CCSS3440 China on Screen

Course CCSS3440 China on Screen
Class Time 14:30 – 17:30; Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Course Description Many 20th century Chinese films were mainly concerned with issues of nationhood, identity, trauma, and a national past. In recent years, however, while some directors have continued to focus on the nation, others have chosen to look at the present, as well as the effects of globalization on Chinese society, culture, and cinema production. This course asks that students begin to understand Chinese cinema(s) as transnational, a triangular composite of Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong cinemas that has also been influenced by Japanese and Korean cinema. Students will be introduced to Chinese film history and criticism via an examination of thirteen films directed by several of Greater China’s most skilled directors.
Remark(s) Not for CUHK students who have taken CHES3101.
Shared Learning Activities with CHES5126.