The delegation led by Prof. B Liang, Executive Vice President of SZRI and Prof. JH Zhang, Project leader of the Shenzhen Peacock Team on Agricultural Innovations meet Mr. RZ He, Director of the Shenzhen Dapeng Management Committee and other government officials.
Prof. Liang introduced to Director He, the existing strength of The Chinese University of Hong, the vision of the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute and its prioritized research areas. Then, Prof. JH Zhang introduced to Director He, the Peacock Innovation Team and our scientific research plan as well as our vision to establish an Outstanding Vegetable Breeding Centre in Shenzhen.
Director He shared our vision for our research plans and in principle agreed to set up collaborations between the SZRI and the Shenzhen Dapeng Area. He initiated the drafting of a memorandum between SZRI and Dapeng Management Committee to realize the collaboration by setting a platform where other kind of services and resources from various government units can contribute to our future collaborations. He also instructed the corresponding officials of different government units under the Committee to initiate the work with our team on our fielding testing and application. Director He suggested that the project should start with a reasonable moderate scale so that the team can develop rapidly from there.
The meeting was concluded in an amiable atmosphere and participants from both parties developed a friendly relationship which would definitely facilitate the future collaborations.

Prof. B Liang (3rd from left, first row), Director RZ He (4th from left, first row), Prof. JH Zhang (3rd from right, first row)

From Left: Prof. B Liang, Mr. RZ He (Director of the Shenzhen Dapeng Management Committee), Prof. JH Zhang