The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Prince of Wales Hospital

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Chong Shuk Ching, Josephine Associate Professor of Practice in Medical Genetics


MBBS(HKU), MRCPCH, Msc in Medical Genetics(CUHK), DCH(Sydney), FHKCPaed, FHKAM(Paed), Fellow in Genetics & Genomics (Paediatrics)


Dr. Josephine Chong received her medical degree from The University of Hong Kong. She then received her Paediatrics training in Prince of Wales Hospital. She was granted fellowship by the Hong Kong College of Paediatrician and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2010. Her further training as a metabolic fellow at Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne in 2011. She has completed a master degree in medical genetics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016. In 2017, Dr. Chong was accredited as one of the five first fellows of Genomic & Genetics Paediatrics subspecialty by Hong Kong College of Paediatricians.

Currently, Dr. Chong works as a clinical professional consultant in the Department of Paediatrics and Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of CUHK. She is the deputy director of the Joint BCM-CUHK Center for Medical Genetics. She is also the paediatrician in-charge of the newborn metabolic screening programme. Dr. Chong is a member of the central committee of clinical genetics of Hospital Authority. She is the vice-president of the Hong Kong Society of Inborn errors of metabolism, and she is the honorary secretary of Hong Kong Society of Medical Genetics.

Research Interests

  • Undiagnosed genetics disorders
  • Neuro-metabolic genetics
  • Inborn errors of metabolism disorders

Honorary Appointments

  • Honorary Consultant, Prince of Wales Hospital


  • Woman of Excellence Hong Kong 2019
  • Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2018