; 89: 45-53


Hyperandrogenism, Elevated 17-Hydroxyprogesterone and Its Urinary Metabolites in a Young Woman with Ovarian Steroid Cell Tumor, Not Otherwise Specified: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Wong FCK, Chan AZ, Wong WS, Kwan AHW, Law SM, Chung JPW, Kwok JSS, Chan AOK

Case Rep Endocrinol. 2019 Oct 27;2019:9237459, 9 pages


Hypoechoic Liver in Fetuses with Trisomy 21

Omar PM, Lim WT, Ting YH, Lao TT, Law KM, Cheung AHK, Ng JKM, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Oct;32(19):3315-3317


Labor progress determined by ultrasound is different in women requiring caesarean delivery from those who experience a vaginal delivery following induction of labour

Tse WT, Chaemsaithong P, Chan WYW, Kwan AHW, Huang J, Appiah K, et al.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Oct;221(4)


The effect of time interval of vaginal ring pessary replacement for pelvic organ prolapse on complications and patient satisfaction: A randomised controlled trial

Tam MS, Lee VYT, Yu ELM, Wan RSF, Tang JSM, He JMY, Lui LKY, Chiu KP, Cheung RYK, Lee KW

Maturitas. 2019 Oct;128:29-35


A prospective observational study on the stress levels at the time of embryo transfer and pregnancy testing following in vitro fertilisation treatment: a comparison between women with different treatment outcomes

Cheung CWC, Saravelos SH, Chan TYA, Sahota DS, Wang CC, Chung JPW, Li TC

BJOG. 2019 Jan;126(2):271-279


Comparison of DNA fragmentation levels in spermatozoa with different sex chromosome complements

Shi X, Chan DYL, Zhao MP, Chan CPS, Huang J, Li TC

Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Jan;38(1):56-65


Correction to: Nanog interaction with the androgen receptor signaling axis induce ovarian cancer stem cell regulation: Studies based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system

Ling K, Jiang L, Liang S, Kwong J, Yang L, Li Y1, PingYin, Deng Q, Liang Z

J Ovarian Res. 2019 Jan 30;12(1)


Enrichment of fetal and maternal long cell-free DNA fragments from maternal plasma following DNA repair

Vong JSL, Jiang P, Cheng SH, Lee WS, Tsang JCH, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Prenat Diagn. 2019 Jan;39(2):88-99


MicroRNA-132 directs human periodontal ligament-derived neural crest stem cell neural differentiation

Ng TK, Yang Q, Fortino VR, Lai NY, Carballosa CM, Greenberg JM, Choy KW, Pelaez D, Pang CP, Cheung HS

J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2019 Jan;13(1):12-24


Objective assessment of the fetal facial profile at second and third trimester of pregnancy

Lu J, Sahota DS, Poon LCY, Ting YH, Cheng YKY, Wang Y, Leung TY

Prenat Diagn. 2019 Jan;39(2):107-115


Overexpression of CCDC69 activates p14ARF/MDM2/p53 pathway and confers cisplatin sensitivity

Cui L, Zhou F, Chen C, Wang CC

Journal of Ovarian Research Jan 2019 12:4, 9 pages


Cervical shear wave elastography as a predictor of preterm delivery during 18-24 weeks of pregnancy J

Suthasmalee S, Moungmaithong S

Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 2019; 45(11):2158-68


Characteristics and mode of inheritance of pathogenic copy number variants in prenatal diagnosis

Chau MHK, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chan S, Chan YM, Wang H, Yang Z, Wong HK, Leung TY, Choy KW

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019;221(5):493e1-e11.


Clinical evaluation of a first trimester pregnancy algorithm predicting the risk of small for gestational age neonates

Graham K, Park F, McLennan A, Pelosi M, Williams P, Poon LC, Hyett J

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Oct;59(5):670-676


Combination of noninvasive methods in diagnosis of infertile women with minimal or mild endometriosis, a retrospective study in China.

Yu H, Li B, Li TC, Zhang S, Lin X.

Medicine (Baltimore) 2019 Aug 98(31):e16695


Effects of hyperhomocysteinaemia and metabolic syndrome on reproduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a secondary analysis

Chang H, Xie LZ, Ge H, Wu Q, Wen Y, Zhang DJ, Zhang YH, Ma HL, Gao JS, Wang CC, Stener-Victorin E, Ng EHY, Wu XK

Reprod Biomed Online 2019,38(6),990-998


Endometrium Gene Expression and Epigenetic Regulation in Reproductive Failure

Huang J, Zhang R, Wang RCC, Li TC

Endometrial Gene Expression, An Emerging Paradigm for Reproductive Disorders, Springer, 2019, Ch7, pp 103-116


Endometrium imaging using real-time rotational optical coherence tomography imaging system: A pilot, prospective and ex-vivo study

Law SM, Wu F, Xu H, Wang CC, Li TC

Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Nov;98(44):e17738


HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Gestational Diabetes and Childhood Glucose Metabolism

Lowe WL Jr, Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Linder B, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, McCance D, Hamilton J, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, Tam WH, Dyer AR, Catalano PM, Lowe LP, Metzger BE

Diabetes Care 2019; 42(3):372-380.


Omics and perinatal medicine Preeclampsia

Chaemsaithong P, Poon LC

In: New Technologies and Perinatal Medicine: Prediction and Prevention of Pregnancy Complications


Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Caucasian and Asian Women: a Comparative Study.

Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Shek KL, Chung TKH, Dietz HP.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2019;53:541-545.


Prediction of labor outcome using serial transperineal ultrasound in the first stage of labor

Chor CM, Poon LC, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Jan;32(1):31-37


Preface: Volume 59


Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Aug;59:1


Prevention of Spontaneous Preterm Birth

Appiah K, Chaemsaithong P, Poon LC

MIMS JPOG 2019 ; 45 (4); 169-176


Progression of glucose intolerance and cardiometabolic risk factors over a decade in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A case-control study

Ng NYH, Jiang G, Cheung LP, Zhang Y, Tam CHT, Luk AOY, Quan J, Lau ESH, Yau TTL, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lim CKP, Ozaki R, Huang J, Liu KH, Tam WH, Sahota DS, Chu WCW, Goggins W, Woo J, Li TC, Chow CC, Chan JCN, Ma RCW

PLoS Med. 2019 Oct 25;16(10):e1002953


Prospective Comparison of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury Incidence Between an Asian and Western Hospital.

Bates LJ, Melon J, Turner R, Chan SSC, Karantanis E.

Int Urogynecol J. 2019;30:429-437.


Screening and prevention of pre-eclampsia: a review

Chaemsaithong P, Appiah K, Sahota DS , Leung TY, Poon LC

Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery 2019;19(1):56-72


The effect of Barberine on Reproduction and Metabolism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials (REVIEW)

Xie LZ, Zhang DJ, Ma HL, He H, Xia Q, Shen WJ, Chang H, Deng YY, Wu Q, Cong J, Wang CC, Wu Xk.

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2019 Dec 13; 2019:7918631


The effect of prednisolone on endometrial uterine NK cell concentrations and pregnancy outcome in women with reproductive failure. A retrospective cohort study

Cooper S, Laird SM, Mariee N, Li TC, Metwally M

J Reprod Immunol. 2019 Feb, Volume 131, Pages 1-6


YY1 regulates skeletal muscle regeneration through controlling metabolic reprogramming of satellite cells

Chen FY, Zhou JJ, Li YY, Zhao Y, Yuan J, Cao Y, Wang LJ, Zhang ZK, Zhang BT, Wang CC, Cheung T, Wu ZG, Wong CCL, Sun H, Wang HT

EMBO J. 2019 May 15;38(10). pii: e99727


Association of gestational diabetes with maternal disorders of glucose metabolism and childhood adiposity

Lowe William L., Scholtens Denise M., Lowe Lynn P., Kuang Alan, Nodzenski Michael, Talbot Octavious, Catalano Patrick M., Linder Barbara, Brickman Wendy J., Clayton Peter, Deerochanawong Chaicharn, Hamilton Jill, Josefson Jami L., Lashley Michele, Lawrence Jean M., Lebenthal Yael, Ma Ronald, Maresh Michael, McCance David, Tam WH, Sacks David A., Dyer Alan R., Metzger Boyd E., for the HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group

JAMA. 2018 Sep;320(10):1005-1016


Can heterogeneous compression textile design reshape skin pressures? A fundamental study

Liu R, Lao TT, Little TJ, Wu XB, Ke X

Textile Research Journal. 2018 Sep; 88(17):1915-1930


Control of PD-L1 expression by miR-140/142/340/383 and oncogenic activation of the OCT4-miR-18a pathway in cervical cancer

Dong PX, Xiong Y, Yu JH, Chen L, Tang T, Song Y, Hanley SJB, Yue JM, Watari H, Sakuragi N

Oncogene. 2018 Sep; 37(39): 5257-5268


Impact of maternal BMI on rubella nonimmunity at antenatal screening

Hui SYA, Sahota DS, Lao TT

Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 Sep;26(9):1392-1395


Increasing influenza vaccine uptake in children: A randomized controlled trial

Yeung KHT, Tarrant M, Chan KCC, Tam WH, Nelson EAS

Vaccine. 2018 Sep 5;36(37):5524-5535


Pitfalls in assessing chorioamnionicity: novel observations and literature review

Lu J, Cheng YKY, Ting YH, Law KM, Leung TY

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Sep;219(3):242-254


Randomized trial examining effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in reducing gestational diabetes in high risk Chinese pregnant women in Hong Kong

Chan RS, Tam WH, Ho IC, Kwan MW, Li LS, Sea MM, Woo J

Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 14;8(1):13849


Stratified body shape-driven sizing system via three-dimensional digital anthropometry for compression textile

Liu R, Guo X, Peng QJ, Zhang L, Lao TT, Little T, Liu JD, Chan E

Textile Research Journal. 2018 Sep; 88(18):2055-2075


Uterine artery pulsatility index in the first trimester: assessment of intersonographer and intersampling site measurement differences

Chaemsaithong P, Ting YH, Cheng KYY, Poon LC, Leung TY, Sahota DS

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Sep;31(17):2276-2283


Identification of a PTEN mutation with reduced protein stability, phosphatase activity, and nuclear localization in Hong Kong patients with autistic features, neurodevelopmental delays, and macrocephaly

Wong CW, Or PMY, Wang Y, Li L, Li J, Yan M, Cao Y, Luk HM, Tong TMF, Leslie NR, Lo IF, Choy KW, Chan AML

Autism Res. 2018 Aug;11(8):1098-1109


Is routine intracytoplasmic sperm injection justified in couples with unexplained infertility? A randomized controlled trial using sibling oocytes

Chung CHS, Wong AWY, Yeung QSY, Cheung LP, Li TC

Journal of reproductive medicine, 2018 Aug; 63(4):357-362


Mesh-related complications from reconstructive surgery for pelvic organ prolapse in Chinese patients in Hong Kong

Wan OYK, Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Aug;24(4):369-377


The impact of music therapy on pain and stress reduction during oocyte retrieval - a randomized controlled trial

Cheung CWC, Wong AWY, Chan CPS, Saravelos SH, Chung JPW, Cheung LP, Kong GWS, Li TC

Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Aug;37(2):145-152


Identification of balanced chromosomal rearrangements previously unknown among participants in the 1000 Genomes Project: implications for interpretation of structural variation in genomes and the future of clinical cytogenetics

Dong Z, Wang H, Chen H, Jiang H, Yuan J, Yang Z, Wang WJ, Xu F, Guo X, Cao Y, Zhu Z, Geng C, Cheung CWC, Kwok YKY, Yang H, Leung TY, Morton CC, Cheung SW, Choy KW

Genet Med. 2018 Jul;20(7):697-707


Measurement of retropubic tissue thickness using intrapartum transperineal ultrasound to assess cephalopelvic disproportion

Chor CM, Chan WYW, Tse WTA, Sahota DS

Ultrasonography. 2018 Jul;37(3):211-216


Prediction and prevention of small-for-gestational-age neonates: evidence from SPREE and ASPRE

Tan MY, Poon LC, Rolnik DL, Syngelaki A, de Paco Matallana C, Akolekar R, Cicero S, Janga D, Singh M, Molina FS, Persico N, Jani JC, Plasencia W, Greco E, Papaioannou G, Wright D, Nicolaides KH

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jul;52(1):52-59


ASPRE trial: incidence of preterm pre-eclampsia in patients fulfilling ACOG and NICE criteria according to risk by FMF algorithm

Poon LC, Rolnik DL, Tan MY, Delgado JL, Tsokaki T, Akolekar R, Singh M, Andrade W, Efeturk T, Jani JC, Plasencia W, Papaioannou G, Blazquez AR, Carbone IF, Wright D, Nicolaides KH

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jun;51(6):738-742


Decreased MUC1 in endometrium is an independent receptivity marker in recurrent implantation failure during implantation window

Wu F, Chen X, Liu Y, Liang B, Xu H, Li TC, Wang CC

Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Jun 21;16(1):60


Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of a 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine: subgroup analysis of participants from asian countries.

Garland SM, Pitisuttithum P, Ngan HYS, Cho CH, Lee CY, Chen CA, Yang YC, Chu TY, Twu NF, Samakoses R, Takeuchi Y, Cheung TH, Kim SC, Huang LM, Kim BG, Kim YT, Kim KH, Song Y, Lalwani S, Kang JH, Sakamoto M, Ryu HS, Bhatla N, Yoshikawa H, Ellison MC, Han SR, Moeller E, Murata S, Ritter M, Sawata M, Shields C, Walia A, Perez G, Luxembourg A

J Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 5;218(1):95-108


MDSCs drive the process of endometriosis by enhancing angiogenesis and are a new potential therapeutic target

Zhang T, Zhou JH, Man GCW, Leung KT, Liang B, Ma XT, Huang SY, Huang HX, Hegde VL, Zhong Y, Li YM, Kong GWS, Yiu AKW, Kwong J, Ng PC, Nagarkatti PS, Nagarkatti M, Wang CC

Eur J Immunol. 2018 Jun;48(6):1059-1073


Prospective assessment of INTERGROWTH-21st and World Health Organization estimated fetal weight reference curves

Cheng YKY, Lu J, Leung TY, Chan OYM, Sahota DS

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jun;51(6):792-798


Robotic repair of congenital vesicovaginal fistula masquerading as a ureterocele in a 10-year-old girl.

Wong YS, Tam YH, Pang KKY, Chan SSC, Chu WCW

Urol Case Rep. 2018 Jun 22;20:48-50.


Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and placental growth factor in Chinese pregnant women during second and third trimesters

Cheng YKY, Law LW, Leung TY , Chan OK , Sahota DS

Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Jun;24 Suppl 3(3):45-47


Target-enriched massively parallel sequencing for genetic diagnosis of hereditary hearing loss in patients with normal array CGH result

Choy KW, Cao Y, Lam STS, Lo FM, Morton CC, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Jun;24 Suppl 3(3):11-14


Three decades of neonatal vaccination has greatly reduced antenatal prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among gravidae covered by the program

Lao TT, Sahota DS, Chan PKS

J Infect. 2018 Jun;76(6):543-549


Uterine carcinosarcoma with alpha-fetoprotein-producing hepatoid component: a case report and literature review

Li JJX, Lee JHS, Chan VTC, Yu MY

Case Rep Pathol. 2018 Jun 11;2018:3972353, 5 pages


Vitamin D deficiency among healthy infants in Hong Kong: a pilot study

Chan KCC, Tam WH, Chan MHM, Chan RSM, Li AM

Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Jun;24 Suppl 3(3):32-35


Comparison of the prevalence of chronic endometritis as determined by means of different diagnostic methods in women with and without reproductive failure

Liu Y, Chen X, Huang J, Wang CC, Yu MY, Laird S, Li TC

Fertil Steril. 2018 May;109(5):832-839


Nanog interaction with the androgen receptor signaling axis induce ovarian cancer stem cell regulation: studies based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system

Ling K, Jiang L, Liang S, Kwong J, Yang L, Li Y, PingYin, Deng Q, Liang Z

J Ovarian Res. 2018 May 2;11(1):36


Prevalence of levator ani muscle avulsion and effect on quality of life in women with pelvic organ prolapse

Yu CH, Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J. 2018 May;29(5):729-733


Size-tagged preferred ends in maternal plasma DNA shed light on the production mechanism and show utility in noninvasive prenatal testing

Sun K, Jiang P, Wong AIC, Cheng YKY, Cheng SH, Zhang H, Chan KCA, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 May 29;115(22):E5106-E5114


Trends in serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels 0-4 days after methotrexate administration for predicting tubal ectopic pregnancy treatment success

Wong L, Fung LWY, Cheung ECW, Lao TT

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2018 May;141(2):245-249


Effect of exposure to second-hand smoke from husbands on biochemical hyperandrogenism, metabolic syndrome and conception rates in women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing ovulation induction

Li J, Wu Q, Wu XK, Zhou ZM, Fu P, Chen XH, Yan Y, Wang X, Yang ZW, Li WL, Stener-Victorin E, Legro RS, Ng EH, Zhang H, Mol BWJ, Wang CC; for PCOSAct Study Group

Hum Reprod. 2018 Apr 1;33(4):617-625


Efficacy, safety and recurrence of new progestins and selective progesterone receptor modulator for the treatment of endometriosis: a comparison study in mice

Liang B, Wu L, Xu H, Cheung ECW, Fung LWY, Wong SW, Wang CC

Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Apr 3;16(1):32


Heart Failure and Frailty in the Community-Living Elderly Population: What the UFO Study Will Tell Us

Fung E, Hui E, Yang X, Lui LT, Cheng KF, Li Q, Fan Y, Sahota DS, Ma BHM, Lee JSW, Lee APW, Woo J

Front Physiol. 2018 Apr 24;9:347, 9 pages


Prevention of early onset group B streptococcal disease by universal antenatal culture-based screening in all public hospitals in Hong Kong

Ma TWL, Chan V, So CH, Hui ASY, Lee CN, Hui APW, So PL, Kong CW, Fung B, Leung KY ,Teresa W. L. Ma, Viola Chan, C. H. So, Hui ASY, C. N. Lee, Amelia P. W. Hui, P. L. So, C. W. Kong, Barbara Fung,

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Apr;31(7):881-887


A comparison of pregnancy outcome of modified transvaginal cervicoisthmic cerclage performed prior to and during pregnancy

Wei M, Jin X, Li TC, Yang C, Huang D, Zhang S

Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Mar;297(3):645-652


Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of blood microvessel density in endometrial cancer: a meta‑analysis and subgroup analysis

Wang JZ, Xiong YJ, Man GCW, Chen XY, Kwong J, Wang CC

Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Mar;297(3):731-740


Effect of change in posture on maternal functional hemodynamics at 35“37 weeks™ gestation

Guy GP, Ling HZ, Machuca M, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar;51(3):368-374


Effects of low-dose melamine exposure during pregnancy on maternal and fetal kidneys in rats

Chu NCY, Fung KP, Wang CC

Environ Toxicol. 2018 Mar;33(3):370-380


First trimester screening for pre-eclampsia in Chinese pregnancies: case-control study

Cheng YKY, Leung TY, Law LW, Ting YH, Law KM, Sahota DS

BJOG. 2018 Mar;125(4):442-449


Histological and microRNA Signatures of Corneal Epithelium in Keratoconus

Wang YM, Ng TK, Choy KW, Wong HK, Chu WK, Pang CP, Jhanji V.

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The Investigation and Management of Adenomyosis in Women Who Wish to Improve or Preserve Fertility

Li J, Chung JPW, Wang S, Li TC, Duan H

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Tradition al and molecular chromosomal abnormality analysis of products of conception in spontaneous and recurrent miscarriage

Zhang T, Sun Y, Chen Z, Li TC

BJOG. 2018 Mar;125(4):414-420


Women’s preference for non-invasive prenatal DNA testing versus chromosomal microarray after screening for Down syndrome: a prospective study

Cheng YKY, Leung WC, Leung TY, Choy KW, Chiu RWK, Lo TK, Kwok YKY, Sahota DS

BJOG. 2018 Mar;125(4):451-459


Chronic inflammatory lesions of the placenta are associated with an up-regulation of amniotic fluid CXCR3: A marker of allograft rejection

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J Perinat Med. 2018 Feb 23;46(2):123-137


Longitudinal pelvic floor biometry: which factors affect it?

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Feb;51(2):246-252


Noninvasive reconstruction of placental methylome from maternal plasma DNA: Potential for prenatal testing and monitoring

Sun K, Lun FMF, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD, Sun H

Prenat Diagn. 2018 Feb;38(3):196-203


Predictors for dislodgment of vaginal pessary within one year in women with pelvic organ prolapse

Cheung RYK, Lee LLL, Chung TKH, Chan SSC

Maturitas. 2018 Feb;108:53-57


A systematic comparison of bacterial colonization of endometrial tissue and fluid samples in recurrent miscarriage patients: Implications for future endometrial microbiome studies

Liu Y, Wong KKW, Ko EYL, Chen X, Huang J, Tsui SKW, Li TC, Chim SSC

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Homology-independent multiallelic disruption via CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in yields distinct functional outcomes in human cells

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The impact of maternal gestational weight gain on cardiometabolic risk factors in children

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Updates on Screening, Prevention, Treatment, and Genetic Markers for Preeclampsia

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The first-trimester of pregnancy - a window of opportunity for prediction and prevention of pregnancy complications and future lifeƒ ƒ

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The predictive role of serum hCG 0-4 days after methotrexate treatment for ectopic pregnancy is yet to be determined-Authors' response

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Transverse technique: complementary approach to measurement of first-trimester uterine artery Doppler

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Increased expression of angiogenic cytokines in CD56+ uterine natural killer cells from women with recurrent miscarriage

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Lifestyle and demographic factors associated with human semen quality and sperm function

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Maternal hemodynamics, fetal biometry and Doppler indices in pregnancies followed up for suspected fetal growth restriction

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Prior abortion history and pregnancy hypertensive disorders in primiparous gravidae

Lao TT, Hui ASY, Law LW, Sahota DS

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Severe growth restriction undelivered at term and ultrasound examination: Some clarifications

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The link between immunity, autoimmunity and endometriosis: a literature update

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Balanced Chromosomal Rearrangement Detection by Low-Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing

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Comparison of rapid MMP-8 and interleukin-6 point-of-care tests to identify intra-amniotic inflammation/infection and impending preterm delivery in patients with preterm labor and intact membranes

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Long non-coding RNA HAND2-AS1 inhibits invasion and metastasis in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma through inactivating neuromedin U

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Prevalence and confounders of chronic endometritis in premenopausal women with abnormal bleeding or reproductive failure

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The Therapeutic Effects of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Wuzi Yanzong Pill for the Treatment of Oligoasthenozoospermia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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Aberrant miR-145-5p/β-catenin signal impairs osteocyte function in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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Comment on "First Trimester screening for early and late preeclampsia based on maternal characteristics, biophysical parameters, and angiogenic factors"

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Intrauterine infusion of human chorionic gonadotropin before embryo transfer in IVF/ET cycle: The critical review

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Linc-ROR Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Functioning as a Competing Endogenous RNA for miR-138 and miR-145

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Longitudinal Follow-Up of Pelvic Floor Biometry: Which Factors Affect it?

Chan SS, Cheung RY, Lee LL, Chung TKH.

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MDSCs drive the process of endometriosis by enhancing angiogenesis and provide a new potential approach for treatment.

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Mesh-Related Complications from Reconstructive Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Chinese Patients in Hong Kong.

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Metabolomics of Green-Tea Catechins on Vascular-Endothelial-Growth-Factor-Stimulated Human-Endothelial-Cell Survival

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Molecular and clinical characterization of citrin deficiency in a cohort of Chinese patients in Hong Kong

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Predictors for Dislodgement of Vaginal Pessary within One Year in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

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Prevalence of Levator Ani Muscle Avulsion in Women Presenting for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and the Effects of Levator Ani Muscle on Health-Related Quality of Life of Women.

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The performance of pre-operative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing cervical invasion by endometrial carcinoma

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An observational follow-up study on pelvic floor disorders to 3-5 years after delivery

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Detection of dendritic cells and related cytokines in follicular fluid of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.

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First Report of a Novel Deletion Due to εγδβ-Thalassemia in a Chinese Family

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Inhibition of coiled coil domain containing protein 69 enhances platinum-induced apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells

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Obstetric professionals' perceptions of non-invasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome: clinical usefulness compared with existing tests and ethical implications

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Prior pregnancy and antenatal rubella sero- negativity—evidence of persistent maternal immunologic alteration?

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Effects of high progesterone level on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in in vitro fertilization cycles on epigenetic modification of endometrium in the peri-implantation period

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Efficacy of intrauterine perfusion of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for infertile women with thin endometrium: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Impact of the two-dose rubella vaccination regimen on incidence of rubella seronegativity in gravidae aged 25 years and younger

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Liquid biopsy of PIK3CA mutations in cervical cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MY, Chiu RWK, Lo KWK, Lee IPC, Wong RRY, Lau KKM, Wang VW, Worley MJ Jr, Elias KM, Fiascone SJ, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF

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Physiological and pathological angiogenesis in endometrium at the time of embryo implantation

Chen X, Man GCW, Liu Y, Wu F, Huang J, Li TC, Wang CC

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Protocol for the prospective validation study: 'Screening programme for pre-eclampsia' (SPREE)

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Systematic Selection of Reference Genes for the Normalization of Circulating RNA Transcripts in Pregnant Women Based on RNA-Seq Data

Chim SSC, Wong KKW, Chung CYL, Lam SKW, Kwok JSL, Lai CY, Cheng YKY, Hui ASY, Meng M, Chan OK, Tsui SKW, Lee KY, Chan TF, Leung TY

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The regulations and role of circadian clock and melatonin in uterine receptivity and pregnancy—An immunological perspective

Man GCW, Zhang T, Chen X, Wang J, Wu F, Liu Y, Wang CC, Cheong Y, Li TC

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Aug;78(2)e12715


Triplet pregnancy with fetal reduction: experience in Hong Kong

Tse WT, Law LW, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Cheng YK

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Ultrasound-guided treatment of intrauterine adhesions in the outpatient setting

Saravelos SH, Li TC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Aug;50(2):278-280


Validation of a high-throughput and robust technique: BACs-on-beads assay (KaryoLite BoBs) for pre-implantation aneuploidy screening

Kong GWS, Ma Y, Ou J, Kwok YKY, Wang W, Yeung QSY, Wong CKM, Li Q, Xu W, Lu W, Li H, Li TC, Choy KW

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Developmental origins of type 2 diabetes: a perspective from China

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Interactome and reciprocal activation of pathways in topical mesenchymal stem cells and the recipient cerebral cortex following traumatic brain injury

Lam PK, Wang KKW, Lo AWI, Tong CSW, Ching DWC, Wong HK, Yang Z, Kong T, Lo KKY, Choy KW, Lai PBS, Wong GKC, Poon WS

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Longitudinal follow-up of levator ani muscle avulsion: does a second delivery affect it?

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Lee LL, Choy RKW, Chung TKH

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jul;50(1):110-115


Maternal rubella immunity status and pre-eclampsia

Lao TT, Sahota DS, Law LW, Leung TY

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Jul;78(1):e12677


The effect of endometrial scratch on natural-cycle cryopreserved embryo transfer outcomes: a randomized controlled study

Mak JSM, Chung CHS, Chung JPW, Kong GWS, Saravelos SH, Cheung LP, Li TC

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Transvaginal, rather than traditional, laparoscopy should be used for the assessment of infertility: AGAINST: Practising specialists prefer traditional laparoscopy


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A comparison of transcriptomic profiles in endometrium during window of implantation between women with unexplained recurrent implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage

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A loop of cancer-stroma-cancer interaction promotes peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer via TNFα-TGFα-EGFR

Lau TS, Chan LKY, Wong ECH, Hui CWC, Sneddon K, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lee JHS, Yeung CSY, Chung TKH, Kwong J

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Accuracy of competing-risks model in screening for pre-eclampsia by maternal factors and biomarkers at 11“13 weeks' gestation

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Chromosome copy number variants in fetuses with syndromic malformations

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Correlation between three-dimensional power Doppler and morphometric measurement of endometrial vascularity at the time of embryo implantation in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage

Chen X, Saravelos SH, Liu Y, Huang J, Wang CC, Li TC.

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Effect of Acupuncture and Clomiphene in Chinese Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Wu X, Stener-Victorin E, Kuang H, Ma H, Gao J, Xie L, Hou L, Hu Z, Shao X, Ge J, Zhang J, Xue H, Xu X, Liang R, Ma H, Yang H, Li W, Huang D, Sun Y, Hao C, Du S, Yang Z, Wang X, Yan Y, Chen X, Fu P, Ding C, Gao Y, Zhou Z, Wang CC, Wu T, Liu J, Ng EHY, Legro RS, Zhang H, for the PCOSAct Study Group

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Pregnancy and maternal chronic hepatitis B infection— Evidence of reproductive advantage?

Lao TT, Sahota DS

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Jun;77(6):e12667


Quality of life and symptom measurement in Chinese women with pelvic floor disorders: validation study of Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire.

Chan SSC, Pang SM, Lai BP, Choy KW

Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Jun;23 Suppl 2(3):38-41


The effect of elevated progesterone levels before oocyte retrieval in women undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment on the genomic profile of peri-implantation endometrium

Liu L, Huang J, Li TC, Hong XT, Laird S, Dai YD, Tong XM, Zhu HY, Zhang S

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In Utero Exposure to Maternal Hyperglycemia Increases Childhood Cardiometabolic Risk in Offspring

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Ozaki R, Li AM, Chan MHM, Yuen LY, Lao TTH, Yang X, Ho CS, Tutino GE, Chan JCN

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Lhx1/5 control dendritogenesis and spine morphogenesis of Purkinje cells via regulation of Espin

Lui NC, Tam WY, Gao C, Huang JD, Wang CC, Jiang L, Yung WH, Kwan KM

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Prenatal Diagnosis of a Retroesophageal Left Brachiocephalic Vein: Two Case Reports

Cheng YKY, Law KM, Chak PK, To KF, Chan OYM, Leung TY

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Single-Stranded DNA Library Preparation Preferentially Enriches Short Maternal DNA in Maternal Plasma

Vong JSL, Tsang JCH, Jiang P, Lee WS, Leung TY, Chan KCA, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD

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Topical Application of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Ameliorated Liver Parenchyma Damage After Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in an Animal Model

Lam PK, Chong CCN, Lo AWI, Chan AWH, Tong CSW, Chin DWC, Wong HK, Choy KW, Fung AK, Wang YX, To KF, Lai PBS

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Antenatal diagnosis and management of foetal intestinal volvulus

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Establishing Prenatal Surgery for Myelomeningocele in Asia: The Singapore Consensus

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Hepatitis B virus infection status and infertility causes in couples seeking fertility treatment—Indicator of impaired immune response?

Lao TT, Mak JSM, Li TC

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Apr;77(4):e12636


Identification of fragile X pre-mutation carriers in the Chinese obstetric population using a robust FMR1 polymerase chain reaction assay: implications for screening and prenatal diagnosis

Cheng Y KY , Lin CSW, Kwok YKY, Chan OYM , Lau TK , Leung TY , Choy KW

Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Apr;23(2):110-6


Impact of aspirin on trophoblastic invasion in women with abnormal uterine artery Doppler at 11-14 weeks: a randomized controlled study . E. Scazzocchio, D. Oros, D. Diaz, J. C. Ramirez, M. Ricart, E. Meler, R. Gon¡lez de Agero, E. Gratacos and F. Figueras

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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Apr;49(4):433


Long-term persistence of immunity after hepatitis B vaccination: Is this substantiated by the literature?

Lao TT

Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2017 Apr 3;13(4):918-920


Mothers' attitude to the use of a combined oral contraceptive pill by their daughters for menstrual disorders or contraception

Yiu AKW, Chan SS, Chung TK

Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Apr;23(2):150-7


Perturbation of Retinoid Homeostasis Increases Malformation Risk in Embryos Exposed to Pregestational Diabetes

Lee LM, Leung MB, Kwok RC, Leung YC, Wang CC, McCaffery PJ, Copp AJ, Shum AS

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Procedure-Related Fetal Loss following Chorionic Villus Sampling after First-Trimester Aneuploidy Screening

Wah YMI, Leung TY, Cheng YKY, Sahota DS

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Assessment of the uterus with three-dimensional ultrasound in women undergoing ART

Saravelos SH, Jayaprakasan K, Ojha K, Li TC

Hum Reprod Update 2017 Mar;23(2):188-210


Effect of mid-follicular phase recombinant LH versus urinary HCG supplementation in poor ovarian responders undergoing IVF - a prospective double-blinded randomized study

Mak SM, Wong WY, Chung HS, Chung JPW, Kong GWS, Li TC, Cheung LP

Reprod Biomed Online. 2017 Mar;34(3):258-266


Effects of Esstradiol at Different Levels on Rabbit Endometrial Repair after Curettage

Zhang Y, Chen F, Li TC, Duan H, Wu Yh

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Human chorionic gonadotropin potentially affects pregnancy outcome in women with recurrent implantation failure by regulating the homing preference of regulatory cells.

Diao LH, Li GG, Zhu YC, Tu WW, Huang CY, Lian RC, Chen X, Li YY, Zhang T, Huang Y, Zeng Y.

Am J Reprod Immunol. 2017 Mar; 77(3): e12618.


The changing pattern of uterine contractions before and after fresh embryo transfer and its relation to clinical outcome

Chung CHS, Wong AWY, Chan CPS, Saravelos SH, Kong G WS, Cheung LP, Chung JPW, Li TC

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Reproductive Outcome of Transcervical Uterine Incision in Unicornuate Uterus

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Cardiomyogenesis of periodontal ligament-derived stem cells by dynamic tensile strain

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Combined Count- and Size-Based Analysis of Maternal Plasma DNA for Noninvasive Prenatal Detection of Fetal Subchromosomal Aberrations Facilitates Elucidation of the Fetal and/or Maternal Origin of the Aberrations

Yu SC, Jiang P, Allen Chan KC, Faas BH, Choy KW, Leung WC, Leung TY, Dennis Lo YM, Chiu RW

Clin Chem. 2017 Feb;63(2):495-502


ELF3 is a negative regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer cells

Yeung TL, Leung CS, Wong KK, Gutierrez-Hartmann A, Kwong J, Gershenson DM, Mok SC

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Gestational Age Assessment by Methylation and Size Profiling of Maternal Plasma DNA: A Feasibility Study

Jiang P, Tong YK, Sun K, Cheng SH, Leung TY, Allen Chan KC, Chiu RW, Ming Dennis Lo Y

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Research Priorities for Endometriosis: Recommendations From a Global Consortium of Investigators in Endometriosis

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The pattern of cervical smear abnormalities in marginalised women in Hong Kong

Ting YH, Tse HY, Lam WC, Chan KS, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Feb;23(1):28-34


Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Embolisation of Placental Chorioangioma Using Cyanoacrylate

Cheng YKY, Yu SC, So PL, Leung TY

Fetal Diagn Ther. Feb 2017;41(1):76-79


Universal Haplotype-Based Noninvasive Prenatal Testing for Single Gene Diseases

Hui WW, Jiang P, Tong YK, Lee WS, Cheng YKY, New MI, Kadir RA, Chan KC, Leung TY, Lo YM, Chiu RW

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Virtual hysteroscopy with HDlive

Saravelos SH, Li TC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Feb;49(2):284-286


Evaluation of the awareness of, attitude to, and knowledge about fertility preservation in cancer patients among clinical practitioners in Hong Kong

Chung JPW, Lao TT, Li TC

Hong Kong Med J. 2017 Dec;23(6):556-61


Levator ani muscle avulsion is a risk factor for vaginal pessary expulsion within 1 year for pelvic organ prolapse.

Cheung RY, Lee JHS, Lee LL, Chung TK, Chan SS.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Dec;50(6):776-780.


Measurement of uterine natural killer cell percentage in the periimplantation endometrium from fertile women and women with recurrent reproductive failure: establishment of a reference range

Chen X, Mariee N, Jiang L, Liu Y, Wang CC, Li TC, Laird S

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Moderate iodine deficiency among pregnant mothers in Hong Kong - revisit the problem after two decades

Tam WH, Chan RS, Chan MH, Yuen LY, Li L, Sea MM, Woo J

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Pinopode score around the time of implantation is predictive of successful implantation following frozen embryo transfer in hormone replacement cycles

Jin XY, Zhao LJ, Luo DH, Liu L, Dai YD, Hu XX, Wang YY, Lin X, Hong F, Li TC, Zhang SY

Hum Reprod. 2017 Dec 1;32(12):2394-2403


Polycystic ovary syndrome: a common reproductive syndrome with long-term metabolic consequences

Yau TT, Ng NY, Cheung LP, Ma RC

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Successful treatment with intrauterine delivery of dexamethasone for repeated implantation failure.

Zhang T, Huang CY, Du Y, Lian RC, Mo ML, Zeng Y, Mor G.

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The CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)-forkhead box protein M1 axis regulates tumour growth and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma

Zhang B, Zhang Y, Zou X, Chan AW, Zhang R, Lee TK, Liu H, Lau EY, Ho NP, Lai PB, Cheung YS, To KF, Wong HK, Choy KW, Keng VW, Chow LM, Chan KK, Cheng AS, Ko BC

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Uses of FloSeal in obstetric hemorrhage: Case series and literature review

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A prospective, randomized, controlled trial comparing two doses of oestrogen therapy after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis to prevent intrauterine adhesion recurrence

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Integrated Proteomic and Metabolomic prediction of Term Preeclampsia

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ASPRE trial: performance of screening for preterm pre-eclampsia

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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2017 Oct;50(4):492-495


Clinical heterogeneity in children with gonadal dysgenesis associated with non-mosaic 46,XY karyotype

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Expanded newborn metabolic screening programme in Hong Kong: a three-year journey

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Protocol for measurement of mean arterial pressure at 10-40 weeks’ gestation

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Adverse Reproductive Effects of Maternal Low-Dose Melamine Exposure during Pregnancy in Rats

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HOXA-10 and E-Cadherin Expression in the Endometrium of Women with Recurrent Implantation Failure and Recurrent Miscarriage

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Maternal cardiac function at 35-37 weeks' gestation: prediction of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension

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Maternal cardiac function at 35-37 weeks' gestation: relationship with birth weight

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Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Measured 7 Days Following Day 3 Embryo Transfer Might Predict Pregnancy Outcome in IVF

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The flame retardant 2,2’,4,4’-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether enhances the expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone in the placental cell model JEG-3

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A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study of Postpartum Wrist Pain in an Urban Chinese Population: Its Prevalence and Risk Factors

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A Review on Surgical Treatment for Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

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An Observational Follow Up Study on Pelvic Floor Disorders 3-5 Years after Delivery.

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Antenatal Surgical Management for Ovarian Cysts: 13 Years’ Experience

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Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial: effect of aspirin in prevention of preterm preeclampsia in subgroups of women according to their characteristics and medical and obstetrical history

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Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial: influence of compliance on beneficial effect of aspirin in prevention of preterm preeclampsia

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Aspirin versus Placebo in Pregnancies at High Risk for Preterm Preeclampsia

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Comparison of the external physical damages between laser-assisted and mechanical immobilized human sperm using scanning electronic microscopy

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Comparison of the external physical damages between laser-assisted and mechanical immobilized human sperm using scanning electronic microscopy.

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Copy-Number Variants Detection by Low-Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing

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Evidence-based interventions of threatened miscarriage

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Expression Pattern of G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor in Myometrium of Uteri with and without Adenomyosis

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Human varicella zoster virus is not present in the semen of a man affected by chickenpox during the in vitro fertilisation of his wife.

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Levator Ani Muscle Avulsion is a Risk Factor for Expulsion within 1 Year of Vaginal Pessary Placed for Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

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Maternal Cardiovascular Function at 35-37 Weeks' Gestation: Relation to Maternal Characteristics

Guy GP, Ling HZ, Garcia P, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH

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Measurement of uterine natural killer (uNK) cell percentage in the peri-implantation endometrium from fertile women and women with recurrent reproductive failure: establishment of a reference range.

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Metabolomic determination of pathogenesis of late-onset preeclampsia

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Mitochondria Manipulation in Oocytes: A Mini-Review

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Mitochondria Manipulation in Oocytes: A Mini-Review.

