
Welcome Message from Programme Director
Professor LAI Chit Ying Jessie
Associate Professor of Practice in Midwifery, CUHK
Vice President of HK College of Midwives
Vice President of HK Midwives Association
PhD in Obs & Gyn, MSc in Nursing (Midwifery),
MSc in Health Care Management,
MSc in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage in both advanced obstetrics and midwifery practice. Areas of study include maternal and infant nutrition, optimizing childbearing and normal birth, latest development of prenatal diagnosis, observation and management of women with high risk peripartum conditions, bereavement care following adverse pregnancy outcomes, midwifery education and teaching, clinical leadership, research methodology and critical appraisal skills. It will be a good platform for those who want to extend their midwifery education, strive for clinical excellence and become influential midwifery leaders in future.
For more information, please view our programme brochure.

Prospective Students

For local applicants:
In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should be Registered Midwives.
For non-local applicants:
In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should have obtained a Bachelor’s degree in midwifery, nursing, health care or related professions from a recognized institution or have equivalent academic or professional qualifications.