Statutory Wage Exemption for Student Interns and Work Experience Students

Statutory Minimum Wage does not apply to student employees who are
  • student interns
  • work experience students during a period of exempt student employment.
The Labour Department has launched a dedicated webpage to provide relevant information about the exemption arrangements for student interns and work experience students under the Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) at one stop:

        TC version: []
        SC version: []
        EN version: []

The dedicated webpage comprises the following six sections:
  • Student Interns / Work Experience Students – to introduce the differences between the two types of student employees;
  • Record Keeping – to remind employers taking on student employees of the documents and records that should be kept;
  • Frequently Asked Questions;
  • Download Area – to provide related publications and specimens of forms for downloading;
  • Online Interactive Games – to provide hyperlinks to the two online interactive games on Statutory Minimum Wage; and
  • Enquiry – to provide the contact means for enquiries on the exemption arrangements

A hyperlink to the publication on how to distinguish the status of being an employee from a non-employee is also provided in the webpage to facilitate student employees to understand the employment rights and benefits provided on the basis of employment relationship.  
For enquiries about the exemption arrangements for student interns and work experience students, you may call the Labour Department's 24-hour enquiry hotline at 2717 1771 (handled by "1823") or email to

Current Opportunities

Hong Kong Arts Festival
Application Deadline : 5 September 2022