The Department aims to advance the frontiers of knowledge in obstetrics and gynaecology through clinical, scientific and translational research in the selected specialties, including Reproductive MedicineMaternal MedicineFetal MedicinePerinatal MedicineGynaecological EndoscopyGynaecological OncologyUrogynaecology, and Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology.

Through the close collaboration between clinicians and scientists, the Department has published a vast number of quality and frequently cited papers in major high-impact journals of science as well as obstetrics and gynaecology. The figure below shows a summary of our journal articles published between 2015 and 2020.

The Department has also been awarded many external fundings for research activities, including:


Total journal articles: 124
Impact factor > 10 articles: 8 (Proc Natl Acad Sci, Hypertension,
Genome Med, Med Res Rev, Diabetologia)
1st author/corresponding author from OG staff/student:71
Clinical research articles:76
Laboratory research articles:48
Total books/book chapters:4
1st author/1st co-author books/book chapters from OG staff/student:4
Total conference papers:62
1st author/1st co-author conference papers from OG staff/student:62

Our Department is also awarded many external competitive funding for research activities, including: