The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has various job opportunities with excellent prospects for career advancement available for new graduates. There are two types of Government job vacancies – civil service and non-civil service. Civil service vacancies are posts on the civil service establishment. Candidates selected for these jobs will be recruited on civil service terms of appointment and conditions of service. They will become civil servants upon appointment. Candidates appointed to non-civil service positions are not civil servants and will not be eligible for posting, promotion or transfer to other posts within the civil service. They also have different terms of appointment and conditions of service. Both types of vacancies are advertised online:
Positions / Job Titles Offered
Some of the more sought-after positions in the civil service include:
Typical Job Nature/ Job Duties
Administration and Management
Good management is essential to the success of both private corporations and the government. A team with strong leadership at the top, but also sensitive to what is going on at all levels of the organization, is the foundation of efficient and effective operation of any organization. Administrative Officers in Civil Services are involved in policy formulation, resource allocation, implementation of major Government programmes and promotion of the interests of Hong Kong in the mainland and overseas. For Executive Officers, their main job functions include management of human resource and financial resource, administration support, system/ project planning and development, direct services to the public, support to boards and councils and event management. Both Administrative Officers and Executive Officers are posted around different bureaux and departments and enjoy a wide variety of work.
Administrative Officer (AO):
The Administrative Service is a cadre of multi-skilled professional administrators who play a key role in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Members of the Administrative Service are posted around a wide variety of posts in policy/resource bureau and departments at regular intervals. On average, there will be a change of postings in every 2-3 years. Through regular postings, the officers receive wide exposure, acquire broad experience, develop multi-skills and enjoy variety in their career. Their breadth of experience, strong administration skills, versatility and quest for challenges make them important assets of the Government, with a wide range of duties. They may be posted to:
Executive Officer (EO):
Executive Officers plan and acquire the necessary and appropriate human, financial and other resources for the department or bureau they serve, put in place efficient and effective systems and ensure that good management practices are implemented, and promote a service-oriented culture in the organization. Their expertise lies in:
Disciplined Services
The disciplinary forces of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) include the Police Force, Customs & Exercise Department, Fire Services Department, Correctional Services Department and Immigration Department
Hong Kong Police Force:
Customs and Excise Department:
Fire Services Department:
Correctional Services Department:
Immigration Department:
General Requirements
Common Recruitment Examination:
Applicants for civil service posts at the degree or professional level are required to obtain either ‘Level 2’ or ‘Level 1’ results in the Use of English (UE) and Use of Chinese (UC) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent. You can learn more about the CRE at
Assessment of Basic Law knowledge:
All candidates applying for civil service jobs will be assessed on their Basic Law knowledge. The assessment result will not affect a candidate’s eligibility for applying for a civil service job but will be one of the considerations to assess the suitability of a candidate.
All candidates are required to sit for the Common Recruitment Examination in Hong Kong. Only those candidates who have passed the Common Recruitment Examination will be further considered for interview.
Related Associations/Useful Links
About Civil Service Bureau recruitment | |
Hong Kong Police Force | |
Hong Kong Fire Service Department | |
Hong Kong Correctional Services | |
Immigration Department | |
Customs and Excise Department | |
(Sources from The CUHK Careers Guide 2012)