Response to the letter to the editor regarding‘effect ofadditional acupuncture to pelvic floor exercise on urinaryincontinence’Wan OYK et al. (2022): Neurourol Urodyn.Wan OYK et al.
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External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic.
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Prevalence of obstetric anal sphincter injury following vaginal delivery in primiparous women: a retrospective analysis.
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Effect of additional acupuncture to pelvic floor exercise on urinary incontinence: A randomized controlled trial.
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Treatment outcome of women with urodynamic mixed urinary incontinence: an observational study.
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Women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse and levator ani muscle avulsion would significantly benefit from mesh repair surgery
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Intermediate- to long-term outcomes of transvaginal mesh for treatment of Asian women with pelvic organ prolapse
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Intermediate- to long-term outcomes of transvaginal mesh for treatment of Asian women with pelvic organ prolapse.
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External validation of a simple scoring system to predict pregnancy viability in women presenting to an early pregnancy assessment clinic
Wan OYK, Chan SSC, Chung JPW, Kwok JWK, Lao TT, Sahota DS
Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Apr;26(2):102-110
A one-stop perineal clinic: our eleven-year experience
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Review of available national guidelines for obstetric anal sphincter injury
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Mesh-related complications from reconstructive surgery for pelvic organ prolapse in Chinese patients in Hong Kong
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Prevalence of Levator Ani Muscle Injury and Health-related Quality of Life in Primiparous Chinese Women after Instrumental Delivery.
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Risk of Malignancy in Women Who Underwent Hysterectomy for Uterine Prolapse.
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