- 醫學院助理院長 (發展)
- 腸胃及肝臟科主任
- 内科及藥物治療學系教授
- 莫慶堯醫學教授
- 肝科
MBChB (CUHK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), MD (CUHK), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lond)
- 脂肪肝
- 病毒性肝炎
- 肝纖維化
- Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 副編輯
- Journal of Hepatology, HEPATOLOGY, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutic 編輯委員會成員
- 內外全科醫學士課程環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別(MBChB-GPS)導師
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
Researcher ID: 0000-0003-2215-9410
- Lee HW, Wong GL, Kwok R, Choi KC, Chan CK, Shu SS, Leung JK, Chim AM, Luk AO, Ma RC, Chan HL, Chan JC, Kong AP, Wong VW. Serial Transient Elastography Examinations to Monitor Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study. Hepatology 2020;72(4):1230-124
- Wang Y, Wong GL, He FP, Sun J, Chan AW, Yang J, Shu SS, Liang X, Tse YK, Fan XT, Hou J, Chan HL, Wong VW. Quantifying and monitoring fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using dual-photon microscopy. Gut 2020;69(6):1116-1126.
- Wong GL, Liang LY, Kwok R, Hui AJ, Tse YK, Chan HL, Wong VW. Low Risk of Variceal Bleeding in Patients With Cirrhosis After Variceal Screening Stratified by Liver/Spleen Stiffness. Hepatology 2019;70(3):971-981.
- Wong VW, Irles M, Wong GL, Shili S, Chan AW, Merrouche W, Shu SS, Foucher J, Le Bail B, Chan WK, Chan HL, de Ledinghen V. Unified interpretation of liver stiffness measurement by M and XL probes in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut 2019;68(11):2057-206
- Yip TC, Wong GL, Chan HL, Tse YK, Lam KL, Lui GC, Wong VW. HBsAg seroclearance further reduces hepatocellular carcinoma risk after complete viral suppression with nucleos(t)ide analogues. J Hepatol 2019;70(3):361-370.
- Wong VW, Wong GL, Chan RS, Shu SS, Cheung BH, Li LS, Chim AM, Chan CK, Leung JK, Chu WC, Woo J, Chan HL. Beneficial effects of lifestyle intervention in non-obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2018;69(6):1349-135
- Wong VW, Adams LA, de Lédinghen V, Wong GL, Sookoian S. Noninvasive biomarkers in NAFLD and NASH - current progress and future promise. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;15(8):461-478.
- Wong GL, Chan HL, Tse YK, Yip TC, Lam KL, Lui GC, Wong VW. Normal on-treatment ALT during antiviral treatment is associated with a lower risk of hepatic events in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol 2018;69(4):793-802.
- Fan JG, Kim SU, Wong VW. New trends on obesity and NAFLD in Asia. J Hepatol 2017;67(4):862-873.
- Wong VW, Petta S, Hiriart JB, Cammà C, Wong GL, Marra F, Vergniol J, Chan AW, Tuttolomondo A, Merrouche W, Chan HL, Le Bail B, Arena U, Craxì A, de Lédinghen V. Validity criteria for the diagnosis of fatty liver by M probe-based controlled attenuation parameter. J Hepatol 2017;67(3):577-584.