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The lack of money also makes it hard for the club to share its work with others through exhibitions. Fortunately, this year a gallery has promised to lend the exhibition venue to them for free. However, it may not be so easy to find an exhibition space in the future.

Despite the challenges, those who persist in practising calligraphy find many reasons to continue their hobby. Jeff Lo Lok-chung has been practising Western calligraphy for a year and half. He loves writing postcards in calligraphy.

“It is handwritten by me. It’s not typing,” he says.

“Even if it was ugly, they’ll still find a way to love it because it’s done by unique me,” he smiles.

Lo also believes practising calligraphy helps him overcome personal setbacks. He was in a rowing team during his university days but, due to a sudden illness, he had to give up and subsequently gained weight. He found that having a hobby provided him with mental support. After trying a few different interests, he finally found calligraphy was the best way for him to express his deepest feelings.

Lo can imagine a future life as a calligraphy master. He saw a video about the last 12 Master Penmen in the world. The youngest is a calligrapher in his 40s who became best in his field after 20 years. This “young” master inspires Chung to perfect his art and imagine becoming a master himself.

“Maybe that is my happiness. It’s about the satisfaction when you learn something and aim high, and are eager to do it right.”

Edited by Stella Tsang

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