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Noncoding Centromeric RNA Expression Impairs Chromosome Stability in Human and Murine Stem Cells

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Pelvic Floor Disorders Related to Pregnancy and Delivery.

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Pelvic Floor Disorders Related to Pregnancy: a Prospective Observational Study.

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Prior pregnancy and antenatal rubella sero-negativity-evidence of persistent maternal immunologic alteration?.

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Quality of Life and Symptom Measurements in Chinese Women with Pelvic Floor Disorder(s): Validation Study of Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire.

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Safety and Efficacy of Amnion Graft in Preventing Reformation of Intrauterine Adhesions

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The performance of preoperative MRI in service-based centers in diagnosing deep myometrial invasion by endometrial carcinoma

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Applicability of first-trimester combined screening for fetal trisomy 21 in a resource-limited setting in mainland China

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Debates on Fetal Fraction Measurement and DNA-based Noninvasive Prenatal Screening: Time for Standardisation.

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Health-related Quality-of-life Questionnaire for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Chinese Translation and Validation Study.

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Impact of Replacing Chinese Ethnicity-specific Fetal Biometry Charts with the INTERGROWTH-21St Standard.

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Low-pass Whole-genome Sequencing in Clinical Cytogenetics: A Validated Approach

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The Impact of Ovarian Stimulation on the Outcome of Intrauterine Insemination Treatment: An Analysis of 8893 Cycles.

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VBAC should be encouraged as a means to reduce the caesarean section rate in China

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A γA-Crystallin Mouse Mutant Secc with Small Eye, Cataract and Closed Eyelid.

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Bioinformatics and Microarray Analysis of miRNAs in Aged Female Mice Model Implied New Molecular Mechanisms for Impaired Fracture Healing.

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Development and Validation of Prediction Models for Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Bleeding.

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Effectiveness of Physical Therapy for Pregnant Low Back Pain - A Literature Review.

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Osteopontin Fragments with Intact Thrombin-Sensitive Site Circulate in Cervical Cancer Patients

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Extramammary Paget Disease: Surgical Control from the Plastic Surgery Perspective

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Genetic Variants Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-analysis and Subgroup Analysis.

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How Often Does the Embryo Implant at the Location to Which It Was Transferred?

Saravelos S, Wong AWY, Chan CPS, Kong GWS, Li TC

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Local Administration of siRNA through Microneedle: Optimization, Bio-distribution, Tumor Suppression and Toxicity.

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Maternal Somatic Mosaicism of FOXF1 Mutation Causes Recurrent Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misalignment of Pulmonary Veins in Siblings.

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Microrna-183 Suppresses Cancer Stem-like Cell Properties In EBV-Associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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Pseudoamniotic Band Syndrome after In Utero Intervention for Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Case Reports and Literature Review.

Ting YH, Lao TTH, Law KM, Cheng YKY, Lau TK, Leung TY

Fetal Diagn Ther Jul 2016;40(1): 67 - 72


Vaginal Pessary in Women with Symptomatic Pelvic Organ Prolapse: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Cheung RYK, Lee JHS, Lee LLL, Chung TKH, Chan SSC

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Hypoxia Inducible Factor and Microvessels in Peri-implantation Endometrium of Women with Recurrent Miscarriage.

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Maternity Support Garment: Part I - A Local Market Survey.

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Maternity Support Garment: Part II - Product Design.

Li MY, Wong ASW, Kwok YL, Kan CW, Yip J, Ng SP, Lao TTH

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Tech Jun 2016;5(6): 375 - 378


Pain during Embryo Transfer is Independently Associated with Clinical Pregnancy in Fresh/Frozen Assisted Reproductive Technology Cycles.

Saravelos S, Wong AWY, Kong GWS, Huang J, Klitzman R, Li TC

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Immune Persistence after Hepatitis B Vaccination in Infancy - Fact or Fancy?


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Prevalence of Maternal Colonization with Group B Streptococcus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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Effects of Mechanical Stresses on Sperm Function and Fertilization Rate in Mice.

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Factors Influencing the Career Interest of Medical Graduates in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Hong Kong: A Cross-sectional Questionnaire Survey.

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Assessment of the Embryo Flash Position and Migration with Three-dimensional Ultrasound within 60 Minutes of Embryo Transfer.

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Validation of a Robust PCR-Based Assay for Quantifying Fragile X CGG Repeats.

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MiR-449a Affects Epithelial Proliferation during the Pseudoglandular and Canalicular Phases of Avian and Mammal Lung Development.

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Reappraisal of Endometrial Thickness for the Detection of Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Bleeding: A Retrospective Cohort.

Wong ASW, Lao TTH, Cheung ECW, Yeung SW, Fan HL, Ng PS, Yuen PM, Sahota DS

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The Thessaloniki ESHRE/ESGE Consensus on Diagnosis of Female Genital Anomalies.

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Transdermal Delivery of siRNA through Microneedle Array.

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Cell-Free Dna In Maternal Plasma And Serum: A Comparison Of Quantity, Quality And Tissue Origin Using Genomic And Epigenomic Approaches

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Clinical Management of Pregnancy in the Obese Mother: before Conception, during Pregnancy, and Post Partum

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Prenatal detection of 10q22q23 duplications: dilemmas in phenotype prediction

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Second Generation Noninvasive Fetal Genome Analysis Reveals De Novo Mutations, Single-Base Parental Inheritance, and Preferred DNA Ends

Chan KC, Jiang P, Sun K, Cheng YKY, Tong YK, Cheng SH, Wong AI, Hudecova I, Leung TY, Chiu RW, Lo YM

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Birth weight in live births and stillbirths

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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol Nov 2016;48(5):602-606


Increased Bone Turnover, Osteoporosis, Progressive Tibial Bowing, Fractures, and Scoliosis in a Patient with a Final-Exon SATB2 Frameshift Mutation.

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Intrauterine balloon therapy: A novel ultrasound guided treatment for intrauterine adhesions

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Urine Comprehensive Drug Screen, Low Birth Weight and Withdrawal Symptoms in a Neonatal Unit: A Case Control Study

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A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of 3D versus 2D Ultrasound-guided Embryo Transfer in Women Undergoing ART Treatment.

Saravelos S, Kong GWS, Chung JPW, Mak JSM, Chung CHS, Cheung LP, Li TC

Hum Reprod Oct 2016;31(10): 2255 - 2260


Antenatal Pelvic Floor Biometry is Related to Levator Ani Muscle Injury.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn Oct 2016;48(4): 520 - 525


Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease

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Predictive factors for the success of McRoberts' manoeuvre and suprapubic pressure in relieving shoulder dystocia: a cross-sectional study

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Fertility Preservation in Young Female Cancer Patients.

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Cervical Cerclage for Preterm Birth Prevention in Twin Gestations with Short Cervix: A Case-Control_ Study.

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Cervical pessaries for prevention of preterm birth: a randomised controlled trial.

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Cervical pessary for prevention of preterm birth in singleton pregnancies with short cervical length: a multicentre, randomized controlled trial.

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Clinical implementation of routine screening for fetal trisomies by the cell-free DNA test contingent on results from first-trimester combined test.

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Clinical validation of the ION test for first-trimester detection of trisomy 21, 18 and 13.

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Contingent Screening for Small by Weight for Gestational Age Neonates.

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First trimester prediction of HELLP Syndrome.

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Incidence of Interstitial Pregnancy after In Vitro Fertilization/Embryo Transfer and the Outcome of a Consecutive Series of 38 Cases Managed by Laparoscopic Cornuostomy or Cornual Repair.

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Management of False Passage Created during Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis for Asherman Syndrome.

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Metabolomic Determination of Pathogenesis of Late-onset Preeclampsia.

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Prediction of large for gestational age neonates: Screening by maternal factors and biomarkers in the three trimesters of pregnancy.

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Simplified Laparoscopic Cervical Cerclage after Failure of Vaginal Suture: Technique and Results of a Consecutive Series of 100 Cases

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Standardisation of Uterine Natural Killer (uNK) Cell Measurements in the Endometrium of Women with Recurrent Reproductive Failure.

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Study protocol for the randomised controlled trial: combined multimarker screening and randomised patient treatment with ASpirin for evidence-based PREeclampsia prevention (ASPRE).

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Assessing Quality Standards in Measurement of Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index At 11 to 13 + 6 Weeks Gestation.

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Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 3: Is there still a Value in a Nuchal Translucency Screening Ultrasound in conjunction with Maternal Plasma Non-Invasive cell free DNA testing

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Effect of Assisted Reproductive Technology on Fetal Brain Development Assessed by Prenatal Ultrasonography.

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Efficacy and Outcomes of Transobturator Tension-Free Vaginal Tape with or without Concomitant Pelvic Floor Repair Surgery for Urinary Stress Incontinence: Five-year Follow-up.

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Evaluation of an In-house Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method to Identify Group B Streptococcus Colonization in Pregnancy.

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Expression of Inactive Glutathione Peroxidase 4 Leads to Embryonic Lethality, and Inactivation of the Alox15 Gene Does Not Rescue Such Knock-In Mice.

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Genomic Aberrations in Cervical Adenocarcinomas in Hong Kong Chinese Women.

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Hepatitis B Vaccine Response among Infants Born to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-positive Women.

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Intra- and Inter-observer Variability of Uterine Measurements with Three-dimensional Ultrasound and Implications for Clinical Practice.

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LncRNA Dum Interacts with Dnmts to Regulate Dppa2 Expression during Myogenic Differentiation and Muscle Regeneration.

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Maca Reduces Blood Pressure and Depression, in a Pilot Study in Postmenopausal Women.

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Magnetite Nanostructured Porous Hollow Helical Microswimmers for Targeted Delivery.

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Maternal Diabetes Gestational Diabetes and the Role of Epigenetics in their Long Term Effects on Offspring.

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Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Overweight and Obesity in Offspring : A Study in Chinese Children.

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Maternal plasma cell-free DNA in the prediction of preeclampsia.

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Maternal serum anti-Mllerian hormone at 11-13 weeks' gestation in the prediction of preeclampsia.

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Mean arterial pressure in the three trimesters of pregnancy: effects of maternal characteristics and medical history.

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Non-linear Relationship between Birthweight and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Chinese Adolescents and Adults.

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Noninvasive Prenatal Testing by Nanopore Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA: Feasibility Assessment.

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Noninvasive Testing for Fetal Aneuploidy: A Hong Kong Perspective.

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Pelvic Floor Muscle Biometry and Pelvic Organ Mobility in East Asian and Caucasian Nulliparae.

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Plasma DNA Tissue Mapping by Genome-Wide Methylation Sequencing for Noninvasive Prenatal, Cancer, and Transplantation Assessments.

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Poon L. Re: Prediction of early- and late-onset pregnancy-induced hypertension using placental volume on three-dimensional ultrasound and uterine artery Doppler.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: screening by biophysical and biochemical markers at 19-24 weeks.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: screening by fetal biometry at 19-24 weeks.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: screening by fetal biometry at 30-34 weeks.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: Screening by maternal serum biochemical markers at 19-24 weeks.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: screening by uterine artery Doppler and mean arterial pressure at 19-24 weeks.

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Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: Screening by uterine artery Doppler and mean arterial pressure at 30-34 weeks.

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Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates: maternal biochemical markers at 30-34 weeks.

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Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates: screening by biophysical and biochemical markers at 30-34 weeks.

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Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates: screening by fetal biometry at 35-37 weeks.

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Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates: screening by placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 at 35-37 weeks.

Fadigas C, Peeva G, Mendez O,ƒ Poonƒ LC*,ƒ Nicolaidesƒ KH.

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Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates: screening by uterine artery Doppler and mean arterial pressure at 35-37 weeks.

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Prenatal Diagnosis of 24 Cases of Microduplication 22q11.2: An Investigation of Phenotype-genotype Correlations.

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Prevalence of Levator Ani Muscle Injury and Health-related Quality of Life in Primiparous Chinese Women after Instrumental Delivery.

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Prevalence of Recurrent Pathogenic Microdeletions and Microduplications in Over 9500 Pregnancies.

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Prognostic Implication of Human Papillomavirus Types and Species in Cervical Cancer Patients Undergoing Primary Treatment.

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Prognostic Value of Circulating Tumor Cells and Disseminated Tumor Cells in Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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Randomized Trial of Anaesthetic Interventions in External Cephalic Version for Breech Presentation.

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Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing the Efficacy of Intrauterine Balloon and Intrauterine Contraceptive Device in the Prevention of Adhesion Reformation after Hysteroscopic Adhesiolysis.

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Risk of preterm birth following treatment for cervical disease: Stakeholder meeting summary.

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Rubella Seronegativity in Antenatal Screening - Is It Influenced by the Introduction of Universal Childhood Rubella Immunization?

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Safety and Immunogenicity of A 9-Valent HPV Vaccine in Females 12-26 Years of Age Who Previously Received the Quadrivalent HPV vaccine.

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Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicines during Pregnancy.

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Salpingectomy and Proximal Tubal Occlusion for Hydrosalpinx Prior to In Vitro Fertilization: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.

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Seasonality of Fetal Trisomy 21 - Have Ambient Air Pollutants Played A Role?

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Signature Micrornas in Human Cornea Limbal Epithelium.

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SNaPshot Reveals High Mutation and Carrier Frequencies of 15 Common Hearing Loss Mutants in a Chinese Newborn Cohort.

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Surgical Management of Tubal Disease and Infertility.

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TBX6 Null Variants and a Common Hypomorphic Allele in Congenital Scoliosis.

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The Effect of a High Progesterone Concentration before Oocyte Retrieval on the Peri-implantation Endometrium.

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The Impact of Endometrioma on IVF/ICSI Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

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The Mother - the Long-term Implications on Metabolic and Cardiovascular Complications.


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UK NHS pilot study on cell-free DNA testing in screening for fetal trisomies: Factors affecting uptake.

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Umbilical and fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler at 30-34 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome.

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Umbilical and fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler at 35-37 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome.

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Up-regulation of Cathepsin G in the Development of Chronic Postsurgical Pain.

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Women s Uptake of Non-Invasive DNA Testing Following a High-risk Screening Test for Trisomy 21 within a Publicly Funded Healthcare System Findings from a Retrospective Review.

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Women's Uptake of Non-Invasive DNA Testing Following a High-risk Screening Test for Trisomy 21 within a Publicly Funded Healthcare System Findings from a Retrospective Review.

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Determination of Exogenous Epigallocatechin Gallate Peracetate in Mouse Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography with Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry.

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Clinical Presentation and Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy.

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A Comparison of the Miscarriage Rate between Women with and without Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Undergoing IVF Treatment.

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A Matched Cohort Study Comparing the Outcome of Intrauterine Adhesiolysis for Asherman Syndrome after Uterine Artery Embolization or Surgical Trauma.

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A Patient with Five Chromosomal Rearrangement and a 2q31.1 Microdeletion.

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A Pilot Study of Urine Cytokines in Ketamine-associated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms.

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A Randomized Crossover Study of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate and Diane-35 in Adolescent Girls with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Chung JPW, Yiu AKW, Chung TKH, Chan SSC

J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2014;27(3): 166 - 171


A Review of Pinealectomy-induced Melatonin-deficient Animal Models for the Study of Etiopathogenesis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Man GCW, Wang WWJ, Yim APY, Wong JH, Ng TB, Lam TP, Lee SKM, Ng BKW, Wang CC, Qiu Y, Cheng JCY

Int J Mol Sci 2014;15(9): 16484 - 16499


A Robust Approach for Blind Detection of Balanced Chromosomal Rearrangements with Whole-Genome Low-Coverage Sequencing.

Dong Z, Jiang LP, Yang CC, Hu H, Wang XH, Chen HX, Choy KW, Hu HM, Dong YL, Hu B, Xu JC, Long Y, Cao SJ, Chen H, Wang WJ, Jiang H, Xu FP, Yao H, Xu X, Liang ZQ

Hum Mutat 2014;35(5): 625 - 636


A Study of the Immune Properties of Human Umbilical Cord Lining Epithelial Cells.

Cai YJ, Huang L, Leung TY, Burd A

Cytotherapy 2014;16(5): 631 - 639


Additive Effect of Aldose Reductase Z-4 Microsatellite Polymorphism and Glycaemic Control on Cataract Development in Type 2 Diabetes.

Wang Y, Luk AOY, Ng MCY, Pang CCP, Lam V, Lee SC, Lam DSC, Choy KW, Ma RCW, So WY, Chan JCN

Diabetes Complicat 2014;28(2): 147 - 151


Advanced Maternal Age and Postpartum Hemorrhage - Risk Factor or Red Herring?

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Cheng YKY, Law LW, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2014;27(3): 243 - 246


Age-specific Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Young Pregnant Women, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Law LW, Cheng YKY, Leung TY

Bull World Health Organ 2014;92(11): 782 - 789


An Update on Mullerian-inhibiting Substance: Its Potential Application against Ovarian Cancer.

Wong RRY, Worley MJJR, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Endocr.-Relat. Cancer 2014;21(3): R227 - R233


BACs-on-beads A New Robust and Rapid Detection Method For Prenatal Diagnosis.

Choy KW, Chen Y, Sun XF, Kwok YKY, Leung TY

Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2014;14(3): 273 - 280


Cancer Cell-derived Lymphotoxin Mediates Reciprocal Tumour-Stromal Interactions in Human Ovarian Cancer by Inducing CXCL11 in Fibroblasts.

Lau TS, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Chan LKY, Cheung WH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KW, Yu MMY, Kulbe H, Balkwill FR, Kwong J

J Pathol 2014;232(1): 43 - 56


Comparison of the Effect of Penicillins versus Erythromycin in Preventing Neonatal Group B Streptococcus Infection in Active Carriers Following Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes.

Yeung SW, Sahota DS, Leung TY

Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 2014;53(2): 210 - 214


Competing risk model in screening for preeclampsia by mean arterial pressure and uterine artery pulsatility index at 30-33 weeks' gestation.

Tayyar A, Garcia-Tizon Larroca S,ƒ Poon LC, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther. 2014; 36: 18-27.


Competing risks model in screening for preeclampsia by serum placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 at 30-33 weeks™ gestation.

Lai J, Garcia-Tizon Larroca S, Peeva G, Poon LC, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 240-248.


Competing risks model in screening for preeclampsia by serum placental growth factor and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 at 30-33 weeks_x0099_ gestation.

Lai J, Garcia-Tizon Larroca S, Peeva G, Poon LC, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 240-248.


Cryptotanshinone Reverses Ovarian Insulin Resistance in Mice through Activation of Insulin Signaling and the Regulation of Glucose Transporters and Hormone Synthesizing Enzymes.

Huang Y, Li W, Wang CC, Wu XK, Zheng JH

Fertil Steril 2014;102(2): 589 - 596


Diabetes and Pregnancy: Perspectives from Asia.

Tutino GE, Tam WH, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Lao TTH, Ma RCW

Diabetic Med 2014;31(3): 302 - 318


Diagnostic Accuracy of the Bacs-on-Beads ™ Assay Versus Karyotyping for Prenatal Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities: A Retrospective Consecutive Case Series.

Choy KW, Kwok YKY, Cheng YKY, Wong CKM, Wong HK, Leung KO , Suen AKW, Adler K, Wang CC, Lau TK, Schermer M, Lao TTH, Leung TY

BJOG 2014;121(10): 1245 - 1252


Diagnostic accuracy of the BACs-on-Beads™ assay versus karyotyping for prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalities: a retrospective consecutive case series.

Choy K, Kwok Y, Cheng Y, Wong K, Wong H, Leung K, Suen K, Adler K, Wang C, Lau T, Schermer M, Lao T, Leung TY.

BJOG 2014; 121:1245-52.


Does Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Affect Respiratory Outcome in Late-Preterm Infants?

Fung GPG, Chan MLM, Ho Y, To WWK, Chan BHB, Lao TTH

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Early prediction of preeclampsia.

Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

Obstet Gynecol Int. 2014; 2014: 297397.


Effect of Levator Ani Muscle Injury on Primiparous Women during the First Year after Childbirth.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2014;25(10): 1381 - 1388


Epidemiology and Spectrum of Positive Bacteriological Culture in Intrauterine Fluid Collected from Women with Postmenopausal Bleeding.

Yeung SW, Cheung ECW, Wong ASW, Fan HL, Chan JHY, Sahota DS, Lao TTH

MENOPAUSE 2014;21(8): 794 - 798


Expression Profile of Cord Blood Neutrophils and Dysregulation of HSPA1A and OLR1 upon Challenge by Bacterial Peptidoglycan.

Fong ON, Chan KYY, Leung KT, Lam HS, Cheung HM, Leung TY, Li KKH, Ng PC

J Leukoc Biol 2014;95(1): 169 - 178


Fetal and Maternal Complications in Macrosomic Pregnancies.

Cheng YKY, Lao TTH

Research and Reports in Neonatology 2014;2014(4): 65 - 70


First-trimester contingent screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by biomarkers and maternal blood cell-free DNA testing.

Nicolaides KH, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Gil M, Wright D.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 185-192.


First-trimester maternal factors and biomarker screening for preeclampsia.

Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

Prenat Diagn 2014; 34: 618-627.


Genetic Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Opportunity and Challenge in the Genomics Era.

Jiang YH, Wang Y, Xiu X, Choy KW, Pursley AN, Cheung SW

Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2014;51(5): 249 - 262


How feasible is expectant management of interstitial ectopic pregnancy?

Poon LC, Emmanuel E, Ross J, Johns J.

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Human Fetal Liver Stromal Cell Co-Culture Enhances the Differentiation of Pancreatic Progenitor Cells into Islet-Like Cell Clusters.

Jiang J, Ng KY, Cheng QN, Xia Y, Wang CC, Leung PS

Stem Cell Rev and Rep 2014;10(2): 280 - 294


Inside-out Versus Outside-in Transobturator Tension-free Vaginal Tape: A 5-year Prospective Comparative Study.

Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Yiu AKW, Chung TKH

Int J Urol 2014;21(1): 74 - 80


Intra- and Inter-observer Reproducibility of Ultrasound Measurements of Pelvic Inlet Diameter in Pregnant Women.

Wah YMI, Chan OYM, Sahota DS, Hui ASY, Lau TK, Leung TY

Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014;2014(4): 653 - 658


Is High Fetal Nuchal Translucency Associated with Submicroscopic Chromosomal Abnormalities by Array CGH?

Huang J, Poon LC, Akolekar R, Choy KW, Leung TY, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 43: 620-624.


Lifestyle Modifications in the Development of Diabetes Mellitus: and Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Women Who Had Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: a Randomized Interventional Trial.

Shek NWM, Ngai CSW, Lee CP, Chan JYC, Lao TTH

Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014;289(2): 319 - 327


Management of hypertriglyceridaemia-induced acute pancreatitis in pregnancy.

Aminƒ T,ƒ Poonƒ L, Teoh T, Moorthy K, Robinson S.

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Maternal ABO and Rhesus Blood Group Phenotypes And Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Carriage.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Chung MK, Cheung TKW, Cheng YKY, Leung TY

J Viral Hepatitis 2014;21(11): 818 - 823


Maternal Plasma Fetal DNA Fractions in Pregnancies with Low and High Risks for Fetal Chromosomal Aneuploidies.

Hudecova I, Sahota DS, Heung MS, Jin YJ, Lee WS, Leung TY, Lo DYM, Chiu RWK

PLos ONE 2014;9(2): e88484


Maternal Plasma RNA Sequencing for Genome-wide Transcriptomic Profiling and Identification of Pregnancy-associated Transcripts .

Tsui NBY, Jiang PY, Wong YF, Leung TY, Chan AKC, Chiu RWK, Sun H, Lo DYM

Clin Chem 2014;60(7): 954 - 962


Maternal serum placental growth factor (PlGF) isoforms 1 and 2 at 11-13, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks gestation in late onset preeclampsia and small for gestational age.

Nucci M, Poon LC, Demirdjian G, Darbouret B, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 249-257.


Nanocomposite-strengthened Dissolving Microneedles for Improved Transdermal Delivery to Human Skin.

Yan L, Raphael AP, Zhu X, Wang B, Chen W, Tang T, Deng Y, Sant HJ, Zhu G, Choy KW, Gale BK, Prow TW, Chen X

Adv Healthc Mater 2014;3(4): 555 - 564


Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities by Low-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA: Review of 1982 Consecutive Cases in a Single Center.

Lau TK, Cheung SW, Lo PSS, Pursley AN, Chan MK, Jiang F, Zhang H, Wang W, Jong LFJ, Yuen OKC, Chan HYC, Chan WSK, Choy KW

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2014;43(3): 254 - 264


Nonremoval of an Abnormally Invasive Placenta at Cesarean Section with Postoperative Uterine Artery Embolization.

Chung MY, Cheng YKY, Yu SCH, Sahota DS, Leung TY

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2014;92(11): 1250 - 1255


Optimal method and timing of intrauterine intervention in TRAP sequence: case study and meta-analysis.

Chaveeva P, Poon LC, Sotiriadis A, Kosinski P, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 35: 267-279.


Patient's Choice between a Non-invasive Prenatal Test and Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis Based on Test Accuracy.

Chan OYM, Leung TY, Chan OK, Cheng YKY, Sahota DS

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014;35(3): 193 - 198


Pelvic Floor Biometry during a First Singleton Pregnancy and the Relationship with Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Disorders: a Prospective Observational Study.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Leung TY, Chung TKH

BJOG 2014;121(1): 121 - 129


Pelvic Floor Biometry in Chinese Primiparous Women 1 Year after Delivery: A Prospective Observational Study.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2014;43(4): 466 - 474


Performance of Chromosomal Microarray for Patients with Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Delay, Autism, and Multiple Congenital Anomalies in a Chinese Cohort.

Chong WS, Lo FM, Lam STS, Wang CC, Luk HM, Leung TY, Choy KW

Mol Cytogenet 2014;7(34): 1 - 6


Potential application of fetal epigenetic markers on the non-invasive prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormality.

Chim SSC

Clin Chem Lab Med 2014;52(5): 585 - 588


Prediction of preeclampsia by mean arterial pressure at 11-13 and 20-24 weeks™ gestation.

Gallo D, Poon LC, Fernandez M, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 36: 28-37.


Prediction of preeclampsia by mean arterial pressure at 11-13 and 20-24 weeks_x0099_ gestation.

Gallo D, Poon LC, Fernandez M, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2014; 36: 28-37.


Prenatal Diagnosis of Maternally Inherited X-linked Opitz G/BBB Syndrome by Chromosomal Microarray in a Fetus with Complex Congenital Heart Disease.

Cheng YKY, Huang J, Law KM, Chan OYM, Leung TY, Choy KW

Clin Chim Acta 2014;436C(2014): 140 - 142


Pro-oxidative and Antioxidative Controls and Signaling Modification of Polyphenolic Phytochemicals: Contribution to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention?

Chu KO, Chan SO, Pang CP, Wang CC

J Agric Food Chem 2014;62(18): 4026 - 4038


PSCC: Sensitive and Reliable Population-Scale Copy Number Variation Detection Method Based on Low Coverage Sequencing.

Li XC, Chen SP, Xie WW, Vogel I, Choy KW, Chen F, Christensen R, Zhang CL, Ge HJ, Jiang HJ, Yu C, Huang F, Jiang H, Zhang XQ

PLos ONE 2014;9(1): e85096


Recurrent Structural Malformations Identified among Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Fetuses.

Zhou Y, Huang J, Cheng YKY, Leung TY, Pooh RK, Lo FM, Choy KW

Prenatal Diag 2014;34(3): 296 - 298


Response to Booster Doses of Hepatitis B Vaccine among Young Adults Who Had Received Neonatal Vaccination.

Chan PKS, Ngai LK, Lao TTH, Wong MCS, Cheung TKW, Yeung ACM, Chan MCW, Luk SWC

PLos ONE 2014;9(9): e10716


Safety and Efficacy of Sonographically Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids.

Leung JHY, Yu SCH, Cheung ECW, Wong ASW, Tong MMB, Ho SSY, Leung VYF, Ahuja AT

J Ultras Med 2014;33(10): 1811 - 1818


Selection of Referent Transcript for Normalization of Gene Expression in Cervical Cytology Samples.

Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Yeung ACM, Chan PKS

Appl Immunohisto M M 2014;22(2): 153 - 157


Serotonin Receptor 6 Mediates Defective Brain Development in Monoamine Oxidase A-deficient Mouse Embryos.

Wang CC, Man GCW, Chu NCY, Borchert A, Ugun-Klusek A, Billett EE, Kuhn H, Ufer C

J Biol Chem 2014;289(12): 8252 - 8263


Size-based Molecular Diagnostics Using Plasma DNA for Noninvasive Prenatal Testing.

Yu JCY, Chan AKC, Zheng YWL, Jiang PY, Liao GJW, Sun H, Akolekar R, Leung TY, Go ATJI, van Vugt JMG, Minekawa R, Oudejans CBM, Nicolaides KH, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014;111(23): 8583 - 8588


Successful induction of labor: prediction by pre-induction cervical length, angle of progression and cervical elastography.

Pereira S, Frick AP, Poon LC, Zamprakou A, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 44: 468-475.


Systematic Review of Chinese Medicine for Miscarriage during Early Pregnancy.

Li L, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Wang CC

Evid-Based Compl Alt 2014;2014(7538): 1 - 16


The Impact of Supportive Counselling on Womens Psychological Wellbeing after Miscarriage ¡V a Randomised Controlled Trial.

Kong GWS, Chung TKH, Lok IH

BJOG 2014;121(10): 1253 - 1262


Therapeutic Potentials of Gene Silencing by RNA Interference: Principles, Challenges, and New Strategies.

Deng Y, Wang CC, Choy KW, Du Q, Chen J, Wang Q, Li L, Chung TKH, Tang T

Gene 2014;538: 217 - 227


Transcervical Intralesional Vasopressin Injection Compared with Placebo in Hysteroscopic Myomectomy.

Wong ASW, Cheung ECW, Yeung SW, Fan HL, Leung TY, Sahota DS

Obstet Gynecol 2014;124(5): 897 - 903


Trends in Preterm Birth in Singleton Deliveries in a Hong Kong Population.

Hui ASY, Lao TTH, Leung TY, Schaaf JM, Sahota DS

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2014;7292(14): 248 - 253


Prodrug of green tea epigallocatchin-3-gallate (Pro-EGCG) as a potent anti-angiogenesis agent for endometriosis in mice.

Wang CC, Xu H, Man GCW, Zhang T, Chu KO, Chu CY, Cheng JT, Li G, He YX, Qin L, Lau TS, Kwong J, Chan TH.

Angiogenesis 2013 Aug; 16(1): 59-69.


Vascular endothelial growth factor C is increased in endometrium and promotes endothelial functions, vascular permeability and angiogenesis and growth of endometriosis.

Xu H, Zhang T, Man GCW, May KE, Becker CM, Davis TN, Kung AL, Birsner AE, D’Amato RJ, Wong AW, Wang CC.

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A Novel miR-193a-5p-YY1-APC Regulatory Axis in Human Endometrioid Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.

Yang YH, Zhou L, Lu LN, Wang LJ, Li XX, Jiang PY, Chan LKY, Zhang T, Yu J, Kwong J, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Mak KKL, Sun H, Wang HT

Oncogene 2013;32(29): 3432 - 3442


A Randomized, Double-blind, Multiple-dose Escalation Study of a Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation (Dang Gui Buxue Tang) for Moderate to Severe Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women.

Wang CC, Cheng KF, Lo WM, Law CKY, Li L, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

MENOPAUSE 2013;20(2): 223 - 231


A Test of Agreement of Customised Birthweight Models.

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Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2013;27(2): 131 - 137


Angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor C is expressed in endometrium and promotes endothelial functions, vascular permeability and angiogenesis and growth of endometriosis.

Xu H, Zhang T, Man GCW, May KE, Becker CM, Davis TN, Kung AL, Birsner AE, D’Amato RJ, Wong AWY, Wang CC_.

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Association of placental perfusion, as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging and uterine artery Doppler ultrasound, and its relationship to pregnancy outcome.

Derwig I, Lythgoe DJ, Barker GJ, Poon L, Gowland P, Yeung R, Fernando Z, Nicolaides, KH.

Placenta 2013; 34: 885-891.


Association of placental T2 relaxation times and uterine artery Doppler ultrasound measures of placental blood flow.

Derwig I, Barker GJ, Poon L, Zelaya F, Gowland P, Lythgoe DJ, Nicolaides KH.

Placenta 2013; 34: 474-479.


Bisphenol A Differentially Activates Protein Kinase C Isoforms in Murine Placental Tissue.

Tan WJ, Huang H, Wang YF, Wong TY, Wang CC, Leung LK

Toxicol App Pharm 2013;269(2): 163 - 168


Can Live xPlane Imaging of the In-plane View of Interventricular Septum be Used to Detect Fetal Conotruncal Anomalies?

Xiong Y, Liu T, Gan HJ, Wu Y, Xu JF, Ting YH, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013;26(4): 373 - 377


Carbimazole Embryopathy in a Chinese Population: Case Series and Literature Review.

Ting YH, Zhou Y, Lao TTH

Birth Defects Res Part A-Clin Mol Teratol 2013;97(4): 225 - 229


Cerclage Pessary for Preventing Preterm Birth in Women with a Singleton Pregnancy and a Short Cervix at 20 to 24 Weeks: A Randomized control_led Trial.

Hui ASY, Chor MCM, Lau TK, Lao TTH, Leung TY

AM J Perinatol 2013;30(4): 283 - 288


Cerclage Pessary for Preventing Preterm Birth in Women with a Singleton Pregnancy and a Short Cervix at 20 to 24 Weeks: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Hui ASY, Chor MCM, Lau TK, Lao TTH, Leung TY

AM J Perinatol 2013;30(4): 283 - 288


Chinese Herbal Medicines for Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage.

Li L, Dou LX, Leung PC, Chung TKH, Wang CC

Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2013;(6)


Clinical and Psychological Impact after Surgical, Medical or Expectant Management of First-trimester Miscarriage - A Randomised Controlled Trial.

Kong GWS, Lok IH, Yiu AKW, Hui ASY, Lai BPY, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2013;53(2): 170 - 177


Clinical evaluation of a first trimester algorithm predicting the risk of hypertensive disease of pregnancy.

Park FJ,ƒ Leung CH,ƒ Poonƒ LC,ƒ Williams PF,ƒ Rothwell SJ,ƒ Hyettƒ JA.

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecolƒ 2013; 53: 532-539.


Combined screening for preeclampsia and small for gestational age at 11_x0093_13 weeks.

Poon LC, Syngelaki A, Akolekar R, Lai J, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 16-27.


Combined screening for preeclampsia and small for gestational age at 11“13 weeks.

Poon LC, Syngelaki A, Akolekar R, Lai J, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 16-27.


Competing risks model in early screening for preeclampsia by biophysical and biochemical markers.

Akolekar R, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Wright D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 8-15.


Constitutive Activation of Distinct NF-£MB Signals in EBV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Chung GTY, Lou WPK, Chow C, To KF, Choy KW, Leung AWC, Tong CYK, Yuen WF, Ko CW, Yip TTC, Busson P, Lo KW

J Pathol 2013;231(3): 311 - 322


Detection of the Fetal Conotruncal Anomalies Using Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography with Live Xplane Imaging of the Fetal Ductal Arch View.

Xiong Y, Liu T, Gan HJ, Wu Y, Xu JF, Ting YH, Leung TY, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2013;33(5): 462 - 466


Does Dang Gui Buxue Tang Improve Moderate to Severe Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life in Post-menopausal Women?

Wang CC, Haines CJ

Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2013;18(3): 140 - 142


Effect of Zeranol on Expression of Apoptotic and Cell Cycle Proteins in Murine Placentae.

Wang YF, Li L, Wang CC, Leung LK

Toxicology 2013;314(1): 148 - 154


Environmental Factors in the First Trimester and Risk of Oral-Facial Clefts in the Offspring.

Chung MK, Lao TTH, Ting YH, Leung TY, Lau TK, Wong TW

Reprod Sci 2013;20(7): 797 - 803


Feasibility and Safety Study of a New Device (Odon Device) for Assisted Vaginal Deliveries: Study Protocol.

The WHO Odon Device Research Group, Leung TY

Reprod Health 2013;10(33): 1 - 8


Fetal fraction in maternal plasma cell-free DNA at 11-13 weeks' gestation: relation to maternal and fetal characteristics.

Ashoor G, Syngelaki A,ƒ Poonƒ L, Rezende J,ƒ Nicolaidesƒ K. , Poon LC

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 26-32.


First-trimester contingent screening for trisomy 21 by biomarkers and maternal blood cell free DNA testing.

Nicolaides KH, Wright D, Poon L,ƒ Syngelaki A, Gil M.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 42: 41-50.


First-trimester Cystic Hygroma: Relationship of Nuchal Translucency Thickness and Outcomes.

Huang J, Leung TY, Choy KW

Obstet Gynecol 2013;121(1): 192 - 193


Functional Role of Mst1/Mst2 in Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation.

Li P, Chen Y, Mak KKL, Wong CK, Wang CC, Yuan P

PLos ONE 2013;8(11): e79867


Geographical Distribution and Oncogenic Risk Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 E6 and E7 Sequence Variations.

Chan PKS, Zhang CQ, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Giovannelli L, Coutlee F, Hibbitts S, Konno R, Settheetham-Ishida W, Chu TY, Ferrera A, Alejandra Picconi M, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Pina-Sanchez P, Bae JH, Wong MCS, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Capra G, Ki EY, Tan Y, Chen ZG, Burk RD, Chan MCW, Cheung TH, Pim D, Banks L

Int J Cancer 2013;132(1): 2528 - 2536


Gestational Diabetes, Maternal Obesity and the NCD Burden.

Ma RCW, Chan JCN, Tam WH, Gluckman PD

Clin Obstet Gynecol 2013;56(3): 633 - 641


IL-15 and Macrophage Secretory Factors Facilitate Immune Activation of Neonatal Natural Killer Cells by Lipoteichoic Acid.

Cheng SF, Ho JWY, Chan KYY, Leung TY, Lam HS, Fong ON, Li KKH, Ng PC

Cytokine 2013;61(2): 499 - 505


Immortalized Human Fetal Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Expressing Suicide Gene for Anti-tumor Therapy in Vitro and in Vivo.

Lee WYW, Zhang T, Lau CPY, Wang CC, Chan KM, Li G

Cytotherapy 2013;15(12): 1484 - 1497


Impact of Neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme on Age-specific Prevalence of Hepatitis B Infection in Teenage Mothers in Hong Kong.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Suen SSH, Chan PKS, Leung TY

Epidemiol Infect 2013;141(10): 2131 - 2139


Maternal Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Status and Incidence of Pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Cheng YKY, Law LW, Leung TY

J Viral Hepatitis 2013;20(5): 343 - 349


Maternal plasma cell-free fetal and maternal DNA at 11-13 weeks gestation: Relation to fetal and maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes.

Poon LC, Musci T, Song K, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 215-223.


Maternal serum activin-A at 30-33 weeks in the prediction of preeclampsia.

Lai J, Pinas A, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013; 26: 733-737.


Maternal serum cytokines at 30-33 weeks in the prediction of preeclampsia.

Mosimann B, Wagner M, Poon LC, Bansal AS, Nicolaides KH.

Prenatal Diagnosis 2013; 33: 823-830.


Maternal Serum Placental Growth Factor, Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A and Free -Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin at 30-33 Weeks in the Prediction of Pre-Eclampsia.

Laiƒ J, Pinas A, Poon LC, Agathokleous M,ƒ Nicolaidesƒ KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 164-172.


Maternal serum retinol-binding protein-4 at 11-13 weeks gestation in normal and pathological pregnancies.

Nanda S, Nikoletakis G, Markova D, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

Metabolism 2013; 62: 814-819.


Maternal serum soluble endoglin (sEng) at 30-33 weeks in the prediction of preeclampsia.

Lai J, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Nucci M, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 149-155.


Maternal serum tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1) at 30-33 weeks in the prediction of preeclampsia.

Mosimann B,ƒ Wagner M,ƒ Birdir C,ƒ Poonƒ LC,ƒ Nicolaidesƒ KH.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013; 26: 763-767.


Maternal thyroid function at 11-13 weeks gestation in twin pregnancy.

Ashoor G, Muto O, Poon LC, Abdulla M, Nicolaides KH.

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Mean arterial pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 30-33 weeks in the prediction of preeclampsia.

Lai J, Poon LC, Bakalis S, Markova D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 173-181.


