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Beats Octopus Watch is timepiece, Octopus card and photo-album rolled into one

Reporter: Stephanie Chan Tsz King

Imagine you are holding a bag of shopping in your right hand and a cup of coffee in the other, while waiting for a bus during rush hour. When the bus comes, you do not have a spare hand to dig your Octopus card out from your shoulder bag. You are stuck at the bus door with a long and impatient queue standing behind you.

If you have ever been frustrated by scenes like the one above, the Beats Octopus Watch could be the solution to making your life on public transport easier.

The Beats Octopus Watch is a trendy looking timepiece made from high quality polyurethane and ABS plastic. It is waterproof and boasts a 1.5” digital color panel.

You can make payments on major public transport systems including the MTR, bus, tram and ferry services, as well as over 2500 retailers by simply waving your wrist and “touching” the Beasts Octopus Watch to the sensor.

With this licensed Octopus product, which is certified and authorized by Octopus Cards Limited through a strict quality control process, you can easily recharge your watch. You can even enjoy automatic value adding service by linking the watch to your credit card, just like with normal Octopus cards. The one drawback is you cannot use the self-service add value machines for cards at MTR stations.

But the Beats Octopus Watch is more than just a watch and an Octopus card. You can also import your personalized photos through a USB port and store up to 60 pictures that can be automatically or manually displayed as customized wallpapers or messages on the digital panel. The watch interface can show the time in different colors and either digital or analog clock format.

When you press the time display key, images can be randomly displayed as the background to refresh your mind during the madness and stress of the day. The Beats Octopus Watch also comes with some built-in messages and phrases such as “I Love You”, “I Miss You” and “Happy Birthday”.

The Beats Octopus Watch comes in five colors (black, white, pink, indigo and dark purple) so that you can pick the one that best matches your personality. It provides a vibrating alarm function as well as dual time function. You can show off you sense of style with this watch while you enjoy the convenience of using it when you commute or shop.

The Beats Octopus watch is now available in some watch retailers such as Focus Shop, Champion Watch, and Circle. Such style and convenience doesn’t come cheap though, it retails for HK$680 with a stored value of HK$10. For more information, please visit

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