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Eligible Retirees for this purpose are categorized into 2 groups with respect to the number of years they have served the University prior to retirement or completion of service:

Eligible Retirees with 10 years or more service
They are appointees with 10 years or more full-time continuous service immediately prior to retiring from University appointment (i) on regular Terms of Service ("TOS")/Continuous Appointment ("CA") mode; OR (ii) on completion of contract upon reaching age 60 or the day immediately prior to the 60th birthday or beyond.

Eligible Retirees with less than 10 years' service
They are appointees with less than 10 years' full-time continuous service immediately prior to retiring from appointment on regular TOS/CA mode.

The information below is for general reference only. Please consult respective service providers directly for the prevailing arrangements and application procedures.

Eligible Retirees with 10 years or more full-time continuous service immediately prior to retiring from University service are eligible for the use of swimming pool at a charge. Details of the application procedures, the prevailing charges and the application form are available at the webpage of the Office of Student Affairs. Enquiries may be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at 3943 7216 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The information below is for general reference only. Please consult respective service providers directly for the prevailing arrangements and application procedures.

Eligible Retirees with 10 years or more full-time continuous service immediately prior to leaving University service may apply for an 'S' label upon departure, which can be used on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Further details of the provision and the application form are available at the webpage of Security Office. Application or enquiries may be directed to the Security Office at 3943 7999 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If retired appointees need certification of service at the University, they may complete and return the request form to the Human Resources Office. The normal processing time is 7 working days. Enquiries: 3943 7332 or 3943 9514.

Eligible retirees may consider subscription (for self or spouse or dependant children aged under 21) to a voluntary and user-pay scheme for obtaining dental services at clinics operated by an external service provider. Detailed information (application form, scope of dental services, application procedure and enquiry line) is available on the Website of UHS .

Eligible retirees’ certification for the purpose of subscription to the scheme may be obtained by completing and returning a request form to the Human Resources Office.

Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA)

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing (IOA) has set up the Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA) to foster older people in building an age-friendly Hong Kong. It serves as a platform for older people from all strata to create social impact for betterment of the community so that their voice can be heard and to enjoy the wide range of activities/programmes arranged from time to time. All people and especially CUHK retirees are welcome to join the NAWA free of charge. If you are interested in joining the network, please enroll at the online registration form.

For further information, please visit our website or contact The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing at 3943 9399 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Useful Contacts and Links