Measuring Grief Following Miscarriage: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Perinatal Grief Scale.

Lai BPY, Chung TKH, Lee DTS, Kong GWS, Lok IH

Assessment 2013;20(1): 123 - 129


Measuring the Angle of the Subpubic Arch Using Three-dimensional Transperineal Ultrasound Scan: Intraoperator Repeatability and Interoperator Reproducibility.

Choi PS, Chan SSC, Sahota DS, Leung TY

AM J Perinatol 2013;30(3): 191 - 195


Melamine in Prenatal and Postnatal Organs in Rats.

Chu NCY, Chu KO, Ho CS, Kwok SS, Chan HMM, Fung KP, Wang CC

Reprod Toxicol 2013;35: 40 - 47


Melamine Toxicity in Rat Foetuses and Infants.

Wang CC, Fung KP, Fok TF, Lau TK, Pang CP, Chu KO, Shum ASW, Lam CWK, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lau CM, Ting TL, Mak TCW

Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(S8): S20 - S22


Meta-analysis of second-trimester markers for trisomy 21.

Agathokleous M, Chaveeva P, Poon LC, Kosinski P, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 247-261.


MicroRNA-182 Plays an Onco-miRNA Role in Cervical Cancer.

Tang T, Wong HK, Gu W, Yu MMY, To KF, Wang CC, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Choy KW

Gynecol Oncol 2013;129(1): 199 - 208


Monoamine Oxidases in Development.

Wang CC, Billett EE, Borchert A, Kuhn H, Ufer C

Cell Mol Life Sci 2013;70(4): 599 - 630


Motivations for Undertaking DNA Sequencing-based Non-invasive Prenatal Testing for Fetal Aneuploidy: A Qualitative Study with Early Adopter Patients in Hong Kong.

Yi H, Hallowell N, Griffiths S, Leung TY

PLos ONE 2013;8(11): e81794


Natural killer cells and their activation status in normal pregnancy.

Mosimann B, Wagner M, Shehata H, Poon LC, Ford B, Nicolaides KH, Bansal AS.

International Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2013; 2013: 906813.


Nicotine Alters MicroRNA Expression and Hinders Human Adult Stem Cell Regenerative Potential.

Ng TK, Carballosa CM, Pelaez D, Wong HK, Choy KW, Pang CP, Cheung HS

Stem Cells Dev 2013;22(5): 781 - 790


Noninvasive Prenatal Molecular Karyotyping from Maternal Plasma.

Yu JCY, Jiang PY, Choy KW, Chan AKC, Won HS, Leung WC, Lau ET, Tang MHY, Leung TY, Lo DYM, Chiu RWK

PLos ONE 2013;8(4): e60968


Noninvasive Twin Zygosity Assessment and Aneuploidy Detection by Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing.

Leung TY, Qu JZZ, Liao GJW, Jiang PY, Cheng YKY, Chan AKC, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

Prenatal Diag 2013;33(7): 675 - 681


Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Improves Quality of Life of Women with Urinary Incontinence: A Prospective Study.

Fan HL, Chan SSC, Law SM, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2013;53(3): 298 - 304


Prediction of preeclampsia by uterine artery Doppler at 20-24 weeks™ gestation.

Gallo D, Poon LC, Akolekar R, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 1: 241-247.


Prediction of preeclampsia by uterine artery Doppler at 20-24 weeks_x0099_ gestation.

Gallo D, Poon LC, Akolekar R, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 1: 241-247.


Prediction of Women s Long-term Cardiometabolic Risks Using Glycemic Indices during Pregnancy.

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Cockram CS, Chan JCN

J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2013;39(2): 484 - 491


Pregnancy Outcomes, Embryonic and Fetal Development in Maternal Exposure to Chinese Medicines

Wang CC, Li L, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Fung KP

Birth Defects Res Part C-Embryo Today-Rev 2013;99(4): 275 - 291


Prevalence of Urinary and Fecal Incontinence in Chinese Women during and after Their First Pregnancy.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2013;24(9): 1473 - 1479


Prophylactic Use of Levonorgestrel-releasing Intrauterine System in Women with Breast Cancer Treated with Tamoxifen.

Wong AWY, Chan SSC, Yeo W, Yu MMY, Tam WH

Obstet Gynecol 2013;121(5): 943 - 950


Prospective Assessment of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Universal Down Syndrome Screening Programme.

Sahota DS, Leung WC, Chan WP, To WWK, Lau ET, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(2): 101 - 108


Radiofrequency Ablation for Selective Reduction in Complicated Monochorionic Multiple Pregnancies.

Lu J, Ting YH, Law KM, Lau TK, Leung TY

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013;34(4): 211 - 216


Relationship between Age and Prevalence of Hepatitis B Infection in First-year University Students in Hong Kong.

Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Chan OK, Lau TK, Leung TY, Chan PKS

Infection 2013;41(2): 529 - 535


Responsiveness of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire in Women Undergoing Treatment for Pelvic Floor Disorders.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Lai BPY, Lee LLL, Choy KW, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2013;24(2): 213 - 221


Risk of Malignancy in Women Who Underwent Hysterectomy for Uterine Prolapse.

Wan OYK, Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2013;53(2): 190 - 196


Role of B Lymphoma Mo-MLV Insertion Region 1 in the Oncogenic Behavior of Retinoblastomas.

Ren RJ, Liu WW, Huang L, Liu DTL, Choy KW, Shi JT, Zhao JY, Zhao BW, Guan M, Shields CL, Pang CP, Li B, Yam GHF

Mol Vis 2013;19: 561 - 574


Second-trimester screening for trisomy 21 using prefrontal space ratio.

Chaveeva P, Agathokleous M, Poon LC, Markova D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 34: 50-55.


Second-trimester uterine artery Doppler in the prediction of stillbirths.

Poon LC, Volpe N, Muto B, Yu CKH, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 33: 28-35.


Secondary Findings from Non-invasive Prenatal Testing for Common Fetal Aneuploidies by Whole Genome Sequencing as A Clinical Service.

Lau TK, Jiang FM, Stevenson RJ, Lo TK, Chan LW, Chan MK, Lo SPS, Wang W, Zhang H, Chen F, Choy KW

Prenatal Diag 2013;33(6): 602 - 608


Single Fetal Cells for Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis: Old Myths New Prospective.

Chan WK, Kwok YKY, Choy KW, Leung TY, Wang CC

Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013;1(1): 1004


Sperm Cryopreservation for Chinese Male Cancer Patients: A 17-year Retrospective Analysis in an Assisted Reproductive Unit in Hong Kong.

Chung JPW, Haines CJ, Kong GWS

Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(6): 525 - 530


Spontaneous Carotid Cavernous Fistula Complicating Pregnancy.

Yeung SW, Suen SSH, Yu SCH, Lao TTH, Leung TY, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(3): 258 - 261


Suppression of Malignancy by Smad3 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Formed Teratoma.

Li P, Chen Y, Meng XM, Kwok YKY, Huang XR, Choy KW, Wang CC, Lan HY, Yuan P

Stem Cell Rev and Rep 2013;9(5): 709 - 720


Tension-free Vaginal Mesh for the Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Chinese Women.

Fan HL, Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2013;19(6): 511 - 517


The Detection of Mosaicism by Prenatal BoBs TM.

Cheng YKY, Wong CKM, Wong HK, Leung Kwok On, Kwok YKY, Suen AKW, Wang CC, Leung TY, Choy KW

Prenatal Diag 2013;33(1): 42 - 49


The Influence of Image Setting on Intracranial Translucency Measurement by Manual and Semi-automated System.

Zhen L, Yang X, Ting YH, Chen M, Leung TY

Prenatal Diag 2013;33(9): 889 - 893


Thrombopoietin Improved Ventricular Function and Regulated Remodeling Genes in a Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction.

Chan KYY, Zhou L, Xiang P, Li KKH, Ng PC, Wang CC, Li M, Pong NH, Tu L, Deng HY, Kong CKL, Sung RYT

Int J Cardiol 2013;167(6): 2546 - 2554


Timing of Caesarean Section According to Urgency.

Leung TY, Lao TTH

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2013;27(2): 251 - 267


Toxicity of Melamine: The Public Health Concern.

Chu NCY, Wang CC

J Environ SCI Heal C 2013;31(4): 342 - 386


Transcervical Intralesional Vasopressin Injection in Hysteroscopic Myomectomy-Description of a New Technique.

Wong ASW, Cheung ECW, Leung VKT, Yeung SW, Leung TY, Fung TY

J Laparoendose Adv Surg Tech 2013;23(3): 258 - 262


Trichorionic and dichorionic triplet pregnancies at 10-14 weeks: Outcome after embryo reduction compared to expectant management.

Chaveeva P, Kosinski P, Puglia D, Poon L, Nicolaides K.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2013; 1: 199-205.


Use of Birth Weight Threshold for Macrosomia to Identify Fetuses at Risk of Shoulder Dystocia among Chinese Populations.

Cheng YKY, Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Leung VKT, Leung TY

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2013;120(3): 249 - 253


Virological Characteristics of Cervical Cancers Carrying Pure Episomal Form of HPV16 Genome.

Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Chan PKS

Gynecol Oncol 2013;131(2): 374 - 379


Zinc-finger Protein 545 is a Novel Tumour Suppressor that Acts by Inhibiting Ribosomal RNA Transcription in Gastric Cancer.

Wang SY, Cheng YD, Du W, Lu LN, Zhou L, Wang HT, Kang W, Li XX, Tao Q, Sung JJY, Yu J

Gut 2013;62(6): 833 - 841


A competing risks model in early screening for preeclampsia.

Wright D, Akolekar R, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012; 32: 171-178.


A Dynamic Inflammatory Cytokine Network in the Human Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment.

Kulbe H, Chakravarty P, Leinster DA, Charles KA, Kwong J, Thompson RG, Coward JI, Schioppa T, Robinson SC, Gallagher WM, Galletta L, Salako MA, Smyth JF, Hagemann T, Brennan DJ, Bowtell DD, Balkwill FR

Cancer Res 2012;72(1): 66 - 75


A Fetus with a Huge Neck Mass and a Large Abdominal Circumference - A Rare Case of Sialoblastoma and Hepatoblastoma.

Cheng YKY, Chu WCW, Law LW, Ting YH, Leung TY

Prenatal Diag 2012;32(9): 915 - 917


A Novel Way of Visualizing the Ductal and Aortic Arches by Real-time Three-dimensional Ultrasound with Live xPlane Imaging.

Xiong Y, Chen M, Chan LW, Ting YH, Fung TY, Leung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2012;39(3): 316 - 321


A Paradoxical Teratogenic Mechanism for Retinoic Acid.

Lee LMY, Leung CY, Tang W, Choi HL, Leung YC, Mccaffery PJ, Wang CC, Woolf AS, Shum ASW

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;109(34): 13668 - 13673


A Pilot Study on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and High Risk Sexual Behaviour in Hong Kong Female Ketamine Users.

Lee JHS, Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Pang WL, Chung TKH

HK Pract 2012;34(4): 132 - 138


Adverse Outcomes of Chinese Medicines Used for Threatened Miscarriage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Li L, Dou LX, Neilson JP, Leung PC, Wang CC

Hum Reprod Update 2012;18(5): 504 - 524


Arabin Cerclage Pessary in the Management of Cervical Insufficiency.

Ting YH, Lao TTH, Law LW, Hui ASY, Chor MCM, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(12): 2693 - 2695


Attribution of Human Papillomavirus Types to Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Cancers in Southern China.

Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Li WH, Yu MMY, Chan MYM, Yim SF, Ho WCS, Yeung ACM, Ho KM, Ng HK

Int J Cancer 2012;131(3): 692 - 705


Awareness and Knowledge of Hepatitis B Infection and Prevention and the Use of Hepatitis B Vaccination in the Hong Kong Adult Chinese Population.

Chung JPW, Suen SSH, Chan OK, Lao TTH, Leung TY

Chin Med J 2012;125(3): 422 - 427


Birthweight with gestation and maternal characteristics in live births and stillbirths.

Poon LC, Volpe N, Muto B, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012; 32: 156-165.


Bisphenol A Induces Corticotropin-releasing Hormone Expression in the Placental Cells JEG-3.

Huang H, Tan WJ, Wang CC, Leung LK

Reprod Toxicol 2012;34: 317 - 322


Breastfeeding Initiation: Is this Influenced by Maternal Hepatitis B Infection?

Leung VKT, Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Chan OK, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(11): 2390 - 2394


C-reactive protein at 11 to 13 weeks™ gestation in spontaneous early preterm delivery.

Bakalis S, Poon LC, Vayna AM, Pafilis I, Nicolaides KH.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25: 2475-2478.


C-reactive protein at 11 to 13 weeks_x0099_ gestation in spontaneous early preterm delivery.

Bakalis S, Poon LC, Vayna AM, Pafilis I, Nicolaides KH.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25: 2475-2478.


Can We Use the Frontomaxillary Facial Angle in the First Trimester to Predict Facial Cleft?

Pan M, Chen M, Sahota DS, Lao TTH, Lau TK, Leung TY

Prenatal Diag 2012;32(5): 491 - 493


Cardiometabolic Risk in Chinese Women with Prior Gestational Diabetes: A 15-year Follow-up Study.

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Lao TTH, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Cockram CS, Chan JCN

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2012;73(2): 168 - 176


CD44+ Cancer Stem-like Cells in EBV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

Lun SWM, Cheung ST, Cheung PFY, To KF, Woo KS, Choy KW, Chow C, Cheung CCM, Chung GTY, Cheng ASH, Ko CW, Tsao GSW, Busson P, Ng MHL, Lo KW

PLos ONE 2012;7(12): e52426


Cervical Pessary in Pregnant Women with a Short Cervix.

Hui ASY, Lao TTH, Ting YH, Leung TY

Lancet 2012;380(9845): 887


Chinese Herbal Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage (Review).

Li L, Dou LX, Leung PC, Wang CC

Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2012;(5)


Comparison of Real-time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography and Spatiotemporal Image Correlation in Assessment of Fetal Interventricular Septum.

Xiong Y, Liu T, Wu Y, Xu JF, Ting YH, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(11): 2333 - 2338


Deficient Knowledge on Hepatitis B Infection in Pregnant Women and Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Carriage in an Endemic Area: A Review.

Chan OK, Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Leung TY

Hepat Res Treat 2012;2012: 317451


Dysregulated microRNAs in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Cervical Neoplasm.

Cheung TH, Man MKN, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Doran G, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Smith DI, Worley MJJR, Berkowitz RS, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Cell Cycle 2012;11(15): 2876 - 2884


Dysregulation of microRNA-204 Mediates Migration and Invasion of Endometrial Cancer by Regulating FOXC1.

Chung TKH, Lau TS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Yu MMY, Kwong J, Doran G, Barroilhet LM, Ng ASW, Wong RRY, Wang VW, Mok SC, Smith DI, Berkowitz RS, Wong YF

Int J Cancer 2012;130(5): 1036 - 1045


Effect of Image Settings on Nuchal Translucency Thickness Measurement by a Semi-automated System.

Chen PW, Chen M, Leung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2012;39(2): 169 - 174


Effects of Skin Pressure from Compression Legwear on Resting Salivary Cortisol and Urinary Catecholamines Excretion in Women.

Liu R, Kwok YL, Lao TTH

Dermatol Surg 2012;38(1): 83 - 90


Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Monarc Versus Tension-free Vaginal Tape Obturator: A Retrospective One-year Follow-up Study.

Cheng YKY, To WWK, Liang HX, GO WW

HKJGOM 2012;12(1): 50 - 54


Extensive Genetic Diversity and Substructuring among Zebrafish Strains Revealed through Copy Number Variant Analysis.

Brown KH, Dobrinski KP, Lee AS, Gokcumen O, Mills RE, Shi XH, Chong WS, Chen HJY, Yoo P, David S, Peterson SM, Raj T, Choy KW, Stranger BE, Williamson RE, Zon LI, Freeman JL, Lee C

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;109(2): 529 - 534


External Cephalic Version Does Not Increase the Risk of Intra-uterine Death: a 17-year Experience and Literature Review.

Leung VKT, Suen SSH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(9): 1774 - 1778


FetalQuant: Deducing Fractional Fetal DNA Concentration from Massively Parallel Sequencing of DNA in Maternal Plasma.

Jiang PY, Chan AKC, Liao GJW, Zheng YWL, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM, Sun H

Bioinformatics 2012;28(22): 2883 - 2890


First trimester screening for neural tube defects using AFP.

Bredaki FE, Poon LC, Birdir C, Escalante D, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012; 31: 109-114.


First trimester screening for spontaneous preterm delivery with maternal characteristics and cervical length.

Greco E, Gupta R, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012; 31: 154-161.


First Trimester Serum Markers Stability during Sample Transportation from the Obstetrical Site to the Screening Laboratory.

Sahota DS, Pooh RK, Choy KW, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(7): 966 - 969


Frequency of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus at Collaborating Centers Based on IADPSG Consensus Panel-recommended Criteria: The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study.

Sacks DA, Hadden DR, Maresh M, Deerochanawong C, Dyer AR, Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Coustan DR, Hod M, Oats JJN, Persson B, Trimble ER, The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

Diabetes Care 2012;35(3): 526 - 528


Haemodynamic Effects from Aortocaval Compression at Different Angles of Lateral Tilt in Non-labouring Term Pregnant Women.

Lee SWY, Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Leung TY, Critchley LAH

Brit J Anaesth 2012;109(6): 950 - 956


Has Improved Health Care Provision Impacted on the Obstetric Outcome in Teenage Women?

Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Sahota DS, Law LW, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(8): 1358 - 1362


High Resolution Size Analysis of Fetal DNA in the Urine of Pregnant Women by Paired-end Massively Parallel Sequencing.

Tsui NBY, Jiang PY, Chow KCK, Su XX, Leung TY, Sun H, Chan AKC, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

PLos ONE 2012;7(10): e48319


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: Associations of Maternal A1C and Glucose with Pregnancy Outcomes.

Lowe LP, Metzger BE, Dyer AR, Lowe J, McCance DR, Lappin TRJ, Trimble ER, Coustan DR, Hadden DR, Hod M, Oats JJN, Persson B, The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

Diabetes Care 2012;35(3): 574 - 580


Hysterectomy for Recurrent Postmenopausal Bleeding Revisited: Missed Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumour.

Chung JPW, Cheung ECW, Yim SF, Mak SM

Hong Kong Med J 2012;18(4): 338 - 339


In Vitro Amyloid Aggregate Forming Ability of TGFBI Mutants that Cause Corneal Dystrophies.

Yam GHF, Wang KJ, Jhanji V, Choy KW, Baum L, Pang CP

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2012;53(9): 5890 - 5898


Inhibition of NOTCH3 Signalling Significantly Enhances Sensitivity to Cisplatin in EBV-associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

Man CH, Lun SWM, Hui JWY, To KF, Choy KW, Chan AWH, Chow C, Chung GTY, Tsao GSW, Yip TTC, Busson P, Lo KW

J Pathol 2012;226(3): 471 - 481


Intrapleural Injection of OK-432 as the Primary In-utero Treatment for Fetal Chylothorax.

Leung VKT, Suen SSH, Ting YH, Law LW, Lau TK, Leung TY

Hong Kong Med J 2012;18(2): 156 - 159


Laboratory and Clinical Aspects of Human Papillomavirus Testing.

Chan PKS, Alejandra Picconi M, Cheung TH, Giovannelli L, Park JS

Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 2012;49(4): 117 - 136


Large loop excision of transformation zone and cervical length in the prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery.

Poon LC, Savvas M, Zamblera D, Skyfta E, Nicolaides KH.

BJOG 2012; 119: 692-698.


Long-term Reproductive Outcome after Hysteroscopic Proximal Tubal Cannulation - an Outcome Analysis.

Chung JPW, Haines CJ, Kong GWS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2012;52(5): 470 - 475


Maternal HBsAg Status and Infant Size - a Faustian Bargain?

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Suen SSH, Law LW, Leung TY

J Viral Hepatitis 2012;19(7): 519 - 524


Maternal serum ferritin at 11 to 13 weeks gestation in spontaneous early preterm delivery.

Beta J, Poon LC, Bakalis S, Mosimann B, Nicolaides KH.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012; 25:1852-1855.


Maternal serum resistin at 11-13 weeks gestation in normal and pathological pregnancies.

Nanda S, Poon LC, Muhaisen M, Acosta IC, Nicolaides KH.

Metabolism 2012; 61: 699-705.


Mode of Anaesthesia on Fetal Acid-base Status at Caesarean Section.

Shek NWM, Lao TTH, Chan KKL

J Perinat Med 2012;40(6): 653 - 657


Molecular Genetics in Fetal Neurology.

Huang J, Wah YMI, Pooh RK, Choy KW

Semin Fetal Neona M 2012;17(6): 341 - 346


Molecular Studies of the Congenital Malformation Induced by Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, the Most Commonly Used Chinese Medicine for Threatened Miscarriage.

Tang LY, Li L, Borchert A, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Wang CC

Mol Hum Reprod 2012;18(12): 585 - 592


Newborn stem cells: Types, functions and basics for Obstetricians.

Jennifer SM Mak, Juan Bolanos, WC Leung, Richard Boyd, Robert Chin KH

Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2012 ;Vol 38 No. 6:247-256


Noninvasive Prenatal Determination of Twin Zygosity by Maternal Plasma DNA Analysis.

Qu JZZ, Leung TY (co-1st author), Jiang P, Liao GJW, Cheng YKY, Sun H, Chiu RWK, Chan KCA, Lo YM.

Clin Chem 2013; 59:427-35.


Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Trisomy 21 by Allelic Ratio Analysis Using Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing of Maternal Plasma DNA.

Liao GJW, Chan AKC, Jiang PY, Sun H, Leung TY, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

PLos ONE 2012;7(5): e38154


Normal Range of Intractranial Translucency (IT) Assessed by Three-dimensional Ultrasound at 11+0 to 13+6 Weeks in a Chinese Population.

Chen M, Chen H, Yang X, Wang HF, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Lao TTH, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(5): 489 - 492


Outcome of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies with Abnormal Umbilical Artery Doppler between 16 and 20 Weeks of Gestation.

Pan M, Chen M, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Ting YH, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(3): 277 - 280


Practice Audits to Reduce Caesareans in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in South-western China.

Ma RM, Lao TTH, Sun YH, Xiao H, Tian YQ, Li BL, Yang MH, Yang WH, Liang K, Liang GH, Li HY, Geng L, Ni RM, Qi WJ, Chen Z, Du MY, Zhu B, Xu J, Tao YP, Zhang L, Song XY, Qu ZQ, Sun Q, Yi XY, Yu JH, Zhang DD

Bull World Health Organ 2012;90(7): 488 - 494


Prenatal Detection of Aneuploidy and Imbalanced Chromosomal Arrangements by Massively Parallel Sequencing.

Dan S, Chen F, Choy KW, Jiang FM, Lin JR, Xuan ZL, Wang W, Chen SP, Li XC, Jiang H, Leung TY, Lau TK, Su Y, Zhang WY, Zhang XQ

PLos ONE 2012;7(2): e27835


Prevalence of Levator Ani Muscle Injury in Chinese Women after First Delivery.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Pang WL, Choy KW, Leung TY, Chung TKH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2012;39(6): 704 - 709


Proteomic Analysis Reveals Platelet Factor 4 and Beta-thromboglobulin as Prognostic Markers in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Poon TCW, Pang RTK, Chan AKC, Lee NLS, Chiu RWK, Tong YK, Chim SSC, Ngai SSM, Sung JJY, Lo DYM

Electrophoresis 2012;33(12): 1894 - 1900


Protocol for measurement of mean arterial pressure at 11-13 weeks gestation.

Poon LC, Zymeri NA, Zamprakou A, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012; 31: 42-48.


Quality Assurance of Nuchal Translucency for Prenatal Fetal Down Syndrome Screening.

Sahota DS, Leung WC, To WWK, Chan WP, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(7): 1039 - 1043


Quality of Life in Women with Urinary Incontinence is Impaired and Comparable to Women with Chronic Diseases.

Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2012;18(3): 214 - 220


Radiotherapy and Chemoradiation after Surgery for Early Cervical Cancer (Review).

Rogers L, Siu NSS, Luesley D, Bryant A, Dickinson HO

Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2012;(5): 1 - 42


Safety Evaluation of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines during Pregnancy in Mice

Wang CC, Li L, Tang LY, Leung PC

Hum Reprod 2012;27(8): 2448 - 2456


Scan the Fetal Heart by Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography with Live xPlane Imaging.

Xiong Y, Chen M, Chan LW, Ting YH, Fung TY, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(4): 324 - 328


Sequential Genetic Change at the TP53 and Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 Locus during Transformation of Human Ovarian Surface Epithelium.

Archibald KM, Kulbe H, Kwong J, Chakravarty P, Temple J, Chaplin T, Flak MB, McNeish IA, Deen S, Brenton JD, Young BD, Balkwill FR

Oncogene 2012;31(48): 4987 - 4995


Successful Treatment of Severe Fetal Chylothorax Resistant to Repeated Pleuroamniotic Shunting by OK-432 Pleurodesis.

Lo TK, Lau WL, Lam YY, Tang MHY, Leung TY, Leung WC

Fetal Diagn Ther 2012;31(4): 260 - 263


Symptoms, Quality of Life, and Factors Affecting Women's Treatment Decisions Regarding Pelvic Organ Prolap.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Lee LLL, Pang WL, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2012;23(8): 1027 - 1033


Systematic Identification of Spontaneous Preterm Birth-Associated RNA Transcripts in Maternal Plasma.

Chim SSC, Lee WS, Ting YH, Chan OK, Lee SWY, Leung TY

PLos ONE 2012;7(4): e34328


Technical Concerns about Immunoprecipitation of Methylated Fetal DNA for Noninvasive Trisomy 21 Diagnosis.

Tong YK, Chiu RWK, Chan AKC, Leung TY, Lo DYM

Nat Med 2012;18(9): 1327 - 1328


Thalassaemia in Pregnancy.

Leung TY, Lao TTH

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2012;26(1): 37 - 51


The Association between in Utero Hyperinsulinemia and Adolescent Arterial Stiffness.

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yip GWK, Yang XL, Li AM, Ko TC, Lao TTH, Chan JCN

Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2012;95(1): 169 - 175


The Force Applied to Successfully Turn a Foetus during Reattempts of External Cephalic Version is Substantially Reduced When Performed under Spinal Analgesia.

Suen SSH, Khaw KS, Law LW, Sahota DS, Lee SWY, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(6): 719 - 722


The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study: Associations of GDM and Obesity with Pregnancy Outcomes.

Catalano PM, McIntyre HD, Cruickshank JK, McCance DR, Dyer AR, Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Trimble ER, Coustan DR, Hadden DR, Persson B, Hod M, Oats JJN, The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

Diabetes Care 2012;35(4): 780 - 786


The Risk of Preterm Delivery Prior to 34 Weeks in Women Presenting with Antepartum Haemorrhage of Unknown Origin.

Yeung SW, Tam WH, Cheung RYK

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2012;52(2): 167 - 172


Thrombophilia among Chinese Women with Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy.

Tam WH, Ng MHL, Yiu AKW, Lau KM, Cheng G, Li CY

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2012;73(3): 183 - 188



Pan M, Choy KW, Liao C, Lau TK

Chin J Med Genet 2012;29(5): 562 - 565



Liu XX, Lau TK, Wang HF, Wong SM, Leung TY

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 2012;47(8): 587 - 591


Placental and fetal candidiasis associated with intrauterine contraceptive device in situ.

Lee HS, Lo AW.

Pathology. 2011 Apr;43(3):276-7.


2010 Report from the ISPD Special Interest Groups.

Odibo AO, Faas BHW, Oepkes D, Leung TY, Lee SM

Prenatal Diag 2011;31: 246 - 248


A Novel 15bp micro-Duplication in SF-1 Gene Showing Diverse Phenotypic Spectrum in a Chinese Family.

Li H, Choy KW, Lei YP, Wang W, Wang HY, Chen Y

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(1): 132 - 136


A Prospective Study on the Prevalence of Hydronephrosis in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Their Outcomes after Treatment.

Hui ASY, Chan SSC, Lam JSY, Lau TK, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2011;22(12): 1529 - 1534


Acupuncture for Amblyopia in Children (Protocol).

Liu ML, Li L, Leung PC, Wang CC, Liu M, Lan L, Ren YL, Liang FR

Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2011;(9)


Assessment of Sonographer Nuchal Translucency Measurement Performance - Central Tendency and Dispersion.

Sahota DS, Chen M, Leung TY, Chan LW, Fung TY, Ting YH, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(6): 812 - 816


Association of Hemopexin in Tear Film and Conjunctival Macrophages with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis.

Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Li WY, Tang LY, Li L, Lui WT, Poon TCW, Rao SK, Lam DSC, Wang CC, Pang CCP

Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129(4): 453 - 461


CHD5 Downregulation Associated with Poor Prognosis in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.

Wong RRY, Chan LKY, Tsang PT, Lee CWS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Lee SNC, Yu MMY, Chim SSC, Wong YF, Chung TKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2011;72(3): 203 - 207


Chinese Validation of Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire.

Chan SSC, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Li JCM, Lai BPY, Choy KW, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2011;22(10): 1305 - 1312


Clinical Use of Laparoscopic Ultrasonography in Detecting Nodal Metastasis in Advanced-Stage Cervical Carcinoma.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Yu MMY

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2011;112(2): 154 - 158


Comparison of Perinatal Outcomes of Shoulder Dystocia Alleviated by Different Type and Sequence of Manoeuvres: a Retrospective Review.

Leung TY, Stuart O, Suen SSH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Lao TTH

BJOG 2011;118(8): 985 - 990


Correlation between Maternal Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Carrier Status with Social, Medical and Family Factors in an Endemic Area: Have We Overlooked Something?

Chan OK, Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Lau TK, Leung TY

Infection 2011;39(5): 419 - 426


Current Limitations and Difficulties in Application of Microarray Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Prenatal Diagnosis. 採用微陣列 - 比較基因組雜交進行產前診斷的局限性和困難

Chen Y, Choy KW

Chin J Med Genet 2011;28(1): 47 - 51


Debulking Metastatic Pelvic Nodes before Radiotherapy in Cervical Cancer Patients: A Long-term Follow-up Result.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yau SH, Yu MMY, Yeung WK

Int J Clin Oncol 2011;16(5): 546 - 552


Differential hRad 17 Expression by Histologic Subtype of Ovarian Cancer.

Young JL, Koon EC, Kwong J, Welch WR, Muto MG, Berkowitz RS, Mok SC

J Ovarian Res 2011;4(1): 6


Do Prior Contraceptive Methods Impact Maternal Carriage in Patients with Hepatitis B?

Lao TTH, Chan OK, Suen SSH, Leung TY

Hepat Mon 2011;11(10): 829 - 834


Effects of Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling in Treating Infertile Anovulatory Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients with and without Metabolic Syndrome.

Kong GWS, Cheung LP, Lok IH

Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(1): 5 - 10


EZH2-Mediated Concordant Repression of Wnt Antagonists Promotes {beta}-Catenin-Dependent Hepatocarcinogenesis.

Cheng ASL, Lau SSK, Chen YC, Kondo Y, Li SMM, Feng H, Ching AKK, Cheung KF, Wong HK, Tong JHM, Jin HC, Choy KW, Yu J, To KF, Wong N, Huang THM, Sung JJY

Cancer Res 2011;71(11): 4028 - 4039


Fetal Stromal Niches Enhance Human Embryonic Stem Cell¡VDerived Hematopoietic Differentiation and Globin Switch.

Lee KY, Fong BSP, Tsang KS, Lau TK, Ng PC, Lam AC, Chan KYY, Wang CC, Kung HF, Li CK, Li KKH

Stem Cells Dev 2011;20(1): 31 - 38


First Trimester Screening - New Directions for Antenatal Care?

Chitty LS, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2011;31(1): 1 - 2


First-trimester prediction of macrosomia.

Poon LC, Karagiannis G, Stratieva V, Syngelaki A, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2011; 29: 139-147.


Frequent Somatic Demethylation of RAPGEF1/C3G Intronic Sequences in Gastrointestinal and Gynecological Cancer.

Samuelsson J, Alonso S, Ruiz-Larroya T, Cheung TH, Wong YF, Perucho M

Int J Oncol 2011;38(6): 1575 - 1577


Frontomaxillary Facial Angle at 11+0 to 13+6 Weeks in Chinese Population.

Chen M, Wang HF, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Borenstein M, Nicolaides KH, Lao TTH, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(3): 498 - 501


Gene Dosage Imbalance of Human Chromosome 21 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Differentiating to Neurons.

Wang CC, Kazuki Y, Oshimura M, Ikeo K, Gojobori T

Gene 2011;481(2): 93 - 101


Genistein Upregulates Placental Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Expression in Lipopolysaccharide-Sensitized Mice.

Huang H, Li L, Wang Y, Tang LY, Wang CC, Leung LK

Placenta 2011;32(10): 757 - 762


Gestational and Lactational Transfer of Melamine following Gavage Administration of a Single Dose to Rats.

Chan JYW, Lau CM, Ting TL, Mak CWT, Chan HMM, Lam CWK, Ho CS, Wang CC, Fok TF, Fung KP

Food Chem Toxicol 2011;49(7): 1544 - 1548


Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Inhibits Angiogenesis and Suppresses Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Expression and Signaling in Experimental Endometriosis in Vivo.

Xu H, Becker CM, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Davis TN, Kung AL, Birsner AE, D Amato RJ, Man GCW, Wang CC

Fertil Steril 2011;96(4): 1021 - 1028


Head-To-Body Delivery Interval And Risk of Fetal Acidosis and Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy in Shoulder Dystocia: A Retrospective Review.

Leung TY, Stuart O, Sahota DS, Suen SSH, Lau TK, Lao TTH

BJOG 2011;118(4): 474 - 479


Identification of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 Lineages and the Distribution Worldwide.

Chan PKS, Luk ACS, Park JS, Smith-McCune KK, Palefsky JM, Konno R, Giovannelli L, Coutlee F, Hibbitts S, Chu TY, Settheetham-Ishida W, Alejandra Picconi M, Ferrera A, De Marco F, Woo YL, Raiol T, Pina-Sanchez P, Cheung JLK, Bae JH, Chirenje MZ, Magure T, Moscicki AB, Fiander AN, Di Stefano R, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Tsui SKW, Pim D, Banks L

J Infect Dis 2011;203(11): 1565 - 1573


Identification of Submicroscopic Chromosomal Aberrations in Fetuses with increased Nuchal Translucency and Apparently Normal Karyotype.

Leung TY, Vogel I, Lau TK, Chong WS, Hyett JA, Petersen OB, Choy KW

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2011;38(3): 314 - 319


Influx of Mainland Expectant Mothers: a Blessing or a Curse?

Leung TY, Lao TTH

HKJGOM 2011;11(1): 9 - 10


Interactive Expressions of HtrA1 and VEGF in Human Vitreous Humors and Fetal RPE Cells.

Ng TK, Yam HF, Chen WQ, Lee VYW, Chen H, Chen LJ, Choy KW, Yang Z, Pang CCP

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52(6): 3706 - 3712


Isolated Absent or Hypoplastic Nasal Bone in the Second Trimester Fetus: is Amniocentesis Necessary?

Ting YH, Lao TTH, Lau TK, Chung MK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(4): 555 - 558


Knowledge on Hepatitis B Infection among Pregnant Women in a High Endemicity Area.

Chan OK, Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Lau TK, Leung TY

Patient Educ and Couns 2011;85(3): 516 - 520


Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for the Treatment of Vaginal Vault Prolapse: with or without Robotic Assistance.

Chan SSC, Pang MW, Cheung TH, Cheung RYK, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(1): 54 - 61


Maternal Understanding of Commercial Cord Blood Storage for Their Offspring - A Survey among Pregnant Women in Hong Kong.

Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Chan OK, Kou TKO, Chan CS, Kim JH, Lau TK, Leung TY

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2011;90(9): 1005 - 1009


Menstrual Disorders in a Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Clinic: Patient Presentations and Longitudinal Outcomes.

Chung JPW, Chan SSC, Yiu AKW, Lao TTH, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(5): 391 - 397


MicroRNA-145 Regulates Human Corneal Epithelial Differentiation.

Lee S, Teng YF, Wong HK, Ng TK, Huang L, Lei P, Choy KW, Liu YP, Zhang MZ, Lam DSC, Yam HF, Pang CCP

PLos ONE 2011;6(6): e21249


Molecular Basis of Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome in Chinese Patients.

Siu WK, Ma RCW, Lam CW, Mak CM, Yuen YP, Lo FMI, Chan KW, Lam SF, Ling SC, Tong SF, So WY, Chow CC, Tang MHY, Tam WH, Chan AYW

Chin Med J 2011;124(2): 237 - 241


Monoamine Oxidase A Expression Is Vital for Embryonic Brain Development by Modulating Developmental Apoptosis.

Wang CC, Borchert A, Ugun-Klusek A, Tang LY, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Billett EE, Kuhn H, Ufer C

J Biol Chem 2011;286(32): 28322 - 28330


Non-Invasive Prenatal Assessment of Trisomy 21 by Multiplexed Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing : Large Scale Validity Study.

Chiu RWK, Akolekar R, Zheng YWL, Leung TY, Sun H, Chan AKC, Lun FMF, Go ATJI, Lau ET, To WWK, Leung WC, Tang RYK, Au Yeung KC, Lam H, Kung YY, Zhang XQ, Van Vugt JMG, Minekawa R, Tang MHY, Wang J, Oudejans CBM, Lau TK, Nicolaides KH, Lo DYM

Brit Med J 2011;342: c7401


Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13 by Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing.

Chen EZ, Chiu RWK, Sun H, Akolekar R, Chan AKC, Leung TY, Jiang PY, Zheng YWL, Lun FMF, Chan LYS, Jin YJ, Go ATJI, Lau ET, To WWK, Leung WC, Tang RYK, Au Yeung KC, Lam H, Kung YY, Wang J, Van Vugt JMG, Minekawa R, Tang MHY, Wang J, Oudejans CBM, Lau TK, Nicolaides KH, Lo DYM

PLos ONE 2011;6(7): e21791


Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemophilia by Microfluidics Digital PCR Analysis of Maternal Plasma DNA.

Tsui NBY, Kadir RA, Chan AKC, Chi C, Mellars G, Tuddenham EG, Leung TY, Lau TK, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

Blood 2011;117(13): 3684 - 3691


Placental Site in The Second Trimester of Pregnancy and Its Association with Subsequent Obstetric Outcome.

Fung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Leung TY, Chan LW, Chung TKH

Prenatal Diag 2011;31(6): 548 - 554


Postnatal Depression among Hong Kong Chinese Fathers.

Chung TKH, Yip SK, Lok IH, Lee DTS

Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(1): S9 - 12


Potential Reproductive Toxicity of Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, the Most Commonly Used Chinese Medicine for Threatened Miscarriage.

Li L, Tang LY, Man GCW, Yeung BHY, Lau CBS, Leung PC, Wang CC

Hum Reprod 2011;26(12): 3280 - 3288


Prenatal Diagnosis of Morbidly Adherent Placenta.

Lau TK, Leung TY

Int J Obstet Anesth 2011;20(2): 107 - 109


Preterm Birth Rates in Chinese Women in China, Hong Kong and Australia - The Price of Westernisation.

Newnham JP, Sahota DS, Zhang CY, Xu BY, Zheng MM, Doherty DA, Li SF, Chung TKH, Hu YL

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2011;10(5): 426 - 431


Reference range of birth weight with gestation and first-trimester prediction of small for gestation neonates.

Poon LC, Karagiannis G, Staboulidou I, Shafiei A, Nicolaides KH.

Prenat Diagn 2011; 31: 58-65.


Risk Factors for Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Prospective Cohort Study.

TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Cheung JLK, Li EKM

Arthritis Care Res 2011;63(2): 269 - 276


Seroprevalence of Varicella Zoster Virus among Pregnant Women in Hong Kong: Comparison with Self-reported History.

Fung LWY, Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Chan OK, Lau TK, Ngai LK, Chan PKS, Leung TY

Vaccine 2011;29(46): 8186 - 8188


Serum Placental Growth Factor and Fms-like Tyrosine Kinase 1 during First Trimester in Chinese Women with Pre-eclampsia - A Case-Control Study.

