Home Multimedia December 2010

Multimedia December 2010

Through the Eyes of Hong Kong’s Mainland Students

Reporters: Piano Ho, Phyllis Lee, To Ting, Vinky Wong We may study in the same lecture rooms, dine in the same canteens, and even sleep...

Paradise Lost in North Point: Kai Yuen Street

Reporters: Katherine Chan, Samuel Chan, Edith Liu, Beverly Yau Before bulldozers moved in to demolish the tong lau or Chinese tenement buildings built in the...

The Survival of Small Supermarkets

Reporters: Christine Fung, Tiffany Ngai, Winnie Tse Supermarkets have become an indispensable part of our lives. But while the giant chains seem to dominate the...

Sunbeam: Cantonese Opera’s Last Independent Theatre in HK

Reporters: Victor Chan, Melanie Leung, Nia Tam, Jasmine Wong For nearly four decades, Sunbeam Theatre in North Point has been synonymous with Cantonese Opera. That could...