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Press Releases

中大醫學院就2022-23財政預算案的回應 (Chinese Version Only)





軟件上,我們正努力延攬國際醫學科研人才來港,一方面希望他們能為本地提供國際級的醫學教育,並同時給予學生更多元化的教導,擴闊他們的視野。目前中大醫學院教授成立了四所研究中心,進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台,研究範疇涵蓋腸道微生物群、創新診斷科技、神經肌肉骨骼再生醫學及醫療機械人等,並正與全球多間知名學府合作進行多個重點科研項目。財政預算案中多項推動「生命健康」科研的建議,包括設立「InnoLife Healthtech Hub生命健康創新科研中心」、增加「創新及科技基金」的資助及撥款、便利專才交流,及支援初創企業及科技投資協助進一步把研發成果落地等,均有助匯聚全球頂尖研究團隊及人才,為本地創造十分有利的科研條件。



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中大醫學院就行政長官今日(10月19日)發表2022施政報告的回應 (Chinese Version Only)

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Clarification -- 中大醫學院澄清啟事 (Chinese Version Only)

Clarification from CU Medicine

Clarification from CU Medicine

CU Medicine supported by the Hospital Authority to launch HK’s first large-scale Long COVID survey, aiming to inform the government on impact of long COVID on healthcare services

CU Medicine supported by the Hospital Authority to launch HK’s first large-scale Long COVID survey, aiming to inform the government on impact of long COVID on healthcare services

CUHK receives HK$150 million donation from Li Ka Shing Foundation in support of research and development of biomedical technologies

CUHK receives HK$150 million donation from Li Ka Shing Foundation in support of research and development of biomedical technologies

Clarification from CU Medicine

Clarification from CU Medicine

Clarification from CU Medicine

Clarification from CU Medicine

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CUHK Develops a Novel Faecal Test that can Detect Polyps and Early Colon Cancers with Sensitivity Over 90%

CU Medicine Study Shows Modulation of Gut Microbiota  Helps Enhance Safety and Efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine

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CU Medicine Offers Free Stool Screening Test for COVID-19 in Children arriving at Airport

Clinical service
CUHK Finds that the Coronavirus Can Persist in Stool after Its Clearance in Respiratory Tract Will Conduct Stool Test for People in Quarantine Camps for Early Identification

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CUHK Establishes Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK HOPE) Multidisciplinary Efforts Across the Globe to Advance Children’s Health and Well-being

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Health Campaign
Professor Francis CHAN as the First Chinese Honoured with the American College of Gastroenterology International Leadership Award 2018

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Awards and honors
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CUHK World’s First Study Sets a New Direction on Aspirin Use after Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

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CUHK discovers that 40% of Individuals at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease have Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

CUHK discovers that 40% of Individuals at Risk of Coronary Heart Disease have Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

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Bowel Cancer Will Become Top Cancer in Hong Kong CUHK Introduces Colon Pill Camera to Prevent Bowel Cancer

Surgical advancement
CUHK Discovers Up to 30% of Asymptomatic Subjects in Hong Kong Suffered from Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

CUHK Discovers Up to 30% of Asymptomatic Subjects in Hong Kong Suffered from Pre-cancerous Bowel Tumors

CUHK Introduces Double Balloon Enteroscopy Service to Manage Small Bowel Diseases

CUHK Introduces Double Balloon Enteroscopy Service to Manage Small Bowel Diseases

Clinical service
Predicting Your Colorectal-polyp Risk with CUHK Colorectal-polyp Prediction Index (CU-CPI)

Predicting Your Colorectal-polyp Risk with CUHK Colorectal-polyp Prediction Index (CU-CPI)

Clinical service

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