Law LW, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Chen M, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(6): 808 - 811


Sonographic Measurement of Mesenteric Fat Predicts Presence of Fatty Liver among Subjects with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Ma RCW, Liu KH, Lam PM, Cheung LP, Tam WH, Ko GTC, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Lam CWK, Chu WCW, Tong PCY, So WY, Chan JCN, Chow CC

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96(3): 799 - 807


Stem Cell-Like Properties of Human Umbilical Cord Lining Epithelial Cells and the Potential for Epidermal Reconstitution.

Huang L, Wong YP, Gu H, Cai YJ, Ho Y, Wang CC, Leung TY, Burd A

Cytotherapy 2011;13(2): 145 - 155


Systolic diastolic and mean arterial pressure at 11-13 weeks in the prediction of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: a prospective screening study.

Poon LC, Kametas NA, Valencia C, Chelemen T, Nicolaides KH.

Hypertens Pregnancy 2011; 30: 93-107.


T-cell Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 52 L1, E6, and E7 Peptides in Women With Transient Infection, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, and Invasive Cancer.

Chan PKS, Liu SJ, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Chong P, Man S

J Med Virol 2011;83(6): 1023 - 1030


Tear Film Proteomics for Ocular Diseases.

Wang CC

Sci Topics 2011;


The Impact of Fetal Gender on Preterm Birth in a Southern Chinese Population.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Suen SSH, Law LW, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(12): 1440 - 1443


The Reproductive and Metabolic Effect of Rosiglitazone on Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study.

Lam PM, Tam WH, Ma RCW, Cheung LP, Tsui MHY, Tong PCY, Chow CC, Lam CWK, Chan MHM, Chan JCN, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2011;96(2): 445 - 451


The Roles of Glutathione Peroxidases during Embryo Development.

Ufer C, Wang CC

Front Mol Neurosci 2011;4(12): 1 - 14


The Technique of Laparoscopic Pelvic Ultrasonography for Metastatic Lymph Node.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Ho SSY, Yu MMY, Yang WT

J Laparoendose Adv Surg Tech 2011;21(1): 61 - 65


The Use of Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Does Not Improve Training in Fetal Biometric Measurements.

Chan LW, Ting YH, Lao TTH, Chau MMC, Fung TY, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(9): 1173 - 1175


Thrombopoietin Protects Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy, Improves Cardiac Function, And Reversely Alters Specific Signalling Networks.

Chan KYY, Xiang P, Zhou L, Li KKH, Ng PC, Wang CC, Zhang L, Deng HY, Pong NH, Zhao HL, Chan WY, Sung RYT

Eur J Heart Fail 2011;13(4): 366 - 376


Urinary Symptoms and Impaired Quality of Life in Female Ketamine Users: Persistence after Cessation of Use.

Cheung RYK, Chan SSC, Lee JHS, Pang WL, Choy KW, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(4): 267 - 273


Use of Three-Dimensional (3D) Sonography to Assess the True Midsagittal Plane of Fetal Spine.

Yang XH, Chen M, Leung TY, Wong SM, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(2): 297 - 300


X-Linked Congenital Hypertrichosis Syndrome Is Associated with Interchromosomal Insertions Mediated by a Human-Specific Palindrome near SOX3.

Zhu HW, Shang DD, Sun M, Choi SJ, Liu Q, Hao JJ, Figuera LE, Zhang F, Choy KW, Ao Y, Liu Y, Zhang XL, Yue FZ, Wang MR, Jin L, Patel PI, Jing T, Zhang X

Am J Hum Genet 2011;88(6): 819 - 826


採用微陣列 - 比較基因組雜交進行產前診斷的局限性和困難

Chen Y, Choy KW




Chen M, Hu ZY, Lau TK

Chinese Journals of Practical Medicine 2011;27(4): 105 - 108






22q11 Microdeletion Test in Patients with Congenital Heart Defects by Quantitative Fluorescent PCR.先天性心臟病患兒22q11微缺失的定量螢光聚合酶鏈反應檢測

Chen Y, Mao J, Kwok YKY, Kan HJ, Li HB, Liu MJ, Sun Y, Yan WH, Li H, Choy KW

Chin J Med Genet 2010;27(5): 571 - 575


A 1-Year Longitudinal Study of Psychological Morbidity after Miscarriage.

Lok IH, Yip SK, Lee DTS, Sahota DS, Chung TKH

Fertil Steril 2010;93(6): 1966 - 1975


A Novel Mutation of GATA4 in a Familial Atrial Septal Defect.

Chen Y, Mao J, Sun Y, Zhang Q, Cheng HB, Yan WH, Choy KW, Li H

Clin Chim Acta 2010;411(21): 1741 - 1745


A Prospective Longitudinal Study Investigating Neuroticism and Mastery as Predictors of Quality of Life among Chinese gynecologic Cancer Survivors.

Lai BPY, Tang CSK, Chung TKH

Qual Life Res 2010;19(7): 931 - 941


Age Distribution of Human Papillomavirus Infection and Cervical Neoplasia Reflects Caveats of Cervical Screening Policies.

Chan PKS, Chang AR, Yu MMY, Li WH, Chan MYM, Yeung ACM, Cheung TH, Yau TN, Wong ASM, Yau CW, Ng HK

Int J Cancer 2010;126(1): 297 - 301


Allelic Imbalance at 13q31 is Associated with Reduced GPC6 in Chinese with Sporadic Retinoblastoma.

Lau CSL, Yu CBO, Wong HK, Fan DSP, Mak HT, Wong KW, Lam DSC, Pang CCP, Choy KW

Br J Ophthalmol 2010;94(3): 357 - 363


Assessment of the Fetal Interventricular Septum Using Real-Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography with Live 3D Imaging.

Xiong Y, Wah YMI, Chen M, Fung TY, Leung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;35(6): 754 - 755


Chinese Herbal Medicines for Threatened Miscarriage.

Li L, Wang CC, Dou L, Leung PC

Cochrane DB Syst Rev 2010;(5): 1 - 9


Chinese Validation of Urogenital Distress Inventory and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire Short Form.

Chan SSC, Choy KW, Lai BPY, Pang MW, Yip SK, Lee LLL, Cheung RYK, Yiu AKW, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2010;21(7): 807 - 812


Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Rubella Susceptibility in Pregnant Women.

Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Suen SSH, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Viral Hepatitis 2010;17(10): 737 - 741


Classification of Pathogenic or Benign Status of CNVs Detected by microarray Analysis.

Leung TY, Pooh RK, Wang CC, Lau TK, Choy KW

Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2010;10(6): 717 - 721


Clinical Study of Quantitative Diagnosis of Early Cervical Cancer Based on the Classification of Acetowhitening Kinetics.

Wu T, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY

J Biomed Opt 2010;15(2): 026001


Comparison in the Performance of Glucose Meters in Blood Glucose Monitoring during Pregnancy.

Kong GWS, Tam WH, Chan MHM, So WY, Lam CWK, Yiu PC, Loo KM, Li CY

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2010;69(4): 264 - 269


Comparison of First-Trimester Contingent Screening Strategies for Down Syndrome.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Chan LW, Law LW, Fung TY, Chen M, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;35(3): 286 - 291


Comparison of Likehood Ratios of First-Trimester Nuchal Translucency Measurements: Multiples of Median, Delta or Mixture.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Chen M, Chan LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;36(1): 15 - 19


Conflicting Perceptions Between Health Care Professionals and Patients on the Psychological Morbidity following Miscarriage.

Kong GWS, Lok IH, Lam PM, Yip SK, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2010;50(6): 562 - 567


Defining the Immunoreactive Epitope for the Monoclonal Anti-Human Glutathione Peroxidase-4 Antibody Anti-hGPx4 Mab63-1.

Borchert A, Kuttner G, GieBmann E, Wang CC, Wessner H, Volkmer R, Hohne W, Kuhn H

Immunol Lett 2010;133(2): 85 - 93


Detecting Postnatal Depression in Chinese Men: A Comparison of Three Instruments.

Lai BPY, Tang AKL, Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chung TKH

Psychiatry Res 2010;180(2-3): 80 - 85


Disseminated Peritoneal Leiomyomatosis After Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy with Characteristic Molecular Cytogenetic Findings of Uterine Leiomyoma.

Ordulu Z, Cin PD, Chong WS, Choy KW, Lee C, Muto GM, Quade BJ, Morton CC

Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2010;49(12): 1152 - 1160


Distribution of Melamine in Rat Foetuses and Neonates.

Chu NCY, Chu KO, Chan JYW, Liu XZ, Ho CS, Wong CK, Lau CM, Ting TL, Fok TF, Fung KP, Wang CC

Toxicol Lett 2010;199(3): 398 - 402


Effect of Long-Term Storage on Placental Growth Factor and FMS-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 Measurements in Samples from Pregnant Women.

Law LW, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Chen M, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23(12): 1475 - 1480


Effects of Compression Legwear on Body Temperature, Heart Rate, and Blood Pressure Following Prolonged Standing and Sitting in Women.

Liu R, Lao TTH, Kwok YL, Li Y, Tokura H

Fiber Polym 2010;11(1): 128 - 135


Effects of Different Inspired Oxygen Fractions on Lipid Peroxidation During General Anaesthesia for Elective Caesarean Section.

Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Chu NCY, Ng F, Tam WH, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS, Wang CC

Brit J Anaesth 2010;105(3): 355 - 360


Epigenetic Regulation of Neonatal Cardiomyocytes Differentiation.

Kou CYC, Lau SLC, Au KW, Leung PY, Chim SSC, Fung KP, Waye MMY, Tsui SKW

Biochem Bioph Res Co 2010;400(2): 278 - 283


Epigenetic-Genetic Chromosome Dosage Approach for Fetal Trisomy 21 Detection Using an Autosomal Genetic Reference Marker.

Tong YK, Chiu RWK, Akolekar R, Leung TY, Lau TK, Nicolaides KH, Lo DYM

PLos ONE 2010;5(12): e15244


Fabric Mechanical-Surface Properties of Compression Hosiery and Their Effects on Skin Pressure Magnitudes When Worn.

Liu R, Kwok YL, Li Y, Lao TTH

Fibres Text East Dur 2010;79(2): 91 - 97


Fetoscopic Laser Photocoagulation in the Management of Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Local Experience from Hong Kong.

Yang X, Leung TY, Ngan Kee WD, Chen M, Chan LW, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2010;16(4): 275 - 281


Gender Comparison of Psychological Reaction After Miscarriage-a 1-Year Longitudinal Study.

Kong GWS, Chung TKH, Lai BPY, Lok IH

BJOG 2010;117(10): 1211 - 1219


Glucose Intolerance and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents Exposed to Maternal Gestational Diabetes: a 15-year Follow-up Study.

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Li AM, Ko GTC, Kong PS, Lao TTH, Chan MHM, Lam CWK, Chan JCN

Diabetes Care 2010;33(6): 1382 - 1384


Green Tea Catechins and Their Oxidative Protection in the Rat Eye.

Chu KO, Chan KP, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Li WY, Choy KW, Rogers MS, Pang CCP

J Agric Food Chem 2010;58(3): 1523 - 1534


Hepatitis B Infection and Outcomes of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Treatment.

Lam PM, Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Cheung LP, Leung TY, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2010;93(2): 480 - 485


Hyperglycaemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: Associations with Maternal Body Mass Index.

The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

BJOG 2010;117(5): 575 - 584


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: Neonatal Glycemia.

Metzger BE, Persson B, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, Cruickshank JK, Deerochanawong C, Halliday HL, Hennis AJ, Liley H, Ng PC, Coustan DR, Hadden DR, Hod M, Oats JJN, Trimble ER, The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

Pediatrics 2010;126(6): e1545 - e1552


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: Preeclampsia.

The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;202(3): 255.e1 - 255.e7


Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: combined screening by uterine artery Doppler, blood pressure and serum PAPP-A at 11-13 weeks.

Poon LC, Stratieva V, Piras S, Piri S, Nicolaides KH.

Prenat Diagn 2010; 30: 216-223.


Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: Screening by biophysical and biochemical markers at 11-13 weeks.

Poon LC, Akolekar R, Lachmann R, Beta J, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010; 35: 662-670.


Hysterectomy, Endometrial Destruction, and Levonorgestrel Releasing Intrauterine System (Mirena) for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Data from Individual Patients.

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Brit Med J 2010;341: c3929


Identification of a Novel 12p13.3 Amplicon in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.

Or YYY, Chung GTY, To KF, Chow C, Choy KW, Tong CYK, Leung AWC, Hui ABY, Tsao GSW, Ng HK, Yip TTC, Busson P, Lo KW

J Pathol 2010;220(1): 97 - 107


Identification of Hemopexin in Tear Film.

Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Chu KO, Poon TCW, Ngai SSM, Pang CCP, Wang CC

Anal Biochem 2010;404(1): 82 - 85


Immunopanning Purification and Long-Term Culture of Human Retinal Ganglion Cells.

Zhang XM, Liu DTL, Chiang WY, Choy KW, Pang CCP, Lam DSC, Yam HF

Mol Vis 2010;16: 2867 - 2872


Implications of the Relationship Between Maternal Age and Parity with Hepatitis B Carrier Status in a High Endemicity Area.

Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Viral Hepatitis 2010;17(5): 372 - 378


Influences of Mastery, Spousal Support, and Adaptive Coping on Sexual Drive and Satisfaction among Chinese Gynecologic Cancer Survivors.

Tang CSK, Lai BPY, Chung TKH

Arch Sex Behav 2010;39(5): 1191 - 1200


Isolated Fallopian Tube Torsion: A Series of Six Cases.

Wong ASW, Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Chung TKH

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2010;89(10): 1354 - 1356


Learning Curve in Measurement of Fetal Frontomaxillary Facial Angle at 11-13 Weeks of Gestation.

Yang X, Chen M, Wang HF, Leung TY, Borenstein M, Nicolaides KH, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;35(5): 530 - 534


Making Decisions When No Good Choices Exist:Delivery of the Survivor after Intrauterine Death of the Co-Twin in Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies.

Evans MI, Lau TK

Fetal Diagn Ther 2010;28(4): 191 - 195


Massive Subchorionic Thrombohematoma: a Series of 10 Cases.

Fung TY, To KF, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Leung TY, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2010;89(10): 1357 - 1361


Maternal Plasma DNA Sequencing Reveals the Genome-Wide Genetic and Mutational Profile of the Fetus.

Lo DYM, Chan AKC, Sun H, Chen EZ, Jiang PY, Lun FMF, Zheng YWL, Leung TY, Lau TK, Cantor CR, Chiu RWK

Sci Transl Med 2010;2(61): 61ra91


Maternal risk factors for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: a multivariate approach.

Poon LC, Kametas NA, Chelemen T, Leal A, Nicolaides KH.

J Hum Hypertens 2010; 24: 104-110.


Maternal Serum ADAM12 in Chinese Women Undergoing Screening for Aneuploidy in the First Trimester.

Liao C, Han J, Sahota DS, Li DZ, Sun Q, Lin L, Zhou JY, Yang X, Pan M, Huang YN

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23(11): 1305 - 1309


MiR-222 Overexpression Confers Cell Migratory Advantages in Hepatocellular Carcinoma through Enhancing AKT Signaling.

Wong QWL, Ching AKK, Chan AWH, Choy KW, To KF, Lai PBS, Wong N

Clin Cancer Res 2010;16(3): 867 - 875


Natural History of Cervical Papilloma Virus Infection in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - A Prospective Cohort Study.

TAM LS, Chan PKS, Ho SC, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Wong MCS, Li EKM

J Rheumatol 2010;37(2): 330 - 340


Nausea and Vomiting in Health-Related Quality of Life among Chinese Pregnant Women.

Chan OK, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Chan LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2010;50(6): 512 - 518


Normal ranges of embryonic length, embryonic heart rate, gestational sac diameter and yolk sac diameter in early pregnancy.

Papaioannou GKI, Syngelaki A, Poon LC, Ross J, Nicolaides KH.

Fetal Diagn Ther 2010; 28: 207-219.


Novel and Homozygous Best1 Mutations in Chinese Patients with Best Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy.

Wong RLM, Hou P, Choy KW, Chiang WY, Tam POS, Li HT, Chan WM, Lam DSC, Pang CCP, Lai TYY

Retina 2010;30(5): 820 - 827


Outcome of Induction of Labour Using Maternal Characteristics, Ultrasound Assessment and Biochemical State of the Cervix.

Cheung ECW, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Chan OK, Chan LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23(12): 1406 - 1412


Randomised Trial of Assigned Mode of Delivery after a Previous Cesarean Section-Impact on Maternal Psychological Dynamics.

Law LW, Pang MW, Chung TKH, Lao TTH, Lee DTS, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23(10): 1106 - 1113


Re: Counseling in Isolated Mild Fetal Ventriculomegaly.

Chan LW, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;35(5): 624 - 625


Real-Time Three-Dimensional Ultrasound with Live xPlane Imaging Assists First-Trimester Acquisition of a True Midsagittal Section.

Xiong Y, Wah YMI, Chan LW, Leung TY, Fung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2010;36(2): 136 - 140


Redox Control in Mammalian Embryo Development.

Ufer C, Wang CC, Borchert A, Heydeck D, Kuhn H

Antioxid Redox Sign 2010;13(6): 833 - 875


Reduced CRYL1 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Confers Cell Growth Advantages and Correlates with Adverse Patient Prognosis.

Cheng IKC, Ching AKK, Chan TC, Chan AWH, Wong CK, Choy KW, Kwan M, Lai PBS, Wong N

J Pathol 2010;220(3): 348 - 360


Second-Trimester Detection of Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Using Comparative Genomic Hybridization Microarray Testing.

Choy KW, To KF, Chan AWH, Lau TK, Leung TY

Obstet Gynecol 2010;115(2): 462 - 465


Systematic Identification of Placental Epigenetic Signatures for the Noninvasive Prenatal Detection of Edwards Syndrome.

Tsui DWY, Lam DYM, Lee CWS, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lau ET, Tang MHY, Akolekar R, Nicolaides KH, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM, Chim SSC

PLos ONE 2010;5(11): e15069


T-Cell Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 58 L1, E6, and E7 Peptides in Women with Cleared Infection, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, or Invasive Cancer.

Chan PKS, Liu SJ, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Ngai SSM, Cheung JLK, Chong P, Man S

Clin Vaccine Immunol 2010;17(9): 1315 - 1321


The Impact of Human Copy Number Variation on a New Era of Genetic Testing.

Choy KW, Setlur SR, Lee C, Lau TK

BJOG 2010;117(4): 391 - 398


Tyrosinase Gene (TYR) Mutations in Chinese Patients with Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1.

Liu J, Choy KW, Chan LWL, Leung TY, Tam POS, Chiang WY, Lam DSC, Pang CCP, Lai TYY

Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2010;38(1): 37 - 42


Universal Rubella Vaccination Programme and Maternal Rubella Immune Status: A Tale of Two Systems.

Lao TTH, Suen SSH, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Vaccine 2010;28(10): 2227 - 2230


Urinary Incontinence Should be Added to the Manifestation in Women with Marfan Syndrome.

Chan SSC, Chan DKH, Pang MW, Lam STS, Lao TTH, Choy KW

Int Urogynecol J 2010;21(5): 583 - 587


Use of Hemostatic Gel in Postpartum Hemorrhage Due to Placenta Previa.

Law LW, Chor MCM, Leung TY

Obstet Gynecol 2010;116(12): 528 - 530


Validation and Refinement of An Australian Customised Birthweight Model Using Routinely Collected Data.

Gibbons K, Chang AMZ, Flenady V, Mahomed K, Gardener G, Gray PH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2010;50(6): 506 - 511


Validation of the Perinatal Grief Scale for Use in Chinese Women Who Have Experienced Recent Reproductive Loss.

Yan E, Tang CSK, Chung TKH

Death Stud 2010;34(2): 151 - 171



Chen Y, Mao J, Kwok YKY, Kan HJ, Li HB, Liu MJ, Sun Y, Yan WH, Li H, Choy KW

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先天性心臟病患兒22q11微缺失的定量螢光聚合酶鏈反應檢測22q11 Microdeletion Test in Patients with Congenital Heart Defects by Quantitative Fluorescent PCR.

Chen Y, Mao J, Kwok YKY, Kan HJ, Li HB, Liu MJ, Sun Y, Yan WH, Li H, Choy KW

Chin J Med Genet 2010;27(5): 571 - 575



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Chin J Obstet Gynecol 2010;45(6)



Lau TK, Leung TY, Chen M, Liao C

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 2010;45(10): 732 - 734


A 21-year-old pregnant woman with hypertension and proteinuria.

Luk AOY, Ma RCW, Lam ECW, Tam WH, Lo AWI, Ng EKW, Kong PS, So WY, Chow CC

PLoS Med 2009;6(2): 169 - 173


A strategy for identifying circulating placental RNA markers for fetal growth assessment.

Pang WWI, Tsui MHY, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo DYM, Chiu Rossa WK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(5): 495 - 504


A survey of prenatal first-trimester aneuploidy screening among Hong Kong specialist obstetricians.

Chan OYM, Sahota DS, Chan OK, Leung TY, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2009;15(6): 447 - 451


Adipose-derived stem cells from pregnant women show higher proliferation rate unrelated to estrogen.

Ng LWC, Yip SK, Wong HK, Yam HF, Liu YM, Lui WT, Wang CC, Choy KW

Hum Reprod 2009;24(5): 1164 - 1170


Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemoradiation after surgery for cervical cancer.

Rogers L, Siu NSS, Luesley D, Bryant A, Dickinson HO

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Adolescent girls' attitudes on human papillomavirus vaccination.

Chan SSC, Ng BHY, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Chung TKH

J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2009;22(2): 85 - 90


Age-specific correlates of quality of life in Chinese women with cervical cancer.

Lai BPY, Tang CSK, Chung TKH

Support Care Cancer 2009;17(3): 271 - 278


An antagonist of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 induces mitotic catastrophe in ovarian cancer cells.

Kwong J, Kulbe H, Wong D, Chakravarty P, Balkwill FR

Mol Cancer Ther 2009;8(7): 1893 - 1905


Antenatal taboos among Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Lee DTS, Ngai ISL, Ng MMT, Lok IH, Yip SK, Chung TKH

Midwifery 2009;25(2): 104 - 113


Anti-angiogenic effects of green tea catechin on an experimental endometriosis mouse model.

Xu H, Lui WT, Chu NCY, Ng PS, Wang CC, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2009;24(3): 608 - 618


Assessing discrepant findings between QF-PCR on uncultured prenatal samples and karyotyping on long-term culture.

Lau ET, Tang L, Wong C, Lam YH, Ghosh A, Leung WC, Sin WK, Lau TK, Kung YY, Tang MHY

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(2): 151 - 155


Chinese women's preferences for prenatal diagnostic procedure and their willingness to trade between procedures.

Chan OYM, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Choy KW, Chan OK, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(13): 1270 - 1276


Comparison of conventional and PureWave Crystal transducer in obstetric sonography.

Yu YM, Chen M, Xiong Y, Chau MMC, Li RSH, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(7): 616 - 621


Comprehensive Assessment of Serum Estradiol Impact on Selected Physiologic Markers Observed During In-Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Cycles.

Kong GWS, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Lam PM

JECAR 2009;6(5): 1 - 8


Cryotherapy as the treatment modality of postcoital bleeding: a randomised clinical trial of efficacy and safety.

Kong GWS, Yim SF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2009;49(5): 517 - 524


De novo 16p13.11 microdeletion identified by high-resolution array CGH in a fetus with increased nuchal translucency.

Law LW, Lau TK, Fung TY, Leung TY, Wang CC, Choy KW

BJOG 2009;116(2): 339 - 343


Detection of cryptic pathogenic copy number variations and constitutional loss of heterozygosity using high resolution SNP microarray analysis in 117 patients referred for cytogenetic analysis and impact on clinical practice.

Bruno DL, Ganesamoorthy D, Schoumans J, Bankier A, Coman D, Delatycki M, Gardner RJM, Hunter M, James PA, Kannu P, McGillivray G, Pachter N, Peters H, Rieubland C, Savarirayan R, Scheffer IE, Sheffield L, Tan T, White SM, Yeung A, Bowman Z, Ngo C, Choy KW, Cacheux V, Wong L, Amor DJ, Slater HR

J Med Genet 2009;46(2): 123 - 131


Determinants of hepatitis B vaccine uptake among pregnant Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Chan OK, Suen SSH, Lao TTH, Leung VKT, Yeung SW, Leung TY

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2009;106(3): 232 - 235


Determination of Individual Preference: Why, How and Alternatives.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Lau TK

Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2009;20(4): 301 - 317


Development of extraction protocols to improve the yield for fetal RNA in maternal plasma.

Heung MS, Tsui NBY, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo DYM, Chiu Rossa WK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(3): 277 - 279


Dysregulated microRNAs and their predicted targets associated with endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma in Hong Kong women.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Huen NY, Wong KWY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Wong YM, Tsang PT, Pang MW, Yu MMY, To KF, Mok SC, Wang VW, Li C, Cheung AYK, Doran G, Birrer MJ, Smith DI, Wong YF

Int J Cancer 2009;124(6): 1358 - 1365


Effectiveness of maternity support belts in reducing low back pain during pregnancy: a review.

Ho SSM, Yu WWM, Lao TTH, Chow DHK, Chung JWY, Li Y

J Clin Nurs 2009;18(11): 1523 - 1532


Effects of differential glycosylation of glycodelins on lymphocyte survival.

Lee CL, Pang PC, Yeung WSB, Tissot B, Panico M, Lao TTH, Chu IK, Lee KF, Chung MK, Lam KKW, Koistinen R, Koistinen H, Seppala M, Morris HR, Dell A, Chiu PCN

J Biol Chem 2009;284(22): 15084 - 15096


Enhanced apoptosis during early neuronal differentiation in mouse ES cells with autosomal imbalance.

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Cell Res 2009;19(2): 247 - 258


Fetal crown-rump length and estimation of gestational age in an ethnic Chinese population.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Leung TN, Chan OK, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;33(2): 157 - 160


First Trimester Combined Screening for Trisomy 21 in Hong Kong: Outcome of the First 10000 Cases.

Leung TY, Chan LW, Law LW, Sahota DS, Fung TY, Leung TN, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(4): 300 - 304


First trimester measurements of nasal bone length using three-dimensional ultrasound.

Chen M, Wang HF, Leung TY, Fung TY, Chan LW, Sahota DS, Lao TTH, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(8): 766 - 770


First trimester urinary placental growth factor and development of pre-eclampsia.

Savvidou M, Akolekar R, Zaragoza E, Poon L, Nicolaides KH.

BJOG 2009; 116: 643-647.


First-trimester fetal nasal bone length in an ethnic Chinese population.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Chan LW, Law LW, Fung TY, Chan OK, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;34(1): 33 - 37


First-trimester maternal serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and adverse pregnancy outcome.

Poon LC, Nekrasova E, Anastassopoulos P, Livanos P, Nicolaides KH.

Prenatal Diagnosis 2009; 29: 553-559.


First-trimester maternal serum PAPP-A and preeclampsia.

Poon LC, Maiz N, Valencia C, Plasencia W, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 33: 23-33.


First-trimester maternal serum tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (TNF-R1) and preeclampsia.

Leal AM, Poon LC, Frisova V, Veduta A, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 33: 135-141.


First-trimester prediction of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

Poon LC, Kametas NA, Maiz N, Akolekar R, Nicolaides KH.

Hypertension 2009; 53: 812-818.


Garment needs of pregnant women based on content analysis of in-depth interviews.

Ho SSM, Yu WWM, Lao TTH, Chow DHK, Chung JWY, Li Y

J Clin Nurs 2009;18(17): 2426 - 2435


Gastroschisis Associated with an Intra-abdominal Umbilical Vein Varix: A Report of 2 Cases.

Fung TY, Chan LW, Leung TY, Lau TK

Fetal Diagn Ther 2009;25(4): 404 - 406


Higher metabolic risk in Chinese women fulfilling the NIH diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Lam PM, Tam WH, Cheung LP

Fertil Steril 2009;91(4): 1493 - 1495


Human Normal Tear Proteome.

Chu NCY, Poon TCW, Pong JCF, Pang CCP, Wang CC

Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2009;247(6): 725 - 727


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: Associations with Neonatal Anthropometrics.

The HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS, Wong KW, Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, Trimble ER, Sheridan B, Hod M, Chen R, Yogev Y, Coustan DR, Catalano PM, Giles W, Lowe J, Hadden DR, Persson B, Oats JJN

Diabetes 2009;58(2): 453 - 459


Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: Screening by uterine artery Doppler and blood pressure at 11-13 weeks.

Poon LC, Karagiannis G, Leal A, Romero Infante X, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 34: 497-502.


Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: Screening by uterine artery Doppler at 11-13 weeks.

Poon LC, Staboulidou I, Maiz N, Plasencia W, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 34: 142-148.


Inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha confers precancerous phenotype in an organoid model of normal human ovarian surface epithelial cells.

Kwong J, Chan FL, Wong KK, Birrer MJ, Archibald KM, Balkwill FR, Berkowitz RS, Mok SC

Neoplasia 2009;11(6): 529 - 541


Iron supplement in pregnancy and development of gestational diabetes-a randomised placebo-controlled trial.

Chan KKL, Chan BCP, Lam KF, Tam S, Lao TTH

BJOG 2009;116(6): 789 - 798


Is the policy of restrictive episiotomy generalisable? A prospective observational study.

Lai CY, Cheung HW, Lao TTH, Lau TK, Leung TY

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(12): 1116 - 1121


Management of hypotension in obstetric spinal anaesthesia

Lee SW, Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Leung TY.

Br J Anaesth. 2009;103(3):457-8


Maternal height and length of gestation: does this impact on preterm labour in Asian women?

Chan BCP, Lao TTH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2009;49(4): 388 - 392


Maternal serum ADAM12 (A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease) in chromosomally abnormal pregnancies at 11+0-13+6 weeks.

Poon LC, Chelemen T, Minekawa R, Frisova V, Nicolaides KH.

American Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 200: 508.e1-6.


Maternal serum placental growth factor (plgf) at 11+0-13+6 weeks in chromosomally abnormal pregnancies.

Zaragoza E, Akolekar R, Poon LC, Pepes S, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2009; 33: 382-386.


Medians and correction factors for biochemical and ultrasound markers in Chinese women undergoing first-trimester screening for trisomy 21.

Sahota DS, Leung TY, Fung TY, Chan LW, Law LW, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;33(4): 387 - 393


Menstrual problems and health-seeking behaviour in Hong Kong Chinese girls.

Chan SSC, Yiu AKW, Yuen PM, Sahota DS, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2009;15(1): 18 - 23


Miscarriage after invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures: how much risk our pregnant women are willing to take?

Chan OYM, Sahota DS, Chan OK, Leung TY, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(9): 870 - 874


Monozygotic Dichorionic Twins Heterokaryotypic for Duplication Chromosome 2q13-q23.3.

Leung WC, Choi H, Lau WL, Ng LKI, Lau ET, Lo FM, Choy KW, Lau TK, Tang MHY, Chin RKH

Fetal Diagn Ther 2009;25(4): 397 - 399


Non-invasive Prenatal Detection of Fetal Trisomy 18 by RNA-SNP Allelic Ratio Analysis Using Maternal Plasma SERPINB2 mRNA: a Feasibility Study.

Tsui NBY, Wong CK, Leung TY, Lau TK, Chiu RWK, Lo DYM

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(11): 1031 - 1037


Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis: From Dream to Reality.

Lau TK, Leung TY

JPOG 2009;35(3): 125 - 131


Placenta-derived fetal specific mRNA is more readily detectable in maternal plasma than in whole blood.

Heung MS, Jin SN, Tsui NBY, Ding CM, Leung TY, Lau TK, Chiu Rossa WK, Lo DYM

PLos ONE 2009;4(6): e5858


Prelabor rupture of membranes at term requiring labor induction - a feature of occult fetal cephalopelvic disproportion?

Chan BCP, Leung WC, Lao TTH

J Perinat Med 2009;37(2): 118 - 123


Prenatal findings and delineation of de novo concurrent partial trisomy 7q(7q31.2 --> qter) and partial monosomy 6q(6q26 --> qter) by high-resolution array CGH.

Choy KW, Chan LW, Tang MHY, Ng LKI, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(11): 1014 - 1020


Real-time three-dimensional echocardiography using a matrix probe with live xPlane imaging of the interventricular septum.

Xiong Y, Wah YMI, Chen M, Leung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;34(5): 534 - 537


Role of monoamine oxidases in the exaggerated 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced tension development of human isolated preeclamptic umbilical artery.

Seto SW, Lam HY, Lau WS, Au ALS, Lam TY, Chim SSC, Ngai SSM, Chan SW, Leung TY, Yeung JHK, Kong SK, Leung GPH, Lee SMY, Kwan YW

Eur J Pharmacol 2009;605(1-3): 129 - 137


Severe Chronic Morbidity following Childbirth.

Leung TY, Chung TKH

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2009;23(3): 401 - 423


Sociodemographic factors and pregnancy events associated with women who declined vaginal birth after cesarean section.

Pang MW, Law LW, Leung TY, Lai BPY, Lau TK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2009;143(1): 24 - 28


Sonographic features of anorectal atresia at 12 weeks.

Chen M, Meagher S, Simpson I, Lau TK

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(10): 931 - 933


Specific expression of Gsta4 in mouse cochlear melanocytes: a novel role for hearing and melanocyte differentiation.

Uehara S, Izumi Y, Kubo Y, Wang CC, Mineta K, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tachibana M, Kikuchi T, Kobayashi T, Shibahara S, Taya C, Yonekawa H, Shiroishi T, Yamamoto H

Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 2009;22(1): 111 - 119


Study on the applicability of frontomaxillary facial angle in the first-trimester trisomy 21 fetuses in Chinese population.

Chen M, Yang X, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Fung TY, Chan LW, Lao TTH, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2009;29(12): 1141 - 1144


Supplementary oxygen for emergency Caesarean section under regional anaesthesia.

Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Tam WH, Ng F, Critchley LAH, Rogers MS

Brit J Anaesth 2009;102(1): 90 - 96


The Effect of Volume of Chorionic Villi on Long-Term Cell Culture.

Chen M, Ng LKI, Lau ET, Lee CP, Tang MHY, Lam YH

Fetal Diagn Ther 2009;24(4): 409 - 412


The impact of maternal height on intrapartum operative delivery: A reappraisal.

Chan BCP, Lao TTH

J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2009;35(2): 307 - 314


Three-dimensional ultrasound features of the polycystic ovary in Chinese women.

Lam PM, Raine-Fenning NJ, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;34(2): 196 - 200


Ultrasound screening for fetal structural abnormalities performed by trained midwives in the second trimester in a low-risk population-an appraisal.

Chen M, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Fung TY, Chan LW, Law LW, Chau MMC, Lao TTH, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2009;88(6): 713 - 719


Urgent Cesarean Delivery for Fetal Bradycardia.

Leung TY, Chung JPW, Rogers MS, Sahota DS, Lao TTH, Chung TKH

Obstet Gynecol 2009;114(5): 1023 - 1028


Uterine artery embolization, hysterectomy, or myomectomy for symptomatic uterine fibroids: a cost-utility analysis.

You JHS, Sahota DS, Yuen PM

Fertil Steril 2009;91(2): 580 - 588


Volumetric (3D) imaging reduces inter- and intraobserver variation of fetal biometry measurements.

Chan LW, Fung TY, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;33(4): 447 - 452


Which Ultrasound or Biochemical Markers are Independent Predictors of Small-for-Gestational Age?

Law LW, Leung TY, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2009;34(3): 283 - 287


A prospective study on the effect of rapid aneuploidy testing (amnio-PCR) on anxiety levels and quality of life measures in women and their partners with positive Down screening result.

Leung WC, Lau ET, Ngai C, Lam H, Leung KY, Lee CP, Lao TTH, Tang MHY

Fetal Diagn Ther 2008;24(3): 165 - 169


A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effect of a Chinese herbal medicine preparation (Dang Gui Buxue Tang) on menopausal symptoms in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Lam PM, Chung TKH, Cheng KF, Leung PC

Climacteric 2008;11(3): 244 - 251


An in vivo Investigation on the Wound-Healing Effect of Two Medicinal Herbs Using an Animal Model with Foot Ulcer.

Lau DTW, Sahota DS, Lau CH, Chan CM, Lam FC, Ho YY, Fung KP, Lau CBS, Leung PC

Eur Surg Res 2008;41(1): 15 - 23


Authentication of nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumor lines.

Chan SYY, Choy KW, Tsao GSW, Tao Q, Tang T, Chung GTY, Lo KW

Int J Cancer 2008;122(9): 2169 - 2171


Blood pressure levels correlate with intra-individual variability using an automated device in early pregnancy.

Poon LC, Kametas N, Valencia CM, Pandeva IV, Nicolaides KH.

J Hum Hypertens 2008; 22: 438-440.


Cardiovascular risks and metabolic syndrome in Hong Kong Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Cheung LP, Ma RCW, Lam PM, Lok IH, Haines CJ, So WY, Tong PCY, Cockram CS, Chow CC, Goggins WB

Hum Reprod 2008;23(6): 1431 - 1438


Comfort evaluation of maternity support garments in a wear trial.

Ho SS, Yu WWM, Lao TTH, Chow DHK, Chung JWY, Li Y

Ergonomics 2008;51(9): 1376 - 1393


Comparison of Nuchal and Detailed Morphology Ultrasound Examinations in Early Pregnancy for Fetal Structural Abnormality Screening: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Chen M, Lee CP, Lam YH, Tang RYK, Chan BCP, Wong SF, Tse LHY, Tang MHY

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;31(2): 136 - 146


Customized birth weight: coefficients and validation of models in a UK population.

Sahota DS, Kagan KO, Lau TK, Leung TY, Nicolaides KH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;32(7): 884 - 889


EDN1 Lys198Asn is Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes.

Li HT, Louey JWC, Choy KW, Liu DTL, Chan WM, Chan OYM, Fung NSK, Fan BJ, Baum LW, Chan JCN, Lam DSC, Pang CCP

Mol Vis 2008;14: 1698 - 1704


Effect of parity and advanced maternal age on obstetric outcome.

Chan BCP, Lao TTH

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2008;102(3): 237 - 241


Effects of early luteal-phase vaginal progesterone supplementation on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

Lam PM, Cheung MC, Cheung LP, Lok IH, Haines CJ

Gynecol Endocrinol 2008;24(12): 674 - 680


Effects of graduated compression stockings with different pressure profiles on lower-limb venous structures and haemodynamics.

Liu R, Lao TTH, Kwok YL, Li Y, Ying MTC

Adv Ther 2008;25(5): 465 - 478


Expectation and Knowledge of Pregnant Women Undergoing First and Second Trimester Ultrasound Examination in a Chinese Population.

Chan LW, Chan OK, Chau MMC, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Fung TY, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2008;28(8): 739 - 744


Fetal Biometry in Ethnic Chinese: Biparietal Diameter, Head Circumference, Abdominal Circumference and Femur Length.

Leung TN, Pang MW, Sahota DS, Leung TY, Poon CF, Wong SM, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;31(3): 321 - 327


Fetal Medicine Foundation Prolonged Pregnancy Group. Cervical length and maternal factors in expectantly managed prolonged pregnancy: prediction of onset of labor and mode of delivery.

Rao A, Celik E, Poggi S, Poon L, Nicolaides KH;

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 646-651.


Fetal nasal bone status in Chinese women undergoing first-trimester screening for trisomy 21.

Leung TY, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Law LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(5): 521.e1 - 521.e5


First trimester maternal serum A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 12 and adverse pregnancy outcome.

Poon LC, Chelemen T, Granvillano O, Pandeva I, Nicolaides KH.

Obstetric Gynecol 2008; 112: 1082-1090.


Glucose intolerance and cardiometabolic risk in children exposed to maternal gestational diabetes mellitus in utero.

Tam WH, Ma RCW, Yang XL, Ko GTC, Tong PCY, Cockram CS, Sahota DS, Rogers MS, Chan JCN

Pediatrics 2008;122(6): 1229 - 1234


High Isoprostane Level in Cardinal Ligament-Derived Fibroblasts and Urine Sample of Women with Uterine Prolapse.

Choy KW, Liu YM, Chu NCY, Wang CC, Lui WT, Lee LLL, Pang MW, Rogers MS, Yip SK

BJOG 2008;115(9): 1179 - 1183


How true is a 'true' midsagittal section?

