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The following job application forms may be printed for your use. Just click the relevant link to retrieve the form. Please read the Download Instructions.

For Professoriate / Teaching / Research Academic Posts 

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For Administrative and Professional Posts 

 pdf bluepdf blue


 pdf bluepdf blue

For Research Posts  

 pdf bluepdf blue


Application documents (ie. completed forms and copies of qualification documents) for the above posts (except research posts) should be forwarded to the Human Resources Office, 4/F, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories or to the recruiting Department/Unit as indicated in the relevant advertisement before the closing date for applications (as applicable).

  1. MS Word format Click the Word link and the form will be saved in a file with .doc extension; open it in Chinese Microsoft Word 6.0* (or above version).
  2. PDF format Click the PDF link and the form can be retrieved and printed for use. The required PDF Reader can be obtained from ADOBE * The saved files can also be opened in English Microsoft Word 6.0 (or above version). The Chinese characters on the forms will be converted into symbols.

收集個人資料聲明 — 申請大學職位

  1. 應徵者所提供的資料將用作招聘或其他與僱傭有關事宜,並會供大學有關部門、委員會或其他處理招聘事宜的人士參考。如有其他相類職位,此等資料或會供有關學系/部門考慮。
  2. 應徵者必須填妥職位應徵表格上所有項目及提供完整資料,以作甄選之用。如未有提供此等資料,或會對其申請及甄選結果構成影響。
  3. 未獲取錄應徵者的資料,將於招聘程序完成後一年內全部銷毀。
  4. 應徵者如欲查閱或更正其提交予大學的資料,請致函香港中文大學人力資源處處長,並註明申請職位編號。