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Quality Research
  • Four major research areas for priority development:
    China Studies, Translational Biomedicine, Environment and Substainability, Information and Automation Technology
  • over HK$291 million research funding supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2018-19; further attracted over HK$639 million from the industry, Government departments / agencies and other bodies
  • researchers from CUHK lead 3 of the Areas of Excellence (AoEs) projects funded by RGC
  • 5 state key laboratories entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China
  • Staff members took pride in more than 7,320 items of research output in 2018-19, ranging from journal publications (over 3480), conference papers (over 2410), scholarly books, monographs and chapters (over 380) to more directly socially-relevant consulting reports and creative / literary works (146), as well as patents, commissioned assignments and the like
  • faculty members hold an impressive publication record, both in discipline-specific journals and in high-profile publications such as Science, Nature, The Lancet
Quality Curriculum
  • bilingual and multicultural environment
  • more than 380 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
  • General Education (GE) – a hallmark component of undergraduate studies
    • blending Chinese humanistic ideals and western liberal arts contents
    • centrally-coordinated offering of over 200 electives in 4 areas : self and humanity; society and culture; nature, science and technology; and Chinese cultural heritage
    • complemented by College GE programme – courses as well as life education through participation and sharing

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