Wah YMI, Chan LW, Leung TY, Fung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;32(7): 855 - 859


Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes.

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Impact of First Childbirth on Changes in Womens Preference for Mode of Delivery: Follow-up of a Longitudinal Observational Study.

Pang MW, Leung TN, Lau TK, Chung TKH

Birth-Issue Perinat Care 2008;35(2): 121 - 128


Increase of Integration Events and Infection Loads of Human Papillomavirus Type 52 with Lesion Severity from Low-Grade Cervical Lesion to Invasive Cancer.

Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Tang JWT, Chan PKS

J Clin Microbiol 2008;46(4): 1356 - 1362


Inter-arm blood pressure differences in pregnant women.

Poon LC, Kametas N, Strobl I, Pachoumi C, Nicolaides KH.

BJOG 2008; 115: 1122-1130.


Low-Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma with Florid Intravenous Component.

Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Cheung TH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2008;66(1): 8 - 11


Maternal serum placental growth factor (plgf) at 11+0 to 13+6 weeks of gestation in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Akolekar R, Zaragoza E, Poon LC, Pepes S, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008; 32: 732-739.


Maternal serum placental growth factor (plgf) at 11+0 to 13+6 weeks of gestation in small for gestational age pregnancy.

Poon LC, Zaragoza E, Akolekar R, Anagnostopoulos E, Nicolaides KH.

Prenatal Diagnosis 2008; 28: 1110-1115.


Mean arterial pressure at 11+0-13+6 weeks in the prediction of pre-eclampsia.

Poon LC, Kametas N, Pandeva IV, Valencia CM, Nicolaides KH.

Hypertension 2008; 51: 1027-1033.


Mutations of t-Complex Testis Expressed Gene 5 Transcripts in the Testis of Sterile t-haplotype Mutant Mouse.

Han YB, Song XX, Feng HL, Cheung CK, Lam PM, Wang CC, Haines CJ

Asian J Androl 2008;10(2): 219 - 226


Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy by massively parallel genomic sequencing of DNA in maternal plasma.

Chiu Rossa WK, Chan AKC, Gao Y, Lau VYM, Zheng W, Leung TY, Foo CHF, Xie B, Tsui NBY, Lun FMF, Zee BCY, Lau TK, Cantor CR, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008;105(51): 20458 - 20463


Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases by digital size selection and relative mutation dosage on DNA in maternal plasma.

Lun FMF, Tsui NBY, Chan AKC, Leung TY, Lau TK, Charoenkwan P, Chow KCK, Lo WYW, Wanapirak C, Sanguansermsri T, Cantor CR, Chiu Rossa WK, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008;105(50): 19920 - 19925


Optical Imaging of Cervical Precancerous Lesions Based on Active Stereo Vision and Motion Tracking.

Wu TT, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Qu JY

Opt Express 2008;16(15): 11224 - 11230


Physiological Response and Comfort Sensory Perception towards Physical-Mechanical Performance of Compression Hosiery Textiles.

Liu R, Lao TTH, Li Y, Kwok YL, Ying M

Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics 2008;1(1): 55 - 64


Prediction of birth weight by fetal crown-rump length and maternal serum levels of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A in the first trimester.

Leung TY, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Law LW, Fung TY, Leung TN, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;31(1): 10 - 14


Prediction of preeclampsia by a combination of maternal history, uterine artery doppler and mean arterial pressure.

Onwudiwe N, Yu CKH, Poon LC, Spiliopoulos I, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 877-883.


Preeclampsia: Challenges in pre-clinical identification and prevention.

Wang CC

Arab Health 2008;(1): 22 - 24


Prenatal Screening for Retinoblastoma in Hong Kong.

Lau CSL, Choy KW, Fan DSP, Yu CBO, Wong CY, Lam DSC, Pang CCP

Hong Kong Med J 2008;14(5): 391 - 394


Rapid aneuploidy testing (knowing less) versus traditional karyotyping (knowing more) for advanced maternal age: what would be missed, who should decide?

Leung WC, Lau ET, Lau WL, Tang RYK, Wong SF, Lau TK, Tse KT, Wong SF, To WWK, Ng LKI, Lao TTH, Tang MHY

Hong Kong Med J 2008;14(1): 6 - 13


Repeat Antenatal Corticosteroids: Should it be Prescribed and if so when and how?

Leung TY, Sahota DS

Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2008;19(2): 165 - 180


Screening for Trisomy 21 by Maternal Age, Fetal Nuchal Translucency Thickness, Free Beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A.

Kagan KO, Wright D, Baker A, Sahota DS, Nicolaides KH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;31(6): 618 - 624


Seasonal Variation in Pre-Eclamptic Rate and Its Association with the Ambient Temperature and Humidity in Early Pregnancy.

Tam WH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Li CY, Fung TY

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2008;66(1): 22 - 26


Second-Trimester Sonographic Soft Markers: What Can We Learn From the Experience of First-Trimester Nuchal Translucency Screening?

Lau TK, Evans MI

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2008;32(2): 123 - 125


Side-Effect and Vital Sign Profile of Nifedipine as a Tocolytic for Preterm Labour.

Chan LW, Sahota DS, Yeung SY, Leung TY, Fung TY, Lau TK, Leung TN

Hong Kong Med J 2008;14(4): 267 - 272


Smoking Pattern During Pregnancy in Hong Kong Chinese.

Kong GWS, Tam WH, Sahota DS, Nelson EAS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2008;48(3): 280 - 285


The Application of Microarray Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Prenatal Diagnosis.

Choy KW, Tsang PT, Leung TY, Wang CC, Lau TK

Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2008;19(2): 119 - 133


The Chinese Childbirth Self-Efficacy Inventory: the development of a short form.

Ip WY, Chung TKH, Tang CSK

J Clin Nurs 2008;17(3): 333 - 340


Translational Regulation of Glutathione Peroxidase 4 Expression Through Guanine-Rich Sequence-Binding Factor 1 is Essential for Embryonic Brain Development.

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Genes Dev 2008;22(13): 1838 - 1850


Trends in Maternal Obesity and Associated Risks of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in a Population of Chinese Women.

Leung TY, Leung TN, Sahota DS, Chan OK, Chan LW, Fung TY, Lau TK

BJOG 2008;115(12): 1529 - 1537


Umbilical cord ulceration causing foetal haemorrhage and stillbirth.

Chan SSC, Lau APK, To KF, Leung TY, Lau TK, Leung TN

Hong Kong Med J 2008;14(2): 148 - 151


Urine albumin concentration and albumin-to-creatinine ratio at 11+0-13+6 weeks in the prediction of pre-eclampsia.

Poon LC, Kametas N, Bonino S, Vercellotti E, Nicolaides KH.

BJOG 2008; 115: 866-873.


Uterine artery Doppler at 11+0-13+6 weeks and 21+0-24+6 weeks in the prediction of pre-eclampsia.

Plasencia W, Maiz N, Poon L, Yu C, Nicolaides KH.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 138-146.


A comparison study in the proteomic signatures of multipotent germline stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and germline stem cells.

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A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of Oral Misoprostol and Intramuscular Syntometrine in the Management of the Third Stage of Labor.

Ng PS, Lai CY, Sahota DS, Yuen PM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2007;63(1): 55 - 60


A longitudinal observational study of preference for elective caesarean section among nulliparous Hong Kong Chinese women.

Pang MW, Lee DTS, Leung AKL, Leung TY, Lau TK, Leung TN

BJOG 2007;114(5): 623 - 629


A novel transcription factor for optic vesicle induction and neuroepithelium differentiation during eye development in mouse.

Wang CC, Tang LY, Choy KW, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Pang CCP

Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 100


A qualitative study of the experiences of Hong Kong Chinese women diagnosed with postnatal depression.

Chan SWC, Levy VA, Chung TKH, Lee DTS

Hong Kong Med J 2007;13(1): 24 - 27


A randomised controlled trial of prophylactic levonorgestrel intrauterine system in tamoxifen-treated women.

Chan SSC, Tam WH, Yeo W, Yu MMY, Ng PS, Wong AWY, Kwan WH, Yuen PM

BJOG 2007;114(12): 1510 - 1515


Antiplatelet agents for prevention of pre-eclampsia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data.

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Association between HLA-DRB1 polymorphism, high-risk HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese.

Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tam AOY, Tang JWT

J Med Virol 2007;79(7): 970 - 976


Audit of the effectiveness of cervical preparation with Dilapan prior to late second trimester (20-24 weeks) surgical termination of pregnancy.

Poon LC, Parsons J.

BJOG 2007; 114: 485-488.


Comparison of the different types of "laparoscopic total hysterectomy".

Leung SW, Chan CS, Lo LSF, Pang CP, Pun TC, Yuen PM

J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2007;14(1): 91 - 96


Determinants of preference for elective caesarean section in Hong Kong Chinese pregnant women.

Pang MW, Leung TN, Leung TY, Lai CY, Lau TK, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2007;13(2): 100 - 105


Differential Aqueous and Vitreous Concentrations of Moxifloxacin and Ofloxacin After Topical Administration One Hour before Vitrectomy.

Lai WWK, Chu KO, Chan KP, Choy KW, Wang CC, Tsang CW, Pang CCP

Am J Ophthalmol 2007;144(2): 315 - 318


Digital PCR for the molecular detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy.

Lo DYM, Lun FMF, Chan AKC, Tsui NBY, Chong KC, Lau TK, Leung TY, Zee BCY, Cantor CR, Chiu Rossa WK

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007;104(32): 13116 - 13121


Early Changes of Pattern Recognition Lectins and Oxidative Stress in Preceded Pre-eclampsia.

Wang CC, Chu NCY, Leung TN, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45: S382


Expression of a novel T-complex testis expressed 5 (Tctex5) in mouse testis, epididymis, and spermatozoa.

Han YB, Feng HL, Cheung CK, Lam PM, Wang CC, Haines CJ

Mol Reprod Dev 2007;74(9): 1132 - 1140


Expression of maspin in endometrioid adenocarcinoma of endometrium.

Li HW, Leung SW, Chan CS, Yu MMY, Wong YF

Oncol Rep 2007;17(2): 393 - 398


Fetal parvovirus B19 infection in a twin pregnancy with 1 twin presenting with hydrops fetalis and the other asymptomatic: a case report.

Leung TN, Leung TY, Chan PKS, Fung TY, Lau TK

J Reprod Med 2007;52(5): 419 - 421


First-trimester combined screening for trisomy 21 in a predominantly Chinese population.

Leung TY, Chan LW, Leung TN, Fung TY, Sahota DS, Spencer K, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2007;29(1): 14 - 17


Foetal intracranial teratoma: choosing the best time and mode of delivery.

Chan LW, Leung TY, Leung TN, Fung TY, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2007;13(4): 323 - 326


From tear proteomic analysis to understand development and management of vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Pong JCF, Chu NCY, Wang CC, Poon TCW, Rao SK, Pang CCP, Lam DSC

Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 447


Gene expression of human fetal retinal ganglion cell during early eye development.

Choy KW, Wong HK, Tang LY, Wang CC, Lau TK, Pang CCP

Asian J Ophthalmol 2007;9(1): 101


HLA-DQB1 polymorphisms and risk for cervical cancer: A case-control study in a southern Chinese population.

Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Siu NSS, Yu MMY, Tang JWT, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wong YF, To KF, Ng HK, Chung TKH

Gynecol Oncol 2007;105(3): 736 - 741


Hypermethylation of RASSF1A in Human and Rhesus Placentas.

Chiu Rossa WK, Chim SSC, Wong IHN, Wong CSC, Lee CWS, To KF, Tong JHM, Yuen KC, Shum ASW, Chan JKC, Chan LYS, Yuen WF, Tong YK, Weier JF, Ferlatte C, Leung TN, Lau TK, Lo KW, Lo DYM

Am J Pathol 2007;170(3): 941 - 950


Identification of molecular markers and signaling pathway in endometrial cancer in Hong Kong Chinese women by genome-wide gene expression profiling.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Chan CS, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Yu MMY, Wang VW, Li C, Gardner GJ, Bonome T, Johnson WB, Smith DI, Chung TKH, Birrer MJ

Oncogene 2007;26(13): 1971 - 1982


Is aortic lymphadenectomy necessary in the management of endometrial carcinoma?

Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH

Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2007;28(2): 98 - 102


JAK/STAT pathway mediates retinal ganglion cell survival after acute ocular hypertension but not under normal conditions.

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Exp Eye Res 2007;85(5): 684 - 695


Measuring triamcinolone acetonide in aqueous humor by gas chromatography-electron-capture negative-ion mass spectrometry.

Chu KO, Ho TCK, Chiang WY, Wang CC, Lam DSC, Pang CCP

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Mesenteric Fibromatosis as a Potential Source of False-Positive Interpretation of FDG-PET: Report of a Case.


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Method to determine stability and recovery of carboprost and misoprostol in infusion preparations.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Pang CCP, Rogers MS

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Microphthalmos Associated with Dartmouth Combination Chemotherapy in Pregnancy.

Li HW, Tam WH, Ng PC, Mok TSK, Tam BSM, Lau TK

J Reprod Med 2007;52(6): 575 - 576


Modulation by simvastatin of iberiotoxin-sensitive, Ca2+-activated K+ channels of porcine coronary artery smooth muscle cells.

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Brit J Pharmacol 2007;151(7): 987 - 997


Patients with malignant or pre-malignant cervical lesion have increased risk of becoming hepatitis B carrier.

Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Chan PKS, Lin CK, Lo KWK

J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2007;26(1): 77 - 81


Plasma placental RNA allelic ratio permits noninvasive prenatal chromosomal aneuploidy detection.

Lo DYM, Tsui NBY, Chiu Rossa WK, Lau TK, Leung TN, Heung MS, Gerovassili A, Jin Yongjie, Nicolaides KH, Cantor CR, Ding CM

Natl Med J China 2007;13(2): 218 - 223


Prediction of Pre-eclampsia in Early Pregnancy.

Rogers MS

Womens Health 2007;3(5): 571 - 582


Prevalence and Implications of Isolated Microscopic Hematuria in Asymptomatic Chinese Pregnant Women.

Szeto CC, To KF, Lai FM, Chow KM, Tam WH, Chung KY, Leung CB, Lui SF, Li PKT, Lau TK

Nephron Clin Pract 2007;105(4): c147 - c152


Profile of Viral Load, Integration, and E2 Gene Disruption of HPV58 in Normal Cervix and Cervical Neoplasia.

Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS, Tang JWT

J Infect Dis 2007;196(6): 868 - 875


Progression to impaired glucose regulation, diabetes and metabolic syndrome in Chinese women with a past history of gestational diabetes.

Tam WH, Yang XL, Chan JCN, Ko TC, Tong PCY, Ma RCW, Cockram CS, Sahota DS, Rogers MS

Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2007;23(6): 485 - 489


Psychological morbidity and female urinary incontinence.

Yip SK, Cardozo LD

Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2007;21(2): 321 - 329


Psychosomatic disorders in pregnancy.

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Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 2007;19(2): 126 - 132


Quantitative aberrations of hypermethylated RASSF1A gene sequences in maternal plasma in pre-eclampsia.

Tsui DWY, Chan AKC, Chim SSC, Chan LW, Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo DYM, Chiu Rossa WK

Prenatal Diag 2007;27(13): 1212 - 1218


Relationship between Leg Length and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Pregnant Women.

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Reply to "STOX1 is not imprinted and is not likely to be involved in preeclampsia".

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Safety Profiles of Chinese Herbal-Medicines in Early Embyro Development.

Wang CC, Lau TK

Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45: S311


Tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate increases 8-isoprostane level and induces caudal regression in developing rat embryos.

Wang CC, Chu KO, Chong WS, Li WWY, Pang CCP, Shum ASW, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Free Radic Biol Med 2007;43(4): 519 - 527


Tetralogy of Fallot in the fetus in the current era.

Poon LC, Huggon I, Zidere V and Allan LD.

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 29: 625-627.


The role of laparoscopic surgery in the management of tubal prolapse: a 7 case series and literature review.

Lo KWK, Law LW, Yip SK

Surg Innov 2007;14(1): 24 - 26


The role of lectin-complement pathway in innate immune responses in clinical preeclampsia.

Wang CC, Yim KW, Poon TCW, Choy KW, Chu NCY, Lui WT, Leung TN, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Am J Reprod Immunol 2007;57(6): 467


Treatment of suspected fetal macrosomia: a cost-effectiveness analysis.

Sahota DS, Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007;196(3): e24 - e25


Uptake and distribution of catechins in fetal organs following in utero exposure in rats.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Choy KW, Pang CCP, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2007;22(1): 280 - 287


Womens Attitudes on Human Papillomavirus Vaccination to Their Daughters.

Chan SSC, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Chung TKH

J Adolescent Health 2007;41(2): 204 - 207



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17{beta}-Estradiol suppresses proliferation of fibroblasts derived from cardinal ligaments in patients with or without pelvic organ prolapse.

Liu YM, Choy KW, Lui WT, Pang MW, Wong YF, Yip SK

Hum Reprod 2006;21(1): 303 - 308


A cost-utility analysis of hysterectomy, endometrial resection and ablation and medical therapy for menorrhagia.

You JHS, Sahota DS, Yuen PM

Hum Reprod 2006;21(7): 1878 - 1883


A randomised trial of carbetocin versus syntometrine in the management of the third stage of labour.

Leung SW, Ng PS, Wong AWY, Cheung TH

BJOG 2006;113(12): 1459 - 1464


Aqueous Humor Levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy and Choroidal Neovascularization.

Tong JP, Chan WM, Liu DTL, Lai TYY, Choy KW, Pang CCP, Lam DSC

Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141(3): 456 - 462


Biases in human papillomavirus genotype prevalence assessment associatedwith commonly used consensus primers.

Chan PKS, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, To KF, Wong YF, Cheung JLK, Chan DPC, Hui M, Ip M

Int J Cancer 2006;118(1): 243 - 245


Calcyclin binding protein promotes DNA synthesis and differentiation in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes.

Au KW, Kou CYC, Woo AYH, Chim SSC, Fung KP, Cheng CHK, Waye MMY, Tsui SKW

J Cell Biochem 2006;98(3): 555 - 566


Changing prevalence and knowledge of urinary incontinence among Hong Kong Chinese women.

Wong THK, Lau BYT, Mak HLJ, Pang MW, Cheon WC, Yip SK

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Comparison between phytoestrogens and estradiol in the preventionof atheroma in ovariectomized cholesterol-fed rabbits.

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Cord blood thyroid-stimulating hormone level and risk of acidosis at birth.

Chan Louis YS, Fok AWY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2006;124(2): 173 - 177


Detection of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer: advantages of a panel of five mononucleotide repeats over the National Cancer Institute panel of markers.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Buhard O, Duval A, Chung TKH, Hamelin R

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Determination of ofloxacin and moxifloxacin and their penetration in human aqueous and vitreous humor by using high-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection.

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Dextrocardia in pregnancy: 20 years experience.

Fung TY, Chan LW, Leung TN, Leung TY, Lau TK

J Reprod Med 2006;51(7): 573 - 577


Discrepancies in pelvic anatomy.

Yip SK, Pang MW, Lo KWK

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195(3): 875


Effect of rosiglitazone on embryonic growth and morphology: a study using a whole rat embryo culture model.

Chan Louis YS, Lau TK

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Effects of triamcinolone on the expression of VEGF and PEDF in human retinal pigment epithelial and human umbilical vein endothelial cells.

Tong JP, Lam DSC, Chan WM, Choy KW, Chan KP, Pang CCP

Mol Vis 2006;12: 1490 - 1495


Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) for congenital giant ranula.

Chan DFY, Lee CH, Fung TY, Chan LW, Abdullah V, Ng PC

Acta Paediatr 2006;95(10): 1303 - 1305


Expression of maspin in gestational trophoblastic disease.

Li HW, Leung SW, Cheung ANY, Yu MMY, Chan LKY, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 2006;101(1): 76 - 81


Fetal anaemia as a cause of fetal injury: diagnosis and management.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Buhard O, Duval A, Chung TKH, Hamelin R

Carcinogenesis 2006;27(5): 951 - 955


First-trimester maternal serum level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A is an independent predictor of fetal maxillary bone length.

Leung TY, Chan LW, Leung TN, Fung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2006;27(1): 9 - 12


First-trimester maternal serum levels of placental hormones are independent predictors of second-trimester fetal growth parameters.

Leung TY, Chan LW, Leung TN, Fung TY, Sahota DS, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2006;27(2): 156 - 161


Foetal magnetic resonance imaging.

Wong TYY, Lam WWM, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2006;12(6): 486 - 487


Gene expression pattern associated with radiotherapy sensitivity in cervical cancer.

Wong YF, Sahota DS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Smith DI

Cancer J 2006;12(3): 189 - 193


Genome-wide gene expression profiling of cervical cancer in Hong Kong women by oligonucleotide microarray.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Tsao GSW, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wang VW, Heung MS, Chan CS, Chan LKY, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Li C, Guo Y, Chung TKH, Smith DI

Int J Cancer 2006;118(10): 2461 - 2469


Genomic annotation of 15,809 ESTs identified from pooled early gestation human eyes.

Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Lam DSC, Pang CCP

Physiol Genomics 2006;25(1): 9 - 15


Health Status Function after Treatment with Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation and Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System for Idiopathic Menorrhagia: A Randomized Study.

Tam WH, Yuen PM, Ng PS, Leung PL, Lok IH, Rogers MS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2006;62(2): 84 - 88


HLA-B alleles, high-risk HPV infection and risk for cervical neoplasia in southern Chinese women.

Chan PKS, Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Lin CK, Tam AOY, Chan DPC, Zhou DXM, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Siu NSS

Int J Cancer 2006;118(6): 1430 - 1435


Is common iliac lymph node dissection necessary in early stage cervical carcinoma?

Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH , Wong YF, Cheung TH, Tsao GSW, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Wang VW, Heung MS, Chan CS, Chan LKY, Ho TWF, Wong KWY, Li C, Guo Y, Chung TKH, Smith DI

Gynecol Oncol 2006;103(1): 58 - 61


Left ventricular diastolic function during normal pregnancy: assessment by spectral tissue Doppler imaging.

Fok AWY, Chan Louis YS, Wong JTH, Yu CM, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2006;28(6): 789 - 793


Measurement of Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Trocar Insertion and Exit Forces.

Yip SK, Pang MW, Sahota DS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2006;62(1): 55 - 60


Metabolomic and bioinformatic analyses in asphyxiated neonates.

Chu NCY, Xiao XM, Zhou XG, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Fok TF, Law LK, Pang CCP, Wang CC

Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 203 - 209


Molecular characterization of the developmental gene in eyes: Through data-mining on integrated transcriptome databases.

Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tang LY, Lam DSC, Chung TKH, Pang CCP , Siu NSS, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF

Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 224 - 230


Molecular diagnostics of genetic eye diseases.

Fan BJ, Tam POS, Choy KW, Wang DY, Lam DSC, Pang CCP

Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 231 - 239


Multipopulation analysis of polymorphisms in five mononucleotide repeats used to determine the microsatellite instability status of human tumors.

Buhard O, Cattaneo F, Wong YF, Yim SF, Friedman E, Flejou JF, Duval A, Hamelin R

J Clin Oncol 2006;24(2): 241 - 251


Necessary to evaluate the possible involvement of endothelin-1 gene polymorphisms in urinary dysfunction?

Choy KW, Yip SK

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;194(1): 300 - 301


Oxidative stress in midpregnancy as a predictor of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia.

Rogers MS, Wang CC, Tam WH, Li CY, Chu KO, Chu NCY

BJOG 2006;113(9): 1053 - 1059


Pharmacokinetic studies of green tea catechins in maternal plasma and fetuses in rats.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Chan KP, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP

J Pharm Sci 2006;95(6): 1372 - 1381


Postablation-tubal sterilization syndrome following thermal balloon endometrial ablation.

Leung PL, Yuen PM

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(4): 504 - 505


Postnatal Depression: An Update.

Choy KW, Wang CC, Ogura A, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Ikeo K, Gojobori T, Tang LY, Lam DSC, Chung TKH, Pang CCP

Clin Biochem 2006;39(3): 224 - 230


Pre-eclampsia: An update.

Chan SSC, Leung TN

JPOG 2006;32(2): 81 - 87


Prediction of intrapartum Cesarean delivery for non-reassuring fetal status after a successful external cephalic version by a low pre-version pulsatility index of the fetal middle cerebral artery.

Leung TY, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Law LW, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2006;27(4): 416 - 419


Pro-oxidative effects of tea and polyphenols, epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin, on G6PD-deficient erythrocytes in vitro.

Ko CH, Li KKH, Ng PC, Fung KP, Li CL, Wong RPO, Chui KM, Gu GJS, Yung ECM, Wang CC, Fok TF

Int J Mol Med 2006;18(5): 987 - 994


Psychological responses of pregnant women to an infectious outbreak: a case-control study of the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Lok IH, Chung TKH , Sahota DS, Leung TN, Yip SK, Lee FY

JPOG 2006;32(1): 39 - 43


RAB32 hypermethylation and microsatellite instability in gastric and endometrial adenocarcinomas.

Shibata D, Mori Y, Cai K, Zhang L, Yin J, Elahi A, Hamelin R, Wong YF, Lo KWK, Chung TKH, Sato F, Karpeh MS Jr, Meltzer SJ , Lee DTS, Sahota DS, Leung TN, Yip SK, Lee FY, Chung TKH

Int J Cancer 2006;119(4): 801 - 806


Radiographic appearance of pyometra on computer tomography mimicking pelvic abscess.

Chan Louis YS, Lo KWK, Cheung TH

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(9): 1144 - 1151


Risk factors for procedure-related fetal losses after mid-trimester genetic amniocentesis.

Kong CW, Leung TN, Leung TY, Chan LW, Sahota DS, Fung TY, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2006;26(10): 925 - 930


Ruptured Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation During Pregnancy.

Wong ASW, Cheung GWY, Manlulu AV, Wan IYP, Chu MC, Yu SCH, Tam WH, Yim APC

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(10): 1273 - 1275


Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a Possible Indicator of Arterial Reactivity in Postmenopausal Women.

Shibata D, Mori Y, Cai K, Zhang L, Yin J, Elahi A, Hamelin R, Wong YF, Lo KWK, Chung TKH, Sato F, Karpeh MS Jr, Meltzer SJ, Lam PM, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Int J Cancer 2006;119(4): 801 - 806


Status of anti-thyroid peroxidase during normal pregnancy and in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum.

Panesar NS, Chan KW, Li CY, Rogers MS

Thyroid 2006;16(5): 481 - 484


Tension-free vaginal tape sling procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in Hong Kong women with and without pelvic organ prolapse: 1-year outcome study.

Yip SK, Pang MW

Hong Kong Med J 2006;12(1): 15 - 20


The effect of learning curve on the outcome of caesarean section.

Lam PM, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Gynecol Endocrinol 2006;22(8): 460 - 464


The utility assessment of Chinese pregnant women towards the birth of a baby with Down syndrome compared to a procedure-related miscarriage.

Chan YM, Leung TN, Leung TY, Fung TY, Chan LW, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2006;26(9): 819 - 824


Variation of force applied during external cephalic version with different patients' characteristic and outcome of version.

Leung TY, Sahota DS, Chan LW, Fok AWY, Law LW, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2006;85(2): 182 - 187


Viral Load, E2 Gene Disruption Status, and Lineage of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Infection in Cervical Neoplasia.

Cheung JLK, Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Tang JWT, Chan PKS

J Infect Dis 2006;194(12): 1706 - 1712


When to induce labor for post-term? A study of induction at 41 weeks versus 42 weeks.

Fok AWY, Chan Louis YS, Chung TKH

BJOG 2006;113(11): 1259 - 1263


A simple and rapid approach for screening of SARS-coronavirus genotypes: an evaluation study.

Chung GTY, Chiu Rossa WK, Cheung JLK, Jin Yongjie, Chim SSC, Chan PKS, Lo DYM

BMC Infect Dis 2005;5: 87


Antiplatelet agents for prevention of pre-eclampsia and its consequences: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.

Rogers MS

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2005;5(7): 1 - 11


Application of Expression Genomics for Predicting Treatment Response in Cancer.

Chin KV, Alabanza L, Fujii K, Kudoh K, Kita T, Kikuchi Y, Selvanayagam ZE, Wong YF, Lin Y, Shih JWC

Ann NY Acad Sci 2005;1058: 186 - 195


Assisted delivery trends in Hong Kong.

Yuen PM, Sahota DS

Brit Med J 2005;330(7495): 806


Birth of a healthy baby after transfer of blastocysts derived from cryopreserved human oocytes fertilized with frozen spermatozoa.

Tjer GCC, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Lok IH, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2005;83(5): 1547 - 1549


Cervical length at 18 - 22 weeks of gestation for prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Leung TN, Pang MW, Leung TY, Poon CF, Wong SM, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2005;26(7): 713 - 717


Clinical implications of promoter hypermethylation in RASSF1A and MGMT in retinoblastoma.

Choy KW, Lee TC, Cheung KF, Fan DSP, Lo KW, Beaverson KL, Abramson DH, Lam DSC, Yu CBO, Pang CCP

Neoplasia 2005;7(3): 200 - 206


Clinicopathologic significance of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 1 in cervical cancer.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Poon CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 2005;96: 510 - 515


Congenital systemic Langerhans cell histiocytosis presenting as hydrops fetalis.

Lee CH, Lau TK, To KF, Lam HS, Chan AWH, Ng PC

Acta Paediatr 2005;94(12): 1843 - 1847


Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of normal and dysplastic cervical tissue.

Wu Y, Xi P, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yu MMY

Opt Express 2005;13(2): 382 - 388


Detection and quantitation of human papillomavirus DNA in primary tumour and lymph nodes of patients with early stage cervical carcinoma.

Chan PKS, Yu MMY, Cheung TH, To KF, Lo KWK, Cheung JLK, Tong JHM

J Clin Virol 2005;33(3): 201 - 205


Detection of the placental epigenetic signature of the maspin gene in maternal plasma.

Chim SSC, Tong YK, Chiu Rossa WK, Lau TK, Leung TN, Chan LYS, Oudejans CBM, Ding CM, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005;102(41): 14753 - 14758


Determinants of postpartum depression symptomatology: A prospective multivariate study among Chinese women.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chan SSM, Lee FY, Leung TYS, Chung TKH

¤¤°ê¤ß²z½¥ÍÂø»x 2005;19(9): 626 - 631


Development of the Rhombencephalon: Molecular Evolution and Genetic Regulation.

Wang CC

Neuroembryol Aging 2005;3(2): 78 - 91


Dose effects of progesterone in add-back therapy during GnRHa treatment.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Haines CJ

J Reprod Med 2005;50(1): 35 - 40


Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: What to Give, to Take and to Avoid?


JPOG 2005;31(3): 121 - 132


Dysfunctional Elimination Symptoms in Childhood and Adulthood.

Bower WF, Yip SK, Yeung CK

J Urology 2005;174(4): 1623 - 1628


Effect of prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming on fetal hemodynamics.

Fok AWY, Leung TY, Tsui MHY, Leung TN, Lau TK

J Reprod Med 2005;50(9): 697 - 700


Effects of High-Inspired Oxygen Fraction During Elective Caesarean Section Under General Anaesthesia on Maternal and Fetal Oxygenation and Lipid Peroxidation.

Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Wang CC, Tam WH, Rogers MS

Anaesth Intens Care 2005;33(1): 136


Epigenetic silencing of cellular retinol-binding proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Kwong J, Lo KW, Chow LSN, To KF, Choy KW, Chan FL, Mok SC, Huang DP

Neoplasia 2005;7(1): 67 - 74


Expectant, medical or surgical treatment for spontaneous abortion in first trimester of pregnancy: a cost analysis.

You JHS, Chung TKH

Hum Reprod 2005;(10): 2873 - 2878


Expectation and knowledge of women undergoing first-trimester combined screening for Down syndrome in a Chinese population.

Chan LW, Chau MMC, Leung TY, Fung TY, Leung TN, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2005;25(13): 1248 - 1252


Fetal hemodynamic changes after amniotomy.

Fok AWY, Leung TY, Tsui MHY, Leung TN, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2005;84(2): 166 - 169


Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix: what is the clinical significance?

Fung TY, Leung TN, Leung TY, Lau TK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2005;25(2): 149 - 154


Genetic screening and diagnosis.

Lau TK, Leung TN

Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 2005;17(2): 163 - 169


GnRH antagonist versus long GnRH agonist protocol in poor responders undergoing IVF: a randomized controlled trial.

Cheung LP, Lam PM, Lok IH, Chiu TTY, Yeung QSY, Tjer GCC, Haines CJ

Hum Reprod 2005;20(3): 616 - 621


Higher median levels of free beta-hCG and PAPP-A in the first trimester of pregnancy in a Chinese ethnic group. Implication for first trimester combined screening for Down's syndrome in the Chinese population.

Leung TY, Spencer K, Leung TN, Fung TY, Lau TK

Fetal Diagn Ther 2005;21(1): 140 - 143


Impact of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy at term on infant birth weight.

Lau TK, Pang MW, Sahota DS, Leung TN

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2005;84(9): 875 - 877


Isolated vulval varicosity in the non-pregnant state: a case report with review of the treatment options.

Leung SW, Leung PL, Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2005;45(3): 254 - 256


La histeroscopia en el tratamiento del cancer endometrial: su valor y seguridad.


SIIC 2005;13(2): 12 - 14


Laparoscopy in a patient with XY gonadal dysgenesis.

Yuen PM, Chan SSC

J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2005;12(3): 194 - 195


Long term reproductive outcome subsequent to medical versus surgical treatment for spontaneous miscarriage.

Tam WH, Tsui MHY, Lok IH, Yip SK, Yuen PM, Chung TKH

Hum Reprod 2005;20(12): 3355 - 3359


Maternal experience of pain during external cephalic version at term.

Fok AWY, Chan LW, Leung TY, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2005;84(8): 748 - 751


Meconium-stained liquor during labor is associated with raised neonatal cord blood 8-iso-prostaglandin F2a concentration.

Liu BY, Wang CC, Lau TK, Chu NCY, Pang CCP, Rogers MS, Leung TN

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(1): 289 - 294


Outcome of 1355 consecutive transabdominal chorionic villus samplings in 1351 patients.

Lau TK, Leung TY, Fung TY, Chan LW, Sahota DS, Leung TN

Chin Med J 2005;118(20): 1675 - 1681


Ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous disease.

Wang VW, Li C, Ling M, Welch WR, Bell D, Wong YF, Berkowitz RS, Mok SC, Bandera CA

Cancer Genet Cytogen 2005;161(2): 170 - 173


Partial Neuroprotective Effect of Pretreatment with Tanshinone IIA on Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Brain Damage.

Xia WJ, Yang M, Fok TF, Li KKH, Chan WY, Ng PC, Ng HK, Chik KW, Wang CC, Gu GJS, Woo KS, Fung KP

Pediatr Res 2005;58(4): 784 - 790


Pediatric Malignancies: CASE 1. Hypermethylation in Orbital Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Chan WM, Liu DTL, Pang CCP, Lam DSC, To KF, Choi PCL, Choy KW, Wong CY, Chan DDN

J Clin Oncol 2005;23(21): 4790 - 4791


Polycystic ovarian syndrome in Hong Kong Chinese women: patient characteristics and diagnostic criteria.

Lam PM, Ma RCW, Cheung LP, Chow CC, Chan JCN, Haines CJ

Hong Kong Med J 2005;11(5): 336 - 341


Prediction of Outcome of External Cephalic Version for Breech Presentation at Term.

Leung TY, Lau TK

Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 2005;16(3): 245 - 262


Preference on the Treatments for Menorrhagia in Hong Kong Chinese Women.

Leung PL, Ng PS, Tam WH, Yuen PM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2005;59(2): 97 - 101


Prenatal embolisation of a large chorioangioma using enbucrilate.

Lau TK, Yu SCH, Leung TY, To KF, Fung TY, Leung TN

BJOG 2005;112(7): 1002 - 1004


Psychological Morbidity Following Miscarriage.

Lok IH, Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chung TKH

JPOG 2005;31(5): 213 - 219


Quantitative analysis of human papillomavirus type 16 in cervical neoplasm: A study in Chinese population.

Lo KWK, Yeung SW, Cheung TH, Siu NSS, Kahn T, Wong YF

J Clin Virol 2005;34(1): 76 - 80


Reference charts of gestation-specific tissue Doppler imaging indices of systolic and diastolic functions in the normal fetal heart.

Chan Louis YS, Fok AWY, Wong JTH, Yu CM, Leung TN, Lau TK

Am Heart J 2005;150(4): 750 - 755


Risk Association between Human Leukocyte Antigen-A Allele and High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection for Cervical Neoplasia in Chinese Women.

Chan DPC, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Cheung JLK, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Zhou DXM, Chan PKS

J Infect Dis 2005;192(10): 1749 - 1756


Risk Association between Human Leukocyte Antigen¡VA Allele and High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection for Cervical Neoplasia in Chinese Women.

Chan DPC, Cheung TH, Tam AOY, Cheung JLK, Yim SF, Lo KWK, Siu NSS, Zhou DXM, Chan PKS

J Infect Dis 2005;192(10): 1749 - 1756


Screening Test Model Using Duration of Labor for the Detection of Postpartum Urinary Retention.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Pang MW, Chang AMZ

Neurourol Urodynam 2005;24(3): 248 - 253


Study of dynamic process of acetic acid induced-whitening in epithelial tissues at cellular level.

Wu T, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Wong YF

Opt Express 2005;13(13): 4963 - 4973


Thalassaemia screening in pregnancy.

Leung TN, Lau TK, Chung TKH

Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 2005;17(2): 129 - 134


The effect of exogenous estradiol treatment on the mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in cultured human oviduct mucosal cells.

Lam PM, Po ALS, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

J Assist Reprod Gen 2005;22(6): 251 - 255


The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life among women in Hong Kong.

Pang MW, Leung PHY, Chan LW, Yip SK

Hong Kong Med J 2005;11(3): 158 - 163


The role of viral integration in the development of cervical cancer.

Yu Tingxi, Ferber MJ, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI

Cancer Genet Cytogen 2005;158(1): 27 - 34


Transcriptional repression of WEE1 by Kruppel-like factor 2 is involved in DNA damage-induced apoptosis.

Wang F, Zhu Y, Huang Y, McAvoy S, Johnson WB, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Ngan HYS, Wong YF, Smith DI

Oncogene 2005;24(24): 3875 - 3885


Tumor-Associated Alterations in Caspase-14 Expression in Epithelial Malignancies.

Krajewska M, Kim H, Shin E, Kennedy S, Duffy MJ, Wong YF, Marr D, Mikolajczyk J, Shabaik A, Meinhold-Heerlein I, Huang XS, Banares S, Hedayat H, Reed JC, Krajewski S

Clin Cancer Res 2005;11(15): 5462 - 5471


Urinary Tract Infection in Women: A Gynaecologist's / Obstetrician's Perspective.

Wong ASW, Pang MW, Yip SK

JPOG 2005;31(1): 39 - 42


Using group-sequential analysis to achieve the optimal sample size.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ, Todd S

BJOG 2005;112(5): 529 - 533


Where are we with postmenopausal hormone therapy in 2005?

Lam PM, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Gynecol Endocrinol 2005;21(5): 248 - 256


A cross-sectional, single-centre study on the levels & sources of mercury, cadmium & lead in a HK mother-infant cohort. (Ref. 212917)

Fok TF, Lam CWK, Yip SK, Sin NC, Ng PC, Leung PHY

HCPF 2004;


A prevalence study of antenatal depression among Chinese women.

Lee DTS, Chan SMS, Sahota DS, Yip SK, Tsui MHY, Chung TKH

J Affect Disorders 2004;82(1): 93 - 99


A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study of tibolone (Livial) on menopause symptoms, psychological well-being, and dyadic relationship of postmenopausal Chinese women and their spouses.

Lam PM, Cheung GWY, Shek DTL, Lee DTS, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

MENOPAUSE 2004;11(4): 416 - 422


A study of female urinary tract infection caused by urodynamic investigation.

Yip SK, Fung KSC, Pang MW, Leung PHY, Chan LW, Sahota DS

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;190(5): 1234 - 1240


A validation study of ultrasonic foetal weight estimation models for Hong Kong Chinese singleton pregnancies.

