The RGC Visit is held every year to one UGC-funded university and the Visiting Party comprises RGC members and members of the assessment committees/Panels under the Council. To showcase the outstanding research achievements of CUHK to Committee and Panel members of Research Grant Council (RGC), CUHK has coordinated a one-day on-site visit to receive the RGC Visiting Party on June 14, 2018.
In line with the CUHK Strategic Plan 2016–2020 (which outlines the university strategic visions and goals), the Visit was organized under four interdisciplinary Strategic Research Areas and Themes, including “Environment and Sustainability”.
The State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology was honored to accept the invitation and co-hosted the Parallel Visits of Sub-group 7 – Environment and Sustainability (Parallel Visit) with the Faculty of Social Science, School of Life Sciences and The Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES).
The program rundown included seminar and poster presentations as well as a soybean knowledge transfer exhibition to showcase our latest developments and accomplishments. The RGC panel members also exchanged views with the SKLABT Director, Prof. HM Lam, and other members including Prof. KB Wong, Prof. BH Kang, Prof. TF Chan, Prof. JHL Hui, Prof. HW Luo and Prof. WT Wong at various meeting sessions.
The last RGC Visit to CUHK was in 2010.

Prof. Hon-Ming Lam, Director of State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, delivered a presentation on Environment and Sustainability to the RGC Visiting Party.

From right: Prof. Hon-Ming Lam, Director of SKLA; Prof. Kam Bo Wong; Prof. Ting Fung Chan; Prof. Byung-Ho Kang presented the posters and exhibits to the RGC Visiting party.