The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Prince of Wales Hospital

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Tan Zhouyurong, Sophia Full time Ph.D. (2020-2024)
(852) 5660 3476

Research Topic

Endometriosis and infertility


Prof. C C Wang

Pharmaceuticals targeting signaling pathways of endometriosis as potential new medical treatment: Hung SW, Zhang R, Tan Z, Chung JPW, Zhang T, Wang CC. A review. Med Res Rev. 2021 Jul;41(4):2489-2564.
Pharmaceuticals targeting signaling pathways of endometriosis as potential new medical treatment: A review Hung SW, Zhang RZ, Tan ZYR, Chung JPW, Zhang T, Wang CC Med Res Rev. 2021 Jul;41(4):2489-2564
An In-Silico, In-Vitro and In-Vivo Combined approach to identify NMNATs as potential protein targets of ProEGCG for treatment of endometriosis Hung SW, Liang B, Gao Y, Zhang R, Tan Z, Zhang T, Chung PWJ, Chan TH, Wang CC Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 14;12:714790
Combined approach to identify NMNATs as potential protein targets of ProEGCG for treatment of endometriosis Hung SW, Liang B, Gao Y, Zhang R, Tan Z, Zhang T, Chung PWJ, Chan TH, Wang CC Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 14;12:714790