On May 21, 2016, the inauguration of the Joint Research Facilities (Experimental Field Station) between the CUHK Partner SKL of Agrobiotechnology and the Center for Agricultural Water Research in China of China Agricultural University (CAU), was successfully held at the CAU Shiyang Experiment Field Station at Wuwei, Gansu Province. The establishment of this joint research facilities will provide a shared research platform to carry out frontier innovative research on water management and water-saving in agriculture. Based on sophisticated numerical simulation and field observations, we will carry out in-depth systemic research on drought tolerance, water-saving irrigation, high efficiency water use and quality response, etc. We also plan to organize exchange activities and training workshops for technology transfer and to serve the community. This marks the scientific collaboration between China Agricultural University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong towards a new level.
The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. SC Kang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the Center for Agricultural Water Research in China of CAU, Professor JH Zhang, Director of the Partner State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology of CUHK, together with the guests of honor Mr. LH Xing, Secretary for Science and Technology Bureau of Wuwei City and Mr TZ Zhang, Chief Engineer of Water Affairs Bureau of Wuwei City. Other participating guests including Prof. HJ Cai, Director of China Research Institute of Water Saving in Arid Regions of the Northwestern University of Agricultural Forestry, Prof. Q Zou, Deputy Director of the CAU China Agricultural Water Research Center, Prof ZM Ma, Vice-President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Gansu Province, Prof. WX Yang, Director of Institute of Wheat Research of Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Gansu Province, Prof. HP Lu, Director of the Institute of Potato Research, Prof. ZJ Guo, Deputy Director of the Institute of Plant Protection Research, Prof. Q Cai of Gansu Agricultural University, Prof. TS Du, Deputy Director of the Center for Agricultural Water Research in China of CAU and 40 delegates who accepted the invitation to attend the opening ceremony.
In the inauguration ceremony speech of Prof. Kang, he fondly reviewed the 20-year deep collaboration history with Prof Zhang and his research team of the Chinese University of Hong Kong team. Prof. Kang expressed his gratitude for Prof. Zhang’s enthusiastic guidance and generous help for more than a dozen of visiting researchers who had received hands-on training in CUHK. This long-term partnership, has significantly enhanced the academic level of scientific research personnel, and promoted the development and technological advancement of efficient water use in agriculture. The establishment of this joint water-saving agriculture experimental station pledge to attain high synergy for setting up a good platform at Shiyang River Experimental Station, to encourage interdisciplinary research and innovation, while pursuing international excellence for the development of water-saving agriculture research benefiting the people living in the arid area of China, Asia and beyond. Then, Prof. Zhang, on behalf of the Chinese University of Hong Kong expressed his appreciation to the guests and government officials from the China Agricultural University, Wuwei City Science and Technology Bureau and Waters Department for joining the opening ceremony. Afterwards, he briefly addressed the attendee the achievements and development of the Partner SKL of Agrobiotechnology of CUHK. Working in partnership with CAU, the research team plan to tackle scientific questions on water conservation, irrigation efficiency, and water saving with an ultimate goal to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture. Prof. Zhang believes that a meticulous designed field trial evaluation is essential for the verification of isolated genes with plant drought and salt tolerance activity. The Hexi Corridor arid climate with scarce rainfall, has a unique niche for carrying out large scale land to provide field experiment for our crop drought and salinity stress research. This joint experimental station can provide a platform for us to integrate innovative pioneer research insights with enhanced capacity for carrying out large scale research activities. This joint endeavor will work on a complementary approach promoting scientific and technological advancement facilitating the sustainable development in arid area.
The government officials Mr. LH Xing, Secretary for Science and Technology Bureau of Wuwei City, Mr TZ Zhang, Chief Engineer Water Affairs Bureau of Wuwei City congratulated both parties for the establishment of the joint field station and expressed their shared vision for the development of efficient water use technology in arid area while committing their assurance and support for the impending development of the joint field station.

From the left: Mr TZ Zhang, Chief Engineer Water Affairs Bureau of Wuwei City, Professor JH Zhang, Director of the Partner State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology of CUHK, Prof. SC Kang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the Center for Agricultural Water Research in China of CAU and Mr. LH Xing, Secretary for Science and Technology Bureau of Wuwei City

Representatives from Academic Institutions and Government Authorities joined the Inauguration Opening Ceremony