Pang MW, Leung TN, Lau TK

Hong Kong Med J 2004;10(6): 384 - 388


Adjuvant low-dose aspirin therapy in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilization: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Lok IH, Yip SK, Cheung LP, Leung PHY, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;81(3): 556 - 561


Application of Beck's Depression Inventory for screening post-miscarriage psychiatric morbidity.

Lok IH, Yip SK, Lee DTS, Shek DTL, Tam WH, Chung TKH

International Congress Series 2004;1271: 325 - 328


Application of expression genomics in drug development and genomic medicine.

Chin KV, Selvanayagam ZE, Vittal R, Kita T, Kudoh K, Yang CS, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Yeo W, Chung TKH, Lin Y, Liao J, Shih JW, Yap SF, Lin AW

Drug Develop Res 2004;62(2): 124 - 133


Attitudes towards termination of pregnancy among Hong Kong Chinese women attending prenatal diagnosis counselling clinic.

Leung TN, Chau MMC, Chang JJHT, Leung TY, Fung TY, Lau TK

Prenatal Diag 2004;24(7): 546 - 551


Congenital Cervical Fibrosarcoma with Hydrops Fetalis.

Lam PM, Leung TN, Ng PC, Vlantis AC, Wong W, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2004;83(8): 773 - 776


Cord blood acid-base status at delivery after successful external cephalic version.

Chan Louis YS, Leung TY, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2004;83(5): 436 - 439


Correlation of transvaginal ultrasound findings and serum beta-hCG level in cervical pregnancy.

Yim SF, Lo KWK, Chan SSC, Cheung TH

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2004;24(6): 694 - 695


Depth-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy reveals layered structure of tissue.

Wu Y, Xi P, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Yu MMY

Opt Express 2004;12(14): 3218 - 3223


Deterioration in cord blood gas status during the second stage of labour is more rapid in the second twin than in the first twin.

Leung TY, Lok IH, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lau TK

BJOG 2004;111(6): 546 - 549


Determination of catechins and catechin gallates in biological fluids by HPLC with coulometric array detection and solid phase extraction.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP

Anal Chim Acta 2004;510(1): 69 - 76


Determination of catechins and catechin gallates in tissues by liquid chromatography with coulometric array detection and selective solid phase extraction.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Pang CCP

J Chromatogr B 2004;810(2): 187 - 195


Epigenetic and genetic alternation ofPTEN in cervical neoplasm.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chan LKY, Heung MS, Chan CS, Cheung AYK, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 2004;93(3): 621 - 627


Estradiol regulation of oviductin/oviduct-specific glycoprotein messenger ribonucleic acid expression in human oviduct mucosal cells in vitro.

Briton Jones C , Lok IH, Cheung CK, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;81: 749 - 756


Ethnoepidemiology of postnatal depression: Prospective multivariate study of sociocultural risk factors in a Chinese population in Hong Kong.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Leung TYS, Chung TKH

Brit J Psychiat 2004;184(1): 34 - 40


Expression of leptin and leptin receptors in gestational trophoblastic diseases.

Li HW, Yu MMY, Cheung ANY, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 2004;95(2): 299 - 306


Expression of Placental Leptin and Leptin Receptors in Preeclampsia.

Li HW, Poon CS, Yu MMY, Wong YF

Int J Gynecol Pathol 2004;23(4): 378 - 385


Extended experience in the use of laparoscopic ultrasound to detect pelvic nodal metastasis in patients with cervical carcinoma*.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Yang WT, Ho SSY

Gynecol Oncol 2004;92(3): 784 - 788


External cephalic version induced fetal cerebral and umbilical blood flow changes are related to the amount of pressure exerted.

Leung TY, Sahota DS, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Lau TK

BJOG 2004;111(5): 430 - 435


Helper T Lymphocyte Related Chemokines in Healthy Newborns.

Leung TF, Ng PC, Tam WH, Li BCY, Wong E, Ma TPY, Lam CWK, Fok TF

Pediatr Res 2004;55(2): 334 - 338


Impact of common contraceptive methods on quality of life and sexual function in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Li HW, Lo SST, Teh DKG, Tong NC, Tsui MHY, Cheung KB, Chung TKH

Contraception 2004;70(6): 474 - 482


In vitro exposure to carbon dioxide induces oxidative stress in human peritoneal mesothelial cells.

Souza AMB, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Briton Jones C , Haines CJ, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2004;19(6): 1281 - 1286


In vivo regulation of mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (KDR and flt-1) in the human oviduct.

Lam PM, Briton Jones C , Cheung CK, Lok IH, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;81(2): 416 - 423


Increased messenger RNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in the implantation site of the human oviduct with ectopic gestation.

Lam PM, Briton Jones C , Cheung CK, Leung SW, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;82(3): 686 - 690


Interpretation of Pap smear reports.

Cheung TH

HK Dermatol Venereol Bull 2004;12(1): 12 - 17


Intravenous leiomyomatosis: two cases with different routes of tumor extension.

Lam PM, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Wong WS, Lau JWY, Elarefi AA, Cheung TH

J Vasc Surg 2004;39(2): 465 - 469


Metastatic sarcoma of the ovaries.

Cheung TH

CME Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2004;9(2): 153 - 156


Microsatellite Instability and MLH1 Promoter Methylation in Human Retinoblastoma.

Choy KW, Pang CCP, Fan DSP, Lee TC, Wang JH, Abramson DH, Lo KW, To KF, Yu CBO, Beaverson KL, Cheung KF, Lam DSC

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2004;45(10): 3404 - 3409


Molecular hierarchy in neurons differentiated from mouse ES cells containing a single human chromosome 21.

Wang CC, Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Kazuki Y, Shirayoshi Y, Rogers MS, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Oshimura M

Biochem Bioph Res Co 2004;314(2): 335 - 350


MS analysis of single-nucleotide differences in circulating nucleic acids: Application to noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.

Ding CM, Chiu Rossa WK, Lau TK, Leung TN, Chan LC, Chan Amy YY, Charoenkwan P, Ng ISL, Law HY, Ma ESK, Xu X, Wanapirak C, Sanguansermsri T, Liao C, Tan Jin Ai MA, Chui DHK, Cantor CR, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101(29): 10762 - 10767


Nodal detection in malignant melanoma of the vagina using laparoscopic ultrasonography.

Siu NSS, Lo KWK, Chan ABW, Yu MMY, Cheung TH

Gynecol Oncol 2004;92(3): 985 - 988


Outcome in laparoscopic management of persistent adnexal mass during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Yuen PM, Ng PS, Leung PL, Rogers MS

Surg Endosc 2004;18(9): 1354 - 1357


Patient-controlled analgesia versus conventional intramuscular injection: a cost effectiveness analysis.

Chang AM, Ip Wan Yim, Cheung TH

J Adv Nur 2004;46(5): 531 - 541


Postpartum urinary retention.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Pang MW, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2004;83(10): 881 - 891


Prediction of chemotherapeutic response in ovarian cancer with DNA microarray expression profiling.

Selvanayagam ZE, Cheung TH, Wei N, Vittal R, Lo KWK, Yeo W, Kita T, Ravatn R, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Chin KV

Cancer Genet Cytogen 2004;154(1): 63 - 66


Prediction of successful vaginal delivery in women undergoing external cephalic version at term for breech presentation.

Chan Louis YS, Leung TY, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Lau TK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2004;116(1): 39 - 42


Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of women with severe acute respiratory syndrome.

Wong SF, Chow KM, Leung TN, Ng WF, Ng TK, Shek CC, Ng PC, Lam PWY, Ho LC, To WWK, Lai ST, Yan WW, Tan PYH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(1): 292 - 297


Prospective self-controlled study on prevention of hysteroscopic dissemination in endometrial carcinoma.

Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Chan Louis YS, Chung TKH

Int J Gynecol Cancer 2004;14(5): 921 - 926


Protein profiling of cervical cancer by protein-biochips: proteomic scoring to discriminate cervical cancer from normal cervix.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Wang VW, Chan CS, Ng TB, Chung TKH, Mok SC

Cancer Lett 2004;211(2): 227 - 234


Proteomic signatures and aberrations of mouse embryonic stem cells containing a single human chromosome 21 in neuronal differentiation: An in vitro model of down syndrome.

Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Wang CC, Toda T, Shirayoshi Y, Inoue T, Gojobori T, Ikeo K, Rogers MS, Oshimura M

Neuroscience 2004;129(2): 325 - 335


Psychological Well-being And The Dyadic Relationshop of Chinese Menopausal Women (And Their Spouses) Attending the Hormone Replacement Clinics.

Lam PM, Cheung GWY, Shek DTL, Lee DTS, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Gynecol Endocrinol 2004;18(4): 206 - 211


Raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women is associated with a significant reduction in the concentration of serum vascular endothelial growth factor.

Lam PM, Yim SF, Briton Jones C , Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;81(2): 393 - 397


Retained products of gestation in miscarriage: An evaluation of transvaginal ultrasound criteria for diagnosing an "empty uterus".

Leung SW, Pang MW, Chung TKH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(4): 1133 - 1137


Revisit of metformin treatment in polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Lam PM, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Gynecol Endocrinol 2004;19(1): 33 - 39


Risk of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome to household contacts by infected health care workers and patients.

Chan Louis YS, Wong JTH, Li PKT, Lui SF, Fung H, Sung JJY

Am J Med 2004;116(8): 559 - 560


SARS Transmission among Hospital Workers in Hong Kong.

Lau JTF, Fung KSC, Wong TW, Kim JH, Wong E, Chung SSC, Ho DYM, Chan Louis YS, Lui SF, Cheng AFB

Emerg Infect Dis 2004;10(2): 280 - 286


Screening for post-miscarriage psychiatric morbidity.

Lok IH, Lee DTS, Yip SK, Shek DTL, Tam WH, Chung TKH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(2): 546 - 550


Supplementary oxygen for elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia: useful in prolonged uterine incision-to-delivery interval?

Khaw KS, Ngan Kee WD, Lee A, Wang CC, Wong ASY, Ng F, Rogers MS

Brit J Anaesth 2004;92(4): 518 - 522


Systematic micro-array based identification of placental mRNA in maternal plasma: towards non-invasive prenatal gene expression profiling.

Tsui NBY, Chim SSC, Chiu Rossa WK, Lau TK, Ng EKO, Leung TN, Tong YK, Chan AKC, Lo DYM

J Med Genet 2004;41(6): 461 - 467


The randomized nitric oxide tocolysis trial (RNOTT) for the treatment of preterm labor.

Bisits A, Madsen G, Knox M, Gill A, Smith R, Yeo G, Kwek K, Daniel M, Leung TN, Cheung KL, Chung TKH, Jones I, Toohill J, Tudehope D, Giles W

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;191(3): 683 - 690


Torsion of a paraovarian myoma in a teenage woman.

Chan SSC, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2004;11(1): 96 - 98


Treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome by fetoscopic laser photocoagulation.

Lau TK, Leung TY, Fung TY, Leung TN

Chin Med J 2004;117(9): 1431 - 1434


Upregulation of mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors by exogenous human chorionic gonadotropin in cultured oviduct mucosal cells.

Lam PM, Briton Jones C , Cheung CK, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2004;82(6): 1708 - 1710


A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the dose effect of oral oestradiol on bone mineral density in postmenopausal Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Ng MHL, Chin RKH, Lee DTS

Maturitas 2003;45(3): 169 - 173


A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the dose effect of oral oestradiol on menopausal symptoms, psychological well being, and quality of life in postmenopausal Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Lam CWK, Lau Edith MC, Ng MHL, Chin RKH, Lee DTS

Maturitas 2003;44(3): 207 - 214


A randomised controlled trial of educational counselling on the management of women who have suffered suboptimal outcomes in pregnancy.

Tam WH, Lee DTS, Chiu HFK, Ma KC, Lee A, Chung TKH

BJOG 2003;110(9): 853 - 859


A study of teratogenicity of hydrosalpinx fluid using a whole rat embryo culture model.

Chan Louis YS, Chiu PY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Tung HF, Lau TK

Hum Reprod 2003;18(5): 955 - 958


Accuracy of Clinical Diagnostic Methods of Threatened Abortion.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Cheung LP, Lam PKW, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2003;56(1): 38 - 42


Amount of error in a measurement?...Reliability.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Lok IH

Fertil Steril 2003;80(5): 1287


An unusual case of bilateral ureteric obstruction after anterior colporrhaphy and vaginal hysterectomy for pelvic organ prolapse.

Pang MW, Wong WS, Yip SK, Law LW

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2003;55(2): 125 - 126


Arcus tendineus levator ani Tear Causing Pelvic Hematoma after Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Insertion.

Chan LW, Pang MW, Yip SK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2003;54(2): 118


Climacteric symptoms and knowledge about hormone replacement therapy among Hong Kong Chinese women aged 40¡V60 years.

Lam PM, Leung TN, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Maturitas 2003;45(2): 99 - 107


Comparison of Peritoneal Oxidative Stress During Laparoscopy and laparostomy.

De Souza A, Rogers MS, Wang CC, Yuen PM, Ng PS

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2003;10(1): 65 - 74


Compliance with a pelvic muscle exercise program as a causal predictor of urinary stress incontinence amongst Chinese women.

Siu LS, Chang AM, Yip SK, Chang AMZ

Neurourol Urodynam 2003;22(7): 659 - 663


Cord blood thyroid-stimulating hormone level in high-risk pregnancies.

Chan Louis YS, Chiu PY, Lau TK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2003;108(2): 142 - 145


Cord blood thyroid-stimulating hormone level in twin pregnancy.

Chan Louis YS, Chiu PY, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(1): 28 - 31


Craniofacial Anthropometry of Hong Kong Chinese Babies: the Eye.

Fok TF, Hon EKL, So HK, Wong E, Ng PC, Lee AKY, Chang AMZ

Orthod Craniofacial Res 2003;6(1): 48 - 53


Customizing fetal biometric charts.

Pang MW, Leung TN, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Chang AMZ

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2003;22(3): 271 - 276


Determining the Reliability of Ultrasound Measurements and the Validity of the Formulae for Ultrasound Estimation of Postvoid Residual Bladder Volume in Postpartum Women.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ

Neurourol Urodynam 2003;22(3): 255 - 260


Development of a Postnatal 3-day-old Rat Model of Mild Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury.

Stadlin A, James AE, Fiscus RR, Wong YF, Rogers MS, Haines CJ

Brain Res 2003;993(1-2): 101 - 110


Effect of one interval vaginal delivery on the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence: A prospective cohort study.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ, Chung TKH

Neurourol Urodynam 2003;22(6): 558 - 562


Effects of aging on generic SF-36 quality of life measurements in Hong Kong Chinese women with urinary incontinence.

Leung PHY, Pang MW, Yip SK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(3): 275 - 279


Expression Genomics of Cervical Cancer: Molecular Classification and Prediction of Radiotherapy Response by DNA Microarray.

Wong YF, Selvanayagam ZE, Wei N, Porter J, Vittal R, Hu R, Yap SF, Kita T, Lin AW, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yip SK, Leung TN, Siu NSS, Chan LKY, Chan CS, Kong T, Kutlina E, McKinnon RD, Denhardt DT, Chin KV, Chung TKH

Clin Cancer Res 2003;9(15): 5486 - 5492


Facial Anthropometry of Hong Kong Chinese Babies.

Fok TF, Hon EKL, So HK, Wong E, Ng PC, Lee AKY, Chang AMZ

Orthod Craniofacial Res 2003;6(3): 164 - 172


Fetus with Hydropic Change Secondary to Fetal Supraventricular Tachycardia.

Yam MC, Leung TY, Lau TK, Sung RYT

HK J Paediatr 2003;8(2): 130 - 132


First Trimester Human Trophoblast Production Of Placental Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Is Unresponsive To Hypoxia In-Vitro.

Choy MY, Leung TN, Leung PS, Lau TK

Early Pregnancy: Biology and Medicine 2003;4(1): 235 - 247


Genetic alterations on chromosome 19, 20, 21, 22, and X detected by loss of heterozygosity analysis in retinoblastoma.

Huang Q, Choy KW, Cheung KF, Lam DSC, Fu WL, Pang CCP

Mol Vis 2003;9: 502 - 507


HBsAg Carrier Status and the Association Between Gestational Diabetes With Increased Serum Ferritin Concentration in Chinese Women.

Lao Terence TH , TSE KY, Chan Louis YS, Tam KF, Ho LF

Diabetes Care 2003;26(11): 3011 - 3016


HPLC Determination of Lignocaine and Its Metabolite Xylidine in Aqueous Humor.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Choy KW, Kwok AKH, Pang CCP

Anal Lett 2003;36(12): 2669 - 2682


Human chorionic gonadotropin and 17-] estradiol regulation of human oviductin/oviduct specific glycoprotein mRNA expression in vitro.

Briton Jones C , Lok IH, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2003;20(2): 720 - 726


Hysteroscopic appearance of the endometrial cavity following thermal balloon endometrial ablation.

Leung PL, Tam WH, Yuen PM

Fertil Steril 2003;79(5): 1226 - 1228


Increased mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor (flt-1) in the hydrosalpinx.

Lam PM, Briton Jones C , Cheung CK, Po ALS, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Hum Reprod 2003;18(11): 2264 - 2269


Integrations of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) into the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene in liver and cervical cancers.

Ferber MJ, Montoya DP, Yu C, Aderca I, McGee A, Thorland EC, Nagorney DM, Gostout BS, Burgart LJ, Boix L, Bruix J, McMahon BJ, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI, Roberts LR

Oncogene 2003;22(24): 3813 - 3820


Intrauterine pathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding taking hormone replacement therapy.

Leung PL, Tam WH, Kong GWS, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2003;10(2): 260 - 262


Intravenous leiomyomatosis with atypical histologic features: A case report.

Lam PM, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Lau TK, Cheung TH

Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13(1): 83 - 87


Is vaginal dermoid cyst a rare occurrence or a misnomer? A case report and review of the literature.

Siu NSS, Tam WH, To KF, Yuen PM

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2003;21(4): 404 - 406


Large Choledochal Cyst Present Through 2 Pregnancies. A Case Report.

Fok AWY, Yip SK, Leung TN, Leung KF, Chui AKK

J Reprod Med 2003;48(6): 482 - 484


Life-table analysis of the success of thermal balloon endometrial ablation in the treatment of menorrhagia.

Lok IH, Leung PL, Ng PS, Yuen PM

Fertil Steril 2003;80(5): 1255 - 1259


Management of infertility.

Lok IH, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

HK Pract 2003;25(6): 249 - 261


Management of vulvovaginitis in childhood.

Chan SSC, Cheung GWY, Yuen PM, Chin RKH

HK Pract 2003;25(7): 319 - 324


Maternal views and acceptance of antenatal HIV screening in a university teaching hospital in Hong Kong.

Leung PHY, Yip SK, Chung TKH

J Reprod Med 2003;48(12): 969 - 974


Measurement of Trocar Insertion Force Using a Piezoelectric Transducer.

Ng PS, Sahota DS, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2003;10(4): 534 - 538


mRNA of placental origin is readily detectable in maternal plasma.

Ng EKO, Tsui NBY, Lau TK, Leung TN, Chiu Rossa WK, Panesar NS, Lit LCW, Chan KW, Lo DYM

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100(8): 4748 - 4753


New evidence on risk-benefit profile of combined hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women.

Lam PM, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

HK Pract 2003;25: 30 - 36


One-year urodynamic outcome and quality of life in patients with concomitant tension-free vaginal tape during pelvic floor reconstruction surgery for genitourinary prolapse and urodynamic stress incontinence.

Pang MW, Chan LW, Yip SK

Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2003;14(4): 256 - 260


Overview of Pelvic Floor Reconstructive Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Pang MW, Yip SK

JPOG 2003;29(1): 35 - 39


Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Show Increased Platelet Activation and Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Acute Hyperhomocysteinemia.

TAM LS, Fan B, Li EKM, Thomas GN, Yim SF, Haines CJ, Thomlinson B

J Rheumatol 2003;30(7): 1479 - 1484


Pitfalls in diagnosis of interstitial pregnancy.

Chan Louis YS, Fok AWY, Yuen PM

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(9): 867 - 870


Postdelivery Screening for Postpartum Depression.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chan SMS, Tsui MHY, Wong WS, Chung TKH

Psychosom Med 2003;65(3): 357 - 361


Preferential integration of human papillomavirus type 18 near the c-myc locus in cervical carcinoma.

Ferber MJ, Thorland EC, Brink AA, Rapp AK, Phillips LA, McGovern R, Gostout BS, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wong YF, Smith DI

Oncogene 2003;22(46): 7233 - 7242


Preliminary study of detecting neoplastic growths in vivo with real time calibrated autofluorescence imaging.

Wu T, Qu JY, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY

Opt Express 2003;11(4): 291 - 298


Prenatal Treatment of Chorioangioma by Microcoil Embolisation.

Lau TK, Leung TY, Yu SCH, To KF, Leung TN

BJOG 2003;110(1): 70 - 73


Probability Model for Ultrasound Estimation of Bladder Volume in the Diagnosis of Female Urinary Retention.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2003;55(4): 235 - 240


Quantification of contact surface pressure exerted during external cephalic version.

Leung TY, Sahota DS, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(11): 1017 - 1022


Quantifying F2-isoprostanes in umbilical cord blood of newborn by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Chu KO, Wang CC, Rogers MS, Pang CCP

Anal Biochem 2003;316(1): 111 - 117


Rapid recurrence of endometrioma after transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration.

Chan Louis YS, So WK, Lao TTH

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2003;109(2): 196 - 198


Relationship between umbilical cord morphology and nuchal cord entanglement.

Rogers MS, Ip Wan Yim, Qin Y, Rogers SM, Sahota DS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(1): 32 - 37


Repeated courses of antenatal corticosteroids: Is it justified?

Leung TN, Lam PM, Ng PC, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2003;82(7): 589 - 596


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Ngan Kee WD, Leung TN

Int J Obstet Anesth 2003;12(3): 151 - 152


Sociodemographic and Atopic Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Intention in Chinese Mothers.

Leung TF, Tam WH, Hung ECW, Fok TF, Wong GWK

J Paediatr Child H 2003;39(6): 460 - 464


Successful pregnancy in a woman with congenital "Swiss-cheese" platelets. A case report.

Chan Louis YS, Leung TN

J Reprod Med 2003;48(7): 563 - 565


Successful treatment of recurrent, intractable hyperemesis gravidarum with methylprednisolone. A case report.

Chan Louis YS, Lam MH, Lau TK, Chin RKH

J Reprod Med 2003;48(4): 293 - 295


Successful treatment of ruptured interstitial pregnancy with laparoscopic surgery. A report of 2 cases.

Chan Louis YS, Yuen PM

J Reprod Med 2003;48(7): 569 - 571


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2£ during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of intra-abdominal pressure on the generation of 8-iso prostaglandin F2α during laparoscopy in rabbits

De Souza A, Wang CC, Chu NCY, Lam PM, Rogers MS

Hum Reprod 2003;18(10): 2181 - 2188


The effect of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on a hospital obstetrics and gynaecology service.

Haines CJ, Chu YW, Chung TKH

BJOG 2003;110(7): 643 - 645


The impact of urodynamic stress incontinence and detrusor overactivity on marital relationship and sexual function.

Yip SK, Chan A, Pang MW, Leung PHY, Tang CS, Shek DTL, Chung TKH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188(5): 1244 - 1248


The role of microsatellite instability in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Poon KY, Wang VW, Li JCB, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Lahr G, Chung TKH

Gynecol Oncol 2003;89(3): 434 - 439


The value of pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer to avoid unnecessary radiotherapy.

Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Chung TKH

Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13(6): 863 - 869


Tolterodine and oxybutynin had similar tolerability and efficacy for the treatment of overactive bladder.

Leung PHY, Yip SK, Cheon C, Liu JYS, Lau JTF, Wong THK, Chung TKH

Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003;5(2): 88 - 89


Treatment-seeking behavior in Hong Kong Chinese women with urinary symptoms.

Yip SK, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 2003;14(1): 27 - 30


Updated gestational age specific birth weight, crown-heel length, and head circumference of Chinese newborns.

Fok TF, So HK, Wong E, Ng PC, Chang AMZ, Lau JTF, Chow CB, Lee WH

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2003;88(3): F229 - F236


Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Human Oviduct: Localization and Regulation of Messenger RNA Expression In Vivo.

Lam PM, Briton Jones C , Cheung CK, Lok IH, Yuen PM, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Biol Reprod 2003;68(5): 1870 - 1876


A prospective randomized trial comparing patient-controlled sedation using propofol and alfentanil and physician-administered sedation using diazepam and pethidine during transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval.

Lok IH, Chan MTV, Chan LW, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Yuen PM

Hum Reprod 2002;17(8): 2101 - 2106


A qualitative study of the experiences of a group of Hong Kong Chinese women diagnosed with postnatal depression.

Chan Sally, Levy Valerie, Chung TKH, Lee DTS

J Adv Nur 2002;39(6): 571 - 579


A randomised controlled trial of intramuscular syntometrine and intravenous oxytocin in the management of the third stage of labour.

Choy CMY, Lau WC, Tam WH, Yuen PM

BJOG 2002;109(2): 173 - 177


A randomized controlled trial of tolterodine and oxybutynin on tolerability and clinical efficacy for treating Chinese women with an overactive bladder.

Leung PHY, Yip SK, Cheon C, Liu JYS, Lau JTF, Wong THK, Chung TKH

Br J Urology Int 2002;90(4): 375 - 380


An Unusual Case of a Vesicovaginal Stone.

Pang MW, Lok IH, Tsui MHY, Wong WS, Yip SK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2002;54(1): 56 - 57


Apotosis-Related Proteins in Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix.

Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Krajewski S, Reed JC, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 2002;86(1): 14 - 18


Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 58 Variant With the Risk of Cervical Cancer.

Chan PKS, Lam ECW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KWK, Chan MYM, Cheung JLK, Cheng AFB

J Natl Cancer I 2002;94(16): 1249 - 1253


Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia is Associated with Increased Polyamine Oxidase and Diamine Oxidase Concentrations in Cervical Mucus.

Rogers MS, Yim SF, Li KC, Wang CC, Arumanayagam M

Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 383 - 387


Diabetic family history is an isolated risk factor for gestational diabetes after 30 years of age.

Chan Louis YS, Wong SF, Ho LC

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2002;81(2): 115 - 117


Diclofenac-induced embryotoxicity is associated with increased embryonic 8-isoprostaglandin F2a level in rat whole embryo culture.

Chan Louis YS, Chiu PY, Siu NSS, Wang CC, Lau TK

Reprod Toxicol 2002;16(6): 841 - 844


Effect of twin-to-twin delivery interval on umbilical cord blood gas in the second twins.

Leung TY, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lok IH, Lau TK

BJOG 2002;109(1): 63 - 67


Effects of high inspired oxygen fraction during elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia on maternal and fetal oxygenation and lipid peroxidation.

Khaw KS, Wang CC, Ngan Kee WD, Pang CCP, Rogers MS

Brit J Anaesth 2002;88(1): 18 - 23


Effects of the intensity of downregulation on outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

Lam PM, Cheung LP, Choy CMY, Lau YP, Haines CJ

Gynecol Endocrinol 2002;16(2): 143 - 150


Entrapment of Viable Trophoblastic Tissue in a Uterine Hematoma After Surgical Evacuation. A Case Report.

Lam PM, Yim SF, Leung TN

J Reprod Med 2002;47(2): 170 - 172


Expression of apoptotic regulators and their significance in cervical cancer.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Yu MMY, Krajewski S, Reed JC, Wong YF

Cancer Lett 2002;180(1): 63 - 68


Follicular fluid and serum concentrations of myo-inositol in patients undergoing IVF: relationship with oocyte quality.

Chiu TTY, Rogers MS, Law LK, Briton Jones C , Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Hum Reprod 2002;17(6): 1591 - 1596


Four-year follow-up of women who were diagnosed to have postpartum urinary retention.

Yip SK, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ, Chung TKH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187(3): 648 - 652


Gestational hyperlipidaemic pancreatitis.

Choy CMY, Tam WH, Leung TN

BJOG 2002;109(7): 847 - 848


High incidence of obstetric interventions after successful external cephalic version.

Chan Louis YS, Leung TY, Fok AWY, Chan LW, Lau TK

BJOG 2002;109(6): 627 - 631


Hong Kong Chinese womens experiences of vaginal examinations in labour.

Lai CY, Levy Valerie

Midwifery 2002;18(4): 296 - 303


Human oviductin mRNA expression is not maintained in oviduct mucosal cell culture.

Briton Jones C , Lok IH, Yuen PM, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2002;77(3): 576 - 580


Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Intratypic Variant Infection and Risk for Cervical Neoplasia in Southern China.

Chan PKS, Lam ECW, Cheung TH, Li WWH, Lo KWK, Chan MYM, Cheung JLK, Xu LY, Cheng AFB

J Infect Dis 2002;186: 696 - 700


Hysteroscopic dissemination of endometrial carcinoma using carbon dioxide and normal saline: a retrospective study.

Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH

Gynecol Oncol 2002;84(3): 394 - 398


Impaired Expression and Promotor Hypermethylation of O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase in Retinoblastoma Tissues.

Choy KW, Pang CCP, To KF, Yu CBO, Ng JSK, Lam DSC

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2002;43(5): 1344 - 1349


Infertility, blood mercury concentrations and dietary seafood consumption: a case-control study.

Choy CMY, Lam CWK, Cheung LTF, Briton Jones C , Cheung LP, Haines CJ

BJOG 2002;109(10): 1121 - 1125


Intrauterine Adhesions after Conservative and Surgical Management of Spontaneous Abortion.

Tam WH, Lau WC, Cheung LP, Yuen PM, Chung TKH

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2002;9(2): 182 - 185


Loss of Heterozygosity and Mutations Are the Major Mechanisms of RB1 Gene Inactivation in Chinese With Sporadic Retinoblastoma.

Choy KW, Pang CCP, Yu CBO, Wong HL, Ng JSK, Fan DSP, Lo KW, Chai TY, Wang JH, Fu WL, Lam DSC

Hum Mutat 2002;20(5): 408


Maternal Hemoglobin and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Women.

Lao Terence TH , Chan Louis YS, Tam KF, Ho LF

Obstet Gynecol 2002;99(5): 807 - 812


Nurses knowledge of and compliance with universal precautions in an acute care hospital.

Chan R, Molassiotis A, Chan E, Chan V, Ho B, Lai CY, Lam P, Shit F, Yiu PC

Int J Nurs Stud 2002;39(2): 157 - 163


Patient-Controlled Sedation for Outpatient Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation.

Lok IH, Chan MTV, Tam WH, Leung PL, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2002;9(4): 436 - 441


Prenatal exclusion of beta thalassaemia major by examination of maternal plasma.

Chiu Rossa WK, Lau TK, Leung TN, Chow KCK, Chui DHK, Lo DYM

Lancet 2002;360(9338): 998 - 1000


Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection: Comparison between Pregnant Women and Non-Pregnant Controls.

Chan PKS, Chang AR, Tam WH, Cheung JLK, Cheng AFB

J Med Virol 2002;67(4): 583 - 588


Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in Hong Kong based on the 1998 WHO criteria.

Ko GTC, Tam WH, Chan JCN, Rogers MS

Diabetic Med 2002;19(1): 80 - 80


Prevalence of human papillomavirus in cervical cancer: A multicenter study in China.

Lo KWK, Wong YF, Chan KMM, Li JCB, Poon CS, Wang VW, Zhu SN, Zhang TM, He ZG, Wu QL, Li GD, Tam JSL, Kahn T, Lam PKW, Cheung TH, Chung TKH

Int J Cancer 2002;100(3): 327 - 331


Psychiatric Morbidity amongst Infertile Chinese Women Undergoing Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technology and the Impact of Treatment Failure.

Lok IH, Lee DTS, Cheung LP, Chung DWS, Lo KWK, Haines CJ,

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2002;53(4): 195 - 199


Second-trimester ultrasonographic assessment of the umbilical coiling index.

Qin Y, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2002;20(5): 458 - 463


The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study.

Kong SL, Li CY, Ng KF, Ng PC, Rogers MS

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2002;78(1): 69 - 77


Treatment of intractable hyperemesis gravidarum by ondansetron.

Siu NSS, Yip SK, Cheung ECW, Lau TK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2002;105(1): 73 - 74


A 2-year Audit of a Midwife-based Obstetric Ultrasound Service.

Poon CF, Wong SM, Ng SC, Chau MMC, Leung TY, Leung TN, Lau TK

HKJGOM 2001;2(2): 73 - 79


A comparison of fetal behaviour in term fetuses exposed to anticonvulsant medication with unexposed controls.

Kean LH, , Gargari SS, Suwanrath C, Sahota DS, James DK

BJOG 2001;108(11): 1159 - 1163


A comparison of the psychologic impact and client satisfaction of surgical treatment with medical treatment of spontaneous abortion: a randomized controlled trial.

Lee DTS, Cheung LP, , Haines CJ, Chan KPM, Chung TKH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185(4): 953 - 958


A Psychiatric Epidemiological Study of Postpartum Chinese Women.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Leung TYS, Chung TKH

Am J Psychiat 2001;158(2): 220 - 226


A qualitative study of the perceptions of Hong Kong Chinese women during caesarean section under regional anaesthesia.

Lai CY, Levy Valerie, Chui OS, Tong WH, Wong KWK

Midwifery 2001;17(2): 115 - 122


Aberrant expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 in cervical carcinoma.

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Yim SF, Poon CS, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Cancer Lett 2001;172(1): 93 - 98


Alteration of cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene in carcinoma of uterine cervix.

Cheung TH, Yu MMY, Lo KWK, Yim SF, Chung TKH, Wong YF

Cancer Lett 2001;166(2): 199 - 206


Antepartum Depressive Symptomatology is Associated with Adverse Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes.

Chung TKH, Lau TK, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Lee DTS

Psychosom Med 2001;63(5): 830 - 834


Anti-ischemic Action of Estrogen-Progestogen Continuous Combined Hormone Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Established Angina Pectoris: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Trial.

Sanderson JE, Haines CJ, Yeung L, Yip GWK, Tang K, Yim SF, Jorgensen LN, Woo J

J Cardiovasc Pharm 2001;38(3): 372 - 383


Are thyroid hormones or hCG responsible for hyperemesis gravidarum? A matched paired study in pregnant Chinese women.

Panesar NS, Li CY, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2001;80(6): 519 - 524


Care of Hypertensive Pregnant Woman.

Lai CY, Tam WH

HKJGOM 2001;2(1): 24 - 31


Circulating fetal RNA in maternal plasma.

Poon LLM, Leung TN, Lau TK, Lo DYM

Ann NY Acad Sci 2001;945: 207 - 210


Clinical and Prognostic Significance of Human Papillomavirus in Chinese Population of Cervical Cancers.

Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Wang VW, Poon JS, Lam PKW, Wong YF

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;51(3): 202 - 207


Comparison of Metaraminol and Ephedrine Infusions for Maintaining Arterial Pressure during Spinal Anesthesia for Elective Cesarean Section.

Ngan Kee WD, Lau TK, Khaw KS, Lee BB

Anesthesiology 2001;95(2): 307 - 313


Computerised analysis of the fetal heart rate and relation to acidaemia at delivery.

Strachan BK, Sahota DS, Wijngaarden WJVan, James DK, Chang AMZ

BJOG 2001;108(8): 848 - 852


Computerized analysis of acute and chronic changes in fetal heart rate variation and fetal activity in association with maternal smoking.

Coppens M, Vindla S, James DK, Sahota DS

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185(2): 421 - 426


Dextran sedimentation in a semi-closed system for the clinical banking of umbilical cord blood.

Tsang KS, Li KKH, Huang DWS, Wong AP, Leung Y, Lau TT, Chang AMZ, Li CK, Fok TF, Yuen PMP

Transfusion 2001;41(3): 344 - 352


Dose-finding study for the use of long-acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues prior to ovarian stimulation for IVF.

Yim SF, Lok IH, Cheung LP, Briton Jones C , Chiu TTY, Haines CJ

Hum Reprod 2001;16(3): 492 - 494


Fetal scalp cysts: challenge in diagnosis and counseling.

Lau TK, Leung TN, Leung TY, Pang MW, Tam WH

J Ultras Med 2001;20(2): 175 - 177


Five-year compliance with hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Leung TN, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Maturitas 2001;39(3): 195 - 201


Guidelines for HIV Testing in Pregnancy.

Fok N, Law CL, Li CY, Ngai C, Tse LHY, Tse KT

HKCOG Guidelines 2001;6: 1 - 4


High Carriage Rate of TT Virus in the Cervices of Pregnant Women.

Chan PKS, Tam WH, Yeo W, Cheung JLK, Zhong S, Cheng AFB

Clin Infect Dis 2001;32(9): 1376 - 1377


Incomplete miscarriage: a randomized controlled trial comparing oral with vaginal misoprostol for medical evacuation.

Pang MW, Lee DTS, Chung TKH

Hum Reprod 2001;16(11): 2283 - 2287


Increased placental apoptosis in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia.

Leung TN, Smith SC, To KF, Sahota DS, Baker PN

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184(6): 1249 - 1250


Influences of perinatal factors on cord blood thyroid-stimulating hormone level.

Chan Louis YS, Leung TN, Lau TK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 2001;80(11): 1014 - 1018


Microsatellite instability in cervical carcinoma.

Chung TKH, IP TY, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Wong YF

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2001;94(1): 121 - 124


Microsatellite Instability, Expression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 and HPV Infection in Cervical Cancer and Their Clinico-Pathological Association.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Wang VW, Yu MMY, Wong YF

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;52(2): 98 - 103


Multilevel modeling of fetal and placental growth using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging.

Duncan KR, Sahota DS, Gowland PA, Moore R, Chang AMZ, Baker PN, Johnson IR

J Soc Gynecol Investig 2001;8(5): 285 - 290


Oxidative stress in the fetal lamb brain following intermittent umbilical cord occlusion: a path analysis.

Rogers MS, Murray HGS, Wang CC, Pennell CE, Turner A, Ping Y, Pang CCP, Chang AMZ

BJOG 2001;108(12): 1283 - 1290


Postnatal iron status of Hong Kong Chinese women in a longitudinal study of maternal nutrition.

Chan Suk Mei, Nelson EAS, Leung SSF, Li CY

Eur J Clin Nutr 2001;55(7): 538 - 546


Preclinical ex vivo expansion of cord blood hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells: duration of culture; the media, serum supplements, and growth factors used; and engraftment in NOD/SCID mice.

Lam AC, Li KKH, Zhang Xiaobing, Li CK, Fok TF, Chang AMZ, James AE, Tsang KS, Yuen PMP

Transfusion 2001;41(12): 1567 - 1576


Prenatal Diagnosis of Intra-abdominal Mature Testicular Teratoma.

Siu NSS, Leung TN, Leung TY, Ng SW, Yeung CK, Lau TK

J Ultras Med 2001;20(11): 1257 - 1260


Preoperative Hysteroscopic Assessment of Cervical Invasion by Endometrial Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study.

Lo KWK, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chung TKH

Gynecol Oncol 2001;82(2): 279 - 282


Randomized double-masked comparison of radially expanding access device and conventional cutting tip trocar in laparoscopy.

Yim SF, Yuen PM

Obstet Gynecol 2001;97(3): 435 - 438


Rare major maternal complications after second trimester amniocentesis: sequelae of avoiding a transplacental approach.

Lau TK, Leung TN, Leung TY, Pang MW, Tam WH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2001;41(4): 472 - 473


Rate of rise in maternal plasma corticotrophin-releasing hormone and its relation to gestational length.

Leung TN, Chung TKH, Madsen G, Lam PKW, Sahota DS, Smith R

BJOG 2001;108(5): 527 - 532


Reference intervals for thyroid hormones in pregnant Chinese women.

Panesar NS, Li CY, Rogers MS

Ann Clin Biochem 2001;38(4): 329 - 332


Regulation of human oviductin mRNA expression in vivo.

Briton Jones C , Lok IH, Yuen PM, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 2001;75(5): 942 - 946


Relationship between birthweight and repeated courses of antenatal corticosteroids.

Lam PM, Yuen PM, Lau TK, Leung TN

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2001;41(3): 281 - 284


Risk and Prediction of Preterm Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated by Antepartum Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin before 34 Weeks.

Leung TY, Chan LW, Tam WH, Leung TN, Lau TK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2001;52(4): 227 - 231


Risk of miscarriage in pregnant users of NSAIDs - More information is needed to be able to interpret study's results.

