On Sep 21, 2015, a delegation led by Prof. Liu Zuhan, Vice-President of Yangzhou University, visited our SKL. Prof. Poon Wai Yin, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Zhang Jianhua, Director of SKL of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK); Prof. Lam Hon Ming, Deputy Director of SKL of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) warmly welcome the delegation on behalf of the University.
The visit was aiming for promoting high level exchange and collaboration between universities in China and Hong Kong, as well as facilitating academic and partnership development. The on-site visit would not only enhance communication but also provide an exchange platform for future strategic collaboration and knowledge transfer.
After the meeting with the CUHK Central Administration, the delegation joined a meeting with our SKL members hosted by the SKL Director, Prof. JH Zhang. The SKL Director delivered a presentation to update the delegation with the latest development and scientific achievements of our SKL. In-depth discussion has been carried out and initial understanding has been established for strengthening the existing collaboration, academic exchange and joint efforts for major research output. After the meeting, the SKL general manager accompanied the delegation for a site-visit to the SKL major research facilities.

Delegation led by Prof. Liu Zuhan, Vice-President of Yangzhou Univeristy (4th from left) met with Prof. Poon Wai Yin, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (5th from left)

Delegation from Yanzhou University had a meeting with Prof. Zhang Jianhua, Director of SKL (4th from right), Prof. Lam Hon Ming, Dupty Director of SKL (3rd from right) and Prof. Jiang Liwen (3rd from left)

Delegation visited the facilities of SKL