E-mail: dorothychan@cuhk.edu.hk
Administrative support: Ms. Esther Lam
Telephone (office): (852) 3505-2982
Dr. CHAN Fung Ying Dorothy
Associate Consultant, Department of Paediatrics, Prince of Wales Hospital
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MBChB (CUHK), FRCPCH(UK), FHKCPaed, FHKAM (Paediatrics), DCH (HK), DCH (international)
Clinical Team: Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrics, Community Paediatrics
Dr. Chan Fung-ying is an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998. After graduation, Dr. Chan worked in the Prince of Wales Hospital and obtained her specialist qualification in Paediatrics. In 2013, she further obtained the Sub- specialization in Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrics qualification.
She works with children with special needs and their families. Despite her heavy workload, she insists on promoting child health, early childhood development, positive parenting and behavioural management in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and general publics. She provides training to school, teachers and parents to promote the understanding of their children and match their needs. Dr. Chan is also committed to the training of professionals, and she regularly provides professional training to medical students, social workers, paediatricians and general practitioners.
Research Interests
Childhood Obesity
NAFLD in children
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder
Exercise intervention
Non-CUHK honorary appointments
Part time lecturer in HKUSPACE for diploma course of Special Education Needs
Honorary Consultant/ trainer/advisor/speakers for various NGOs: TWHGs, Lutheran, BGCA, Heep Hong, SAHK, SKH, PLK, HKCS: early childhood division, counselling session, SEN sessions, parent education or Principals’ and teacher’s groups.
Trainer for Social Welfare Department for child protection course, induction course and parenting capacity assessment course
Professional Service
Trainer for various social services of Social Welfare Department and NGOs
Trainer/speakers for various educational institute for preschool age or school age services
Academic Engagement in CUHK
Part-time Lecturer, School of Nursing (for midwife course), CUHK
Other Information
Certified user of Griffiths Mental Developmental Scale (GMDS)
Certified clinical user of Autism Observation Diagnostic Scale (ADOS)
Certified clinical user of The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)
Certified Level 4 Positive Parenting Program Provider (3P)
Certified user of Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Toddlers (HKCAS-T).
Awards and Honour
The published teaching manual of "Aerobic Exercise Teaching Manual for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)" has been awards for silver medal from The 3rd International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada 2018.
Chiyanika C, Chan DFY, Hui SCN, So HK, Deng M, Yeung DKW, Nelson EAS, Chu WCW. The relationship between pancreas steatosis and the risk of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance in Chinese adolescents with concurrent obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Pediatr Obes. 2020 Sep;15(9):e12653.
Suey S Y Yeung, Ruth Chan, Liz Li, Dorothy Chan, Jason Leung, Ting-Fan Leung. Eating Behaviors and Diet Quality in Chinese Preschoolers with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case-Control Study. Journal of Paediatrics 2021 Oct;237:258-266.e5.
Wan Y, Zuo T, Xu Z, Zhang F, Zhan H, Chan D, Leung TF, Yeoh YK, Chan FKL, Chan R, Ng SC. Underdevelopment of the gut microbiota and bacteria species as non-invasive markers of prediction in children with autism spectrum disorder. Gut. 2021 Jul 26:gutjnl-2020-324015.
Yi H, Siu QKY, Ngan OMY, Chan DFY. Parents' experiences of screening, diagnosis, and intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2019 Dec 12.
Queenie KY Siu, Huso Yi , Randolph CH Chan, Floria HN Chio, Dorothy FY Chan, Winnie WS Mak. The Role of Child Problem Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Symptoms and Parenting Stress: A Primary School-Based Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Published online 26 Oct 2018.
Clare CW Yu, Simpson WL Wong, Farica SF Lo, Raymond CH So, Dorothy FY Chan. Study protocol: a randomized controlled trial study on the effect of a game-based exercise training program on promoting physical fitness and mental health in children with autism spectrum disorder. BMC Psychiatry 18:56, 2018.