Chan Louis YS, Yuen PM

Brit Med J 2001;322(729): 1365 - 1366


Screening for Postnatal Depression: Are Specific Instruments Mandatory?

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Leung TYS, Chung TKH

J Affect Disorders 2001;63(1-3): 233 - 238


Skull fracture and contralateral cerebral infarction after ventouse extraction.

Choy CMY, Tam WH, Ng PC

BJOG 2001;108(12): 1298 - 1299


The Development of a Midwife-based Obstetric Ultrasound Service in a Teaching Hospital.

Lau TK, Poon CF, Wong SM, Chau MMC, Leung TY, Leung TN

HKJGOM 2001;2(2): 68 - 72


The effect of continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on arterial reactivity in postmenopausal women with established angina pectoris.

Haines CJ, Yim SF, Sanderson JE

Atherosclerosis 2001;159(2): 467 - 470


The effects of follicular fluid and platelet-activating factor on motion characteristics of poor-quality cryopreserved human sperm.

Briton Jones C , Yeung QSY, Tjer GCC, Chiu TTY, Cheung LP, Yim SF, Lok IH, Haines CJ

J Assist Reprod Gen 2001;18(3): 165 - 170


The predictive value of serum 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol in pregnancies at increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational impaired glucose tolerance.

Tam WH, Rogers MS, Lau TK, Arumanayagam M

BJOG 2001;108(7): 754 - 756


The upregulation of angiotensin II receptor AT1 in human preeclamptic placenta.

Leung PS, Tsai SJ, Wallukat G, Leung TN, Lau TK

Mol Cell Endocrinol 2001;184(1): 95 - 102


Use of diclofenac as an analgesic in outpatient hysteroscopy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Tam WH, Yuen PM

Fertil Steril 2001;76(5): 1070 - 1072


Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnant Chinese Women.

Chan Louis YS, Tam WH, Lau TK

Obstet Gynecol 2001;98(3): 471 - 475


Whole blood mercury concentrations in sub-fertile men in Hong Kong.

Leung TY, Choy CMY, Yim SF, Lam CWK, Haines CJ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2001;41(1): 75 - 77


A Cross-over Study of Triptorelin and Leuprolrelin Acetate in the Treatment of Endometriosis

Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Lam CWK, Lau WC, Lam PKW

Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 299 - 305


A new recommendation for maternal weight gain in Chinese women.

Wong W, Tang NLS, Lau TK, Wong TW

J Am Diet Assoc 2000;100(7): 791 - 796


A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of transcervical intrauterine local anaesthesia in outpatient hysteroscopy.

Lau WC, Tam WH, Lo KWK, Yuen PM

BJOG 2000;107(5): 610 - 613


A survey of pregnant women's attitude towards breech delivery and external cephalic version.

Leung TY, Lau TK, Lo KWK, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2000;40(3): 253 - 259


Analysis of mid-trimester corticotrophin-releasing hormone and alpha-fetoprotein concentrations for predicting pre-eclampsia.

Leung TN, Chung TKH, Madsen G, Lam CWK, Lam PKW, Walters WAW, Smith R

Hum Reprod 2000;15(8): 1813 - 1818


Analytical survey. (Chinese Article)

Rogers MS, Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(4): 249 - 250


Breastfeeding failure in a longitudinal post-partum maternal nutrition study in Hong Kong.

Chan Suk Mei, Nelson EAS, Leung SSF, Li CY

J Paediatr Child H 2000;36(5): 466 - 471


Cardiotocography only versus cardiotocography plus PR-interval analysis in intrapartum surveillance.

Strachan BK, Wijngaarden WJVan, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ, James DK

Lancet 2000;355(920): 456 - 459


Case studies (Chinese Article)

Tam WH, Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(2): 112


Cell-free deoxyribonucleic acid in matrnal circulation as a marker of fetal-maternal heorrhage in patients undergoing external cephalic version near term.

Lau TK, Lo KWK, Chan LYS, Leung TY, Lo DYM

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;183(3): 712 - 716


Clinical research in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. (Chinese Article)

Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Wong YF

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(1): 59


Clinical trial. (Chinese Article)

Lau TK, Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(5): 313 - 314


Color ultrasonography: a useful technique in the identification of nuchal cord during labor.

Qin Y, Wang CC, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 2000;15(5): 413 - 417


Comparison of Dynamic Helical CT and Dynamic MR Imaging in the Evaluation of Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Cervical Carcinoma.

Yang WT, Lam WWM, Yu MMY, Cheung TH, Metreweli C

Am J Roentgenol 2000;175(3): 759 - 766


Complications of Laparoscopic Surgery for Benign Ovarian Cysts.

Lok IH, Sahota DS, Rogers MS, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2000;7(4): 529 - 534


Determinants of umbilical cord arterial 8-iso-prostaglandin F2alpha concentrations.

Qin Y, Wang CC, Kuehn H, Rathmann J, Pang CP, Rogers MS

BJOG 2000;107(8): 973 - 981


Development of a customised birthweight standard for ethnic Chinese subjects.

Pang MW, Leung TN, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 2000;40(2): 161 - 164


Effect of external cephalic version at term on fetal circulation.

Lau TK, Leung TY, Lo KWK, Fok AWY, Rogers MS

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182(5): 1239 - 1242


Identifying women at risk of postnatal depression: prospective longitudinal study.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Leung TYS, Chung TKH

Hong Kong Med J 2000;6(4): 349 - 354


Improving intrapartum surveillance: an individualized T/QRS ratio?

Wijngaarden WJVan, Strachan BK, Sahota DS, James DK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 2000;88(1): 43 - 48


In Utero Treatment of Hydrops Fetalis due to Parvovirus B19 Infection: a Case Report.

Ng PS, Leung TY, Leung TN, Lau TK

HKJGOM 2000;1(1): 67 - 70


Loss of Heterozygosity at the short arm of chromosome 3 in microdissected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lo KWK, Yu MMY, Hampton GM, Wong HKT, Wong YF

Cancer Lett 2000;154(2): 189 - 194


Management of Low Grade Cytological Abnormalities on Pap Test.

Cheung TH

JPOG 2000;26(6): 36 - 40


Misoprostol's Effect on Uterine Arterial Blood Flow and Fetal Heart Rate in Early Pregnancy.

Yip SK, Tse AOK, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Obstet Gynecol 2000;95(2): 232 - 235


Outcome of 555 Consecutive Transabdominal Chorionic Villus Samplings in a Teaching Hospital.

Lau TK, Chau MCM, Leung TY, Pang MW, Fung TY, Leung TN

HKJGOM 2000;1(1): 21 - 27


Outcome of labour after successful external cephalic version at term complicated by isolated transient fetal bradycardia.

Lau TK, Lo KWK, Leung TY, Fok AWY, Rogers MS

BJOG 2000;107(3): 401 - 405


Overexpression of p53 and HER-2/neu and c-myc in Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, To KF, Wong YF

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2000;49(1): 47 - 51


p53 Polymorphism and Human Papillomavirus Infection in Hong Kong Women with Cervical Cancer.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Li YF, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2000;50(1): 60 - 63


Paracervical anaesthesia in outpatient hysteroscopy: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial.

Lau WC, Yuen PM

BJOG 2000;107(1): 143 - 144


Patient Selection for Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatment.

Cheung LP

Hong Kong Med J 2000;6(2): 177 - 183


Prenatal detection of fetal Down's syndrome from maternal plasma.

Poon LLM, Leung TN, Lau TK, Lo DYM

Lancet 2000;356(924): 1819 - 1820


Response to letter to the editor by goldwurm and biondi - "Case of congenital hypotransferrinemia suggests that tissue hypoxia during fetal development may cause hypospadias.

Fung TY

Am J Med Genet 2000;95(3): 288


Screening for Postnatal Depression Using the Double-Test Strategy.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Chung TKH

Psychosom Med 2000;62(200): 258 - 263


Small bowel herniation through subumbilical port site following laparoscopic surgery at the time of reversal of anesthesia

Leung TY, Yuen PM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 2000;49(3): 209 - 210


Special postpartum dietary practices of Hong Kong Chinese women.

Chan Suk Mei, Nelson EAS, Leung SSF, Cheung PCK, Li CY

Eur J Clin Nutr 2000;54(10): 797 - 802


The Concept and Design of Medical Survey (Chinese Article).

Sahota DS, Yuen PM, Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 2000;16(3): 185 - 186


The fetal electrocardiogram: Relationship with acidemia at delivery.

Strachan BK, Sahota DS, Wijngaarden WJVan, James DK, Chang AMZ

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182(3): 603 - 606


The Incidence of Pregnanc-induced Hypertension Among Patients with Carbohydrate Intolerance.

Roach VJ, Hin LY, Tam WH, Ng KB, Rogers MS

Hypertens Pregnancy 2000;19(2): 183 - 189


The role of outpatient diagnostic hysteroscopy in the identifying anatomic pathology and histopathology in the endometrial cavity.

Lo KWK, Yuen PM

J Am Assoc Gyn Lap 2000;7(3): 381 - 385


Which Screening Test is the Best for Gestational Impaired glucose Tolerance and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?

Tam WH, Rogers MS, Yip SK, Lau TK, Leung TY

Diabetes Care 2000;23(9): 1432


A Comparison of fetal Behaviour in breech and cephalic presentations at term.

Kean LH, Suwanrath C, Gargari SS, Sahota DS, James DK

BJOG 1999;106(11): 1209 - 1213


A comparison of three ultrasound estimates of intrapartum oligohydramnios for prediction of fetal hypoxia-reperfusion injury.

Rogers MS, Wang CC

Early Hum Dev 1999;56(2-3): 117 - 126


Abducens nerve palsy complicating pregnancy: a case report.

Fung TY, Chung TKH

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1999;83(2): 223 - 224


Allelic Loss on Chromosome 1 Is Associated with Tumor Progression of Cervical Carcinoma.

Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Poon CS, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Wong YF

Cancer 1999;86(7): 1294 - 1298


Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in pregnancy: A new aspect of indication.

Yip SK

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1999;78: 169


Aspirin and Reproductive Performance? (letter)

Cheung LP, Yip SK, Lok IH, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 1999;72(4): 752 - 755


Calcium and low-dose aspirin prophylaxis in women at high risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Rogers MS, Fung HYM, Hung C

Hypertens Pregnancy 1999;18(2): 165 - 172


Clinical and pathologic significance of microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer.

Wong YF, IP TY, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Hampton GM, Wang VW, Chang AMZ

Int J Gynecol Cancer 1999;9: 406 - 410


Clinical Use of Serum c-erbB-2 in Patients with Ovarian Masses.

Cheung TH, Wong YF, Chung TKH, Maimonis P, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1999;48(2): 133 - 137


Comparison of Laparoscopic Sonography with Surgical Pathology in the Evaluation of Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Women with Cervical Cancer.

Yang WT, Cheung TH, Ho SSY, Yu MMY, Metreweli C

Am J Roentgenol 1999;172(6): 1521 - 1525


Comparison of unstimulated and stimulated behaviour in human fetuses with congenital abnormalities.

Vindla S, James DK, Sahota DS

Fetal Diagn Ther 1999;14: 156 - 165


Dichotomization of Continuous Measurements using Generalized Additive Modelling - Application in Predicting Intrapartum Caesarean Delivery.

Hin LY, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Stat Med 1999;18(9): 1101 - 1110


Diurnal variation in excretion of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase during pregnancy: implications for the prediction of pre-eclampsia.

Rogers MS, Arumanayagam M, Fung HYM, Lau TK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1999;47(1): 9 - 12


Ectopic pregnancy diagnosed by laparoscopic ultrasound scan.

Leung TY, Ng PS, Fung TY

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1999;13(4): 281 - 282


Elevated mid-trimester maternal corticotrophin-releasing hormone levels in pregnancies that delivered before 34 weeks.

Leung TN, Chung TKH, Madsen G, McLean M, Chang AMZ, Smith R

BJOG 1999;106: 1041 - 1046


Fetal and maternal level of lipid peroxides in term pregnancies.

Rogers MS, Mongelli JM, Tsang BKH, Wang CC

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1999;78(2): 120 - 124


Glucose Intolerance and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Chinese Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.

Ko GTC, Chan JCN, Tsang LWW, Li CY, Cockram CS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1999;39(4): 478 - 483


Homozygous alpha-thalassemia associated with hypospadias in three survivors.

Fung TY, Lau TK, Li CK, Li CK

Am J Med Genet 1999;82(3): 225 - 227


Hyperemesis gravidarum, transient hyperthyroxinaemia ad primary hyperparathyroidism in a Chinese woman.

Li JKY, Yeung VTF, Chow CC, Ko GTC, Lau TK, Cockram CS

Aust NZ J Med 1999;29(3): 379 - 380


Intapartum fetal hypoxia-reperfusion injury and oligohydramnios: a comparison of three ultrasound estimate of amniotic fluid volume.

Rogers MS, Wang CC

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1999;12(1): 161


Low-molecular-weight heparin and thromboembolism in pregnancy.

Tam WH, Wong KS, Yuen PM, Leung TN, Li CY

Lancet 1999;353(915): 932


Maternal serum screening for Down syndrome in a teaching hospital in Hong Kong.(Chinese Article)

Law LK, Lau TK, Fung TY, Rogers MS, Hjelm NM

Chin Med J 1999;112(8): 754 - 757


Mortality following Laparoscopic Surgery.

Lo KWK, Yuen PM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1999;48(3): 203 - 204


Paracervical anaesthesia in outpatient hysteroscopy: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial.

Lau WC, Lo KWK, Tam WH, Yuen PM

BJOG 1999;106(4): 356 - 359


Patient's acceptability to outpatient hysteroscopy.

Lau WC, Ho RYF, Tsang MK, Yuen PM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1999;47(3): 191 - 193


Platelet sodium pump and sodium potassium cotransport activity in nonpregnant, normotensive, and hypertensive pregnant women.

Arumanayagam M, Rogers MS

Hypertens Pregnancy 1999;18(1): 35 - 44


Postnatal Depression: a North and Southeast Asian Perspective.

Chung TKH, Lee DTS

JPOG 1999;25(6): 39 - 42


Prediction of cervical response to prostaglandin E2 using fetal fibronectin.

Tam WH, Tai SMB, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1999;78(10): 861 - 865


Rapid Clearance of Fetal DNA from Maternal Plasma.

Lo DYM, Zhang J, Leung TN, Lau TK, Chang AMZ, Hjelm NM

Am J Hum Genet 1999;64(1): 218 - 224


Rubella immune status among healthcare workers in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of a regional hospital in Hong Kong: the need for a vaccination policy.

Chan PKS, Li CY, Tam JSL, Cheng AFB

J Hosp Infect 1999;42: 239 - 242


Spontaneous abortion: a randomized, controlled trial comparing surgical evacuation with conservative management using misoprostol.

Chung TKH, Lee DTS, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Fertil Steril 1999;71(6): 1054 - 1059


Successful pregnancy in a woman with secondary biliary cirrhosis with portal hypertension from recurrent pyogenic cholangitis: a case report.

Fung TY, Li CY

J Reprod Med 1999;44(5): 475 - 477


The effect of percutaneous oestradiol on atheroma formation in ovariectomized cholesterol-fed rabbits.

Haines CJ, James AE, Panesar NS, Ngai TJ, Sahota DS, Jones RL, Chang AMZ

Atherosclerosis 1999;143(2): 369 - 375


Threatened Abortion: Prediction of Viability Based on Signs and Symptoms.

Chung TKH, Sahota DS, Lau TK, Mongelli JM, Spencer JAD

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1999;39(4): 443 - 447


A predictive model for the onset of spontaneous labor.

Brieger GM, Hin LY, Haines CJ, Sahota DS, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1998;77(1): 122 - 123


A prospective randomized controlled study of the effect of hormone replacement therapy on peripheral blood flow velocity in postmenopausal women.

Lau TK, Wan D, Yim SF, Sanderson JE, Haines CJ

Fertil Steril 1998;70(2): 284 - 288


A study of fetal sex determination in coelomic flulid.

Lau TK, Fung TY, Wong YF, Fung HYM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45( 1): 16 - 18


A study of the effect of duration of labor on post-partum post-void residual bladder volume.

Yip SK, Hin LY, Chung TKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45: 570 - 571


A study of the use of radiological pelvimetry in a Chinese population.

Lau TK, Leung CMY, Li CY

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1998;77(1): 41 - 44


Acute effects of a surgical menopause on serum concentrations of liporotein (a).

Cheung LP, Pang MW, Lam CWK, Tomlinson B, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Climacteric 1998;1: 33 - 41


Cervical assessment by magnetic resonance imaging - its relationship to gestational age and interval to delivery.

Chan YL, Lam WWM, Lau TK, Wong SP, Li CY, Metreweli C

Brit J Radiol 1998;71(842): 155 - 159


Change in cardiovascular indices with position and isometric exercise throughout pregnancy: assessment by impedance cardiography and oscillometric sphygmomanometry.

Rogers MS, Tomlinson B

Hypertens Pregnancy 1998;17(2): 191 - 202


Chinese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was useful for detecting postnatal depression.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Leung TYS, Chan KPM, Chau IOL, Leung HCM, Chung TKH

Evidence-Based Mental Health 1998;1(4): 120


Compliance with hormone replacement therapy in Chinese Women in Hong Kong.

Chung TKH, Lau TK, Cheung LP, Haines CJ

Maturitas 1998;28: 213 - 219


Computerized Transformation of the Cardiotocographic Paper Record to Its Digital Equivalent for Computerised Analysis. (Chinese Article)

Sahota DS, Yuen PM, Wong YF, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 1998;33(11): 649 - 651


Cushings syndrome in pregnancy secondary to adrenal adenoma: A case report and literature review.

Lo KWK, Lau TK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45: 209 - 212


Detecting postnatal depression in Chinese women; Validation of the Chinese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal.

Lee DTS, Yip SK, Chiu HFK, Leung TYS, Chan KPM, Chau IOL, Leung HCM, Chung TKH

Brit J Psychiat 1998;172: 433 - 437


Effect of the Duration of Labour on Postpartum Postvoid Residual Bladder Volume.

Yip SK, Hin LY, Chung TKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45(3): 177 - 180


Emergency cervical cerclage. A study between duration of cerclage in situ with gestation at cerclage, herniation of forewater and cervical dilatation at presentation.

Yip SK, Fung HYM, Fung TY

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1998;78(1): 63 - 67


Evaluation of glucose intolerence in pregnancy using biochemical markers of fetal hyperinsulinaemia.

Roach VJ, Fung HYM, Cockram CS, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45(3): 174 - 176


Evaluation of the Accuracy of Transvaginal Sonography for Assessment of Retained Products of Conception after Spontaneius Abortion.

Chung TKH, Cheung LP, Sahota DS, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45: 190 - 193


Exposure to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors during first trimester: is it safe to fetus?

Yip SK, Leung TN, Fung HYM

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1998;77: 570 - 571


Expression of p16INK4 and retinoblastoma protein Rb in vulvar lesions of Chinese women.

Chan KMM, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Bao SY, Nobori T, Wong YF

Gynecol Oncol 1998;68: 156 - 161


Hematuria and clot retention after Burch colposuspension and Cystofix Suprapubic Catheterization: Suprapublic Cystotomy as an Alternative Suprapubic Drainage Method.

Yip SK, Leung TY, Chan CK

Int Urogynecol J 1998;9: 122 - 124


Hysteroscopic metroplasty under laparoscopic ultrasound guidance.

Lo KWK, Yuen PM

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1998;77: 580 - 581


In Utero Exchange Transfusion in Homozygous Alpha-Thalassaemia: A Case Report.

Fung TY, Lau TK, Tam WH, Li CK

Prenatal Diag 1998;18: 838 - 841


Intramyometrial abscess complicating pregnancy: a report of two cases.

Fung TY, Yim SF, Fung HYM

J Reprod Med 1998;43(11): 1002 - 1004


Intraoperative laparoscopic sonography improves pre-operative sonographic pathological characterisation of adnexal masses.

Yang WT, Yuen PM, Ho SSY, Leung TN, Metreweli C

J Ultras Med 1998;17(1): 53 - 61


Laparoscopic adnexal ultrasonography: tecnhique in search of an indication.

Yang WT, Yuen PM

J Ultras Med 1998;17(5): 339 - 340


Lipid peroxidation in cord blood at birth: the effect of labour.

Rogers MS, Mongelli JM, Tsang BKH, Wang CC, Law KP

BJOG 1998;105( 7): 739 - 744


Management of Spontaneous Abortion: Time for a Change?

Chung TKH

J Obstet Gynaecol 1998; : 27 - 29


Maternal plasma fetal DNA as a marker for preterm labour.

Leung TN, Zhang J, Lau TK, Hjelm NM, Lo DYM

Lancet 1998;352(914): 1904 - 1905


Metabolic and inflammatory responses after laparoscopic and abdominal hysterectomy.

Yuen PM, Mak TWL, Yim SF, Ngan Kee WD, Lam CWK, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179(1): 1 - 5


MTAP gene deletion in endometrial cancer.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1998;45: 272 - 276


New Development of Laparoscopic Ultrasound and Laparoscopic Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in The Management of Patients with Cervical Carcinoma.

Cheung TH, Yang WT, Yu MMY, Lo KWK, Ho SSY

Gynecol Oncol 1998;71: 87 - 93


Obstetric outcome of immigrants from mainland China in Hong Kong.

Leung TN, Lau TK, Roach VJ, Wilson D, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Int J Gynecol Obstet 1998;62: 223 - 227


Parvovirus B19-associated hydrops foetalis: the first confirmed case in Hong Kong.

Chan PKS, To KF, Yip SK, Tam JSL, Cheng AFB

Hong Kong Med J 1998;4(3): 321 - 323


Phenylketonuria and the Maternal Phenylketonuria Syndrome.

Kesby GJ

Prenat Neonat Med 1998;3: 281 - 289


Phytoestrogens: dietary intake and excretion in postmenopausal Chinese women.

Roach VJ, Cheung LTF, Chung TKH, Hjelm NM, Waring MA, Loong EPL, Haines CJ

Climacteric 1998;1(4): 290 - 295


Prenatal Diagnosis of cardiac osteoma: a case report.

Fung TY, Lau TK, Yam MC, To KF

Prenatal Diag 1998;18(11): 1209 - 1211


Prospective randomized study of the effect of 'add-back' hormone replacement on vascular function during treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists.

Yim SF, Lau TK, Sahota DS, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ

Circulation 1998;98: 1631 - 1635


Quantitative analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum: implications for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.

Lo DYM, Tein MSC, Lau TK, Haines CJ, Leung TN, Poon PMK, Wainscoat JS, Johnson PJ, Chang AMZ, Hjelm NM

Am J Hum Genet 1998;62: 768 - 775


Racial variation in incidence of Trisomy 21: A survey of 57,742 Chinese deliveries.

Lau TK, Fung HYM, Rogers MS, Cheung KL

Am J Med Genet 1998;75(4): 386 - 388


Relationship Between Premenstrual Tension Syndrome and Anxiety in Chinese Adolescents.

Chau JPC, Chang AM, Chang AMZ

J Adolescent Health 1998;22: 247 - 249


Spontaneous abortion: short-term complications following either conservative or surgical management.

Chung TKH, Cheung LP, Sahota DS, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1998;38(1): 61 - 64


The Incidence of Gestational Diabetes in Multiple Pregnancy.

Roach VJ, Lau TK, Wilson D, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1998;38(1): 56 - 57


Ultrasonographic estimation of postpartum post-void residual bladder volume: A comparison between trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasonography.

Yip SK, Fung TY, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 1998;9(1): 9 - 12


Use and Common of Computer in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (Chinese Article)

Chang AMZ, Sahota DS, Wong YF

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 1998;33(11): 645


Uterine sarcoma and bilateral renal angiomyolipomas.

Yang WT, Leung TN, Metreweli C

J H K College Radiologists 1998;1(2): 141 - 143


Vesicouterine Fistula: An Updated Revew.

Yip SK, Leung TY

Int Urogynecol J 1998;9: 252 - 256


A preliminary study on the effect of hormone replacement therapy on peripheral flow velocity in postmenopausal women.

Lau TK, Chung TKH, Haines CJ

Maturitas 1997;26(1): 53 - 56


A randomized prospective study of laparoscopy and laparotomy in the management of benign ovarian masses.

Yuen PM, Yu KM, Yip SK, Lau WC, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;177(1): 109 - 114


A review of laparoscopy and laparotomy in the management of tubal pregnancy.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Hong Kong Med J 1997;3(2): 153 - 157


Abdomino-amniotic shunting in isolated fetal ascites with polyhydramnios.

Fung TY, Fung HYM, Lau TK, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76(7): 706 - 707


Antepartum and intrapartum prediction of cesarean need: risk scoring in singleton pregnancies.

Hin LY, Lau TK, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Obstet Gynecol 1997;90: 183 - 186


Assessment of sexual functioning of Chinese college students a multi dimensional approach.

Tang CS, Chung TKH, Lai DM

Arch Sex Behav 1997;26: 79 - 90


c-fos Overexpression Is Associated with the Pathoneogenesis of Invasive Cervical Cancer.

Cheung TH, Leung JO, Chung TKH, Lam SK, To KF, Wong YF

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;43(3): 200 - 203


C-myc mutation detected by polymerase chain reaction - heteroduplex in cervical cancer.

Wong YF, Rogers MS, Cheung TH, Yim SF, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;44(2): 136 - 140


Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy.

Li CY, Sanderson JE

Hong Kong Med J 1997;3(4): 391 - 399


Changes in atherogenic lipids and lipoproteins during natural and hyperstimulated cycles in healthy women.

Haines CJ, Cheung LP, Lam CWK, Chang AMZ

Fertil Steril 1997;68(2): 231 - 235


Complications of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: a Literature Review.

Yuen PM

ELSA 1997;2(2): 36 - 40


Computerised analysis of behaviour in fetuses with congenital abnormalities.

Vindla S, Sahota DS, Coppens M, James DK

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1997;9: 302 - 309


Computerised analysis of behaviour in normal and growth-retarded fetuses.

Vindla S, James DK, Sahota DS, Coppens M

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1997;75(199): 169 - 175


Computerised Analysis of Fetal Behaviour.

Vindla S, Sahota DS, Coppens M, James DK

Fetal Diagn Ther 1997;12: 319 - 327


Computerised estimation of the baseline fetal heart rate in labour: the low frequency line.

Mongelli JM, Dawkins RR, Chung TKH, Sahota DS, Spencer JAD, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1997;104(10): 1128 - 1133


Crown-chin length in normal and anencephalic fetuses at 10 to 14 weeks' gestation.

Sepulveda W, Sebire NJ, Fung TY, Pipi E, Nicolaides KH

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176(4): 852 - 855


Expression of p16INK4 and Rb Genes in Cervical Neoplasm.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Chan MKM, Chang AMZ

J Lower Genital Tract Disease 1997;1(4): 240 - 244


Failed Caesarean section : an Obstetrician's nightmare.

Yuen PM, Yim SF

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1997;37(4): 472 - 473


Fetal bowel dilatation - Report of 3 cases with different perinatal outcomes.

Lau TK, Fung HYM, Fung TY

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1997;37(3): 323 - 324


Fetal diagphragmatic hernia presented with transient unilateral pleural effusion.

Lau TK, Fung HYM, Fung TY

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1997;9(2): 125 - 127


Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity of Chromosome 3 Short Arm Detected by PCR-based Microsatellite Polymorhisms in Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Tam POS, Chang AMZ

Cancer Lett 1997;115: 161 - 164


Intra-uterine growth retardation and transverse lie due to massive subchorionic thrombohematoma and overlying subchorionic cyst.

Tam WH, Fung HYM, Fung TY, Lau TK, To KF

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76(4): 381 - 383


Laparoscopic management of adnexal mass during pregnancy.

Yuen PM, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76: 173 - 176


Lipid Peroxidation in Cord Blood at Birth : A Marker of Fetal Hypoxia during Labour.

Rogers MS, Wang VW, Mongelli JM, Pang CP, Duley JA, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997;44(4): 229 - 233


Lipid peroxidation in cord blood: a footprint of free oxygen radical activity.(Suppl)

Rogers MS, Wang VW, Wang CC, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;167(1): 20


Lipid peroxidation in cord blood: the effects of umbilical nuchal cord.

Wang CC, Rogers MS

BJOG 1997;104(2): 251 - 255


Lipid peroxide in cord blood: a randomized sequential pairs study of prophylactic saline amnioinfusion for intrapartum oligohydramnios.

Wang CC, Rogers MS

BJOG 1997;104(10): 1145 - 1151


Lipid peroxide in cord blood: the effect of amniotic fluid volume.

Wang CC, Rogers MS

BJOG 1997;104(10): 1140 - 1144


Obstetric intervention and benefit for conditions of low prevalence.

Mongelli JM, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1997;104(7): 771 - 774


Oxygen free radical activity in the second stage of labor.

Mongelli JM, Wang CC, Wang VW, Pang CP, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76(8): 765 - 768


p16INK4 and p15INK4B Alterations in Primary Gynecologic Malignancy.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Nobori T, Yim SF, Lai WH, Yu AL, Diccianni MB, Li TZ, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Oncol 1997;65: 319 - 324


Prediction and prevention of perinatal morbidity in Hong Kong. (Chinese Article)

Rogers MS, Wong YF

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 1997;32: 393 - 395


Pregnancy outcome beyond 41 weeks gestation.

Roach VJ, Rogers MS

Int J Gynecol Obstet 1997;59(1): 19 - 24


Psychiatric morbidity following miscarriage: a prevalence study of Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Lee DTS, Wong CK, Cheung LP, Leung HCM, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

J Affect Disorders 1997;43(1): 63 - 68


Psychosexual adjustment following sterilisation a prospective controlled trial study of Chinese women.

Tang CS, Chung TKH

J Psychosom Res 1997;42: 187 - 196


Research in the menopause in Hong Kong. (Chinese Article)

Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Wong YF

Chin J Obstet Gynecol 1997;32: 5 - 7


Screening psychiatric morbidity after miscarriage application of the 30 item general health questionnaire and the edinburgh postnatal depression scale.

Lee DTS, Wong CK, Ungvari GS, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Chung TKH

Psychosom Med 1997;59: 207 - 210


Sonographic measurement of endometrial thickness as a predictor of vaginal bleeding in women using continuous combined hormone replacement therapy.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Lau TK

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1997; 44(3): 187 - 190


Stroke following central venous cannulation.

Mainland PA, Tam WH, Ngan Kee WD

Lancet 1997;349: 921


Suicide and maternal mortality in Hong Kong.

Yip SK, Chung TKH, Lee DTS

Lancet 1997;350(908): 1103 - 1103


The Association of HPV 16 DNA with specific nuclear matrix proteins of normal and cervial carcino.

Yang L, Yam GHF, Cheng CSB, Wong SW, Loong EPL

Anticancer Res 1997;17: 343 - 348


The development of a hybrid expert system for the interpretation of fetal acid-base status.

Mongelli JM, Chang AMZ, Sahota DS

Int J Med Infom 1997;44: 135 - 144


The effect of different sampling intervals on the measurement of intrapartum fetal heart rate variability.

Wilcox MA, Wang VW, Sahota DS, Dawkins RR, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

Obstet Gynecol 1997;89(4): 577 - 580


The Epidemiology of Urinary Dysfunction in Chinese Women.

Brieger GM, Mongelli JM, Hin LY, Chung TKH

Int Urogynecol J 1997;8: 191 - 195


The incidence of perinatal mortality associated with hyperglycaemia in pregnancy.

Roach VJ, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1997;37: 250 - 251


The treatment of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia: when could we 'see and loop'.

Fung HYM, Cheung LP, Rogers MS, To KF

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1997;72: 199 - 204


Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip in Pregnancy.

Sashi Siva, Roach VJ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1997;37(3): 261 - 266


Transvaginal sonographic assessment of cervical dynamics during the third trimester of normal pregnancy.

Brieger GM, Ning XH, Dawkins RR, Ying KQ, Weng C, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76: 118 - 122


Urinary D-Glucaric Acid Excretion in Idiopathic Neonatal Jaundice. (Chinese Article)

Sung RYT, Pang CP, Lyon A, Loong EPL, Davies DP

Chin Med J 1997;109: 201 - 205


Urinary retention in the post-partum period: The relationship between obstetric factors and the post-partum post-void residual baldder volume.

Yip SK, Brieger GM, Hin LY, Chung TKH

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1997;76: 667 - 672



Yuen PM, Wong YF

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 1997;13(6): 329 - 330


A medical approach to management of spontaneous abortion using misoprostol. Extending misoprostol treatment to a maximum of 48 hours can further improve evacuation of retained products of conception in spontaneous abortion.

Chung TKH, Leung PHY, Cheung LP, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1996;76: 248 - 251


A randomized, double blind, controlled trial of tocolysis to assist external cephalic version in late pregnancy.

Chung TKH, Neale EJ, Lau TK, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1996;75: 720 - 724


A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study on the effect of oral oestradiol on acute menopausal symptoms.

Chung TKH, Yip SK, Lam PKW, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ

Maturitas 1996;25(2): 115 - 123


A study of patients' acceptance towards vaginal birth after Caesarean section.

Lau TK, Wong SH, Li CY

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 155 - 158


Abdomino perineal repair of pulsion enterocele.

Brieger GM, Korda AR, Houghton CRS

J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996;22: 151 - 156


Allelic imbalance of chromosome 3 short arm in cervical cancer. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin Prac J Gynecol Obstet 1996;12(6): 343 - 344


Amnioinfusion for the prevention of meconium aspiration during labour.

Rogers MS, Lau TK, Wang CC, Yu KM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36(4): 407 - 410


An examination of the effect of combined cyclical hormone replacement therapy on lipoprotein (a) and other lipoproteins.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Masarei JR, Tomlinson B, Lau JTF

Atherosclerosis 1996;119(2): 215 - 222


Assisted reproduction in Hong Kong : status in the 1990s.

Loong EPL, Haines CJ, Chiu TTY, Wong SP, Cheung LP, Ho PC, So WK, Yeung WSB, Lau E, Ng V, Leung CKM, Leong MKH, Wong CJY, Tang WWC, Chun MMP

Hong Kong Med J 1996;2(3): 253 - 256


Birth weight from pregnancies dated by ultrasonography in a multicultural British population.

Wilcox MA, Gardosi JO, Mongelli JM, Ray C, Johnson IR

Brit Med J 1996;307: 588 - 591


Cervical ripening before induction of labour in patients with an unfavorable cervix a comparative randomised study of the Atad ripener device, prostaglandin E2 vaginal pessary and prostaglandin E2.

Yuen PM, Pang HYY, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 291 - 295


Change in mean arterial pressure following isometric exercise in normotensive and hypertensive pregnancy : Validation of a continuous blood pressure monitor.

Rogers MS, Hung C

Hypertens Pregnancy 1996;15: 211 - 218


Changes in the PR interval -fetal heart rate relationship of the electrocardiogram during fetal compromise in chronically instrumented sheep.

Wijngaarden WJVan, de Haan H, Sahota DS, Haasart T, James DK

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175(3): 548 - 554


Clinical birthweight standards for a total population in the 1980's.

Wilcox MA, Mongelli JM, Gardosi JO

BJOG 1996;101: 178


Coincidental renal cell and endometrial carcinoma.

Lam SK, Chung TKH, Mackenzie TM, To KF, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Oncol 1996;60(2): 319 - 324


Controversies in laparoscopic management of ovarian tumours.

Yuen PM

ELSA 1996;1(4): 84 - 85


Cytogenetic analysis of gynecologic malignancies. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF, Wang VW, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 1996;9(2): 106


Effect of oral estradiol on lipoprotein Lp(a) and other lipoproteins in hysterectomised postmenopausal woman.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Masarei JR, Tomlinson B, Wong EMC

Arch Intern Med 1996;156: 666 - 672


Fetal sex as a risk factor for fetal distress leading to abdominal delivery.

Lau TK, Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 146 - 149


Genital prolapse: a Legacy of the west.

Brieger GM, Yip SK, Fung HYM, Chung TKH

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 52 - 54


Gestation-adjusted projection of estimated fetal weight.

Mongelli JM, Gardosi JO

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1996;75(1): 28 - 31


Gonadoblastoma in patient with Turner's syndrome.

Lo KWK, Lam SK, Cheung TH, Wong SP, Chang AMZ, Chow JH

J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996;22(1): 35 - 41


HER-2/neu gene amplication in cervical cancer in Chinese women of Hong Kong and China.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ, Tam POS, Xu FD, Lu HJ

J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1996;22(2): 171 - 175


Heterosexual Chinese women's sexual adjustment after gynaecological cancer.

Tang CS, Chung TKH

J Sex Res 1996;33: 189 - 195


Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Cheung LP, Haines CJ

News Bulletin FPA 1996; : 1 - 6


Iatrogenic cardiac tamponade during pregnancy.

Yim SF, Lam SK, Haines CJ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 205 - 206


Improved intrapartum surveillance with PR interval analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram: a randomized trial showing a reduction in fetal blood sampling.

Wijngaarden WJVan, Sahota DS, James DK, Farrell T, Mires GJ, Wilcox MA, Chang AMZ

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174: 1295 - 1299


Inappropriate ADH secretion due to Immature Ovanian Teratoma.

Lam SK, Cheung LP

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36(1): 104 - 105


Is laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy associatied with low operative morbidity?

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36(1): 39 - 43


Is obstetric and neonatal outcome worse in fetuses who fail to reach their own growth potential?

Sanderson DA, Wilcox MA, Johnson IR

BJOG 1996;101: 87


Lipid peroxidation in cord blood at birth.

Wang VW, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ, Pang CC

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174(1): 62 - 65


Mini-Symposium: Fetal monitoring. Expert systems in perinatal medicine.

Mongelli JM, Rogers MS, Hin LY, Chang AMZ

Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 1996;6: 189 - 193


Molecular detection of human papillomavirus and H-ras codon 12 mutation in cervical carcinoma patients from Hong Kong.

Li LM, Kwong YYD, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Lam SK, Wong YF

J Genet Mol Biol 1996;7(4): 55 - 60


New approach on gynaecological oncology.

Lam SK, Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1996;12: 121 - 122


Ovarian epithelial tumour in gonadal dysgenesis.

Lam SK, To KF, Chung TKH, Yu MMY, Chen MKM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36: 106 - 109


Platelet Angiotensin II receptor status during pregnancy in Chinese women at hight risk for pregnancy induced hypertension.

Rogers MS, Arumanayagam M, Hung C

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1996;42: 88 - 94


Pregnancy following an elective liver transplant.

Brieger GM, MacGibbon AL

Hong Kong Med J 1996;2(3): 304 - 306


Preliminary studies on characteristics of indomethacin release from silastic devices and its histocompatibility with uterus.

Lam SK, Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1996;12: 121 - 122


Progress in obstetrics. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF

Reprod Contracept 1996;9: 25 - 29


Serum lipid-assocciated sialic acid levels in gynecologic malignancies.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Neale EJ

Int J Gynecol Cancer 1996;3: 143 - 146


Sexual behaviour during pregnancy in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Chin RKH, Yuen OS, Leung DHY, Chan LK

Psychosom Med 1996;40: 299 - 304


The effects of parity on birthweight using successive pregnancies.

Wilcox MA, Chang AMZ, Johnson IR

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1996;75(5): 453 - 459


The influence of glucose tolerance tests on subsequent carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy.

Fung HYM, Wong SP, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1996;75(4): 347 - 351


The potential impact of PR interval analysis of the fetal Electrocardiogram(FECG) on intrapartum fetal monitoring.

Reed NN, Mohajer MP, Sahota DS, James DK, Symonds EM

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1996;68(1): 87 - 92


The prevalence of Urinary dysfunction in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Brieger GM, Yip SK, Hin LY, Chung TKH

Obstet Gynecol 1996;88(6): 1041 - 1044


Transrectal ultrasound in the evaluation of cervical carcinoma and comparison with spiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Yang WT, Walkden SB, Ho SSY, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Teo J, Metreweli C

Brit J Radiol 1996;69(823): 610 - 616


Unexpected ovarian malignancy diagnosed after laparoscopic surgery.

Yuen PM, Leung TN

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1996;36(1): 98 - 99


A comparison of laparotomy and laparoscopy in the management of ovarian masses.

Yuen PM, Lo KWK, Rogers MS

J Gynecol S 1995;11(1): 19 - 25


A prospective study of the microbiological environment of the genitourinary tract in Hong Kong Chinese women during pregnancy.

Yim SF, Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Lyon DJ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35(2): 178 - 181


A randomised double blind comparison of syntometrine and syntocinon in the management of the third stage of labour.

Yuen PM, Yim SF, Chang AMZ, Chan NST

BJOG 1995;102(5): 377 - 380


A survey of pregnancies that ended in Haemoglobin Bart's hydrops foetalis and Cooley's anaemia.

Leung TN, Li CY, Chang AMZ

Hong Kong Med J 1995;1(3): 273


Adenomyosis following endometrial rollerball ablation.

Yuen PM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35(3): 335 - 336


An adjustable fetal weight standard.

Gardosi JO, Mongelli JM, Wilcox MA, Chang AMZ

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1995;6: 168 - 174


Calcium supplementation and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women using estrogen replacement therapy.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Leung PC, Hsu SYC, Leung DHY

Bone 1995;16(5): 529 - 531


Computerised fetal heart rate analysis in labour - effect of sampling rate.

Chang AMZ, Sahota DS, Reed NN, James DK, Mohajer MP

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1995;59(2): 125 - 129


Detection of fetal Y-specific DNA from the cervix.

Fung HYM, Wong YF, Haines CJ, Wong FWS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1995;74(4): 248 - 250


Early incisional hernia following laparoscopic surgery.

Yuen PM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35(2): 211 - 212


Epidemiology and aetiology of trophoblastic disease.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ

Curr Opin Obstet Gyn 1995;5: 2 - 5


Frequent ras gene mutations in squamous cell cervical cancer.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ, Xu YG

Cancer Lett 1995;95(1): 29 - 32


Hepatocellular carcinoma in pregnancy and comparison with other pregnancy-associated malignancies.

Lau JWY, Leung WT, Ho SKW, Lam SK, Li CY, Johnson PJ, Williams R, Li AKC

Cancer 1995;75(11): 2669 - 2676


Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitis presenting as diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy.

Ko GTC, Li CY, Cockram CS, Chow CC, Yeung VTF

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35: 321 - 322


Localized ileal perforation associated with antenatal sulindac and dexamethasone treatment.

Ng PC, Fung HYM, Yeung CK

Pediatr Surg Int 1995; :


Longitudinal study of fetal growth in subgroups of a low-risk population.

Mongelli JM, Gardosi JO

Ultrasound Obst Gyn 1995;6(5): 340 - 344


Misdiagnosis of an intersitial ectopic pregnancy after unilateral salpingectomy.

Yim SF, Fung HYM, To KF

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;36(1): 80 - 82


Misoprostol in the management of spontaneous abortion.

Chung TKH, Cheung LP, Leung TY, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1995;102(10): 832 - 835


Oestrogen and progesterone receptors in normal human endometrium: comparison of immunocytochemical analysis on frozen and paraffin sections with or without enzymatic pretreatment.

Fung HYM, Wong YL, Wong FWS, Rogers MS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1995;39(4): 262 - 265


Oscillometric measurement of mean arterial pressure: The effect of position on prediction of pregnancy induced hypertension.

Rogers MS, Chung TKH, Fergusson SA

J Obstet Gynaecol 1995;15(4): 221 - 225


Polyhydramnios and hypercalcemia associated with congenital mesoblastic nephroma.

Fung TY, Fung HYM, Ng PC, Chang AMZ, Yeung CK

Obstet Gynecol 1995;85(5): 815 - 817


Prenatal gangrene in association with twin-twin transfusion syndrome.

Dawkins RR, Rogers MS

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172(3): 1055 - 1057


Present diagnosis and treatment of gynaecologic cancers.

Lam SK, Cheung TH, Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1995;11(4): 238


Present diagnosis and treatment of gynaecologic cancers. 婦科腫瘤的診治現狀

Lam SK, Cheung TH, Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1995;11(4): 238


Prevalence and significance of HER-2/neu amplification in epithelial ovarian cancer.

Wong YF, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Lu HJ, Zhuang YL, Chan MYM, Chung TKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1995;40(3): 209 - 212


Progress in diagnosis and treatment of trophoblastic disease. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 1995;11: 117 - 118


Pulmonary edema in association with an intravenous infusion of sulprostone.

Stock AI, Chung TKH, Fung HYM, Jones R

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1995;74(2): 156 - 158


Sarcoma botryoides of the cervix treated with limited surgery and chemotherapy to preserve fertility.

Lin J, Lam SK, Cheung TH

Gynecol Oncol 1995;58: 270 - 273


Second and early third trimester Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) levels in pregnancies subsequently complicated by hypertension.

Chung TKH, Rogers MS, Baldwin SA, Chang AMZ, Nichols MG

J Obstet Gynaecol 1995;21(5): 515 - 520


Sonographic assessment of the vaginal vault following hysterectomy.

Haines CJ, Yuen OS, Tam WH, Chung TKH, Leung DHY

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1995;74(3): 220 - 223


The effect of percutaneous oestrogen replacement therapy on Lp(a) and other lipoproteins.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Masarei JR, Tomlinson B, Lau JTF

Maturitas 1995;22(3): 219 - 225


The perception of the menopause and the climacteric among women in Hong Kong and southern China.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Leung DHY, Rong L

Prev Med 1995;24(3): 245 - 248


The prediction of fetal acidosis at birth by computerised analysis of intrapartum cardiotocography.

Chung TKH, Mohajer MP, Chang AMZ, Sahota DS, Yang ZJ

BJOG 1995;102(6): 454 - 460


The use of an Atad Ripener Device in the management of inferior epigastric artery injury during operative laparoscopy.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1995;74(8): 645 - 646


Transvaginal endoscopic oophorectomy.

Yuen PM

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;173(3): 976 - 977


Urodynamic diagnosis and ultrasound findings.

Cardozo LD, Yip SK

Recent Dev Gynecol Obstet 1995; : 389 - 391


Uterine prolapse and acute renal failure in a Chinese patient.

Mackenzie TM, Chan LW, Yuen PM, Ng CF, Chan PSF

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1995;35(4): 461 - 462


(CLASP Group) CLASP : A randomized trial of low dose aspirin for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia among 9364 pregnant women.


Lancet 1994;343(889): 619 - 629


A comparison of second trimester urinary electrolytes, microalbumin and N-acretyl beta-glucosaminidase for the prediction of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia.

Rogers MS, Chung TKH, Baldwin SA, Ho CS, Swaminathan SR

Hypertens Pregnancy 1994;13(2): 179 - 192


A Perinatal Audit of Stillbirths in a Teaching Hospital in Hong Kong.

Lau TK, Li CY

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 416 - 421


A prospective study of the frequency of acute menopausal symptoms in Hong Kong Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Leung DHY

Maturitas 1994;18(3): 175 - 181


A prospective study of the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) in Hong Kong population.

Wong SP, Fung HYM, Wong FWS

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;20(3): 289 - 293


A reappraisal of second trimester mean arterial pressure in the prediction of pre-eclampsia.

Rogers MS, Baldwin SA, Chung TKH

J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;14: 232 - 236


Analysis of complex data in obstetrics.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol 1994;8(3): 533 - 686


Case report: Laparoscopic removal of a retained surgical gauze after vaginal hysterectomy.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1994;57(3): 209 - 210


Combined laparoscopic and micro-laparotomy removal of benign cystic teratomata.

Yuen PM

BJOG 1994;101(7): 647 - 648


Congenital listeriosis: Case reports and review of literature.

Leung TN, Cheung KL, Wong FWS

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;20(2): 173 - 177


Cumulative changes in the fetal electro cardiogram and biochemical indices of fetal hypoxia.

Mohajer MP, Sahota DS, Reed NN, Chang AMZ, Symonds EM, James DK

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1994;55: 63 - 70


Detection of p53 antigen expression in cytologic preparations of ovarian carcinomas.

Cheung TH, Cunningham JM, Webb MJ, Goellner JR, Kovach JS

Anticancer Res 1994;14: 1335 - 1338


Determinants of birthweight in Vietnamese detainees in Hong Kong.

Rogers MS, Rogers KT

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;20: 395 - 400


Dietary calcium intake in postmenopausal Chinese women.

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Leung PC, Leung DHY, Wong MY, Lam LL

Eur J Clin Nutr 1994;48(8): 591 - 594


Effect of human papilloma type specific antisense oligonucleotides on cervical cancer cells containing papillomavirus type 16.

Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Wong YF, Cheung TH, Cheung LP

Med Oncol 1994;11: 149 - 151


Effects of human papilloma virus-type specific antisense ologionucleotides on human cervical cancer cell containing human papillomavirus type.

Wong YF, Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Lam SK, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1994;22: 511 - 513


Erythocyte sodium-lithium counter transport activity has no predictive value for pregnancy induced hypertension.

Wong H, Arumanayagam M, Rogers MS, Baldwin SA, Chung TKH, Swaminathan SR

Hypertens Pregnancy 1994;13(1): 43 - 50


General Anaesthesia for caesarean section in a patient with uncorrected complex cyanotic heart disease.

Rowbottom SJ, Gin T, Cheung LP

Anaesth Intens Care 1994;22(1): 74 - 78


Immunohistochemical detection of proliferating tumor cells in cervical cancer using monoclonal antibody Ki-67.

Wong FWS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1994;37(2): 123 - 126


Intrapartum haemorrhage due to idiopathic rupture of the fetal placental artery.

Tam WH, Haines CJ, Fung HYM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 490 - 491


Ki67 and AgNOR staining in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: a comparison.

Chung TKH, Cheung TH, Wong FWS, Wong YF

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1994;37(2): 127 - 129


Laparoscopic hysterectomy: do we need to remove the cervix?

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 464 - 466


Laparoscopic management of ovarian masses - the initial experience and learning curve.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34: 191 - 194


Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts using a zipper storage bag.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1994;73(10): 829 - 831


Laparoscopic surgery in gynaecology.

Yuen PM

HK Pract 1994;16(1): 24 - 28


Leiomyosarcoma associated with pregnancy.

Wong FWS

Gynecol Oncol 1994;53: 245 - 247


Lymphatic vaginal fistula after Wertheim-Taussig hysterectomy: a case report.

Lau TK, Wong FWS

Gynecol Oncol 1994;52(3): 411 - 412


Myomectomy in the treatment of postpartum haemorrhage.

Chung TKH, Stock AI, Chan MYM

BJOG 1994;101: 73 - 74


Prediction of caesarean section from ultrasound and clinical assessment of fetal size.

Stock AI, Rogers MS, Wong WM, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 393 - 398


Presence of p53 mutation in human cervical carcinomas associated with HPV-33.

Wong FWS

Anticancer Res 1992;12: 1989 - 1994


Progress in diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer.

Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1994;10: 115 - 116


Relative macrosomia' identified by the individualised birthweight ratio a better method of identifying the at risk fetus.

Sanderson DA, Wilcox MA, Johnson IR

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1994;73: 246 - 249


Spontaneous abortion: a medical approach to management.

Chung TKH, Cheung LP, Lau WC, Haines CJ, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1994;34(4): 432 - 436


The influence of obstetric workload on caeserean section rate.

Chung TKH, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ, Rogers MS

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;20(3): 295 - 300


Use of the neural network for hypothesis generation in fetal surveillance.

Stock AI, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ, Haines CJ

Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol 1994;8(3): 533 - 548


Uterine leiomyosarcoma associated with pregnancy: report of two cases.

Lau TK, Wong FWS

Gynecol Oncol 1994;53(2): 245 - 247


Wound recurrence by implantation of a borderline ovarian tumour following laparoscopic removal.

Yuen PM

BJOG 1994;101(11): 1026 - 1027


A comparison of hormone and ultrasound assessment of pituitary suppression after pretreatment with a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist.

Haines CJ, Loong EPL, Chan MYM, Chung TKH

Int J Fertil 1993;38(6): 355 - 359


Cardiovsacular implications of the menopause.

Chung TKH, Stock AI

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1993;45: 255 - 259


Case Report: Spontaneous Pregnancy following Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis Associated with Premature Ovarian Failure.

Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Yip SK

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;19(3): 253 - 255


Cytogenetic analysis of gynecologic malignancies.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ, Wang VW

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1993;9: 103 - 106


Cytogenetic study of gynaecological malignancies. (Chinese Article)

Wong FWS

Chin J Prac Gynecol Obstet 1993;9: 101 - 102


Detection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection in paraffin-embedded tissues of endometrial carcinoma.

Wong FWS, Wong YF, Tam POS, Tam JS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1993;33(2): 180 - 182


Frequent loss of heterozygosity on the short arm of chromosome 1 in cervical carcinoma.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Cheung TH, Fung HYM, Chung TKH, Lam SK, Tam POS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1993;21: 891 - 892


Genetic studies in gynaecological malignancies.

Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1993;9: 101 - 102


Human papillomavirus infections in Hong Kong women with cervical carcinoma. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Tam SL, Wang VW

Chin J Cancer 1993;12: 42 - 44


Insulin like growth factor binding protein-1, glucose tolerance and fetal growth in human pregnancy.

Baldwin SA, Chung TKH, Rogers MS, Chard T, Wang HS

J Endocrinol 1993;136(2): 319 - 325


Laparoscopic removal of dermoid cysts using Endopouch.

Yuen PM, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1993;33(4): 397 - 399


Microinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix: management and a review of literature.

Lau TK, Wong FWS

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1993;45: 53 - 56


Neural-tube defect and folic acid status in Hong Kong Chinese.

Wang VW, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1993;100: 1065


Nucleolar organiser regions in endometrial carcinoma.

Wong YF, Fung HYM, Wong FWS, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1993;21: 325 - 326


Placental bands : a variant of placenta praevia?

Stock AI, Haines CJ, Wong SP, Ghosh A

BJOG 1993;100(9): 863 - 865


Preoperative combination assay of serum CA 125 and lipid-associated sialic acid in women with ovarian tumour.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Fung HYM, Tam POS, Wang VW, Cheung TH, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1993;21: 397 - 398


Randomised double blind placebo controlled comparison of ritodrine and hexoprenaline for tocolysis prior to external cephalic version at term.

Stock AI, Chung TKH, Rogers MS, Wong WM

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1993;33(3): 265 - 268


Serum lipid-associated sialic acid levels in gynecologic malignancies.

Wong YF

Int J Gynecol Cancer 1993;3(3): 143 - 146


Serum lipid-assoicated sialic acid levels in gynecologic malignancies.

Wong YF, Neale EJ, Wong FWS

Int J Gynecol Cancer 1993;3(3): 143 - 146


SLE-associated thrombocytopenia in pregnancy: successful outcome with combined IgG infusion and platelet transfusion.

Li EK, Li CY, Cohen MG

Br J Clin Prat 1993;47(6): 338 - 339


Spontaneous pregnancy following thymectomy for myasthenia gravis associated with premature ovarian failure.

Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Yip SK

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;19: 253 - 255


The influence of glucose load n subsequent carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy.

Fung HYM, Baldwin SA, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1993;33(2): 118 - 121


Transvaginal sonography in the management of cervical incompetence.

Chung TKH, Haines CJ, Kong D, Woo WK, Rogers MS

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1993;36(1): 59 - 61


Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight: precision or guess work.

Rogers MS, Chung TKH, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1993;33: 142 - 144


Answering MCQs: a study of confidence amongst medical students.

Rogers MS, Chung TKH, Li A

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1992;32: 1 - 3


Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region counts as related to Bromodeoxyuri-Dine incoroporation scores in ovarian clear cell carcinoma cells. (Chinese Article)

Wong FWS, Wang VW, Wong YF, Chang AMZ

Chin.J.Tumor 1992;14(2): 87 - 90


Birthweight and maternal glucose metabolism: examining complex relationships using multiple regression.

Baldwin SA, Rogers MS, Huengsburg M, Chang AMZ

J Obstet Gynaecol 1992;12: 177 - 181


Chromosomal alternations in cervical carcinoma.

Wang VW, Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1992;20: 193 - 194


Customised antenatal growth charts.

Gardosi JO, Kalyan B, Chang AMZ, Sahota DS, Symonds EM

Lancet 1992;339: 283 - 288


Cytogenetic studies on in vitro passages of an ovarian cancer cell line.

Wong FWS

Med Sci Res 1992;20: 87 - 89


Epithelial Ovarian tumour of borderline malignancy in Hong Kong Chinese.

Leung TN, Chen MKM, Wong FWS

HK Pract 1992;14(10): 2281 - 2286


Genetic lesion in the carcinogenesis of cervical cancer.

Wong FWS

Anticancer Res 1992;12: 1485 - 1490


Hyperemesis gravidarum and thyroid function.

Panesar NS, Li CY

Clin Biochem Rev 1992;13: 130


Laser therapy service in Prince of Wales Hospital.

Yu KM, Fung HYM, Wong FWS

HK Pract 1992;14(6): 2097 - 2104


Malignant lymphocyst after Wertheim's operation.

Fung HYM, Wong FWS

Gynecol Oncol 1992;44(3): 288 - 290


Parovarian serous tumour of borderline malignancy.

Fung HYM, Wong FWS

J Obstet Gynaecol 1992;12(5): 313


Postpartum thyroid dysfunction.

Learoyd DL, Fung HYM, McGregor AM

Thyroid 1992;2(1): 80


Prelabour rupture of membranes at term and an unfavourable cervix; a randomised placebo controlled trial on early intervention with intravaginal prostaglandin E2 gel.

Chung TKH, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1992;32: 25 - 27


Serum ceruloplasmin, plasma copper concentration and copper to ceruloplasmin ratio in cervical carcinoma.

Arumanayagam M, Wong FWS, Rogers MS, Swaminathan SR

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1992;35: 175 - 178


Transient neonatal hyperthyrotropinaemia.

Lao TTH, Li CY, Panesar NS

Early Hum Dev 1992;28(1): 19 - 25


Treatment of menopausal osteoporosis.

Wong YF

Abroad Med 1992;19: 70 - 71


A simple method of chromosome preparation from gynaecological solid tumour.

Wong FWS

Med Sci Res 1991;10: 705 - 706


Advances in diagnosis and management of cervical cancer.

Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1991;7: 331


Aggressive angiomyxoma of the female perineum.

Cheung TH, Chan MK, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1991;31(3): 285 - 287


Clinical algorithms.

Neale EJ, Chang AMZ

Med Teach 1991;13(4): 317 - 322


Cytogenetic studies in vitro passages of an ovarian cell line.

Wang VW, Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1991;20: 87 - 89


Endometrial Ablation - Conservative surgery for the treatment of menorrhagia.

Lau TK, Leung AKL

HK Pract 1991;13: 1737 - 1741


Endometrium ablation for the treatment of menorrhageia.

Wong YF, Leung KL

Abroad Med 1991;18: 345 - 347


Hysteroscopy - A 1990 update.

Lau TK, Leung AKL

HK Pract 1991;13: 1433 - 1436


Improvement in umbilical doppler waveform following steroid administration.

Leung AKL, Neale EJ, Rogers MS

BJOG 1991;98(5): 492


Litmus test for leiomyosarcoma?

Loong EPL, Wong FWS

Fertil Steril 1991;55: 848 - 849


New approach to trophoblastic diseases.

Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1991;7: 273 - 274


Perinatal asphyxia : A Bayesian analysis of prediction and prevention.

Chang AMZ, Rogers MS

J Obstet Gynaecol 1991;11: 34 - 40


Perinatal asphyxia: The role of intra-partum monitoring in prediction and prevention.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

J Obstet Gynaecol 1991;11: 34 - 40


Protein C protein S and antithrombin III in pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Yin JA, Li CY, Yu KM, Wong SP

Clin Exper Hyper Preg 1991;10: 236


Puerperal haematomas.

Cheung TH, Chang AMZ

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1991;17(2): 119 - 123


Recent advances in gynaecolgy-laparoscopic CO2 laser surgery.

Wong FWS

HK Pract 1991;13: 1422 - 1425


Relationship between newborn and maternal iron status and haematological indices.

Lao TTH, Loong EPL, Chin RKH, Lam CWK, Lam YM

Biol Neonate 1991;60(5): 303 - 307


Second-trimester thyroid function and pregnancy outcome in mothers with hyperthyroidism. Birth weight related to mid-trimester triiodothyronine and RBC zinc.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Mak YT, Swaminathan SR

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1991;32(2): 78 - 80


The effect of labetalol on mild pre-eclampsia.

Li CY, Lao TTH, Yu KM, Wong SP, Leung CF

Clin Exper Hyper Preg 1991;10: 103


Tumor growth fraction in cervical carcinoma.

Wong FWS, McGuire LJ

Gynecol Oncol 1991;1: 48 - 54


A longitudinal study of changes in erythrocyte zinc concentration in hyperemesis gravidarum.

Chin RKH, Lao TTH, Swaminathan SR, Mak YT

J Obstet Gynaecol 1990;29(1): 22 - 25


A morphological study of effects of trichosanthin on cultured choriocaricinoma.

Wong YF, Chew EC, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1990;18: 379 - 381


An unusal hydrosalpinx mimicking an ovarian cyst.

Cheung TH, Wong FWS

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1990;42: 141


Binding of radio labelled trichosanthin with tumourcells in vitro.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1990;18: 667 - 669


Birth-weight of newborns to chinese women subsequent to a previous abortion.

Tan TC, Chang AMZ, Rogers MS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1990;30: 217 - 221


Characteristics of a cell line established from a Chinese patient with a squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix.

Wong FWS

Anticancer Res 1990;10: 213 - 218


Coagulation and anticoagulation systems in newborns--correlation with their mothers at delivery. Lower levels of anticoagulants and fibrinolytic activity in the newborn.

Lao TTH, Yin JA, Yuen PMP

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1990;29(3): 181 - 184


Correlation of agyrophilic nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) count to bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and Ki-67 scores in an ovarian carcinoma cell line.

Wong FWS, Wong YF, Cheung TH

Med Sci Res 1990;18: 929 - 931


Effects of trichosanthin on cell growth cell cycle phase distribution and macromolecule synthesis in huaman choriocarcinoma cells.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1990;18: 383 - 384


Establishment and characterization of a new human cell line derived from ovarian clear cell carcinoma.

Wong FWS, Wong YF, Ng YT, Huang PD, Chew EC, Ho TH, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Oncol 1990;38(1): 37 - 45


Evaluation of trichosanthin against xenografts of human choriocarcinom.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Chen XG, Zeng XM, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1990;18: 95 - 96


Hormone profile in the early luteal phase of stimulatd cycles for in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

Wong YF, Wang VW, Mao KR

Reprod Contracept 1990;10: 24 - 27


Integration of HPV-16 DNA in cervical carcinoma cell line CC3/CUHK3 and its xenografts.

Wong FWS

Anticancer Res 1990;10: 917 - 922


Labour and delivery in mothers with asthma.

Lao TTH, Huengsburg M

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1990;35(2): 183 - 190


Macrosomic babies.

Cheung TH, Leung AKL, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1990;30(4): 319 - 322


Non-immune hydrops fetalis.

Li CY, Lao TTH

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1990;16(3): 191 - 199


Pregnancy outcome in women with labor-onset hypertension. Similar outcome between labor-onset hypertension and preeclampsia.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1990;29(3): 173 - 176


Relationship between maternal antithrombin III and protein C/protein S levels before, during and after delivery.

Lao TTH, Yin JA, Ng WK, Yuen PMP

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1990;30(2): 87 - 90


Salivary estradiol and progesterone after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer using different luteal support regimens.

Wong YF, Loong EPL, Mao KR, Tam PPL, Panesar NS, Neale EJ, Chang AMZ

Reprod Fert Develop 1990;2(4): 351 - 358


Salivary estradiol and progesterone during the normal ovulatory menstrual cycle.

Wong YF, Mao KR, Panesar NS, Loong EPL, Chang AMZ

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1990;34(1): 129 - 135


The papanicaolaou test-its current status.

Wong FWS

HK Pract 1990;12: 1198 - 1203


Topical prostaglandin E2 gel for cervical ripening and closure of the ductus arteriosus in the newborn.

Sung RYT, Yin JA, Loong EPL, Fok TF, Lau JTF

Arch Dis Child 1990;65: 703 - 704


Update article Obstetrics and Gynaecology emergencies.

Wong FWS, Cheung TH

HK Pract 1990;12: 945


Uterine leiomyosarcoma diagnosd during treatment with agonis of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone for presumed uterine fibroid.

Wong FWS

Infert Steril 1990;54: 1 - 2


Uterine leiomyosarcoma diagnosed during treatment with agonist of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone for presumed uterine fibroid.

Loong EPL, Wong FWS

Fertil Steril 1990;54(3): 530 - 531


Zinc and birth weight in uncomplicated pregnancies.

Lao TTH, Loong EPL, Chin RKH, Lam CWK, Lam YM

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1990;69: 609 - 611


A new combination chemotherapy for the treatment of endodermal sinus tumour.

Cheung TH, Wong FWS, Shiu W, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1989;29(3): 346 - 349


Birth weight and thyroxine-binding globulin in pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Panesar NS, Lam YM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1989;28(1): 8 - 10


Carbon dioxide laser - Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

Cheung TH, Wong FWS

HK Pract 1989;11(5): 442 - 444


Changing character of cervical cancer in yourg women.

Wong FWS

Brit Med J 1989;298: 288 - 290


Decision making in Obstetrics.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Fetal Med Rev 1989;1(1): 1 - 11


Double valve denver peritoneal venous shunt in ovarian malignant ascites. (Chinese Article)

Wong FWS

Chin Med J 1989;102: 300 - 302


Effect of folate supplement on pregnant women with beta-thalassaemia minor.

Leung CF, Lao TTH, Chang AMZ

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1989;33(3): 209 - 213


Effects of the combination of trichosanthin with adriamycin and cisplatin on cultured tumour cells.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Yeung HW, Chang AMZ

Med Sci Res 1989;17: 167 - 169


Effects of trichosanthin protein and polysaccharide on choriocarcinoma cell in vitro.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Tian GY, Chang AMZ

No Abbrev 1989;9(3): 106 - 108


Factors affecting the success of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : a survey of 209 cycles.

Wong YF, Mao KR, Loong EPL, Chang AMZ

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1989;5: 143 - 146


Immunohistochemical determination of tumour growth fraction in human ovarian carcinoma.

Wong FWS

BJOG 1989;96: 720 - 724


Inhibitory effect of crystalline trichosanthin on the growth of tumour cells in vitro. (Chinese Article)

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Yeung HW, Chang AMZ

Chin J Cancer 1989;8(3): 167 - 169


Inhibitory effects of trichosanthin and Tian Hua Fen polysaccharide on the growth of human choriocarcinoma cells in vitro.

Wong YF, Wong FWS, Yeung HW, Chang AMZ

No Abbrev 1989;9: 106 - 109


Lower incidence of elevated umbilical cord serum IgE concentration in infants of hepatitis B carrier mothers.

Tseng RYM, Lam CWK, Loong EPL, Ho DWY, Davies DP

Acta Paediatr Scand 1989;78: 127 - 128


Neonatal thyrotrophin and mode of delivery.

Lao TTH, Panesar NS

BJOG 1989;96(10): 1224 - 1227


Perinatal asphyxia: Development of an 'Independence Bayes' computer prediction model.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

J Obstet Gynaecol 1989;10: 26 - 31


Plasma and erythrocyte zinc concentrations in pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Swaminathan SR, Mak YT

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1989;30(2): 117 - 122


Preliminary studies on characteristics of indomethacin release from silastic devices and its histomcompatibility with uterus.

Wong YF, Jin YC

Reprod Contracept 1989;9: 25 - 29


Prevalence of cytomegalovirus cervical excretion in pregnant women in Hong Kong.

Loong EPL, Leung AKL, Chin RKH, Murray HGS

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1989;15: 77 - 78


Renal function in the newborn. Newborn creatinine related to birth weight, maturity and maternal creatinine.

Lao TTH, Loong EPL, Chin RKH, Lam YM

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1989;28(2): 70 - 72


Reproductive and sexual factors and human papilloma virus infection in cervical cancer among Hong Kong Chinese.

Wong FWS

Int J Epidemiol 1989;18(1): 32 - 36


Serum C-reactive protein levels in patients with cervical neoplasia.

Wong FWS, Arumanayagam M, Swaminathan SR, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1989;27(3): 166 - 168


Single dose prophylactic antibiotics in caesarean sections.

Chan AC, Leung AKL, Chin RKH, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1989;29(2): 107 - 109


The cervix-ripening effect of 15-methyl-prostaglandin F2 alpha methyl ester before vacuum aspiration for termination of early pregnancy in primigravidae.

Wong YF, Jin YC

Chin Med J 1989;102: 200 - 205


The clinical significance of the serum haptoglobin concentration in patients with invasive cervical carcinoma.

Neale EJ, Wong FWS, Arumanayagam M, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1989;29(3): 197 - 199


The effect of labour on prolactin and cortisol concentrations in the mother and the fetus.

Lao TTH, Panesar NS

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1989;30(3): 233 - 238


Varian endodermal sinus (Yolk sac) tumour.

Wong FWS, Wong YF

Pract.J.Gynecol.Obstet. 1989;4: 341 - 343


A controlled trial on wound drainage in caesarean section.

Loong RL, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1988;28(4): 266 - 269


Changes in erythrocyte and plasma zinc concentrations in pregnancy.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Mak YT, Swaminathan SR

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1988;25(3): 213 - 216


Changes in neonatal transcutaneous bilirubinometer index following intravenous fluid and oxytocin infusion during labour.

Loong EPL, Lao TTH, Chin RKH

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1988;14: 411 - 414


Changes in neonatal transcutaneous bilirubinometer index following intravenous fluid and oxytocininfusion during labour.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Loong EPL

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1988;14: 411


Chlamydia trachomatis in the pregnant cervix in the Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Loong EPL, Leung AKL, Chan CK, Murray HGS

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1988;40: 268 - 269


Clinical research : chlamydia trachomatis in the pregnant cervix in the Chinese women in Hong Kong.

Leung AKL, Loong EPL, Chan CK, Murray HGS, Chang AMZ

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1988;40: 268 - 269


Correlation between follicular phase plasma estradiol and luteal phase plasma progesterone in an in-vitro fertilization program.

Wong YF, Tam PPL, Chan AC, Mao KR, Chiu TTY, Chang AMZ

Gynecol Endocrinol Proc Annu Symp R 1988;2: 267 - 268


Correlation between follicular phase plasma Oestradiol and luteal phase plasma progesterone in an in vitro fertilization program.

Loong EPL, Wong YF, Mao KR, Tam PPL, Chang AMZ

Recent Dev Gynecol Obstet 1988;2(2): 548 - 552


Ectopic pregnancy: Investigations for early diagnosis.

Chang AMZ, Leung AKL, Wong FWS

HK Pract 1988;10(11): 3498 - 3506


Employment physical overactivity and adverse pregnancy outcomes - Applicability of AMA guidelines in Chinese women.

Tan TC, Donnan SPB, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Asian-Pacific J Public Health 1988;2(1): 22 - 27


Human papillomavirus-type 16 infection and its assoicated with cervical neoplasm in Hong Kong.

Wong FWS, Wong YF

Shanghai.Med.J. 1988;11: 187 - 191


Identification of "non-porliferating" B16 melanoma cells using monoclonal antibody (AD203) to reduetase.

Wong FWS

Cell Tissue Kinet 1988;21(5): 353 - 361


Invasive carcinoma of both cervices in a patient with uterus didelphys.

Tam G, Rogers MS, Arnold M

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1988;28(3): 239 - 240


Low birth weight and hyperemesis gravidarum.

Chin RKH, Lao TTH

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1988;28(3): 179 - 183


Psychogenic factors in hyperemesis gravidarum.

Tsoi PT, Chin RKH, Chang AMZ

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1988;14: 457 - 460


The contributions of age and surface area and protein intake to the variation in glomerular filtration rate in healthy sujects.

Arumanayagam M, Robertshaw M, Chang AMZ, Swaminathan SR

Med Sci Res 1988;16: 273


The significance of proteinuria in pre-eclampsia; proteinuria associated with low birth weight only in pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Lam YM

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1988;29(2): 121 - 127


Thyroid function in pre-eclampsia.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Swaminathan SR

BJOG 1988;95(9): 880 - 883


Thyroxine concentration and outcome of hyperemetic pregnancies.

Chin RKH, Lao TTH

BJOG 1988;95(5): 507 - 509


Transient hyperthyroidism in a pregnancy with hydrops fetalis.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Chan AC

BJOG 1988;95(6): 624 - 625


Video display terminals and pregnancy.

Blackwell R, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1988;95: 446 - 453


A comparison of the transabdominal and transvaginal methods of ultrasound-guided aspiration of pre-ovulatory oocytes for in vitro fertilisation.

Mao KR, Tam PPL, Loong EPL, Lee HC, Wong YF, Chiu TTY

Clin Reprod Fertil 1987;5(6): 373 - 378


An unusual presentation of herpes gestationis.

Chang AMZ, Lao TTH

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1987;13(3): 286


Association between prostaglandin E2 and placental abruption.

Leung AKL, Kwok P, Chang AMZ

BJOG 1987;94(10): 1001 - 1002


Copper and zinc levels in patients with cervical neoplasia -clinical evaluation of the copper/zinc ratio.

Wong FWS, Arumanayagam M, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

J Obstet Gynaecol 1987;8: 53 - 56


Cretinism and lingual thyroid presenting in an adult.

Yeung VTF, Loong EPL, Cockram CS

Postgrad Med J 1987;63: 881 - 883


Determinants of birth-weight in the New Territories of Hong Kong.

Rogers MS, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1987;27(4): 314 - 319


Effects of intrapartum intravenous infusion of 5% dextrose or Hartmann's solution on maternal and cord blood glucose.

Loong EPL, Lao TTH, Chin RKH

Acta Obstet Gyn Scan 1987;66(3): 241 - 243


Intestinal parasitism: A survey of patients attending an antenatal clinic in the New Territories of Hong Kong.

Rogers MS, French GL, Chang AMZ

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1987;13: 461 - 466


Intrapartum fluid administration and sodium concentration in maternal and umbilical cord plasma.

Lao TTH, Loong EPL, Chin RKH

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1987;25(4): 271 - 276


Oncology day ward - an evaluation.

Wong FWS

Singapore Med J 1987;28(2): 190 - 191


Perinatal asphyxia: The use of Path Analysis in its explanation.

Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

J Obstet Gynaecol 1987;8: 29 - 35


Plasma zinc concentration and thyroid function in hyperemetic pregnancies.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Mak YT, Panesar NS

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1987;30(2): 117 - 122


The contributions of age and surface area and protein intake to the variation in Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) in healthy subjects.

Swaminathan SR, Robertshaw M, Arumanayagam M, Rogers MS

Med Sci Res 1987;16: 273


The evaluation of a pregnancy test (Tandem ICON) in the management of ectopic pregnancy.

Leung AKL, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1987;27(3): 224 - 225


The importance of early prenatal diagnosis of thanatophoric dysplasia with respect to obstetric management.

Loong EPL

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1987;25: 145 - 152


The outcome of hyperemetic pregnancies complicated by transient hyperthyroidism.

Lao TTH, Chin RKH, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1987;27(2): 99 - 101


Ultrasonically guided aspiration of oocyte in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

Mao KR, Wong YF, Tam PPL

Shanghai.Med.J. 1987;10: 258 - 262


Umbilical cord serum IgE in infants of hepatitis B carrier mothers.

Loong EPL, Tseng RYM, Lam CWK, Ho DWY, Davies DP

Allergologia et Immunopathologia 1987;15: 239


A microcomputer based interview system for antenatal clinic.

Wong FWS, Lee KH, Chang AMZ

Comput Biol Med 1986;16(6): 453 - 463


A progress report of the in vitro fertilization program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mao KR, Tam PPL, Haines CJ, Riches DJ, Panesar NS, Chang AMZ

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1986;38(3): 131 - 134


Drug prescribing in pregnancy - A survey among general practitioners in Shatin.

Chin RKH, Lao TTH, Chang AMZ

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1986;28: 27 - 29



Mao KR, Li CY, Chang AMZ

HK Pract 1986;8(8): 1969 - 1974


Obstetric epidural service in Hong Kong - Analysis of progress in the first six months.

Lao TTH, So APC, Chang AMZ

Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol 1986;12: 33 - 36


Out patient vacuum curettage versus in-patient dilatation and curettage: An appraisal.

Lam SY, Chow YC, Cheung YT, Chang AMZ

HK Pract 1986;8(8): 1959 - 1964


Pelvic lymphocysts occurring after Wertheim's operation : a review of eleven years' experience.

Wong FWS

Obstet Gynecol 1986;6: 277 - 280


Pregnancy outcome following radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Wong FWS

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1986;22: 157 - 160


Premenstrual tension.

Loong EPL, Lao TTH

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1986;38: 13 - 14


Racial variations in the incidence of trisomy 21.

Rogers MS

BJOG 1986;93: 597 - 599


The need for chromosome diagnosis in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Loong EPL

J Obstet Gynaecol 1986;6: 215


The use of a microcomputer in the antenatal interview - a feasibility study.

Wong FWS

HK Pract 1986;8: 1650 - 1656


Use of a pocket personal computer in Obstetric ultrasound.

Chang AMZ, Wong FWS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1986;26: 275 - 280


Zinc concentration in umbilical cord tissue and cord plasma in appropriate for gestational age babies.

Wong FWS, Arumanayagam M, Chang AMZ, Swaminathan SR

Eur J Obstet Gyn R B 1986;23: 121 - 126


A report on the fertilization of human eggs in vitro.

Mao KR, Tam PPL, Riches DJ, Panesar NS, Chang AMZ

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1985;37(2): 59 - 62


An evaluation of three ultrasound equations for fetal weight prediction.

Wong FWS, Rogers MS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1985;25: 271 - 272


Any place for antenatal diagnosis in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Lao TTH, Loong EPL, Yeung SSL

Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 1985;12(3): 51 - 52


Epidemiology of meconium staining of amniotic fluid in Hong Kong.

Wong FWS, Wong KS, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1985;25: 90 - 93


Evaluation of fundal height measurement inantenatal care.

Rogers MS, Needham PG

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1985;25: 87 - 90


Office procedures for detecting endometrial carcinoma.

Wong FWS

Postgraduate Doctors 1985;10: 299 - 305


Outpatient procedures for detecting endometrial carcinoma.

Wong FWS

Postgraduate Doctors 1985;6: 370 - 378


Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube - the favourable response to a new chemotherapeutic agent - CHIP.

Wong FWS

J Roy Soc Med 1985;78: 203 - 206


Prophylaxis of thromboembolism in pregnancy: an alternative.

Lao TTH, de Swiet M, Letsky SE, Walters BN

BJOG 1985;92(3): 202 - 206


Surgery and radiotherapy in the treatment of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube.

Wong FWS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1985;25: 211


Test for the detection of ruptured fetal membranes.

Chang AMZ, Wong FWS

HK Pract 1985;7(8): 1474 - 1478


The limitations of ultrasonography in the antenatal diagnosis of congenital cerebral malformations.

Loong EPL, Lao TTH

Gynecol Obstet Inves 1985;19(3): 166 - 168


The premenstrual syndrome in Chinese.

Mao KR, Chang AMZ

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1985;25(2): 118 - 120


Ultrasound diagnosis of meconium-stained amniotic fluid.

Loong EPL, Wong FWS, Chang AMZ

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1985;152: 359


Ultrasound diagnosis of recurrence of Majewski Dwarfism.

Rogers MS, Cruickshank J

J.HK.Med.Assn. 1985;37: 95 - 97


Progression of squamous carcinoma in situ of the vulva to invasive carcinoma after systemic bleomycin therapy.

Chang AMZ, Wong FWS

Aust NZ J Obstet Gyn 1984;24: 295


Pseudoxanthoma elasticum and pregnancy.

Lao TTH, Walters BN, de Swiet M

BJOG 1984;91(10): 1049 - 1050


Antenatal diagnosis of intracranial arteriovenous fistula by ultrasonography.

Mao KR, Adams J

BJOG 1983;90(9): 872 - 873


Information control and the exercise of power in the Obstetrical encounter.

Shapiro MC, Najman JM, Chang AMZ, Keeping JD, Morrison J, Western JS

Soc Sci Med 1983;17(3): 139 - 146


Severe pre-eclampsia of early onset.

Walters BN, Lao TTH, Smith VA, Blau K, de Swiet M

Brit Med J 1983;287(640): 1302