Horace H.S. Ip , Simpson W.L. Wong , Dorothy F.Y. Chan , Julia Byrne, Chen Li, Vanessa S.N. Yuan, Kate S.Y. Lau , Joe Y.W. Wong. Enhance emotional and social adaptation skills for children with autism spectrum disorder: A virtual reality enabled approach. Computers & Education 117 (2018) 1e15.
Ip, Horace HS, Candy Hoi-Yan Lai, Simpson WL Wong, Jenny KY Tsui, Richard Chen Li, Kate Shuk-Ying Lau, and Dorothy FY Chan. Visuospatial attention in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A comparison between 2-D and 3-D environments. Cogent Education 4, no. 1 (2017): 1307709.
Chan DFY1, Yu CCW1, So HK1, Sharon Chan1and Nancy Tsang. Mealtime Behavioral Problems in Hong Kong Chinese Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Psychol Abnorm 2016, S1.
Chan DFY, Chan SHY, So HK, Li AM, Ng RCM, Tsang N. Dental health of preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in HK. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 2014 Oct;19:161-168.
Ho, Hilda SW, Huso Yi, Sian Griffiths, Dorothy FY Chan, and Stuart Murray. "‘Do It Yourself’ in the parent–professional partnership for the assessment and diagnosis of children with autism spectrum conditions in Hong Kong: A qualitative study." Autism 18, no. 7 (2014): 832-844.
XT Yu, HS Lam, CT Au, SHY Chan, DFY Chan, AM Li. Extended Parent-based Behavioural Education Improves Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2015;20:219-225.
Steve C.N. Hui, Hung-kwan So, Dorothy F.Y. Chan, Simon K.H. Wong, David K.W. Yeung ,Enders K.W. Ng, Winnie C.W. Chu. Validation of water-fat MRI and proton MRS in assessment of hepatic fat and the heterogeneous distribution of hepatic fat and iron in subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. European Journal of Radiology 107 (2018) 7–13.
Lau, Patrick WC, Zhaowei Kong, Choung-rak Choi, C. W. Clare, Dorothy FY Chan, Rita YT Sung, and Beeto WC Leung. "Effects of short-term resistance training on serum leptin levels in obese adolescents.". Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 8, no. 1 (2010): 54-60.
DFY Chan, HK So, SCN Hui, RSM Chan, AMLi, MM Sea, WCW Chu, M Chan, J Woo, EAS Nelson. Dietitian-led lifestyle modification programme for obese Chinese adolescents with non-alcoholicfatty liver disease: a randomized controlled study. International journal of Obesity online published 30 Jan 2018.
Chan, Dorothy FY, Albert M. Li, Michael HM Chan, Kwan-So Hung, Iris HS Chan, Jane AT Yin, Christopher WK Lam, Fai-Fok Tai, and Edmund AS Nelson. "Validation of prediction equations for estimating resting energy expenditure in obese Chinese children.". Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 18, no. 2 (2009): 251-256.
Chan, D. F., A. M. Li, H. K. So, J. Yin, and E. A. S. Nelson. "New skinfold-thickness equation for predicting percentage body fat in Chinese obese children.". HK J Paediatr 14 (2009): 96-102.
Lam, Hugh S., Pak C. Ng, Winnie CW Chu, William Wong, Dorothy FY Chan, Stella S. Ho, Ka T. Wong, Anil T. Ahuja, and Chi K. Li. "Renal screening in children after exposure to low dose melamine in Hong Kong: cross sectional study.". Bmj 337 (2008): a2991.
Ng, S. M., Albert M. Li, Vivian WQ Lou, Ivy F. Tso, Pauline YP Wan, and Dorothy FY Chan. "Incorporating Family Therapy into Asthma Group Intervention: A Randomized Waitlist‐Controlled Trial.". Family process 47, no. 1 (2008): 115-130.
Chan DFY, Li AM, Chu WC, Chan MH, Wong EM, Liu EK, Chan IH, Yin J, Lam CW, Fok TF, Nelson EA. Hepatic steatosis in obese Chinese children. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1257-63.
Alice Y M Jones, Dorothy F Y Chan, Siu N Fu, Shirley P C Ngai, Steven Y K Ho. Exercise prescription - a pilot collaboration between medical practitioners and physiotherapists. HK Pract 2007;29:291-301.
AM Li, J Yin, CCW Yu, T Tsang, HK So, E Wong, D Chan, EK Hon, R Sung. The six-minute walk test (6MWT) in healthy children – reliability and validity. Eur Respir J 2005;25(6):1057-1060.
Li AM, Chan DFY, Lam S, Wing YK, Fok TF. Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: What Parents Want to Know. HK J Paediatr (new series) 2005;10:44-48.
Ip P, Ho FK, So HK, Chan DF, Ho M, Tso W, Nelson EA. Socioeconomic Gradient in Childhood Obesity and Hypertension: A Multilevel Population-Based Study in a Chinese Community. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 3;11(6).
Hon KL, Pong NH, Poon TC, Chan DF, Leung TF, Lai KY, Wing YK, Luk NM. Quality of life and psychosocial issues are important outcome measures in eczema treatment. J Dermatolog Treat. 2015 Feb;26(1):83-9.
Li AM, Chan CH, Chan DFY. Long-term sequelae of SARS in children. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2004 Dec;5(4):296-9.
Chu WC, Li AM, Ng BK, Chan DF, Lam TP, Lam WW, Cheng JC. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in assessing lung volumes, chest wall, and diaphragm motions in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis versus normal controls. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 Sep 1;31(19):2243-9.
Li AM, Tsang TW, Chan DF, Sung RY, Fok TF. Induced sputum in childhood asthma. Hong Kong Med J. 2005 Aug;11(4):289-94. Review.
Li AM, Chan MH, Chan DF, Lam HS, Wong EM, So HK, Chan IH, Lam CW, Nelson EA. Insulin and obstructive sleep apnea in obese Chinese children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2006 Dec;41(12):1175-81.
Chan DF, Lee CH, Fung TY, Chan DL, Abdullah V, Ng PC. Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) for congenital giant ranula. Acta Paediatr. 2006 Oct;95(10):1303-5.
Li AM, Tsang TW, Chan DF, Lam HS, So HK, Sung RY, Fok TF. Sputum induction in children with asthma: a tertiary-center experience. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2006 Aug;41(8):720-5.
Li AM, Tsang TW, Chan DF, Lam HS, So HK, Sung RY, Fok TF. Cough frequency in children with mild asthma correlates with sputum neutrophil count. Thorax. 2006 Sep;61(9):747-50. Epub 2006 May 2.
Li AM, Tsang TW, Chan K, Chan DF, Sung RY, Fok TF. Once-daily fluticasone propionate in stable asthma: study on airway inflammation. J Asthma. 2006 Mar;43(2):107-11.
Li AM, Nelson EA, Hon EK, Cheng FW, Chan DF, Sin NC, Ma KC, Cheung KL, Fok TF. Hepatic failure in a child with anti-epileptic hypersensitivity syndrome. J Paediatr Child Health. 2005 Apr;41(4):218-20.
Li AM, Chan DF, Fok TF, Wing YK. Childhood obstructive sleep apnoea: an update. Hong Kong Med J. 2004 Dec;10(6):406-13. Review.
Li AM, Chan D, Li CK, Wong E, Chan YL, Fok TF. Respiratory function in patients with thalassaemia major: relation with iron overload. Arch Dis Child. 2002 Oct;87(4):328-30.
Li AM, Chan D, Wong E, Yin J, Nelson EA, Fok TF. The effects of obesity on pulmonary function. Arch Dis Child. 2003 Apr;88(4):361-3.
Chan D, Li AM, Yam MC, Li CK, Fok TF. Hurler's syndrome with cor pulmonale secondary to obstructive sleep apnoea treated by continuous positive airway pressure. J Paediatr Child Health. 2003 Sep-Oct;39(7):558-9.